MapReduceIndexerTool output dir error "Cannot write parent of file" - hadoop

I want to use Cloudera's MapReduceIndexerTool to understand how morphlines work. I created a basic morphline that just reads lines from the input file and I tried to run that tool using that command:
hadoop jar /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/solr/contrib/mr/search-mr-*-job.jar org.apache.solr.hadoop.MapReduceIndexerTool \
--morphline-file morphline.conf \
--output-dir hdfs:///hostname/dir/ \
--dry-run true
Hadoop is installed on the same machine where I run this command.
The error I'm getting is the following:
net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.ArgumentParserException: Cannot write parent of file: hdfs:/hostname/dir
at org.apache.solr.hadoop.PathArgumentType.verifyCanWriteParent(
The /dir directory has 777 permissions on it, so it is definitely allowed to write into it. I don't know what I should do to allow it to write into that output directory.
I'm new to HDFS and I don't know how I should approach this problem. Logs don't offer me any info about that.
What I tried until now (with no result):
created a hierarchy of 2 directories (/dir/dir2) and put 777 permissions on both of them
changed the output-dir schema from hdfs:///... to hdfs://... because all the examples in the --help menu are built that way, but this leads to an invalid schema error
Thank you.

It states 'cannot write parent of file'. And the parent in your case is /. Take a look into the source:
private void verifyCanWriteParent(ArgumentParser parser, Path file) throws ArgumentParserException, IOException {
Path parent = file.getParent();
if (parent == null || !fs.exists(parent) || !fs.getFileStatus(parent).getPermission().getUserAction().implies(FsAction.WRITE)) {
throw new ArgumentParserException("Cannot write parent of file: " + file, parser);
In the message printed is file, in your case hdfs:/hostname/dir, so file.getParent() will be /.
Additionally you can try the permissions with hadoop fs command, for example you can try to create a zero length file in the path:
hadoop fs -touchz /test-file

I solved that problem after days of working on it.
The problem is with that line --output-dir hdfs:///hostname/dir/.
First of all, there are not 3 slashes at the beginning as I put in my continuous trying to make this work, there are only 2 (as in any valid HDFS URI). Actually I put 3 slashes because otherwise, the tool throws an invalid schema exception! You can easily see in this code that the schema check is done before the verifyCanWriteParent check.
I tried to get the hostname by simply running the hostname command on the Cent OS machine that I was running the tool on. This was the main issue. I analyzed the /etc/hosts file and I saw that there are 2 hostnames for the same local IP. I took the second one and it worked. (I also attached the port to the hostname, so the final format is the following: --output-dir hdfs://correct_hostname:8020/path/to/file/from/hdfs
This error is very confusing because everywhere you look for the namenode hostname, you will see the same thing that the hostname command returns. Moreover, the errors are not structured in a way that you can diagnose the problem and take a logical path to solve it.
Additional information regarding this tool and debugging it
If you want to see the actual code that runs behind it, check the cloudera version that you are running and select the same branch on the official repository. The master is not up to date.
If you want to just run this tool to play with the morphline (by using the --dry-run option) without connecting to Solr and playing with it, you can't. You have to specify a Zookeeper endpoint and a Solr collection or a solr config directory, which involves additional work to research on. This is something that can be improved to this tool.
You don't need to run the tool with -u hdfs, it works with a regular user.


Input / Output error when using HDFS NFS Gateway

Getting "Input / output error" when trying work with files in mounted HDFS NFS Gateway. This is despite having set dfs.namenode.accesstime.precision=3600000 in Ambari. For example, doing something like...
$ hdfs dfs -cat /hdfs/path/to/some/tsv/file | sed -e "s/$NULL_WITH_TAB/$TAB/g" | hadoop fs -put -f - /hdfs/path/to/some/tsv/file
$ echo -e "Lines containing null (expect zero): $(grep -c "\tnull\t" /nfs/hdfs/path/to/some/tsv/file)"
when trying to remove nulls from a tsv then inspect for nulls in that tsv based on the NFS location throws the error, but I am seeing it in many other places (again, already have dfs.namenode.accesstime.precision=3600000). Anyone have any ideas why this may be happening or debugging suggestions? Can anyone explain what exactly "access time" is in this context?
From discussion on the apache hadoop mailing list:
I think access time refers to the POSIX atime attribute for files, the “time of last access” as described here for instance ( While HDFS keeps a correct modification time (mtime), which is important, easy and cheap, it only keeps a very low-resolution sense of last access time, which is less important, and expensive to monitor and record, as described here ( and here (
However, to have a conforming NFS api, you must present atime, and so the HDFS NFS implementation does. But first you have to configure it on. [...] many sites have been advised to turn it off entirely by setting it to zero, to improve HDFS overall performance. See for example here (, section "Don’t let Reads become Writes”). So if your site has turned off atime in HDFS, you will need to turn it back on to fully enable NFS. Alternatively, you can maintain optimum efficiency by mounting NFS with the “noatime” option, as described in the document you reference.
[...] check under /var/log, eg with find /var/log -name ‘*nfs3*’ -print

Writing Spark dataframe as parquet to S3 without creating a _temporary folder

Using pyspark I'm reading a dataframe from parquet files on Amazon S3 like
dataS3 ="s3a://" + s3_bucket_in)
This works without problems. But then I try to write the data
dataS3.write.parquet("s3a://" + s3_bucket_out)
I do get the following exception
py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o39.parquet.
: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
Relative path in absolute URI: s3a://<s3_bucket_out>_temporary
It seems to me that Spark is trying to create a _temporary folder first, before it is writing to write into the given bucket. Can this be prevent somehow, so that spark is writing directly to the given output bucket?
You can't eliminate the _temporary file as that's used to keep the intermediate
work of a query hidden until it's complete
But that's OK, as this isn't the problem. The problem is that the output committer gets a bit confused trying to write to the root directory (can't delete it, see)
You need to write to a subdirectory under a bucket, with a full prefix. e.g.
s3a://mybucket/work/out .
I should add that trying to commit data to S3A is not reliable, precisely because of the way it mimics rename() by what is something like ls -rlf src | xargs -p8 -I% "cp % dst/% && rm %". Because ls has delayed consistency on S3, it can miss newly created files, so not copy them.
See: Improving Apache Spark for the details.
Right now, you can only reliably commit to s3a by writing to HDFS and then copying. EMR s3 works around this by using DynamoDB to offer a consistent listing
I had the same issue when writing the root of S3 bucket:"s3://bucketname")
I resolved it by adding a / after the bucket name:"s3://bucketname/")

Load a folder from LocalSystem to HDFS

I have a folder in my LocalSystem. It contains 1000 files, and I would move or copy him from my LocalSystem to HDFS
I tried by these two commands:
hadoop fs copyFromLocal C:/Users/user/Downloads/ProjectSpark/ling-spam /tmp
And I also tried this command:
hdfs dfs -put /C:/Users/user/Downloads/ProjectSpark/ling-spam
It displays an error message which says that my directory not found and yet I'm sure that correct.
I found a function getmerge() to move a folder from HDFS to LocalSystem, but I did not find the inverse.
Please, can you help me?
my VirtualBox on Windows, and i work by HDP2.3.2 with the console secure shell
You can't copy files from your Windows machine to HDFS. You have to first SCP the files into the VM (I recommend WinSCP or Filezilla) and only then can you use hadoop fs to put files onto HDFS.
The error was correct in that C:/Users/user/Downloads does not exist on the HDP sandbox because it's a Linux machine.
As noted, you can also try and use the Ambari HDFS file viewer, but I still standby by note that SCP is the official way because not all Hadoop systems have Ambari (or at least the HDFS file view for Ambari)
I would take the Mutual Information for classification of the word spam or ham. I have this operation: MI(Word)= ∑ Probabi(Occ,Class) * Log2 * (Probabi(Occuren,Class)/Probabi(Occurren) * Probabi(Class)).
I understand the function, I must compute 4 operation (true,ham), (false,ham), (true,spam) and (false,spam).
I do not understand who i do write exactly, in fact, I computed the number of the file in which in occur.
But I do not who exactly I must write in my function.
Thank you very much!
This isthe corps of my function:
def computeMutualInformationFactor(
probaWC:RDD[(String, Double)],// probability of occurrence of the word in a given class.
probaW:RDD[(String, Double)],// probability of occurrence of the word in whether class
probaC: Double, //probability an email appears in class (spam or ham)
probaDefault: Double // default value when a probability is missing
):RDD[(String, Double)] = {

got error 22 from storage engine mysql

mysqldump: Error: 'got error 22 from storage engine' when trying to dump
mysqldump: Got error: 23: Out of resources when opening file '.\database\table.MYD' (Errcode: 24) when using LOCK TABLES
i got this error when trying to make a dump in any database that I select , looks like that database is corrupted , is possible repair that ?
You seem to have reached the maximum number of open files. This limit is either MySQL's or the system's.
increase the value for the open_files_limit in your MySQL configuration file (this directive does not exist in a default installation, so you might need to create it in the [mysqld] section)
increase the limit at system level (but I am not sure this applies to Windows)
Here are some reasons for this error:
Type “source path-to-SQL-file“. BUT, you must follow these rules:
Use the full source command, not the . shortcut.
Have no spaces in your path. I copied mine to a root of a drive. Note that spaces in the file name is OK, just not the path.
Do not quote the file name, even if it has spaces. This gave error 22.
Use forward slashes in the path, e.g., C:/path/to/filename.sql. Otherwise you’ll get error 2.
Do not end with a semicolon.
Please check your read write access to the drive where you have stored your mySQL database.
error 22 occurred usually when you have no write access to that drive.

Passing directories to hadoop streaming : some help needed

The context is that I am trying to run a streaming job on Amazon EMR (the web UI) with a bash script that I run like:
-input s3://emrdata/test_data/input -output s3://emrdata/test_data/output -mapper
s3://emrdata/test_data/scripts/ -reducer NONE
The input directory has sub-directories in it and these sub-directories have gzipped data files.
The relevant part of that fails is :
for filename in "$input"/*; do
dir_name=`dirname $filename`
fname=`basename $filename`
echo "$fname">/dev/stderr
echo "$modelfile">/dev/stderr
echo "$inputfile">/dev/stderr
echo "$outputfile">/dev/stderr
# Will do some processing on the files in the sub-directories here
done # this is the loop for getting input from all sub-directories
Basically, I need to read the sub-directories in streaming mode and when I run this, hadoop complains saying :
2013-03-01 10:41:26,226 ERROR (main):
PriviledgedActionException as:hadoop Not a
file: s3://emrdata/test_data/input/data1 2013-03-01 10:41:26,226
ERROR org.apache.hadoop.streaming.StreamJob (main): Error Launching
job : Not a file: s3://emrdata/test_data/input/data1
I am aware that a similar q has been asked here
The suggestion there was to write one's own InputFormat. I am wondering if I am missing something else in the way my script is written / EMR inputs are given, or whether writing my own InputFormat in Java is my only choice.
I have tried giving my input with a "input/*" to EMR as well, but no luck.
It seems that while there may be some temporary workarounds to this, but inherently hadoop doesn't support this yet as you may see that there is an open ticket on this here.
So inputpatth/*/* may work for 2 level of subdierctories it may fail for further nesting.
The best thing you can do for now is get the listing of the files/folders-without-any-subdirectory and add them recursively after creating a csv list of inputPaths. You may use sinple tools like s3cmd for this.
