phpmyadmin wont let me create a database - magento

It says #1044 - Access denied for user "#'localhost' to database 'magento1'
I'm trying to set up Magento CMS and I got to this step and suddenly it won't let me create a new database.
I'm on Magento 2.2.5. Latest Wamp server.

It say what your password is incorrect .
Check or change password.
And try


Laravel Homestead-authentication not working

I've setup Homestead and the site is up and running. It connects to my database and migrates tables.
The problem is that when I create a new project with authentication using this command : laravel new blog --auth, when I go to the register page and want to register a user I get this error:Illuminate\Database\QueryException
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] (SQL: select count() as aggregate from users where email =*. The user is not inserted into the database and cannot go further.
Found out this post: and I've changed to localhost and now it works. Don't know why though

Laravel - Moved project now can't login

I have an existing Laravel 5.6 project, I have moved it over to a new Bitnami WAMP installation.
I have migrated the database and seeded it so it contains my user account, but whenever I attempt to log in I get the following error..
these credentials do not match our records
I have confirmed the password is correct and that it can access the database, is there anything else I should be checking?
I am leaning towards it being a configuration issue with the Bitnami install but am slightly lost on where to be checking.
Change .env file, DB name, DB user name And DB Password
composer update
php artisan key:generate

magento from linux to windows cannot login - invalid formkey

I transferred my magento installation on ubuntu with files and mysql db dump to my development machine on Windows 10 with XAMPP installed.
I can up the frontend, but I cannot login my admin backend.
I am sure the password and user name are exactly as my installation on ubuntu, why happened? It just stay on the login form and saying all the time invalid formkey, I viewed the source formkey value just generated there.
There mentioned issue with charset, tried no help.
There is no any error logged in var/report and XAMPP apache errorlog, access_log to /index.php/admin is 200, looks good.
will you have any idea? thanks in advance.
Possible causes include
Incorrect permissions on var/session, preventing session files from
being saved
Incorrect configuration of database/redis/other session storage,
preventing saving of session values
A module is instantiating sessions to early, preventing the correct
session names from being set
The cookie domain in System -> Configuration -> Web -> Session Cookie
Management doesn't match the actual site domain.
You're using the localhost as your server domain, and using a version
of webkit that has trouble/bugs setting cookies for localhost in some
Easier is just to use the IP-address to access Magento.
Open magento database and run below query.
update `core_config_data` set `value`='/' where `path`='web/cookie/cookie_path';
update `core_config_data` set `value`='[magentohost]' where `path`='web/cookie/cookie_domain';
If you have setup multiple store with subdomains, add Cookie Domain:
Add a dot “.” follwed by Magento URL.
source : CodePetals

Magento New installation - Table 'eav_entity_type' already exists

I'm trying to install Magento 1.8, however I got stucked in configuration step.
I got the following message: 500 Internal Server Error
Looking log file I could verify the following:
SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'eav_entity_type' already exists"
But, here is the problem because it is a new installation and this table does NOT exist.
My Products versions are: W32 (test environment) PHP 5.4 MySQL 5.6.14 Magento, IE 9 FF 25.0.1 Chrome 31.0.1650
Could you please help me? Thanks a lot.
Login to your database using phpMyAdmin and make sure there are no tables in there.
If there are, drop the user/table and re-create it anew and re-try the install wizard.
Just delete all tabels or re-create databbase, and start installation again.
Today I finally got it. I did a totally new installation on Debian amd64. I installed only LAMP softwares and probably the FastCGI was avoiding to get success. It is necessary to confirm this.

Magento crashed after adding new website

I already have a Magento site running, & was trying to create a new website from within this installation. I added a code name of 'tb_new' and hit save. And my live site has crashed. It may be that Magneto does not like the new code name with an _.
UPDATE: On checking the error logs, it seems the problem is because the initial installation of Magento is under a specific user on my server, whereas the live site is running under a different user. Here's the error:
a:4:{i:0;s:96:"SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'tomharris'#'' >(using password: YES)";i:1;s:2672:"#0 >/home/anotheruser/ >Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Abstract->_connect()
How best do I quickly get my site running?
