Magento crashed after adding new website - magento

I already have a Magento site running, & was trying to create a new website from within this installation. I added a code name of 'tb_new' and hit save. And my live site has crashed. It may be that Magneto does not like the new code name with an _.
UPDATE: On checking the error logs, it seems the problem is because the initial installation of Magento is under a specific user on my server, whereas the live site is running under a different user. Here's the error:
a:4:{i:0;s:96:"SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'tomharris'#'' >(using password: YES)";i:1;s:2672:"#0 >/home/anotheruser/ >Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Abstract->_connect()
How best do I quickly get my site running?


Magento 2 SessionHandler is trying to read data from a directory belonging to a different cpanel account after duplicating account for a staging site

I followed the steps in this tutorial to duplicate a cPanel account containing our live Magento 2 site. I had to do this to retroactively create a staging site, as it would take months to set up a copy of our production site.
This process involved renaming the cPanel account which changed the database name and usernames, it changed the directory name, and I assume it changed the name in tons of other places as well. However somewhere I believe it forgot to change the username from the old ABC username, to the new ABCSTAGING username, and so it is still trying to access files from within our production account, which of course results in a permission denied error.
The solution would be to find what is causing this, instead of actually giving it permission, as of course we don't want the staging site to do anything with our production site.
Here's the full exception code:
Warning: SessionHandler::read(): open(/home/abc/tmp/sess_n8ii2c5ek61s7icaogcjckl087, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in /home/abcstaging/public_html/vendor/magento/framework/Session/SaveHandler/Native.php on line 22
Any advice or help will be greatly appreciated.

Transferring Joomla from local to remote host

I built a website on Joomla on a local host server and now I'm trying to upload it to the new hosting I bought. So here it goes:
I upload the Akeeba backup
When I'm on the pre-installation page I click next then it asks me for > Connection information
I'm not sure what should I put there so I click next and it gives me this message:
An error occurred while restoring the database. The error message can
be found below. Click on the × button at the top right of this dialog
message to close it and return to the database restoration page.
Access denied for user 'voiscypr_vacd'#'localhost' to database
'voiscypr_vacd' SQL=CREATE DATABASE voiscypr_vacd CHARACTER SET
Any ideas on how to fix it ?

The URL "http://localhost/magento/" is not accessible. Unable to read response, or response is empty Magento Installtion Error

The URL "http://localhost/magento/" is not accessible.
Unable to read response, or response is empty
When install new magento in localhost.
As Ankit Parmar said, you can check
Skip Base URL Validation Before
...but you might encounter problems later on. This message appears probably because your domain is not public or not reachable. If you skip Base Url Validation, you will be able to finish the installation but you might get the strange problem of being able to log in but not to access the admin section (get redirected to the login page without any error message even if you see you're logged in by looking at the URL).
Rather than installing Magento under localhost, you should add a fake domain name in your host file and set up a vhost accordingly. you may then re-install Magento by accessing the fake domain name in your browser. You may setup the domain name in the core_config_data table if not done.
More over here:

Forbidden no access permission to `/' after app shutdown

Essentially, when you don't visit my Jekyll application on Heroku for an hour, you see this error message the first time the app fires back up:
no access permission to `/'
WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/1.9.2/2011-07-09) at
Then, after a page reload, all is magically fine. I don't recall seeing this with my other Jekyll Heroku apps. The source is here: . Anybody see this and know what the problem is?
Do you only have one web worker? Heroku sites with only one process automatically go idle after an hour of inactivity. Then, when a visitor hits your site, the Jekyll server has to spin up again, but it hasn't actually generated the root index.html file yet, so you get a "forbidden error" (this is what Jekyll's built-in server returns when it hasn't completely generated the site yet).

Magento Access denied for user error

I decided to give a try to Magento. I have used my hosting provider´s service Simple Scripts to install it in a subdomain. After succesfull install a have tried to go to home page but this error has occured:
SQLSTATE[00000] [1045] Access denied for user: 'testing_1303#' (Using password: YES)
I have searched google but found nothing. I have checked my data in app/etc/local.xml file. host, user, password, dbname everything is OK. I also checked minimal requirements with magento script and a I have passed all requirements.
Do you have any sugestions?
One more clue: I have renamed local.xml file to force Magento to install again, but it does not start the instalation. My browser throw this error: Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
And here is the solution with help of my hosting provider:
In the local.xml file put this as a host:
This is almost definitely not an issue with Magento.
If you are sure your database credentials are correct then the problem probably lies in the fact that you are trying to connect to a non-local database server and the server does not allow remote connections.
SOLUTION: And here is the solution with help of my hosting provider: In the local.xml file put this as a host:
Try emptying the var/ folder. Maybe it's a cache issue.
