How Visual Studio is used for? - visual-studio

I am totally new in Visual Studio (VS). I just started a new job in the BI team and they works with Visual studio, which is completely new for me. I searched VS in google; however I still have not got a clearly idea how it works.
Is there someone that could explain me what does VS is used for?

Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs, as well as websites, web apps, web services and mobile apps.for more information please visit here Micrsooft Visual Studio thanks

For BI job, you can use VS to writing SQL and control DB, VS is more than C++/C#/VB IDE than you think.


ASP.NET-5 in Visual Studio 2013

Can I create ASP.NET-5 projects in Visual Studio 2013 somehow?
Also share please links with documentation, examples or anything that could help to create project using mvc6 that used to be on web api.
The simple answer is not. I'm pretty sure, vNext is such big change in Microsoft technologies that they will not put any effort in adding that vs2013, you can get vs2015 community edition is very complete free version of visual studio.
this link is very good starting point.

Visual Studio 2010 missing option for new project?

I opened our Visual Studio 2010 Professional and noticed that I do not have an option New>.. the only options I have are:
New Team Project (not what I want to use, I simply want a new project)
Connect to Team Project
New File (looked and didn't see an option for New Project)
Open File..
I also tried resetting all settings to default by using Tools> Import and Export Settings> Reset all Settings.
Any ideas?
Much appreciated, thank you!
Alright so this did it for me:
I had to add SQL Server Data Tools to my SQL Server 2012 installation (done by adding/removing features)
Downloaded Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio 2010
Downloaded SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence for Visual Studio 2012
(I know it says 2012 but according to this article it says that you need to download either VS 2012 or VS 2013 since they no longer support the SSDT for 2010.
I found this very helpful when researching the entire problem, it highlights scenarios that work and that don't work as well as what to do to remedy the situation.
I really hope that this helps anyone in the future with the same problem I had. Let me know :)

Visual Studio 2013-TFS Testing

What kind of tests can be applied a program in Visual Studio 2013-TFS? I am new in testing field and my company uses TFS 2013. Can anyone suggest me some document or already applied tests document in TFS.
Thanks for supports in advanced
You can start with MSDN: Testing the application
You could read the e-book from the Microsoft patterns & practices team, Testing for Continuous Delivery with Visual Studio 2012 (
It gives a good introduction and understanding of how you can use visual studio and related tools to test software.
Even though it is written for 2012, almost everything still applies for TFS 2013.

Can Visual Studio installe with ms sql server be used to modify a .net windows app?

I am trying to modify a .net written in visual studio 2008. However, when I loaded and try to build the website, I get a bunch of errors that several controls like firstname.text are not declared even though the app has been working.
It is possible that I am getting this error because I am using the BI version fo visual studio?
Thanks alot for all the help.
No it is not possible. If I understand correctly, you're using BIDS to modify a .NET project.
Business Intelligence Studio is a completely different program than Visual Studio (though they are based on the same editor). If you want to modify the .NET project, you will need an Instance of Visual Studio, not BIDS (Business Intelligence Developer Studio).

Bug-tracking system that integrates with Visual Studio 2010 with online-support?

Where can I find a bug-tracking system that integrates with Visual Studio 2010 as an addin, and supports online support (so that anonymous people can add bugs to the buglist)?
You could use TFS and write a simple web frontend utilizing the TFS webservices. Perhaps there are bugtrackers that support TFS integration.
Unfortunately, I do not know of other solutions integrated into VS.
I ended up building my own system based on a database and a webserver. I then created a Visual Studio Package (add-in) through the Visual Studio 2010 SDK for managing bugs that were synced live from the website.
Way better for my needs, and only took 1 week of development.
