Visual Studio 2010 missing option for new project? - visual-studio-2010

I opened our Visual Studio 2010 Professional and noticed that I do not have an option New>.. the only options I have are:
New Team Project (not what I want to use, I simply want a new project)
Connect to Team Project
New File (looked and didn't see an option for New Project)
Open File..
I also tried resetting all settings to default by using Tools> Import and Export Settings> Reset all Settings.
Any ideas?
Much appreciated, thank you!

Alright so this did it for me:
I had to add SQL Server Data Tools to my SQL Server 2012 installation (done by adding/removing features)
Downloaded Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio 2010
Downloaded SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence for Visual Studio 2012
(I know it says 2012 but according to this article it says that you need to download either VS 2012 or VS 2013 since they no longer support the SSDT for 2010.
I found this very helpful when researching the entire problem, it highlights scenarios that work and that don't work as well as what to do to remedy the situation.
I really hope that this helps anyone in the future with the same problem I had. Let me know :)


Team Foundation Server Power Tools for Visual Studio 2019

We use Team Foundation Version Control(TFVC) on on-prem TFS server. For quite a while it was possible to use TFS Power Tools (tfpt tool) from Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt. Lately we moved to VS 2019. Problem is that we can't find any proper TFS Power Tools for VS 2019. For example to do undo checkout of unmodified files.
Does anyone had similar problem not being able to use tftp tools from VS 2019?
Does anyone had similar problem not being able to use tftp tools from VS 2019?
Sorry for any inconvenience.
This is a know issue about Visual Studio 2019. The Team Foundation Server Power Tools currently only updated to TFS2017, TFS2019 is not yet available.
Besides, Power tool has been renamed TFS Process Template Editor: TFS Process Template Editor
Edit: As of 10/16/2020 there is a TFS Template Editor for Visual Studio 2019
MS engineers are trying to develop it and will release it so that you can use it as soon as possible.
If you want to modify the work items, you can modify the work items by referring to the following documents:
Import, export, and manage work item types
Hope this helps.
For undoing unmodified files changes you can use this extension

Opening Different Visual Studio projects

OK, can't find a solution to this.
A client sent me his Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web project. I have Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 installed.
I get an error when I try to open his project saying "this project is not compatible with the current version of visual studio".
We'll be passing the project back & forth quite a bit, so I need a solution that meets that need please.
So, I figure I may be able to modify the project with a text editor to let me open it. If so, do I have to re-edit it back when I send it back to him?
Can I install VS Express 2012 for Web on a machine that already has VS Ultimate 2010 on it without any conflicts? Can I open it if I install VS 2012 Ultimate (keeping 2010 as well)?
I have another client that uses 2010, so whatever I do, I need to be able to still support him.
If I can't have 2 versions installed at the same time, and can't easily edit a file to make it compatible, then I guess my last option is a virtual machine.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Microsoft Visual Studio has backwards compatibility since the version 2010 SP1.
So in this case you just need update your Visual Studio 2010 to SP1 and it will understand the new way files are versioned.
Based on my experience:
You do can edit it with a text file and send it back, but it's not compiled yet so it's your partners job.
Maybe, just maybe, you can edit the .sln and .(whatever the project file extension is) file to meet your VS10 env (I think it's going to be a bumpy road though)
Yes, I'm pretty sure you can have VS 10 and VS 12 installed on same machine, note that you have to have .Net 4.0 and .Net 4.5

How do I upgrade SQL Report projects (rptproj) to Visual Studio 2012?

Were I work we are currently using visual studio 2008 because 2010 did not include the bids stuff, I have now been asked to test out whether 2012 is any better so we have a virtual machine that I've been allowed to work on and we've got visual studio 2012 and 2012 integration services installed on it.
I tried to open one of our solutions which has various report projects in it. When I do this I get a one way upgrade option which I chose and then I get the following:
Projectname.rptproj: The application which this project type is based on was not found. Please try this link for further information: link
This link doesn't work properly and I can't seem to find very much on this for visual studio 2012 am I missing something here? Thanks in advance for any help.
Microsoft has recently released the tools necessary to open and create .rptproj projects in VS2012: Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence for Visual Studio 2012
According to this, it appears that you have to install the client tools for VS2012 (from the SQL2012 installer) in order to get the BIDS bits. Incidentally, installing VS2012 client tools will apparently update both VS2010 and VS2012.

How do I convert a Visual Studio 2010 database project to an SSDT Project

I have a clean install of windows 7 with Visual Studio 2010 Premium inc. SP 1. I also just installed the developer edition of SQL Server 2012 .
I now should be able to convert the Visual Studio 2010 database project to an SSDT project. According to this technet blogpost it should be as easy as opening my Visual Studio solution file and follow the conversion wizard. The problem is that the conversion wizard never appears. Also, the "Convert to SQL Server Database project..." context menu item does not exist when right clicking on the VS 2010 database project.
I'm probably missing something in my SQL 2012 installation. The question is: what?
My SQL 2012 install configuration:
In case it helps someone else.
In my case I did not get a wizard of any kind, even though I did ALL necessary installs.
Open solution in VS2012.
Database project is unloaded, it says it needs migration.
Reload database project, it says it requires functional changes (or something like it). I press OK.
Database project is available, it builds, but when I close VS2012, and re-open the solution, it says the same thing over and over again.
Unknown to me VS2012 does create a new project of ssdt type. Unfortunately it doesn't load it. I have a project .dbproj file and a project .sqlproj file. The .dbproj file is loaded.
Remove the database project from the solution.
Add existing project -> select the .sqlproj file. The database project is loaded again. It builds.
Now everything seems well, I can open and build the solution in VS2012 without any problems. Also, I can reopen the solution in VS2010SP1, and it opens and builds without any problems.
Found the problem. Apparently I still needed to download SSDT standalone from Althought SQL Server Data Tools is listed in the screenshot above.
EDIT: Updated the link. Thanks #ryanwebjackson
If you have a situation where you're trying to migrate from .dbproj created for Visual Studio 2008 to .sqlproj for Visual Studio 2012 you might run into same behavior (no wizzard, can't load project).
In my case there was even quite absurd situation where Visual Studio 2012 created .sqlproj file and copied into it the contents of old Visual Studio 2008 .dbproj.
None of the proposed workarounds helped, I had to first convert from 2008 .dbproj to 2010 .dbproj (using Visual Studio 2010) and then from 2010 .dbproj to .sqlproj (using Visual Studio 2012).
For me something diffrent works.
After migration you will have both *.dbproj and *.sqlproj in project directory.
Just remove project (dbproj and attach existing sqlproj project).
Do not know why solution file is not updated.

Migrate Business Intelligence Development Studio 2005 .dtsx files to 2010

I have an old project using SSIS for data integration. I must use Visual studio 2005 with MySQL 2005. It doesn't seems to work if I mix 2010/2005. My question is can I migrate my .dtsx files to Visual studio 2010 ? I would like to not use many version of visual studio if possible.
After googling around about this dark technology I didn't found any revelant source of information. So any doc or pointer would be greatly appreciated.
This is not currently possible please see this SSIS team blog post
