Determine cause of prolonged "Calculating Formula..." notification - performance

I recently took care of a working data sheet, with about 30 sheets of several thousand rows each sheet, with many cell colored for difference purpose. Most of the sheets only have raw data; a few working sheets have formulas / arrayformulas.
Here's a portion of my workbook:
In the red circle, you can see "Calculating formula....". This appears in my sheet very frequently, generally whenever I edit anything in any cell in any sheet.
I followed which doesn't help much to my situation. yeah, all 27 of them.
Now what I want to know is, is there any way to know just what is Google Sheets doing during the time that "Calculating formula..... " bar appear ? So I can see whichever function / formula is taking my precious time and then improve it.
Edit --
Since I cannot share the sheet, at least I'll share the working formula so that you guys can figure what is the sheets doing.
These are to be pasted to get the input data when working. Result will then be value pasted again to data sheet. These formulas are only in the working sheet:
=CONCATENATE(VLOOKUP($D3,TEMP!$G$1:$AS$492,9,FALSE), ",", VLOOKUP($D3,TEMP!$G$1:$AS$492,10,FALSE), ",", VLOOKUP($D3,TEMP!$G$1:$AS$492,7,FALSE))
This formula is used to set the status of the data -- only in working sheet:
ARRAYFORMULA(IF(ISERROR(MATCH(E7:E10178,DonHangTraVe!A1:A20014,0)),IF(ISERROR(MATCH(D7:D10178,DonHangTraVe!C1:C20014,0)),IF(ISERROR(MATCH(D7:D10178,LAZ_Delivered!B1:B20000,0)),"","Received"),"Returned"), "Lost")))
This formula is placed in all of the data sheets. It will get the value in column E, turn them into links to their corresponding data in the server:
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(ROW(F:F)=1,"LINK", IF(LEN(E:E)=13, HYPERLINK("http://www._____________________?key=" & E:E, E:E), "")))
Those are the main formulas.
There is this one formula in a sheet, but it is turned off by placing a value one cell below. (Not me. I'm still trying to figure this out. Even the sheet maker unsure why he did that)
=ArrayFormula(trim(concatenate(filter(indirect("AQ1:AQ500")&" "&REGEXREPLACE(indirect("AR1:AR500"), "Dòng sản phẩm tương thích:.+",""), indirect("G1:G500")=G1)&CHAR(10))))
I turned the last formula down by setting an if with a switch (Benlcollins idea) but it doesn't help much.
After looking at all the formula, I think maybe the problem of my sheet lie in the arrayformula which adds the link.. I will tinker with it for now.
Still, the question remain.. is there any tool / script / addon that shows what google spreadsheet has been doing under these "Calculating formula..." bar ??
On the side note, this sheet is not using any script, in case you wonder if there's anything in onEdit(e) ..


Google Sheets: How do I format a range to color a row if every cell in that row has matching data?

I want to make it so if all of the cells in a row has data that matches, it will automatically change the row's fill color to green.
Example of the desired visual effect, including my conditional formatting work-around to achieve the look
As you can see in the image, the rows that have empty cells are not colored green.
Some other functionality I would also appreciate:
Make a row recolor to red if it contains cells that have mismatching data. (such as someone putting their name in someone else's row)
If data is added to a previously empty row, expand the Protected Range by 1 row after 30 minutes.
If a row within a Protected Range becomes empty, the Protected Range automatically sorts itself from A-Z by Column A and reduces its size by 1 row.
I've recently made a spreadsheet on Google Sheets for my guild in an MMO to track what professions and recipes everyone has, people with the link can perform edits on the sheet, but I do have protected ranges that cover older entries which have their editor access restricted to a small team so random people don't just delete all the data. None of the other officers that regularly maintain the spreadsheets we use have much experience with spreadsheets, which are pretty basic with little automation. It takes three to four of them to do my job when I'm on vacation despite teaching each of them how to maintain the spreadsheets. More automation would be nice for when I go on vacation and eventually retire from that MMO.
This is my first post on this site, I don't know computer programming, not that well-versed with spreadsheets, and trying to google this didn't help since everything I found talked about conditional formatting based on the columns, not the rows.
For now my temporary work-around is to manually add conditional formatting to a range each time I see a row has filled up to change the fill color to green if the cell contains exactly that person's name. Based on prior experience with my guild's other spreadsheets, I know the other officers would not do this themselves.
I'm not sure where to look for help with Google Sheets, but I have a family member that is a developer and I vaguely remember him mentioning this site which is why I'm giving it a shot.
on range A2:K
on range A2:R

Google Sheets: Adding images to queried cells

So what I'm trying to do is add images that show up next to certain cells while maintaining the ability to have a drop down that will sort through various columns. I want to add visuals because the community this is for speaks many different languages, and I want it to be an accessible sheet.
I've made an example of what I'm trying to do on this sheet with some placeholder images on the "Data" sheet. These images aren't carried over to the "Sorted Data" sheet. I know the query function on its own can't be used to bring images in from another sheet, so I want to know how I could get this kind of setup while maintaining images. This sheet is editable.
While looking for answers, I found this: Google Sheets Query Image to show up from Query result
It's the closest I've seen. I'm struggling, however, on how I might translate this to what I'm trying to do here in terms of sorting the data. I've also seen people say some functions don't work with a lot of images, only loading a few. I'm not sure how true that might be, but just in case it's relevant, there likely will be a lot of images on this sheet.
I'm completely open to anything I may have missed, any changes I could make, any other functions, and script if necessary.
query is not suitable for this job. use:
=SORT(FILTER(Data!B3:W500, Data!C3:C500<>""))
=SORT(FILTER(Data!B3:W500, Data!C3:C500<>""), MATCH(Z3, B2:2, 0), IF(AA3="ASC", 1, 0))

Creating Gantt Chart in SSRS 2015 and Data Will Not Display

I have the following result set giving me a specific status of an item . I need to build a SSRS 2015 Gantt chart to represent this data. I am having difficulty getting the data to display.
Result Set: StatusDate,Status,BegDate,EndDate, StatusDays
In the chart, I want the category to be on monthly intervals of the range provided (BegDate – EndDate) and the series to be each DAY in the range provided (BegDate – EndDate).
The bars should represent the item being Up or Down with “Up” being Green and “Down” being black for each day (x-axis) of each month (y-axis).
Hoped for Results
The current preview shows the X & Y axis' correctly, but does not show any "bars" to represent the data.
This is my first chart using SSRS and I am quite lost. Does anyone know where I can get a true tutorial on Range Bar Charts for SSRS 2015 or how I might overcome this “data Display” challenge I am stuck on? I appreciate any direction / guidance offered.
This issue was ultimately resolved by #AlanSchofield through another (and probably more clear) question, found here.
After choosing the correct chart, setting the correct properties, and determining the correct values I was able to get the chart I needed, but the behavior was still off. It would not show the a status more than once.
To fix this, and simply put, I needed to sort my data using Dense_Rank and then add the new "sort" column to my Series Group in the Chart properties. Worked like a charm!
Also got some useful guidelines on this blog post.

Tooltip showing junk values on hover - SSRS reports

Tool tip in SSRS is showing random junk values when hovered over chart area or even sometimes on the data points or plots. Here are some images to illustrate the issue. My question is - is this a bug in ssrs or are there some property settings I can set or is it actually related to my data.. Please help. Many Thanks!
PS: Sorry couldn't add the images because of reputation constraints.
Thank you Chris for the suggestion. I found the solution for this question. Next time onward I'll follow that.
The Solution:
The junk values of tooltip were nothing but values that had either been set or had got set at various levels of the chart- chart area , plot area, series etc. I just had to remove all except the series tooltip. It works fine now.

dc.js heatmap expanding data

I am trying to show machine states over time. Part of this is to reproduce/automate a report that used to be done by hand. It consists of coloring 2minute 'time slices' in Excel based on what the machine is doing.
(Sorry, not enough reputation to post a picture, but it is a classic heatmap where the state drives the color. Some non DC-JS fiddle:
I was able to generate most of what I want in the following jsfiddle:
See fiddle for code.
The total state duration (for selected time frame) is shown in the pieChart, followed by the individual state lines and then the heatmap that people are used to. (the ZOOM and date selection buttons do not work in the fiddle but are there to select specific data ranges or zoom in if you like).
The line charts uses the original representation of the states, which consists of a time the state is entered and a duration.
In order to make the heat map work, I had to (I think) take the original data and convert it into individual minute chunks and mark them with a state. So for instance the original data specifying:
RUN state starting 14:30 for 300 seconds
14:30=RUN, 14:31=RUN, 14:32=RUN, 14:33=RUN and 14:34=RUN
The code in lines 233-297 loops through the original data and generates a new one that does this. In cases where there is more than one state within a given minute, the last state survives.
This works okay but it seems that this code is exactly what is normally done in group().reduce(add,remove,init). But in this case I need to add multiple timeslots depending on the duration of a state.
Also, because it is now using a different crossfilter, maps do not update each other.
Here are my questions related to this:
Can I display a heatmap without supplying information for all individual
'cells'? (i.e. straddle cells based on a value, similar to rowspan in a table)
Can I add multiple values at once inside group().reduce()?
Is there an easy way to invert the yAxis so 0 is at the top?
When clicking a row in the heatmap, it selects a column and vice-versa?
I'm not sure if this should be in the crossfilter group. If so please ignore my rambling. If someone knows how to keep the charts linked by grouping better, please let me know.
Concerning Question 3:
DC.js heatmaps currently do not support custom order functions on axis but there is a pull request that has been merged into the developing branch and should be accessible to the public soon.
You could manually edit the dc.js file to set the sorting in heatmaps to a custom function. In the latest (2.0.0-beta10) version it is the following line:
and accordingly
