Google Sheets: Adding images to queried cells - image

So what I'm trying to do is add images that show up next to certain cells while maintaining the ability to have a drop down that will sort through various columns. I want to add visuals because the community this is for speaks many different languages, and I want it to be an accessible sheet.
I've made an example of what I'm trying to do on this sheet with some placeholder images on the "Data" sheet. These images aren't carried over to the "Sorted Data" sheet. I know the query function on its own can't be used to bring images in from another sheet, so I want to know how I could get this kind of setup while maintaining images. This sheet is editable.
While looking for answers, I found this: Google Sheets Query Image to show up from Query result
It's the closest I've seen. I'm struggling, however, on how I might translate this to what I'm trying to do here in terms of sorting the data. I've also seen people say some functions don't work with a lot of images, only loading a few. I'm not sure how true that might be, but just in case it's relevant, there likely will be a lot of images on this sheet.
I'm completely open to anything I may have missed, any changes I could make, any other functions, and script if necessary.

query is not suitable for this job. use:
=SORT(FILTER(Data!B3:W500, Data!C3:C500<>""))
=SORT(FILTER(Data!B3:W500, Data!C3:C500<>""), MATCH(Z3, B2:2, 0), IF(AA3="ASC", 1, 0))


Google Sheets: How do I format a range to color a row if every cell in that row has matching data?

I want to make it so if all of the cells in a row has data that matches, it will automatically change the row's fill color to green.
Example of the desired visual effect, including my conditional formatting work-around to achieve the look
As you can see in the image, the rows that have empty cells are not colored green.
Some other functionality I would also appreciate:
Make a row recolor to red if it contains cells that have mismatching data. (such as someone putting their name in someone else's row)
If data is added to a previously empty row, expand the Protected Range by 1 row after 30 minutes.
If a row within a Protected Range becomes empty, the Protected Range automatically sorts itself from A-Z by Column A and reduces its size by 1 row.
I've recently made a spreadsheet on Google Sheets for my guild in an MMO to track what professions and recipes everyone has, people with the link can perform edits on the sheet, but I do have protected ranges that cover older entries which have their editor access restricted to a small team so random people don't just delete all the data. None of the other officers that regularly maintain the spreadsheets we use have much experience with spreadsheets, which are pretty basic with little automation. It takes three to four of them to do my job when I'm on vacation despite teaching each of them how to maintain the spreadsheets. More automation would be nice for when I go on vacation and eventually retire from that MMO.
This is my first post on this site, I don't know computer programming, not that well-versed with spreadsheets, and trying to google this didn't help since everything I found talked about conditional formatting based on the columns, not the rows.
For now my temporary work-around is to manually add conditional formatting to a range each time I see a row has filled up to change the fill color to green if the cell contains exactly that person's name. Based on prior experience with my guild's other spreadsheets, I know the other officers would not do this themselves.
I'm not sure where to look for help with Google Sheets, but I have a family member that is a developer and I vaguely remember him mentioning this site which is why I'm giving it a shot.
on range A2:K
on range A2:R

Vaadin 23 Excel like grid

I'm in the need of an Excel like grid in an attempt to convert an "application" written in Google Calc to a real application. I've got one implementation using Vaadin, but it (also) suffers from a long page construction. The screenshot below uses a CSS flex grid with individual divs, and given 6 weeks, there are over 5000 individual divs.
Constructing this page takes over 20 seconds, not something users will be happy about. I'm working on a version based on a table, but it does not seem to improve much. In the end the same amount of cells need to be constructed, whether they are DIVs or TDs does not seem to matter much.
Is there a way to construct such a grid in a more speedy way? I'm more than happy to solve "where did the user click?" on the server side. To be aware of: besides the number of cells themselves, each also has specific content, so just getting a grid shown is not enough.
Each component (div, or something else) is managed by the server. So when you have 5000 of them it's quite slow. You need to reduce the number of components managed by the server.
I can't give you a better answer since I don't know the requirements. But the idea is to try to combine some elements.
You have an example of a table generated ( instead of each element one by one) here:
You can also create or own component. There is also a paid add-on: spreadsheet which seems to fit your needs. It's still in preview:
The problem here is the complexity of the UI itself. Rendering 5000+ cells will be slow what ever method you use and what ever framework you use. There will be big amount of elements in the DOM and you need to load also lot of data upfront. And as you see the result is huge, and it wont fit most screens. So I would recommend further design of the UI. Is it really necessary to show all the weeks at once? Your UI's complexity will already reduce a lot if you show only one week at the time and add buttons to browse the weeks forwards and backwards. But even with that optimization you will have lot of columns. I would consider adding another browsing direction by day. Further knowledge of the actual purpose of the UI will naturally give more insight how to develop it further.

Best way to create a Layout and generate a PNG from it. Example inside

I am searching for a performant way to generate a PNG based on a layout. These layouts will mostly consist of text and a 1-2 icons. The Datasource for these informations is JSON. However, the JSON won't be normalized to fit the Layout/Screen size. Let me clarify: The JSON will contain an attribute "Title". The title may be too long, so the font size has to be decreased. Or the description has too many attributes and only some of them need to be displayed, and so on.
We currently have a system in place for creating these layouts and generating a PNG, but creating new layouts is very time consuming and frankly speaking, a pain. However, the current solution is extremely performant, as it can generate a PNG in around 1-2ms. For my PoC to be deemed successful, i need to reach 10ms or lower. If there is a solution that takes slightly longer to generate, but can be scaled horizontally, that's fine as well.
I'm searching for a way to generate a PNG based on a layout i create. The PNG generation needs to be performant (< 10ms) and the implementation of new layouts should be as hassle free as possible.
What technologies are suited for this use case?
Here is an example, of what a layout might look like:
Edit: I can't post images yet, but please search for "electronic shelf labeling" on google images.
I've already made a similar question yesterday, but it was pointed out that my way of trying to achieve this, probably won't lead to success. Original Post

Is it possible to programatically create labels in AutoCad?

Our engineering department wastes a great amount of time reviewing drawings for errors. The majority of these problems involve human errors in labeling (ie. two rooms have the name 01-01-00-RM). Our IT department has come up with a partial solution by automation the room names. However, the engineers still have to type this into AutoCAD.
Is there any way to create labels in AutoCAD based on another file (ie. an Excel/CSV document)? Ideally, one would create a group in a layer and enforce that all elements be unique, then have them retrieve their values from a document.
Some screenshots of the labels. Note, for company reasons, I can't put full PDF screenshots up.
First image showing compact label next to a camera. This was on a floor plan overlay.
Second image showing the full lable next to a camera. This was in the block diagram
Yes it's possible, there some different paths:
Lisp: very common on AutoCAD environment and allow some basic (and not so basic) automations.
VBA/COM: can be used from inside AutoCAD or by external process, just need to CreateObject("Application.AutoCAD") and program the steps
.NET or C++: in-process automation that allow powerful customization, up to a major remodeling of AutoCAD.
So, depending on your expertise, you may choose different approaches. It may also combine with batch processing via AutoCAD Console.
Find more at and at the blog
If the labels were blocks with attributes then you could use the ATTOUT and ATTIN commands in Express tools to export / import them in to/out of Excel. Watch for cell formatting in Excel - eg. numbers like 1/2 turn into dates if you leave the formatting as "General".
Programmatically this is reasonably trivial if the data is structured. An AutoCAD drawing is actually a hierarchical object database so everything in it is addressable, finding it is often the hardest part. If you have an AutoCAD installation handy, have a look into a drawing with MGDDBG to get an idea of the database structure.

Any tips to achieve replication of paper form in vb form and then print and save

I'm looking for a tips that I can use to make the following as easy and/or re-usable as possible.
I need to recreate a paper based form in vb6, allow the user to fill in values and then be able to both print out and save the completed form.
I'm thinking of scaning the form and saving it as a jpeg.
Using this jpg as the picture in a picture box.
Overlaying it with checkboxes/textboxes etc.
Saving the values of the various controls to the database
It seems like a lot of work for just 1 form and not very re-usable.
is there a better way?
Well, if what you want is "easy" - there isn't any tool which will do everything you want automatically. There are tools to turn paper forms into PDFs - but you would still have to do the database work yourself.
As for "re-usable" - I suppose creating a simple web application will fulfill this criteria, because your users wouldn't have to install your application.
