Setting path in Gradle. When to use slash '/' and when colon ':' - gradle

I'm learning Gradle (version 4.10 now) and i am confused with setting path using separators ':' and '/'. In which situations it's propper to use this types?
I'm not sure but it looks like colons can be used only when setting dependencies, including projects,adding tasks on the other hand slashes are used to setting paths for ex:
// works
def webappDir = "$projectDir/src/main/webapp"
// doesn't work output: home/projectName/:src:main:webapp
def webappDir = "$projectDir:src:main:webapp"

You have to use '/' character when dealing with resources of type File (as in your example): this is the standard file separator character
// path to the webapp directory
def webappDir = "$projectDir/src/main/webapp"
There are two main situations where you will use ':' character:
Project or Task paths
When working in a multi-projects build, the character ':' is used to identify a project or a task in the hierarchy : :subProject1, :subProject:taskA for example.
A project path has the following pattern: It starts with an optional colon, which denotes the root project. The root project is the only project in a path that is not specified by its name. The rest of a project path is a colon-separated sequence of project names, where the next project is a subproject of the previous project.
More information here :
Dependency configuration
When using the "string notation" for declaring dependencies, you will use ':' as a separator for group/module/version parts, for example: runtime 'org.springframework:spring-core:2.5' . More information about the dependency notations here:


Get list of files containing string(s) or pattern(s)

Is there a Gradle pattern for retrieving the list of files in a folder or set of folders that contain a given string, set of strings, or pattern?
My project produces RPMs and is using the Nebula RPM type (great package!). There are a couple of different kinds of sets of files that need post-processing. I am trying to generate the list of files that contain the strings that are the indicators for post-processing. For example, files that contain "#doc" need to be processed by the doc generator script. Files that contain "#HOSTNAME#" and "#HOSTFQDN#" need to be processed by sed to replace the strings with the actual host name or host fqdn.
The search root in the package will be src\main\resources. With the result the build script sets up the post-install script commands - something like:
postInstall('/opt/product/bin/ ' + join(filesContainingDocs, " "))
postInstall('/bin/sed -i -e "s/#HOSTNAME#/$(hostname -s)/" -e s/#HOSTFQDN#/$(hostname)/" ' + join(filesContainingHostname, " ")
I can figure out the postinstall syntax. I'm having difficulty finding the filter for any of the regular Gradle 'things' (i.e., FileTree) that operate on contents of files rather than names of files. How would I populate filesContainingDocs and filesContainingHostname - something along the lines of:
filesContainingDocs = FileTree('src/main/resources', { contents.matches('#doc') }
filesContainingHostname = FileTree('src/main/resources', { contents.matches('#(HOSTNAME|HOSTFQDN)#') }
While the post-process script could simply do the grep, the several RPMs in our product overlay each other and each RPM should only post-process the files it provides, so a general grep over the final installed folder is not workable - it would catch files provided by other RPMs. It seems to me that I ought to be able to, at build time, produce the correct static list of files from the bigger set of source files that comprise the given RPM's project.
It doesn't have to be FileTree - running a command like findstr /s /m /c:"#doc" src\main\resources\*.conf (alas, the build platform is Windows) produces the answer in stdout but I'm not sure how to get that result into an object Gradle can use to expand the result. (I also suspect there is a 'more Gradle way' to do this.)
The set of files, and the contents of those files, is generally fairly small.
I'm having difficulty finding the filter for any of the regular Gradle 'things' (i.e., FileTree) that operate on contents of files rather than names of files.
You can apply any filter you can imagine on a Gradle file tree, in the end it is just Groovy (or Kotlin) code running in the JVM. Each Gradle FileTree is nothing more than a (lazily evaluated) collection of Java File objects. To filter those File objects, you can read their content, e.g. in the same way you would read them in Java. Groovy even provides a JDK enhancement for the Java class File that includes the simple method getText() for this purpose. Now you can easily filter for files that contain a certain string:
filesContainingDocs = fileTree('src/main/resources').filter { file ->
Using Groovy, you can call getters like .getText() in the same way as accessing fields (.text in this case).
If a simple contains check is not enough, the Groovy JDK enhancements even provide the method matches(Pattern pattern) on CharSequence/string instances to perform a regular extension check:
filesContainingDocs = fileTree('src/main/resources').filter { file ->
file.text.replace('\r\n','\n').matches('.*some regex.*') }

TOMCAT: quote < ' > in CATALINA_HOME environment variable causing load error?

I'm trying to install tomcat as a service using service.bat in the following path :
C:\Program Files\text with' quote\Tomcat
but I keep getting the following error : C:\Program Files\text with quote\Tomcat\conf\; (The system cannot find the path specified)
as you can see from the error message the ' is being ignored and thus keeping some files from being found/loaded properly.
If I switch to a path without a quote, everything works well. Is there a way around this as I need to include a ' in the path?
Your problem comes from the way Procrun parses its command line parameters. In those parameters which accept lists of values (++DependsOn, ++Environment, ++JvmOptions, ++JvmOptions9, ++StartParams and ++StopParams) single quotes ' are stripped after the parameter value has been split into single values. There is no way to quote them (cf. source code).
Therefore the ++JvmOptions parameter used in service.bat is interpreted as follows (one value per line):
-Dcatalina.home=C:\Scarlett oHara;-Dcatalina.base=C:\Scarlett oHara
-Dignore.endorsed.dirs=C:\Scarlett oHara\endorsed;\Scarlett oHara\temp
-Djava.util.logging.config.file=C:\Scarlett oHara\conf\;
You might notice that some entries are joined by ;, due to the ' unintentional quoting.
The only way to fix this is to start Prunmgr (the executable renamed as tomcat*w.exe) and fix them in the "Java" tab:
-Dcatalina.home=C:\Scarlett o'Hara
-Dcatalina.base=C:\Scarlett o'Hara
-Dignore.endorsed.dirs=C:\Scarlett o'Hara\endorsed\Scarlett o'Hara\temp
-Djava.util.logging.config.file=C:\Scarlett o'Hara\conf\;
or work directly on the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0 registry keys.
See also:
a similar problem due to quoting: Adding multiple values to an environment in registry and retrieving in Java application

Create a directory structure from a path in gradle/groovy

I am implementing a diff package generation task in my project's gradle build from the git command line output. Currently I have a method which will give me a list of changed files from git diff --name-only. What I would like to do is create a directory structure in a new directory which matches the paths of each file. For example: inputting the string repo/dir/ would create in an output directory if not already created and inside it the directories head/repo/dir with the current and prev/repo/dir with the previous
My current plan is to split the string repo/dir/ on the forward slash, and create directories until the last element of the split result, then write the file there. but nothing I have been able to come up with in gradle is nice or clean. I am wondering if there is a nicer way to create directories from a string like that.
My current plan is to split the string repo/dir/ on the forward slash, and create directories until the last element of the split result
Rather than splitting your string manually, you could try using File.mkdirs():
File newDirectoryStructureParent = new File('some/path/to/parent/dir')
def s = 'repo/dir/'
def newContainer = new File(s, newDirectoryStructureParent).getParent()
In this part of my code you can just work around Path not File!
At the first you can define Path and second need check that path exist or not, if not mkdirs can make it ;)
Its help when you unknown about that path exist or not /
File fullPath = new File('/tmp/Test1')
if (!fullPath.exists())

What does slash dot refer to in a file path?

I'm trying to install a grunt template on my computer but I'm having issues. I realized that perhaps something different is happening because of the path given by the Grunt docs, which is
What does that . mean before grunt-init?
I've tried to do the whole import manually but it also isn't working
git clone "C:\Users\Imray\AppData\Roaming\npm\gru
I get a message:
fatal: could not create work tree dir 'C:\Users\Imray\AppData\Roaming\npm\.grunt-init"'.: Invalid argument
Does it have to do with this /.? What does it mean?
The \ (that's a backslash, not a slash) is a directory delimiter. The . is simply part of the directory name.
.grunt-init and grunt-init are two distinct names, both perfectly valid.
On Unix-like systems, file and directory names starting with . are hidden by default, which is why you'll often see such names for things like configuration files.
The . is part of a directory name. Filenames can contain . . The \ is a separator between directory names.
Typically, files or directories starting with . are considered "hidden" and/or used for storing metadata. In particular, shell wildcard expansion skips over files that start with ..
For example if you wrote ls -d * then it would not show any files or directories beginning with . (including . and .., the current and parent directories).
Linux hides files and directories whose names begin with dot, unless you use the a (for "all") option when listing directory contents. If this convention is not followed on Windows, your example is probably just a carryover.
It may well be something behind the scenes (later) expects that name to match exactly. While I like things, installers, for example, to just do what I said, I realize that keeping default value is the most tested path.
Directories starting with a dot are invisible by default on xNIX systems. Typically used for configurations files and similar in a users home directory.
\ before " has a special meaning on windows, the error is because windows won't let you create a file containing " as part of its name.

include files recursively in Cocoapods podspec

I want to create a local podspec that is based on some private code. I can't seem to use the 'source' attribute, as that is not working. I can use the 'source_files' attribute, but it does not include files recursively. So with a directory that looks like this
And my podspec looks like this: do |s|
s.source = 'src' # this does not work.
s.source_files = 'src' # this only includes the files in src, and not in any of the Core, Audio or Graphics folders.
I kind of want to specify a '-r' flag. I have tried using wildcards but no luck.
The source_files attribute uses Ruby file glob syntax. The pattern must be relative to the root of your project (i.e., the podspec file), so this should work for you:
s.source_files = 'Library/src/**/*.{h,m}'
The source attribute is not for source code files, but rather for the remote repository from which the code should be retrieved (most commonly a Git repository URL and tag). See the CocoaPods specification docs for more info.
CocoaPods source_files
spec.source_files = 'Classes/**/*.{h,m,swift}', 'More_Classes/**/*.{h,m,swift}'
File patterns:
* - Matches any file.
** - Matches directories recursively.
? - Matches any one character.
[set] - Matches any one character in set.
{p,q} - Matches either literal p or literal q.
\ - Escapes the next meta-character.
