Redis memory usage issue - performance

I have a cluster with two Redis docker instances (v3.2.5) I use for caching responses from Spring boot microservices.
I've disabled all persistence and the number of keys is stable over time, all of them expiring between 5 minutes and 1 day.
Despite this, I can see the memory usage creeping up. It looks like once a day (around midnight) it uses a lot of memory and then releases some of it.
Does anyone have any idea what this process may be, if there's any way to configure Redis to avoid using that much memory?
The number of keys I have doesn't justify this amount of memory
After taking a snapshot of the database and loading the data on a fresh new Redis instance (same version, same config) the memory_used_human is 10 times lower than the original one.
Is it possible that key expiration doesn't really delete keys from memory?


how to evict hazelcast caches manually or on a future timestamp

I have hazelcast running in kubernetes in a cluster.
I want to make sure, once someone changes a thing lets say in a PriceCatalog,
hazelcast must be evicted immediately(or configurable) of the all the caches related.
Imagine there is price change on a product, which will take place in 24 hours.
Waiting Time2Live is not an option, there can be time windows that old price will be applied, which will be broken.
Is there a way to evict the caches on given timestamp?
Or easily manually evict all the caches related?
You can do better than just evicting entities on a change by using Cache-Ahead.
I suggest you read this post where I explain how to set up a cache that's always in sync with the database.

Springboot Ehcache load data

Service using SpringBoot, Maven, MongoDB, Ehcache.
Service requires a fast and frequently cache server, so eventually, I chose Ehcache.
All the cache will be called almost at the same frequency so there are no hot cold data in this case.
The original data in MongoDB will be updated every day by a timer service, so what I do is to load all the updated data to Ehcache every day.
Each item in this data has a connection with each other, like you use one to find the relevant Ids of the other. So if one cache is updated, but the other one hasn't, then you can't find these relevant Ids. I want to avoid this situation.
So my question is, is there any way to achieve a function like this, like using two Ehcache servers or something? i.e. When one is in use, the other one can load the data from MongoDB. When the update is done, switch it to the updated one. So every day when the MongoDB data updated, and I have to update the Ehcache data, it won't influence my current cache. That's just a thought I have. Another thought is something like a SQL transaction. Is there any other way to achieve this.
Please advise.
Good question. I see two ways.
One is to use an application lock. When you are ready to reload the cache, you block access to it and do it. There is no way to clear all caches are the same time. The problem is that everything will be blocked during the update.
The other way is to use an other cache. So you load the new cache with the new data and then swap the new cache and the expired one. The problem with this solution is that at a given moment you will take twice the memory since both caches are in memory.

Is it normal to have a lot of records in Memached with Laravel?

I have an instance of Laravel up and running with a load balancer in place. We've setup memcached (two server nodes) to handle session management. So far the site is running fine in our test environment. The site largely ties into a web based API, so we only store a few values (other than user authentication data) in a user's session to work with the site.
After a short amount of usage by one or two users, there are about 3000 items in the cache. I don't have full access to the nodes, so I don't know exactly what the items are. However we don't appear to be maxing out the nodes with memory and the application functionality is good.
Is this to be expected? I understand that the cache management will clear out old records over time as they expire, so these could just be "remnant" data records, but this is my first time working with memcached so I want to verify that this is normal behavior.
It's quite normal for any caching solution to rack up a number of items. Especially for lots of small objects it's often more efficient for a cache to keep them beyond their expiry (but no longer serve them) and then clear them out in a big sweep periodically.
"Remnant records" pretty much describes it.
As long as your application performs as expected, I wouldn't worry. You should worry when you get a lot of cache misses for objects that were supposed to be in cache but kicked out before expiry due to lack of memory to store them all.
It is normal to have lots of records in Memcache. But you need to have proper session management.
Store small amount of values per session. (Data which is required most of the API's, Like user access token)
Cache expiration
The biggest challenge when using Memcache is avoiding cache staleness while still writing clean code. Most developers store data to Memcache and delete or update data when it changes. This strategy can get messy very quickly – Memcache code becomes riddled throughout an application. Rails’ Sweepers can help with this problem, but other languages and frameworks don’t have similar alternatives.
One simple strategy to avoid code complexity is to write data to Memcache with an expiration. Data with an expiration will automatically expire when the expiration is reached. Most applications can benefit from time-based cache expiration with infrequently changing content such as static assets, headers, footers, blog posts, etc.
List management
A simple list stored in Memcache can be useful for maintaining denormalized relationships.
For example An e-commerce website may want to store a small table of recent purchases. Rather than keeping a serialized list in Memcache and recalculating it when a new purchase is made, append and prepend can be used to store denormalized data, avoiding a database query.
Note - Memcache only supports a max value size of 1 MB. Be careful creating lists that may grow larger in size than the maximum allowed value size
Also Check these links-

Torquebox Infinispan Cache - Too many open files

I looked around and apparently Infinispan has a limit on the amount of keys you can store when persisting data to the FileStore. I get the "too many open files" exception.
I love the idea of torquebox and was anxious to slim down the stack and just use Infinispan instead of Redis. I have an app that needs to cache allot of data. The queries are computationally expensive and need to be re-computed daily (phone and other productivity metrics by agent in a call center).
I don't run a cluster though I understand the cache would persist if I had at least one app running. I would rather like to persist the cache. Has anybody run into this issue and have a work around?
Yes, Infinispan's FileCacheStore used to have an issue with opening too many files. The new SingleFileStore in 5.3.x solves that problem, but it looks like Torquebox still uses Infinispan 5.1.x (
I am also using infinispan cache in a live application.
Basically we are storing database queries and its result in cache for tables which are not up-datable and smaller in data size.
There are two approaches to design it:
Use queries as key and its data as value
It leads to too many entries in cache when so many different queries are placed into it.
Use xyz as key and Map as value (Map contains the queries as key and its data as value)
It leads to single entry in cache whenever data is needed from this cache (I call it query cache) retrieve Map first by using key xyz then find the query in Map itself.
We are using second approach.

MongoDB sharded cluster 25 slower than standalone node

I'm confused by the situation and trying to fix this for a couple of days now. I'm running 3 shard on top of three 3-members replica sets (rs0, rs1 and rs2). All is working so far. Data is distributed over the 3 shards as well as cloned within the replica sets.
BUT: importing data into one of the replica set works fine with constantly 40k docs/s but by enabling sharding slows the entire process down to just 1.5k docs/s.
I've populated the data via different methods:
generated some random data in the mongo shell (running in my mongos)
JSON data import via mongoimport
MongoDB dump restore from another server via mongorestore
All of them result in just 1.5k doc/s which is disappointing. The mongod's are physical Xeon boxes with 32GB each, the 3 config servers are virtual servers (40 GB HDD, 2 GB RAM, if that matters), the mongos is running on my app server. By the way, the value of 1.5k inserts/s doesn't depend on the shard key, same behaviour for a dedicated shard key (single field key as well as compound key) as well as hashed shard key on _id field.
I tried a lot, even reinstalled the entire cluster twice. The question is: what is the bottleneck in this setup:
config servers running on virtual server? -> shouldn't be problematic due to the low resource consumption of config servers
mongos? -> running multiple Mongos on a dedicated box behind HAproxy might be an alternative, haven't tested that yet
Let's do the math first: how big are your documents? Keep in mind that they have to be transferred over the net multiple times depending on your write concern.
May be you are experiencing this because of the indices which have to be build.
Please try this:
Disable all indices except the one for _id (which is not possible anyway, iirc)
Load your data
Reenable indices.
Enable sharding and balancing if not done already
This is the suggested way for importing data into a shared cluster anyway and should speed up your import considerably. Some (cautious !) fiddling with storage.syncPeriodSecs and storage.journal.commitIntervalMs might help, too.
The delay can occur even when storing the data on the primary shard. Depending on the size of your indices, they may slow down bulk operations considerably. You might also want to have a look at the replication.secondaryIndexPrefetch config option.
Another thing might be that your oplog simply gets filled faster than the replication can take place. Problem here: once it is created, you can not increase it's size. I am not sure wether it is safe to delete and recreate it in standalone mode and then reshare the replica set, but I doubt it. So the safe option would be to have the instance actually leave the replica set, reinstall it with a more appropriate oplog size and add the instance to the replica set as if it were the first time. If you don't care for the data, simply shut the replica set down, adjust the oplog size in the config file, delete the data dir and restart and reinitialize the replica set. Thinking of your problem twice, this sounds like the best bet to me, since the opllog isn't involved in standalone mode, iirc.
If you still have the same performance issues, my bet is on problems with disk or network IO.
You have a fairly standard setup, your mongos instance is running on a different machine than your mongod (be it a standalone or the primary of a replica set). You might want to check a few things:
Name resolution latency for resolving the name of your primary and secondary shards from the machine running your mongos instance. I can not count the times installing nscd improved performance for various operations.
network latency from your mongos instance to your primary shard. Assuming you have a firewall between your AppServer and your cluster, you might want to talk to the respective administrator.
In case you are using external authentication, try to measure how long it takes.
When using some sort of tunneling (e.g. stunnel or encryption like SSL/TLS), make sure you disable name resolution. Please keep in mind that encrypting and decrypting may take a relatively long time.
Measure random disk IO on the mongod instances
I was facing a similar performance issue. What helped to solve the performance issue was I ended up setting the mongod instance that was running on the same host as the mongos as the primary shard.
using the following command:
mongos> use admin
mongos> db.runCommand( { movePrimary: "mydb", to: "shard0003" } )
After making this change (without touching the load balancer or tweaking anything else), I was able to load a relatively large dataset (25 million rows) using a loader I had written, and the entire procedure took about 15 minutes instead of hours/days.
