Not getting location in Android 8.0.0 Oreo - location

I am building an app in React-Native and need to have location access as per the requirement.
I have tried using react-native-fused-location for the same, as below.
FusedLocation.getFusedLocation().then(location => {
if (location != null) {
let initialPosition = JSON.stringify(location);
this.state.latitude = location.latitude;
this.state.longitude = location.longitude;
this.state.timestamp = location.timestamp;
this.state.initialPosition = initialPosition;
} else {
alert("Location unavailable, please try later");
}).catch(error => { // fused location catch
console.log("location retrieval failed");
The only output, I am receiving with the above code, in case of Oreo 8.0.0 is E/request: 100.
also tried the other way as below
location => {
console.log("inside watchPosition location");
if (location != null) {
console.log("location is not null");
let initialPosition = JSON.stringify(location.coords);
this.state.latitude = location.coords.latitude;
this.state.longitude = location.coords.longitude;
this.state.timestamp = location.coords.timestamp;
this.state.initialPosition = initialPosition;
} else {
alert("Location unavailable, please try later");
error => {
console.log("calling ShowHideActivityIndicator, getLocationWithNavigate (ios)");
alert("location retrieval failed");
{ timeout: 20000, enableHighAccuracy: true, distanceFilter: 10 }
But getting same output in both of the above codes, that is unable to get the location specifically in Android Oreo 8.0.0. Even the location retrieving callback is not even called. Though in other versions, including Oreo 8.1.0, and lower version devices, including Marshmallow and Nougat, it seems working fine.
Though, if I turn on the fake GPS in Oreo 8.0.0, then it seems to be able to get the location. I am unable to figure out, what I am missing.

mention to google document:
In an effort to reduce power consumption, Android 8.0 (API level 26) limits how frequently background apps can retrieve the user's current location. Apps can receive location updates only a few times each hour.Background Location Limits


React Redux dispatch getting called multiple times

MERN Stack application with Login and Register working properly.
On opening dashboard ("/" path), it dispatches "getWallets" 3 times, instead of 1:
Dashboard.jsx :
useEffect(() => {
if (isError) {
if (!user) {
else {
return () => {
}, [user, navigate, isError, message, dispatch])
It also dispatches "getWalletData" 9 times instead of one (since I only have 1 wallet atm).
TestWalletsData.jsx (component inserted on Dashboard.jsx):
useEffect(() => {
if (isError) {
if (wallets.length > 0 && walletsData.length <= wallets.length) {
wallets.forEach(wallet => {
return () => {
}, [wallets, wallets.length, walletsData, isError, message, dispatch])
At this point the application is running ok since I don't permit another object to get pushed to the state if it's already there , but since I'm using a limited rate API to get wallets data this isn't the road I want to path.
I'm assuming the issue arrives with the re-rendering of components and the wrong use of useEffect, but I just don't know how to fix it.
I've tried setting the environment to production as suggested by this comment but everything stays the same.
PS: Never worked with React Redux or Redux for that matter before trying it out on this project. Tried to follow a tutorial logic and apply it on my use case but having serious difficulties.
Managed to solve the issue by removing the React.StrictMode !

Does the package cached_network_image reduce the amount of network bandwidth from Firestore Storage?

Currently I am reading an image URL from a firebase document that contains an Image URL from Firebase Cloud Storage, and then using the package cached_network_image to load the images to the user.
My question is, does using cached_network_image for loading images reduce the networking bandwidth since many images will be loaded from the cache and not the url? If not, then how would one achieve that?
The cached_network_image is using a cache mechanism which will check if there is a file available for the url you're providing, will use the cached version so it will definitely reduces your network usage. Here is a function from DefaultCacheManager class in cache_manager.dart in Flutter`s SDK:
Future<void> _pushFileToStream(StreamController streamController, String url,
Map<String, String> headers, bool withProgress) async {
FileInfo cacheFile;
try {
cacheFile = await getFileFromCache(url);
if (cacheFile != null) {
withProgress = false;
} catch (e) {
'CacheManager: Failed to load cached file for $url with error:\n$e');
if (cacheFile == null || cacheFile.validTill.isBefore( {
try {
await for (var response
in _webHelper.downloadFile(url, authHeaders: headers)) {
if (response is DownloadProgress && withProgress) {
if (response is FileInfo) {
} catch (e) {
assert(() {
'CacheManager: Failed to download file from $url with error:\n$e');
return true;
if (cacheFile == null && streamController.hasListener) {
As you can see if it can find the cached file using the url you're providing and the file is valid, it will use that instead of downloading.

Capture screen with CGWindowListCreateImage just return the wallpaper

I'm trying to create an app that can take screenshots. I check to see if I have a secure session and if I has graphical access and I do. But all I get is my app windows and the wallpaper. No other apps are captured.
I tried to use the screencapture. It work well in terminal but not in the app. Also each time I try the function it asks me to give permission even thought it already has permission.
This is my code:
var attrs = SessionAttributeBits(rawValue: 0)
let session = SessionGetInfo(callerSecuritySession, nil, &attrs)
if session != 0 || !attrs.contains(.sessionHasGraphicAccess) {
result(FlutterError(code: "NO_GRAPHIC_ACCESS", message: "We don't run in a GUI.", details: nil))
} else {
do {
let directory = try FileManager.default.url(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: false)
let image = CGWindowListCreateImage(CGRect.infinite, [.optionOnScreenOnly, .excludeDesktopElements], kCGNullWindowID, .nominalResolution)
if let _image = image {
let bitmap = NSBitmapImageRep(cgImage: _image)
let data = bitmap.representation(using: .png, properties: [:])
if let _data = data {
let url: URL = directory.appendingPathComponent("\(Int(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000000)).png")
try _data.write(to: url, options: .atomicWrite)
} else {
result(FlutterError(code: "IMAGE_REPRESENTATION_FAILED", message: nil, details: nil))
} else {
result(FlutterError(code: "IMAGE_IS_NULL", message: nil, details: nil))
} catch {
result(FlutterError(code: "ERROR", message: "\(error)", details: nil))
It seems to be a strange XCode behavior. If you run your application directly from XCode, user will always be prompted to confirm permission, even if your app is already in you settings exceptions (
If you archive your application and install it in your mac, then permissions will be asked only once. It seems that every build of the app in XCode generate a new app, this don't happen in iOS and iPadOS simulators or devices.
Give your program permissions for screen recording. See this.

PerformanceObserver throwing error in Firefox, working in Chrome

I am implementing PerformanceObserver to track 'first-paint' & 'first-contentful-paint'.
const observer = new PerformanceObserver((list) => {
for (const entry of list.getEntries()) {
if (typeof(Storage) !== 'undefined') {
if ( === 'first-paint') {
localStorage.setItem(rumMetrics.RUM_METRICS_FIRST_PAINT, entry.startTime);
else if ( === 'first-contentful-paint') {
localStorage.setItem(rumMetrics.RUM_METRICS_FIRST_CONTENTFUL_PAINT, entry.startTime);
else {
console.log('local storage is not supported here. RUM metrics won\'t be recorded.');
observer.observe({ entryTypes: ['paint'] });
This works perfectly in Chrome but throws an error in Firefox.
TypeError: The expression cannot be converted to return the specified type. (line: observer.observe({ entryTypes: ['paint'] });)
Update-1: 20th Apr 2018
Mozilla has confirmed the bug and it is affecting FF61 Nightly as well
Original Answer
Confirmed that this is a bug even in the developer version.
Below is the bug for the same

IOS push notification issue on appcelerator

i have a big problem on my IOS app. I follow the guide provide by appcelerator documentation to setup my iOS push notification. All seemed work fine, on my appcelerator dashboard i see under the device section my device registered with its token, and when i send a push notification on the detail's push (in push notification log) i read my id device number with a perfect Success(1).
But on my device i didn't receive any notification. I tried with my app opened and with my app closed, but nothing has showed. I don't know why this happen. On my android all work fine. Here my code:
var Cloud = require("");
//controllo se ho un token
var deviceToken = Ti.App.Properties.getString("deviceToken");
if ( deviceToken == "" || deviceToken == null) {
} else {
if ( Ti.App.Properties.getString("subscribed") !== "true" ) {
//chiedo un token
function requireToken() {
// Check if the device is running iOS 8 or later
if ( == "iPhone OS" && parseInt(Ti.Platform.version.split(".")[0]) >= 8) {
Ti.API.warn( "entrato nella versione" )
// Wait for user settings to be registered before registering for push notifications
Ti.App.iOS.addEventListener('usernotificationsettings', function registerForPush() {
// Remove event listener once registered for push notifications
Ti.App.iOS.removeEventListener('usernotificationsettings', registerForPush);
success: deviceTokenSuccess,
error: deviceTokenError,
callback: receivePush
// Register notification types to use
types: [
// For iOS 7 and earlier
else {
// Specifies which notifications to receive
types: [
success: deviceTokenSuccess,
error: deviceTokenError,
callback: receivePush
function deviceTokenSuccess(e) {
Ti.API.warn( "token ricevuto" )
Ti.App.Properties.setString("deviceToken", e.deviceToken);
function deviceTokenError(e) {
//error action
//controllo se sono iscritto alle notifiche push
if ( Ti.App.Properties.getString("subscribed") !== "true" ) {
function subscribeToChannel (_deviceToken) {
Ti.API.warn( "subscribe fatta" )
device_token: _deviceToken,
channel: "ios_alerts",
type: == 'android' ? 'android' : 'ios'
}, function (e) {
if (e.success) {
Ti.App.Properties.setString("subscribed", "true");
function receivePush(e) {
Ti.API.warn("alert ricevuto" + JSON.stringify(e) )
is probably something related to your certificates on Apple panel.
Check if you enabled APS with your appid and if not, activate it, then generate another provisioning profiles and re-build the app.
You will also have to put a .p12 file in the Appcelerator platform website.
Just in case this is your issue(s):
Device Token Cannot be fetched if on Device in Debug mode, must be in Run Mode!
Remember that under ad-hock releases push notifications MUST use the sandbox ''
