React Redux dispatch getting called multiple times - react-redux

MERN Stack application with Login and Register working properly.
On opening dashboard ("/" path), it dispatches "getWallets" 3 times, instead of 1:
Dashboard.jsx :
useEffect(() => {
if (isError) {
if (!user) {
else {
return () => {
}, [user, navigate, isError, message, dispatch])
It also dispatches "getWalletData" 9 times instead of one (since I only have 1 wallet atm).
TestWalletsData.jsx (component inserted on Dashboard.jsx):
useEffect(() => {
if (isError) {
if (wallets.length > 0 && walletsData.length <= wallets.length) {
wallets.forEach(wallet => {
return () => {
}, [wallets, wallets.length, walletsData, isError, message, dispatch])
At this point the application is running ok since I don't permit another object to get pushed to the state if it's already there , but since I'm using a limited rate API to get wallets data this isn't the road I want to path.
I'm assuming the issue arrives with the re-rendering of components and the wrong use of useEffect, but I just don't know how to fix it.
I've tried setting the environment to production as suggested by this comment but everything stays the same.
PS: Never worked with React Redux or Redux for that matter before trying it out on this project. Tried to follow a tutorial logic and apply it on my use case but having serious difficulties.
Managed to solve the issue by removing the React.StrictMode !


vuepress build docs get ReferenceError: pageMeta is not defined?

vuepress dev docs is ok, but vuepress build docs get the following error, why?
✔ Client
Compiled successfully in 22.59s
✔ Server
Compiled successfully in 15.41s
wait Rendering static HTML...
error Error rendering /404.html: false
ReferenceError: pageMeta is not defined
tl;dr You need to downgrade vue-router which is installed as part of vuepress to match ~3.1.3.
I've basically encountered the same error when trying to implement some VuePress theme.
AFAICT the pageMeta is related to VuePress rendering pages on server-side (SSR). It's used in a template using triple curly braces and there are parts of vuepress-generated code assigning data for this markup to be replaced with properly. Since I didn't touch any SSR-related stuff in VuePress I'm quite sure I haven't done anything causing this particular issue explicitly.
So I've tried to disable parts of my code to locate the fragment which is causing this misbehaviour. It turns out the obvious culprit is vue-router.
I'm applying a navigation guard on vue-router instance exposed in enhanceApp.js of VuePress. Inside that guard I put code complying with existing documentation for vue-router. Essentially, I am redirecting some requests due to optionally existing redirection tables or frontmatter information.
In vuepress dev this code is working, but generating errors in browser console. Those errors are about an unhandled promise rejection due to aborting initially requested routing transition in favour of starting another one which seems an eligible intention on using vue-router.
does not work:
export default function( context ) {
const { router, siteData: { pages, themeConfig = {} } } = context;
router.beforeEach( handleRedirects );
function handleRedirects( to, from, next ) {
const numPages = pages.length;
for ( let i = 0; i < numPages; i++ ) {
const { path, frontmatter } = pages[i];
if ( path === to.path && frontmatter.redirect ) {
if ( from.path === frontmatter.redirect ) {
next( false );
} else {
next( frontmatter.redirect );
const redirections = themeConfig.redirect || {};
if ( redirections.hasOwnProperty( to.path ) ) {
next( redirections[to.path] );
does work:
export default function( context ) {
const { router, siteData: { pages, themeConfig = {} } } = context;
router.beforeEach( handleRedirects );
function handleRedirects( to, from, next ) {
const numPages = pages.length;
for ( let i = 0; i < numPages; i++ ) {
const { path, frontmatter } = pages[i];
if ( path === to.path && frontmatter.redirect ) {
if ( from.path === frontmatter.redirect ) {
next( false );
} else {
next(); // <--- omitting passed target
const redirections = themeConfig.redirect || {};
if ( redirections.hasOwnProperty( to.path ) ) {
next(); // <--- omitting passed target
Just to be clear: The latter one makes vuepress build succeed, but the result isn't functional with regards to properly handling redirects.
IMHO the issue is with vue-router for rejecting some promise I didn't start here. One might claim it is with vuepress for failing to adopt a change in API by handling rejected routing transitions properly. But this is also true for SSR (look at third code example given there).
As a solution, you could try downgrading vue-router to versions prior to 3.2.0. In my case, vuepress is properly asking for version ^3.1.3. However, due to semantic versioning, this selector is covering latest 3.4.3 as well.
Thus concluding, there is a breaking change in vue-router, which has been introduced with minor release version 3.2.0. Because of that vue-router isn't complying with semantic versioning.
IMHO, this change of behaviour isn't quite eligible at all for code using vue-router should not have to care about how routing is proceeding unless it leads to some valid target. Thus, code asking to switch route shouldn't cause a rejection that must be handled. This feedback might be optional, but right now it is sort of mandatory.

React Router code split "randomly" fails at loading chunks

I am struggling with a issue with react-router + webpack code split + servicer worker (or cache).
Basically the issue is the following, the code split is working properly but from time to time I get error reports from customers at such as:
"Dynamic page loading failed Error: Loading chunk 19 failed."
My react-router code is the following:
const errorLoading = (err) => {
console.error('Dynamic page loading failed', err);
export default (
<Route path="/" component={App}>
getComponent={(nextState, cb) => {
.then((module) => { cb(null, module.default); })
For my ServiceWorker I use OfflinePlugin with the following configuration:
new OfflinePlugin({
cacheName: 'cache-name',
cacheMaps: [
match: function(requestUrl) {
return new URL('/', location);
requestTypes: ['navigate']
externals: [
responseStrategy: 'network-first', // One of my failed attempts to fix this issue
ServiceWorker: {
output: 'my-service-worker.js'
The issue is not browser related because I have reports from IE11, safari, chrome, etc.
Any clues on what I might be doing wrong or how can I fix this issue?
Edit 2: I ended using chunks with hashes, and doing a window.location.reload() inside errorLoading's catch(), so when the browser fails to load a chunk it will reload the window and fetch the new file.
<Route path="about"
getComponent={(location, callback) => {
.then(module => { callback(null, module.default) })
.catch(() => {
It happens to me too and I don't think I have a proper solution yet, but what I noticed is this usually happens when I deploy a new version of the app, the hashes of the chunks change, and when I try to navigate to another address (chunk) the old chunk doesn't exist (it seems as if it wasn't cached) and I get the error.
I managed to reproduce this by removing the service worker that caches stuff and deploying a new version (which I guess simulates a user without the service worker running?).
remove the service worker code
unregister the service worker in devtools
reload the page
deploy a new app version
navigate to another chunk (for instance from /home to /about)
In my case it appears as if the error occurs when the old files are not cached (hence not available any more) and the user doesn't reload the page to request new ones. Reloading 'fixes' the issue because the app has the new chunk names, which correctly load.
Something else I tried was to name the chunk files without their hashes, so instead of 3.something.js they were only 3.js. When I deployed a new version the chunks were obviously still there, but this is not a good solution because the files will be cached by the browser instead of being cached by the caching plugin.
Edit: same setup as you, using sw-precache-webpack-plugin.

ionic 2 caching images

I am writing an ionic 2 application, and want to cache images.
After long searching on the web I found these references:
I implemented the given solution, but i see that the ImgCache module does not behave as expected - the ImgCache.isCached callback is never called.
Any idea or other good solution for caching images in ionic 2?
======== UPDATE ==========
Here is the directive code I use:
import { Directive, ElementRef, Input } from '#angular/core';
import ImgCache from 'imgcache.js';
selector: '[image-cache]'
export class ImageCacheDirective {
constructor (
private el: ElementRef
) {
// init
ngOnInit() {
// This message is shown in console
console.log('ImageCacheDirective *** ngOnInit: ', this.el.nativeElement.src);
this.el.nativeElement.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; // CORS enabling
ImgCache.isCached(this.el.nativeElement.src, (path: string, success: any) => {
// These message are never printed
console.log('path - '+ path);
console.log('success - '+ success);
if (success) {
// already cached
console.log('already cached so using cached');
} else {
// not there, need to cache the image
console.log('not there, need to cache the image - ' + this.el.nativeElement.src);
ImgCache.cacheFile(this.el.nativeElement.src, () => {
console.log('cached file');
// ImgCache.useCachedFile(el.nativeElement);
In I do:
import { ImageCacheDirective } from '../components/image-cache-directive/image-cache-directive';
and then in home.html:
<img src="http://localhost/ionic-test/img/timeimg.php" image-cache>
It's late but probably this is the solution:
1. Install cordova FileTransfer:
ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-file-transfer --save
2. Init ImgCache when the deviceready event of cordova fires. In src/app/app.component.ts add these methods (or integrate them with your initializeApp() method - this method comes up with a default project start):
initImgCache() {
// activated debug mode
ImgCache.options.debug = true;
ImgCache.options.chromeQuota = 100 * 1024 * 1024; // 100 MB
ImgCache.init(() => { },
() => { console.log('ImgCache init: error! Check the log for errors'); });
initializeApp() {
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
// Okay, so the platform is ready and our plugins are available.
// Here you can do any higher level native things you might need.
Another option is to use a dedicated cache manager for ionic. instead of implementing everything on your own.
Here are 2 options :
1. A generic cache implementation :
2. This one is better for images:
This is not a "link only" answer.. it tells the user to use a ready made implementations instead of trying to implement from scratch.

Removing console.log from React Native app

Should you remove the console.log() calls before deploying a React Native app to the stores? Are there some performance or other issues that exist if the console.log() calls are kept in the code?
Is there a way to remove the logs with some task runner (in a similar fashion to web-related task runners like Grunt or Gulp)? We still want them during our development/debugging/testing phase but not on production.
Well, you can always do something like:
if (!__DEV__) {
console.log = () => {};
So every console.log would be invalidated as soon as __DEV__ is not true.
Babel transpiler can remove console statements for you with the following plugin:
npm i babel-plugin-transform-remove-console --save-dev
Edit .babelrc:
"env": {
"production": {
"plugins": ["transform-remove-console"]
And console statements are stripped out of your code.
believe best practice is to wrap your debug code in statements such as...
This way, it only runs when you're running within the packager or emulator. More info here...
I know this question has already been answered, but just wanted to add my own two-bits. Returning null instead of {} is marginally faster since we don't need to create and allocate an empty object in memory.
if (!__DEV__)
console.log = () => null
This is obviously extremely minimal but you can see the results below
// return empty object
console.log = () => {}
for (var i=0; i<1000000; i++) console.log()
// returning null
console.log = () => null
for (var i=0; i<1000000; i++) console.log()
Although it is more pronounced when tested elsewhere:
Honestly, in the real world this probably will have no significant benefit just thought I would share.
I tried it using babel-plugin-transform-remove-console but the above solutions didn't work for me .
If someone's also trying to do it using babel-plugin-transform-remove-console can use this one.
npm i babel-plugin-transform-remove-console --save-dev
Edit babel.config.js
module.exports = (api) => {
const babelEnv = api.env();
const plugins = [];
if (babelEnv !== 'development') {
return {
presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],
I have found the following to be a good option as there is no need to log even if __DEV__ === true, if you are not also remote debugging.
In fact I have found certain versions of RN/JavaScriptCore/etc to come to a near halt when logging (even just strings) which is not the case with Chrome's V8 engine.
// only true if remote debugging
const debuggingIsEnabled = (typeof atob !== 'undefined');
if (!debuggingIsEnabled) {
console.log = () => {};
Check if in remote JS debugging is enabled
Using Sentry for tracking exceptions automatically disables console.log in production, but also uses it for tracking logs from device. So you can see latest logs in sentry exception details (breadcrumbs).

Why can't I use `useMasterKey()` in a `beforeSave` function?

My Parse app has a GiftCode collection which disallows the find operation at the class-level.
I am writing a beforeSave cloud function that prevents duplicate codes from being entered by our team from Parse's dashboard:
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave('GiftCode', function (req, res) {
const code = req.object.get('code');
if (!code) {
} else {
const finalCode = code.toUpperCase().trim();
req.object.set('code', finalCode);
(new Parse.Query('GiftCode'))
.equalTo('code', finalCode)
.then((gift) => {
if (!gift) {
} else {
res.error(`GiftCode with code=${finalCode} already exists (objectId=${})`);
}, (err) => {
As you can see, I am calling Parse.Cloud.useMasterKey() (and this is running in the Parse cloud), but I am still getting the following error:
This user is not allowed to perform the find operation on GiftCode.
I use useMasterKey() in other normal cloud functions and am able to perform find operations as needed.
Is useMasterKey() not applicable to beforeSave functions?
I've never tried to use the master key in a beforeSave function but I wouldn't be surprised if there's some extra safeguards in place to prevent it. From a security standpoint, it seems like it could make all write-based CLPs and ACLs worthless for that class.
Try selectively using the master key by passing it as an option to the query like so
(new Parse.Query('GiftCode'))
.equalTo('code', finalCode)
.first({ useMasterKey: true })
.then((gift) => {
Parse.Cloud.useMasterKey(); has been deprecated in Parse Server version 2.3.0 (Dec 7, 2016). From that version on, it is a no-op (it does nothing). You should now insert the {useMasterKey:true} optional parameter to each of the methods that need to override the ACL or CLP in your code.
