Odoo 10 Pos : Could not read card - odoo-10

when setup odoo pos for using credit card and making payment and the swiping the card on MAGTEK Pos machine i got this error : This can be caused by a badly executed swipe or by not having your keyboard layout set to US QWERTY (not US International).

Change settings of your system and make keyboard layout type as a QWERTY instead of international.


Is it possible to move the position of Action.ShowCard's new Adaptive Card?

I am using "Action.ShowCard" to show another card in adaptive cards - specifically spfx ACE in the Viva Connections Dashboard.
I cannot see a way to get the new card to appear anywhere other than the bottom of the parent card. Is it possible to get it to appear somewhere else? Ideally I would like some more content under the button that calls "Action.ShowCard".
For example, if you look at the simple examples here: https://adaptivecards.io/explorer/Action.ShowCard.html you will see that the new adaptive card that is shown to the user always appears at the bottom. This is OK when there is not much content on the parent card, but when the parent card has a lot of content then the user experience is not so good as they miss the new content at the bottomn of the card.
If you are in Preview mode, you would single click to expand the card. When editing, you need to double click the Action.ShowCard button to have it display its associated fields. Then, you can add the additional actions, etc., that you want.

Retrieve state of Windows 10 Power mode slider

Is there any API to retrieve a state of Windows 10 Power mode slider?
I was looking at Windows.System.Power namespace. But PowerManager class seem to provide only an immediate state of the power system, but not user preferences set by the slider.
The slider also exists somehow in parallel with previous "power plan" settings. It does not seem that the slider state is reflected directly in Win32_PowerPlan.
Change the position of the slider, and the registry key:HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Power\User\PowerSchemes\ActiveOverlayAc/DcPowerScheme will also change.
ActiveOverlayAcPowerScheme is for non-battery powered and ActiveOverlayDcPowerScheme is for battery powered.
However, Starting with Windows release 1903 the slider is available for AC only devices as an OEM opt-in feature.
The values of the key ActiveOverlayAcPowerScheme and the corresponding slider modes are as follows:
Better Battery {961CC777-2547-4F9D-8174-7D86181b8A7A}
Better Performance {381B4222-F694-41F0-9685-FF5BB260DF2E}
Best Performance {DED574B5-45A0-4F42-8737-46345C09C238}
the ActivePowerScheme will be overlaid with ActiveOverlayAcPowerScheme.
you can retrieve the key value to get the slider mode.

Handsontable edit on mobile device

i know that handsontable is not mobile friendly but is there a workaround that we can edit on mobile devices with the newest version?
I use Handsontable version 0.25.1, but I imagine the situation is still the same at the very latest release.
My experience is only with iPad device (iOS 9); I cannot speak about all mobile devices.
I found the rendering acceptable. But if you tap a cell to edit nothing happens, which is rather limiting! I made just two small changes to rectify:
Tracing all of this right down in handsontable.full.js, the logic in onCellMouseDown() is testing for event.button === 0 (i.e. left mouse button) to start setting up for recognising the double click to activate the mobile text editor. On a touch device, they are explicitly calling their onMouseDown/Move/Up() from their onTouchStart/Move/End(), passing the mouse events the event structure received for the touch event. However, touch events' event structure does not have a button member, so that is undefined, causing bad behaviour.
Directly setting passed-in event.button = 0 before passing to mouse event handlers solves this. Put in line:
event.button = 0; // set as left mouse button
into onTouchStart() [prior to call to onMouseDown(event), around line 1326] & onTouchEnd() [prior to call to onMouseUp(event), around line 1368].
Now tapping into a cell correctly allows editing. It brings up their MobileTextEditor. Which I did not like for a number of reasons, including the fact that often it appears behind the on-screen keyboard so the user does not even know it is there! I changed their Handsontable.TextCell [around line 4346] so that the editor: line now reads:
editor: (isMobileBrowser() && Handsontable.useMobileEditor) ? getEditorConstructor('mobile') : getEditorConstructor('text'), // only use mobile editor if explicitly called for
So it uses the standard in-place text editor, which I prefer, unless you go hot.updateSettings({useMobileEditor: true}).

How to print ZPL label stored after Feed Button Clicked - TLP 2824 plus

I create label in Zebra Designer. When I print it from Designer printer print it correct - super.
Next I sended my work into the printer. And when I'm checking files in printer TEST.ZPL and TEST001.GRF, TEST002.GRF are correctly downloaded on printer. I send them into E: Onboard flash but also to R: RAM
Now I want to configure my printer that after remove usb conection with my PC printer will print TEST.ZPL label form memory after pressed green button (Feed button)
Currently it prints clear label.
I'll be greatefull for any help.
There are two ways to accomplish what you are trying to do:
Add a Zebra KDU or KDU Plus http://www.zebra.com/us/en/products-services/accessories/keyboards.html The KDU will allow an operator to recall a format stored on the printer. You have to purchase a KDU.
To program the Feed button you will need to create a program that runs on the printer using Zebra BASIC Interpreter (ZBI - http://www.zebra.com/us/en/products-services/software/adapt-software/zebra-basic-interpreter2.html ) This way is more complex and you need to purchase $99 ZBI License to unlock the ZBI functionality on the printer, but with the right program you can get the functionality you are looking for.

How to limit the amount of character in a textbox in vb 6.0

I am doing a registration system by using vb 6.0. I want for user to enter the mobile number. So I want the mobile number to be limited to 8 digits only. If the number is over 8 digits, when the user click save button, a message box will pop out to ask user to recheck the data again and it will not be save until the data is inserted correctly. What is the coding for me to do that?
Don't let your user enter more characters than allowed, then tell them later they can't do that. The TextBox control has a property you can access from the designer named MaxLength. Set that property to 8 to limit the use to a maximum of 8 characters. Better still would be to use the MaskedEditBox and use the Mask property to enter a mask that limits and formats the user input. To add a MaskEditBox you need to open the Components window and add the Microsoft Masked Edit Control 6.0 to your toolbox. You can then add the control to your form.
