How to remove the default page on - web-hosting

I have a account and I uploaded my website to my webspace but my website isn't showing up, instead I see the default welcome page saying " is hosted by"
I've been digging around the admin dashboard and docs but I can't find any solution.

Have you tried setting up an FTP connecting (or SSH connection) to your domain to remove the webpage they deployed by hand and then upload your own website


How do I point my Squarespace domain to my Heroku app?

I had a Squarespace website and domain, but I rebuilt it from scratch with heroku. Now I just need to transfer the domain I bought on Squarespace to my heroku app.
I guess in order to transfer your domain name away from Squarespace, you are supposed to go through some steps in the Admin dashboard, and at the end of it, they send you a code to use when you go to transfer it to a new hosting provider.
I followed these steps, and have the code, but I can't seem to find anywhere on the heroku site where I can enter it.
Does anyone know how to go about this?
To point your domain to your Heroku app you can follow these steps:
Go to your Heroku app settings and scroll down to "Add domain" and click that button
Enter your domain (
Heroku will create a DNS target for you (you will copy this into your squarespace DNS settings)
Login to your squarespace account and access your dns settings (under "Advanced Settings")
Add your Heroku DNS target there and save
e.g. www CNAME heroku-dns-target

My heroku app redirects to another site

this week one of my client sent me an email saying that the url of the heroku's app was redirecting to another site The name of this site is
But if I use it works fine. I checked my github repo to see if there was some redirect there but I didn't find any. I also checked the heroku's settings and there were ok.
I never had a problem like this, someone know what to do? Thanks

Fortrbbit app domain change

So I am fairly new to laravel and especial to its deploying. I set up a fortrabbit application and got my website running so that's all good. The thing is though, the app url is not the one I wanted. I have an older website running without Laravel, and that is the url I want it to be hosted on. I have the ftp credentials for the old site but I have no clue how I can sort of clone the new Laravel site to the old one.
Briefly, I have a Laravel app running on but I want it to be hosted on which an older site is being hosted on for the time being.
Can anyone help me out? There must be a way to do this. Thanks alot!
The fortrabbit "App URL" is meant for testing/development/configuration and can't be changed. However you can route other domains to your App on fortrabbit. You do so by pointing the domain to the "App URL" via a CNAME and by registering the domain in the App settings in the Dashboard.

Laravel 4 auth login fails after ftp upload

I have been working on a website on my local pc.
I made an admin area where users have to login.
I uploaded the project to a shared hosting using ftp and copied the database.
Everything should be exactly the same, but login keeps failing.
Database is connected and the website works, I just cant get to the admin area.
In app/config/session.php the domain setting is null.
All others settings (except for DB connection) are exactly the same.
Is there something I missed here?

use Joomla 3.0 project on intranet

I am using joomla 3.0 and i want to when user open joomla 3.0 site then first open only login page then after login he can access website.
Thanks For Advance
You can put the site in offline mode.
So the site will display the login page.
Remember to grant permissions to the users to access the offline site!
If you want to "protect" the whole site with login the best option is to turn the site off and then the user will need to login after opening the intranet page. Its probably the cleanest way how to to it without modules/plugins.
As we are doing it in my company (we are also running intranet on Joomla!) is, that all the articles are set to registred and the landing page of intranet just contain warm welcome and login form.
One thing to mention: Forcing this login for viewing some article/other content is not secure at all, mostly the local instalation will run on database with root access without pass (default setting) and with unecrypted database easily accessible. This is something to consider. If you are running this intranet in small company with loyal employees or without sensitive information you should be fine if not you should put more stress on the security issues.
