How do I point my Squarespace domain to my Heroku app? - heroku

I had a Squarespace website and domain, but I rebuilt it from scratch with heroku. Now I just need to transfer the domain I bought on Squarespace to my heroku app.
I guess in order to transfer your domain name away from Squarespace, you are supposed to go through some steps in the Admin dashboard, and at the end of it, they send you a code to use when you go to transfer it to a new hosting provider.
I followed these steps, and have the code, but I can't seem to find anywhere on the heroku site where I can enter it.
Does anyone know how to go about this?

To point your domain to your Heroku app you can follow these steps:
Go to your Heroku app settings and scroll down to "Add domain" and click that button
Enter your domain (
Heroku will create a DNS target for you (you will copy this into your squarespace DNS settings)
Login to your squarespace account and access your dns settings (under "Advanced Settings")
Add your Heroku DNS target there and save
e.g. www CNAME heroku-dns-target


How to associate Heroku app with a Google domain?

I purchased a domain with Google and I would like to associate it with a Heroku app. What is the step-by-step process to achieve that?
I recently connected my app to a custom domain. Although my domain is purchased from AWS route53. I think the approach generally is the same.
First of all, you can check out this page written by Heroku.
I believe the tutorial given by Heroku works. However, I am tired of all those CLI that make things unvisable XD. Luckily, we can configure it from the Heroku website instead of the CLI.
Here is my approach:
First open your app in the Heroku web page, then click the "Settings" button{your app name}
Scroll down until you see the "Domains" section, Then click "Add domain"{your app name}/settings
Input the domain name you purchased from google (eg.
After adding your domain, Heroku will give you the DNS target.
From your google domain DNS management page, you should be able to add a new record for your hosted zone.
Finally, add a new record with simple routing policy, type CNAME, and value equals to the DNS target provided by Heroku.
It is really simple if you follow these steps correctly. Due to my reputation level, I cannot upload photos. Feel free to contact me if you want some image to guide you how to locate the buttons :)
It’s only 3 steps:
1. Heroku, in your app > Settings > Add your domain:
Add www.[] (Note: www is KEY!) to your app
Copy the [DNS Target] it gives you
2.Google Domains > DNS > Resource records > Custom Records > Manage Custom Records:
www, CNAME, [DNS Target]
Now you’re basically set up. If someone goes to https://www.[] in a few minutes, they’ll see your Heroku app hosted at [DNS Target]. But if they go to any other permutation (http, non-www) they’ll get a 404 error. To solve this, we’ll set up permanent redirects to the main version in the next step.
Google Domains > Website > Add a Forwarding Address:
From Field: []
To Field: https://www.[]
Permanent Redirect (301)
Forward Path (so that []/about forwards to https://www.[]/about)
SSL Enabled
Boom. Wait a couple of minutes for DNS to catch up, and you’re done.
heroku certs:auto:refresh
In Terminal refresh the SSL cert settings on Heroku, and check the Heroku Dashboard to confirm everything’s working.
Confirm all the below permutations forward to your site correctly:
PS: So does this work for the naked domain like [] instead of www.[]? No! Google Domains does not support ALIAS domains, and therefore in combination with Heroku does not support forwarding to the naked (aka. root aka. apex) domain. Sorry! This surprised me too :( Source 1: Heroku Docs | Source 2: StackOverflow. Your only alternative here is to transfer your domain (which costs money) to something like Cloudflare.
A working answer with these explanations is taken from
Just to add to Fergus's answer, if you are seeing the warning "cant add cname records as root domain" add www to the host name input.

PointDNS - "Name is managed by another account" on Heroku App

I'm trying to add a domain at one of my heroku apps.
I just added a custom domain in the app, but when I open PointDNS(DNS host recommended by heroku), my domain isn't listed there.
It shows the message You haven't added any domains yet. Go ahead, and add your first domain.
Then, when I try to add the domain name, it says Name is managed by another account.
I checked all my other apps, and no one have this domain registered. I've also tried the command heroku domains -a my-app and it correctly shows me the registered domain.
Summarize: I can't manage a domain in PointDNS due to the error Name is managed by another account, but there is no another account with this same domain. What could the problem be?
Since I couldn't solve the problem with PointDNS support, I've decided to transfer my website onto another domain registrar. That's it.

How to connect a heroku app to a wix domain?

I bought a year plan with a free domain on for my portfolio. Now I've coded my portfolio and deployed on heroku. How can I disconnected my original wix-made portfolio page with the domain and connect the domain with my heroku app?
I've tried add domain and also edited my DNS Record on wix's domain dashboard (advanced tab).
screen shot of the wix dashboard:
To be specific, I only changed the CNAME's 'points to' section to the 'DNS Target'([something] provided by heroku. (I've also tried to put [appname] in the field)
screen shot of the heroku setting:
Finally, I hope I can see my new self-coded portfolio when I visit the domain I got from wix.
As per your screenshot there is A record in ns which needs to be removed. I think you are pointing via cname which can be considered as an alternate option but would recommend you to add a addon on heroku name pointDNS and copy all the records from to pointDNS.Please try to follow below mentioned steps
1. Add the domain to your heroku app => heroku domains:add domainname
2. Go to resources-> add `PointDNS` addon,
a.Verify by clicking on pointDNS
b.Copy all NS records from wix to pointDNS
c.Update NS issued by pointDNS (, in wix

Google Domains Not Pointing to Correct Heroku App

I am trying to point my Google Domains domain name to Heroku, but am having a hard time. I previously had the domain forwarded to point to another website, but I have now followed these instructions to point it to my Heroku app.
The domain in question is The Heroku app I want it to is If I type heroku open in Terminal this is what comes up. However, if you go to the domain and the heroku app, the domain still shows the other website (to which it was initially forwarded), not the Heroku app.
Here are my Google Domains settings:
If you want it to point to, use that.
You've used Visiting that URL displays Heroku's "no such app" page.
It turned out that the domain name was still "claimed" by the other Heroku app, so I had to log in to the one which had been forwarded on the Heroku console and delete the domain name. After I did this it could be added with heroku domains:add and heroku domains:add

custom domain changing url back to heroku domain

I just set up a Ghost blog on heroku. under settings I get as the domain. I wanted to connect a custom sub-domain, thus I added the custom sub-domain in heroku and added the heroku given DNS target to CNAME of my google domain. yet When i visit the browser changes the address in the browser to the heroku app domain
My HEROKU_URL was set to changing it to, and then clearing cache or trying in private tab did the trick.
