Is there a Keyboard Shortcut to Focus on a Known Tabindex - windows

When a Windows Form has the focus you can step through any Controls that have their TabStop Property set True, in Tabindex Order, by pressing the {TAB} Key.
Similarly, you can step through them in reverse order using {Shift+ TAB}
Is there any Keyboard Shortcut to move the Focus to a Known, or Absoulte, Tabindex (for example the Lowest or Highest), rather than moving it Relative to the Active Control?
If so does MS document this anywhere?

There's nothing out of the box to do this, AFAIK. You'd need to do it yourself. However, it's not that difficult, you just need to check for a hotkey by overriding the ProcessCmdKey method and then call Control.Focus() for the appropriate control:
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
if (keyData == (Keys.Control | Keys.D1))
return true;
return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);
You can even take it a step further to have shortcuts for several controls and also have the ability to manage the controls and their shortcuts at run-time by having a dictionary that holds the shortcuts and the controls to be focused:
Dictionary<Keys, Control> FocusShortcuts;
public Form1()
FocusShortcuts = new Dictionary<Keys, Control>();
FocusShortcuts.Add(Keys.Control | Keys.D1, textBox1);
FocusShortcuts.Add(Keys.Control | Keys.D2, textBox2);
FocusShortcuts.Add(Keys.Control | Keys.D3, textBox3);
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
Control control;
if (FocusShortcuts.TryGetValue(keyData, out control))
return true;
return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);
If instead, you want to set the focus to a control by its Tab Order, you can replace textBox1.Focus(); with something like this:
int someIndex = 5;
Control control = this.Controls.OfType<Control>()
.FirstOrDefault(c => c.TabIndex == someIndex);
if (control != null) control.Focus();
You'd just need to change the value of someIndex to the index of your choice and change this with the control's container (you can leave it if the container is the current form/UserControl).


Which Windows API in C++ will help me in identifying which Dialog Class the Current ComboBox is using?

How can I know that for a particular ComboBox which Dialog Style is being used? Is there any Win32 API which can give me that information?
I am using CDialog for a few ComboBox, CDialogEx for some, and an in-house Dialog class, let's say Ctl3dDialogEx, for others. GetClassName() will return the Class name of the ComboBox (if I am passing a ComboBox Handler) which can be "CComboBox".
Is there any Win32 API where I will pass the ComboBox Handler and it will return back to me the Dialog class name, for eg : "CDialog", "CDialogEx", "Ctl3dDialogEx", etc?
Below code will help to understand maybe:
void ComboBox_DoSomeManipulation( HWND hldg , int n )
/*"hldg" is the handler of the Current ComBobox */
LPTSTR lpClassName;
int nMaxCount = 256;
/*This will return "CComboBox" as value in lpClassName */
GetClassName(hldg , lpClassName , _count_of(nMaxCount));
/*Is there any WIN API like above which can give */
/* Dialog class information like CDialog, CDialogEx */
/* which the ComboBox is using ? */
If your combo-box can somehow get hold of a genuine pointer to its parent window, then you can use dynamic_cast<CDialogEx*>(pParent) to see if it's CDialogEx (returns nullptr if not). You will need several separate checks, starting from the most derived class! So, if your Ctl3dDialogEx is derived from CDialogEx, then:
. . .
CWnd *pParent = pCombo->GetParent(); // This, as is, is not valid code!
if (dynamic_cast<Ctl3dDialogEx*>(pParent) != nullptr) {
// It's a Ctl3dDialogEx parent
else if (dynamic_cast<CDialogEx*>(pParent) != nullptr) {
// It's a CDialogEx
else { // Assuming no other options …
// It's a CDialog
I would recommend making an accessible (static?) copy of the parent window's this pointer during initialisation, if you can. But there are other ways …
For example, assuming you have control over the definition of ComboBox_DoSomeManipulation and when it's called, change the first argument from an HWND to a CWnd* and, when you call it, use this rather than this->m_hwnd. (But this depends on the structure of your code!)
There is no Windows API help since all those dialogs will be subclassing the Windows DIALOG class. If this is all in process, and you are using the same MFC instance, you might be able to do this:
CWnd* pWnd = CWnd::FromHandlePermanent(hdlg);
if (pWnd != NULL)
if (pWnd->GetRuntimeClass() == RUNTIME_CLASS(CDialog))
else if (pWnd->GetRuntimeClass() == RUNTIME_CLASS(CDialogEx))
else if (pWnd->GetRuntimeClass() == RUNTIME_CLASS(CDialogxyz))
Back in the old days, MS compilers used with MFC didn't play well with dynamic_cast<>, so generally, when using MFC, I don't use it. I probably should have more trust in it, but I was stuck using Visual C++ 6 until 2008, so I am probably a little jaded. The more "standard" "MFC way" is to use the MFC macros...
Another possible ways is something like:
if (CDialogxyz* pDlgxyz = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CDialogxyz, pWnd))
else if (CDialogEx* pDlgEx = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CDialogEx, pWnd))
else if (CDialog* pDlg = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CDialog, pWnd))

How to tell if the active document is a text document?

I'm developing a Visual Studio extension in which one of the implemented commands needs to be available only when the active document is a text document (like e.g. the Visual Studio's "Toggle Bookmark" does). The problem is that I can't figure out how to tell when that's the case.
Right now I have a half working solution. In the package's Initialize method I subscribe to DTE's WindowActivated event, and then whenever a window is activated I check if the window DocumentData property is of type TextDocument:
protected override void Initialize()
var dte = Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(EnvDTE.DTE)) as EnvDTE.DTE;
dte.Events.WindowEvents.WindowActivated += WindowEventsOnWindowActivated;
//More initialization here...
//This is checked from command's BeforeQueryStatus
public bool ActiveDocumentIsText { get; private set; } = false;
private void WindowEventsOnWindowActivated(Window gotFocus, Window lostFocus)
if (gotFocus.Kind != "Document")
return; //It's not a document (e.g. it's a tool window)
TextDocument textDoc = gotFocus.DocumentData as TextDocument;
ActiveDocumentIsText = textDoc != null;
The problem with this approach is that 1) Window.DocumentData is documented as ".NET Framework internal use only", and 2) this gives a false positive when a document that has both a code view and a design view (e.g. a .visxmanifest file) is open in design mode.
I have tried to use IVsTextManager.GetActiveView as well, but this is returning the last active text view opened - so if I open a .txt file and then a .png file, it returns data for the .txt file even if it's not the active document anymore.
So, how do I check if the active document is a text document, or the code view of a document that can have a designer... and if possible, not using "undocumented" classes/members?
UPDATE: I found a slightly better solution. Inside the window activated handler:
ActiveDocumentIsText = gotFocus.Document.Object("TextDocument") != null;
At least this one is properly documented, but I still have the problem of false positives with designers.
I finally got it. It's somewhat tricky, but it works and is 100% "legal". Here's the recipe:
1- Make the package class implement IVsRunningDocTableEvents. Make all the methods just return VSConstants.S_OK;
2- Add the following field and the following auxiliary method to the package class:
private IVsRunningDocumentTable runningDocumentTable;
private bool DocIsOpenInLogicalView(string path, Guid logicalView, out IVsWindowFrame windowFrame)
return VsShellUtilities.IsDocumentOpen(
out var dummyHierarchy2, out var dummyItemId2,
out windowFrame);
3- Add the following to the Initialize method of the package class:
runningDocumentTable = GetService(typeof(SVsRunningDocumentTable)) as IVsRunningDocumentTable;
runningDocumentTable.AdviseRunningDocTableEvents(this, out var dummyCookie);
4- Don't blink, here comes the magic! Implement the IVsRunningDocTableEvents.OnBeforeDocumentWindowShow method as follows:
public int OnBeforeDocumentWindowShow(uint docCookie, int fFirstShow, IVsWindowFrame pFrame)
out var dummyFlags, out var dummyReadLocks, out var dummyEditLocks,
out string path,
out var dummyHierarchy, out var dummyItemId, out var dummyData);
IVsWindowFrame windowFrameForTextView;
var docIsOpenInTextView =
DocIsOpenInLogicalView(path, VSConstants.LOGVIEWID_Code, out windowFrameForTextView) ||
DocIsOpenInLogicalView(path, VSConstants.LOGVIEWID_TextView, out windowFrameForTextView);
//Is the document open in the code/text view,
//AND the window for that view is the one that has been just activated?
ActiveDocumentIsText = docIsOpenInTextView && pFrame == logicalViewWindowFrame;
return VSConstants.S_OK;

JavaFX: Prevent selection of a different tab if the data validation of the selected tab fails

I'm creating a CRUD application that store data in a local h2 DB. I'm pretty new to JavaFX. I've created a TabPane to with 3 Tab using an jfxml created with Scene Builder 2.0. Each Tab contains an AncorPane that wrap all the controls: Label, EditText, and more. Both the TabPane and the Tabs are managed using one controller. This function is used to create and to update the data. It's called from a grid that display all the data. A pretty basic CRUD app.
I'm stuck in the validation phase: when the user change the tab, by selecting another tab, it's called a validation method of the corresponding tab. If the validation of the Tab fails, I want that the selection remains on this tab.
To achieve this I've implemented the following ChangeListener on the SelectionModel of my TabPane:
boolean processingTabValidationOnChange = false;
tabPane.getSelectionModel().selectedIndexProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> ov, Number t, Number t1) {
if (processingTabValidationOnChange == false) {
boolean success;
switch (t.intValue()) {
case 0: success = validationTab1Passed();
case 1: success = validationTab2Passed();
case 1: success = validationTab3Passed();
default: success = false;
if (success == false) {
processingTabValidationOnChange = true;
// select the previous tab
processingTabValidationOnChange = false;
I'm not sure that this is the right approach because:
The event changed is fired two times, one for the user selection and one for the .select(t.intValue()). To avoid this I've used a global field boolean processingTabValidationOnChange... pretty dirty I know.
After the .select(t.intValue()) the TabPane displays the correctly Tab as selected but the content of the tab is empty as if the AnchorPane was hidden. I cannot select again the tab that contains the errors because it's already selected.
Any help would be appreciated.
I would approach this very differently. Instead of waiting for the user to select a different tab, and reverting if the contents of the current tab are invalid, prevent the user from changing tabs in the first place.
The Tab class has a disableProperty. If it is set to true, the tab cannot be selected.
Define a BooleanProperty or BooleanBinding representing whether or not the data in the first tab is invalid. You can create such bindings based on the state of the controls in the tab. Then bind the second tab's disableProperty to it. That way the second tab automatically becomes disabled or enabled as the data in the first tab becomes valid or invalid.
You can extend this to as many tabs as you need, binding their properties as the logic dictates.
Here's a simple example.
Update: The example linked above is a bit less simple now. It will dynamically change the colors of the text fields depending on whether the field is valid or not, with validation rules defined by bindings in the controller. Additionally, there are titled panes at the top of each page, with a title showing the number of validation errors on the page, and a list of messages when the titled pane is expanded. All this is dynamically bound to the values in the controls, so it gives constant, clear, yet unobtrusive feedback to the user.
As I commented to the James's answer, I was looking for a clean solution to the approach that I've asked. In short, to prevent the user to change to a different tab when the validation of the current tab fails. I proposed a solution implementing the ChangeListener but, as I explained: it's not very "clean" and (small detail) it doesn't work!
Ok, the problem was that the code used to switch back the previous tab:
is called before the process of switching of the tab itself it's completed, so it ends up selected... but hidden.
To prevent this I've used Platform.runLater(). The code .select() is executed after the change of tab. The full code becomes:
//global field, to prevent validation on .select(t.intValue());
boolean skipValidationOnTabChange = false;
tabPane.getSelectionModel().selectedIndexProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> ov, Number t, Number t1) {
if (skipValidationOnTabChange == false) {
boolean success;
switch (t.intValue()) {
case 0:
success = validationTab1Passed();
case 1:
success = validationTab2Passed();
case 1:
success = validationTab3Passed();
success = false;
if (success == false) {
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
skipValidationOnTabChange = true;
skipValidationOnTabChange = false;
Anyway, if anyone has a better solution to accomplish this, you're welcome. In example using a method like consume() to prevent the tab to be selected two times. This way I can eliminated the global field skipValidationOnTabChange.
I needed to achieve the similar thing. I've done this by changing the com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.TabPaneBehaviour class by overriding selectTab method:
class ValidatingTabPaneBehavior extends TabPaneBehavior {
//constructors etc...
public void selectTab(Tab tab) {
try {
Tab current = getControl().getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
if (current instanceof ValidatingTab) {
((ValidatingTab) current).validate();
//this is the method we want to prevent from running in case of error in validation
}catch (ValidationException ex) {
//show alert or do nothing tab won't be changed
The ValidatingTab is my own extension to Tab:
public class ValidatingTab extends Tab {
public void validate() throws ValidationException {
This is the "clean part" of the trick. Now we need to place ValidatingTabPaneBehavior into TabPane.
First you need to copy (!) the whole to the new class in order to change its constructor. It is quite long class, so here is only the part when I switch the Behavior class:
public class ValidationTabPaneSkin extends BehaviorSkinBase<TabPane, TabPaneBehavior> {
//copied private fields
public ValidationTabPaneSkin(TabPane tabPane) {
super(tabPane, new ValidationTabPaneBehavior(tabPane));
//the rest of the copied constructor
The last thing is to change the skin in your tabPane instance:
tabPane.setSkin(new ValidationTabPaneSkin(tabPane));

howto create a confirm dialog in windows phone 7?

How can I create a confirm dialog in windows phone 7?
I have an app in which I can delete items, but when someone clicks delete, I want to get him a confirm dialog where they can click 'confirm' or 'abort'
How could I do this?
you can use this:
if(MessageBox.Show("Are you sure?","Delete Item", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) == MessageBoxResult.OK)
//Delete Sentences
Shows a dialog something like this:
Here is the method I use. By the way for a better user experience and for consistencies sake consider using the words "delete" and "cancel" rather than "confirm" or "abort".
public static MessagePromptResult Show(string messageBoxText, string caption, string button1, string button2)
int? returned = null;
using (var mre = new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent(false))
string[] buttons;
if (button2 == null)
buttons = new string[] { button1 };
buttons = new string[] { button1, button2 };
0, // can choose which button has the focus
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.MessageBoxIcon.None, // can play sounds
result =>
returned = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.Guide.EndShowMessageBox(result);
mre.Set(); // could have done it all without blocking
}, null);
if (!returned.HasValue)
return MessagePromptResult.None;
else if (returned == 0)
return MessagePromptResult.Button1;
else if (returned == 1)
return MessagePromptResult.Button2;
return MessagePromptResult.None;
You will need to add a reference to Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices to your project.
Rather than asking the user to confirm deletion, have you considered giving the user the ability to "un-delete" items?
While this may be a little bit more work, when it makes sense in teh context of the app it can lead to a much better user experience.
If OK / Cancel is good enough for you, you could stick to the regular MessageBox.Show

OSX keyboard shortcut background application, how to

I want my OSX application to sit in the background and wait for a keyboard shortcut to go into action. It should be configurable similar to Growl in the preferences, or accessible as dropbox in the statusbar.
What kind of xcode template do I have to use?
How do I capture keyboard shortcuts globally?
Have a look at Dave DeLong's DDHotKey class on GitHub.
DDHotKey is an easy-to-use Cocoa class for registering an application to respond to system key events, or "hotkeys".
A global hotkey is a key combination that always executes a specific action, regardless of which app is frontmost. For example, the Mac OS X default hotkey of "command-space" shows the Spotlight search bar, even if Finder is not the frontmost application.
A generous licence as well.
If you want to access it in preferences, use the Preference Pane template. If you want it in the status bar, create a normal application, set the LSUIElement key to 1 in Info.plist, and use NSStatusItem to create the item.
To capture shortcuts globally, you need to include the Carbon framework also. Use RegisterEventHotKey and UnregisterEventHotKey to register for the events.
OSStatus HotKeyEventHandlerProc(EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, EventRef ev, void* inUserData) {
OSStatus err = noErr;
if(GetEventKind(ev) == kEventHotKeyPressed) {
[(id)inUserData handleKeyPress];
} else if(GetEventKind(ev) == kEventHotKeyReleased) {
[(id)inUserData handleKeyRelease];
} else err = eventNotHandledErr;
return err;
//EventHotKeyRef hotKey; instance variable
- (void)installEventHandler {
static BOOL installed = NO;
if(installed) return;
installed = YES;
const EventTypeSpec hotKeyEvents[] = {{kEventClassKeyboard,kEventHotKeyPressed},{kEventClassKeyboard,kEventHotKeyReleased}};
- (void)registerHotKey {
[self installEventHandler];
UInt32 virtualKeyCode = ?; //The virtual key code for the key
UInt32 modifiers = cmdKey|shiftKey|optionKey|controlKey; //remove the modifiers you don't want
EventHotKeyID eventID = {'abcd','1234'}; //These can be any 4 character codes. It can be used to identify which key was pressed
- (void)unregisterHotKey {
if(hotkey) UnregisterEventHotKey(hotKey);
hotKey = 0;
- (void)handleHotKeyPress {
//handle key press
- (void)handleHotKeyRelease {
//handle key release
