JavaFX: Prevent selection of a different tab if the data validation of the selected tab fails - validation

I'm creating a CRUD application that store data in a local h2 DB. I'm pretty new to JavaFX. I've created a TabPane to with 3 Tab using an jfxml created with Scene Builder 2.0. Each Tab contains an AncorPane that wrap all the controls: Label, EditText, and more. Both the TabPane and the Tabs are managed using one controller. This function is used to create and to update the data. It's called from a grid that display all the data. A pretty basic CRUD app.
I'm stuck in the validation phase: when the user change the tab, by selecting another tab, it's called a validation method of the corresponding tab. If the validation of the Tab fails, I want that the selection remains on this tab.
To achieve this I've implemented the following ChangeListener on the SelectionModel of my TabPane:
boolean processingTabValidationOnChange = false;
tabPane.getSelectionModel().selectedIndexProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> ov, Number t, Number t1) {
if (processingTabValidationOnChange == false) {
boolean success;
switch (t.intValue()) {
case 0: success = validationTab1Passed();
case 1: success = validationTab2Passed();
case 1: success = validationTab3Passed();
default: success = false;
if (success == false) {
processingTabValidationOnChange = true;
// select the previous tab
processingTabValidationOnChange = false;
I'm not sure that this is the right approach because:
The event changed is fired two times, one for the user selection and one for the .select(t.intValue()). To avoid this I've used a global field boolean processingTabValidationOnChange... pretty dirty I know.
After the .select(t.intValue()) the TabPane displays the correctly Tab as selected but the content of the tab is empty as if the AnchorPane was hidden. I cannot select again the tab that contains the errors because it's already selected.
Any help would be appreciated.

I would approach this very differently. Instead of waiting for the user to select a different tab, and reverting if the contents of the current tab are invalid, prevent the user from changing tabs in the first place.
The Tab class has a disableProperty. If it is set to true, the tab cannot be selected.
Define a BooleanProperty or BooleanBinding representing whether or not the data in the first tab is invalid. You can create such bindings based on the state of the controls in the tab. Then bind the second tab's disableProperty to it. That way the second tab automatically becomes disabled or enabled as the data in the first tab becomes valid or invalid.
You can extend this to as many tabs as you need, binding their properties as the logic dictates.
Here's a simple example.
Update: The example linked above is a bit less simple now. It will dynamically change the colors of the text fields depending on whether the field is valid or not, with validation rules defined by bindings in the controller. Additionally, there are titled panes at the top of each page, with a title showing the number of validation errors on the page, and a list of messages when the titled pane is expanded. All this is dynamically bound to the values in the controls, so it gives constant, clear, yet unobtrusive feedback to the user.

As I commented to the James's answer, I was looking for a clean solution to the approach that I've asked. In short, to prevent the user to change to a different tab when the validation of the current tab fails. I proposed a solution implementing the ChangeListener but, as I explained: it's not very "clean" and (small detail) it doesn't work!
Ok, the problem was that the code used to switch back the previous tab:
is called before the process of switching of the tab itself it's completed, so it ends up selected... but hidden.
To prevent this I've used Platform.runLater(). The code .select() is executed after the change of tab. The full code becomes:
//global field, to prevent validation on .select(t.intValue());
boolean skipValidationOnTabChange = false;
tabPane.getSelectionModel().selectedIndexProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> ov, Number t, Number t1) {
if (skipValidationOnTabChange == false) {
boolean success;
switch (t.intValue()) {
case 0:
success = validationTab1Passed();
case 1:
success = validationTab2Passed();
case 1:
success = validationTab3Passed();
success = false;
if (success == false) {
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
skipValidationOnTabChange = true;
skipValidationOnTabChange = false;
Anyway, if anyone has a better solution to accomplish this, you're welcome. In example using a method like consume() to prevent the tab to be selected two times. This way I can eliminated the global field skipValidationOnTabChange.

I needed to achieve the similar thing. I've done this by changing the com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.TabPaneBehaviour class by overriding selectTab method:
class ValidatingTabPaneBehavior extends TabPaneBehavior {
//constructors etc...
public void selectTab(Tab tab) {
try {
Tab current = getControl().getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
if (current instanceof ValidatingTab) {
((ValidatingTab) current).validate();
//this is the method we want to prevent from running in case of error in validation
}catch (ValidationException ex) {
//show alert or do nothing tab won't be changed
The ValidatingTab is my own extension to Tab:
public class ValidatingTab extends Tab {
public void validate() throws ValidationException {
This is the "clean part" of the trick. Now we need to place ValidatingTabPaneBehavior into TabPane.
First you need to copy (!) the whole to the new class in order to change its constructor. It is quite long class, so here is only the part when I switch the Behavior class:
public class ValidationTabPaneSkin extends BehaviorSkinBase<TabPane, TabPaneBehavior> {
//copied private fields
public ValidationTabPaneSkin(TabPane tabPane) {
super(tabPane, new ValidationTabPaneBehavior(tabPane));
//the rest of the copied constructor
The last thing is to change the skin in your tabPane instance:
tabPane.setSkin(new ValidationTabPaneSkin(tabPane));


Vaadin 8.4.0 Modal for save confirmation after grid buffer save

We are using a grid to present some data. This grid is not using a data provider but setting its items.
We are working on buffered modd, but we still want to show a modal informing what are we about to save, with the posibility to save or cancel.
SaveEditor method has been removed from grid class in our current version (8.4.0), so cant do it that way.
I have come to a close solution but with some remaining problems.
I have extended grid component to be able to create my own editor:
public class MyGridComponent extends Grid<MyData> {
public MyGridComponent (Class<MyData> beanType) {
protected Editor<MyData> createEditor() {
return new MyGridEditor(this.getPropertySet());
On my editor I have overriden following methods:
protected void doEdit(OutcomeWagerLimit bean) {
copyMyBean = bean;
public boolean save() {
String desc = copyMyBean.getDescription();
StringBuilder captionBuilder = new StringBuilder()
.append("Save ")
StringBuilder messageBuilder = new StringBuilder()
.append("Do you really want to save ")
openConfirmMsgBox(captionBuilder.toString(), messageBuilder.toString(),() ->, ()->super.cancel());
return true;
With this code clicking on save opens my confirmation modal. If clicking on save, everything works flawlessly, but clicking on my modal cancel which will call to EditorImpl.cancel() method, acts in a weird way. Clicking cancel on my modal will close edition mode, but if I edit again any other row (double clicking on it) grid's save and cancel buttons (not the modal ones) stop working. Not launching any request from client to vaadin's servlet.
Does anyone know any possible solution to this or a better way to reach what I'm trying to achieve?
Thanks in advance
Just managed to do it. Since not using dataprovider but normal list, I am the one responsible of saving data in other saveEventListener. That is the moment to present modal and in the "ok" case persist it in database.
So there is no need to override EditorImpl save method and do it in a saveEventListener.

Get EditText data on swipe to next Fragment

I have three fragments in a view pager:
A -> B -> C
I would like to get the strings of my two edittexts in Fragment A on swipe to Fragment B to show them in Fragment B. The edittext data may be changed up until the swipe.
Someone has suggested listening for typing and sending data after each one, but the callbacks I know for that change state EVERY key click (which can be expensive). How do I this without using buttons, since their right next to each other, for a more delightful experience?
You can check the data of the EditText on swipe ; if it's not null, then you can send it to any other fragment using Bundle since you are dealing with fragments
With help from #I. Leonard I found a solution here.
It was deprecated so I used the newer version. I put the below code in my fragment class because I needed access to the data without complicating things. It works like a charm!
On the page listener callback, I suggest, calling an interface for inter-fragment communication to do your actions on your home activity or to call the appropriate fragment that can do the work, from the activity.
// set content to next page on scroll start
vPager = (ViewPager) getActivity().findViewById(;
vPager.addOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener() {
public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) {
public void onPageSelected(int position) {
public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) {
if (state == ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING) {
// ViewPager is slowing down to settle on a page
if (vPager.getCurrentItem() == 1) {
// The page to be settled on is the second (Preview) page
if (!areFieldsNull(boxOne.getText().toString(), boxTwo.getText().toString()))
// call interface method in view pager activity using interface reference
communicator.preview(boxOne.getText().toString(), boxTwo.getText().toString());

Make changes to buttons and labels in an XML Ribbon during run-time

I know there are several topics already on stackoverflow, but nothing that actually solves the problem. Here it is:
Because of some inherent problems with Ribbon Designer I decided to build my next Excel AddIn using XML Ribbon.
However, occasionally I need to make changes to the controls in the ribbon based on user selections. For example I need to change the text of a label, and also make some of the controls disabled in some cases. And here's where I hit a brick wall. It looks like there's no way to do it. I tried to put the logic in the onAction callback as follows:
public void LabelAction(IRibbonControl control)
LabelControl label = (LabelControl)control;
label.Label = "changed text";
But this cast doesn't work because apparently IRibbonControl interface has nothing to do with the RibbonControl class that LabelConrol inherits from.
I was also not able to find any other way to access any of the XML ribbon controls. Is there even a solution to this? Or should I stick to Ribbon Designer?
You need to do this in a routine that sets the item label.
The xml would look like this:
<button id="SkLabelTest1" getLabel="GetLabelTest" onAction="SkLabelTest1"/>
<button id="SkLabelTest2" getLabel="GetLabelTest" onAction="SkLabelTest2"/>
The routine you are interested in is getLabel
I've done a noddy routine to demonstrate this.
First I added a property to ThisAddin.cs for it to read:
public string _labelTest = string.Empty;
public string LabelTest { get { return _labelTest; } set { _labelTest = value; } }
Then in my ribbon handling code I added the getLabel routine:
public string GetLabelTest(Office.IRibbonControl control)
switch (control.Id.ToLower())
case "sklabeltest2":
if (Globals.ThisAddIn.LabelTest != string.Empty)
return Globals.ThisAddIn.LabelTest;
return "Label Test 2";
return "Label Test 1";
This works by the SkLabelTest1 button changing the text of SkLabelTest2 and then invalidating the control to force the ribbon to reload it:
public void SkLabelTest1(Office.IRibbonControl control)
Globals.ThisAddIn._labelTest = "Changed text";
I've tested just in case and it changes the text OK. Hope this helps
I couldn't make a comment because of my reputation. As a comment to Charlie's post, it is a perfect solution but on my side, I had to change one part.
I changed public void SklabelTest1 function to this one below:
public void SkLabelTest1(Office.IRibbonControl control)
Globals.ThisAddIn._labelTest = "Changed text";
And also added this in the beginning of my ribbon class.
private Office.IRibbonUI ribbon;
I hope it helps.

Conditional AJAX confirm with a new value in Wicket

I need to solve a simple problem, but yet I have not been able to found out any solution yet.
I have a simple DropDownChoice with AJAX onChange() JS event. I need to add a confirm box before the onUpdate() action is done - this is not difficult, BUT I need to display the confirm box only if the new selected value of the DropDownChoice is X (one certain value), and do not display the confirm box in any other case. Is it doable?
Short example snippet:
DropDownChoice<Integer> choice = new DropDownChoice<Integer>("id", new Model<Integer>(0));
choice.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange") {
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
// do some stuff
protected void updateAjaxAttributes(AjaxRequestAttributes attributes) {
attributes.getAjaxCallListeners().add(new AjaxCallListener() {
public CharSequence getPrecondition(Component component) {
return "return confirm('Really?')"; // I NEED THIS DISPLAYED CONDITIONALLY
I don't know how to access the "choice" model object (converted input...) with the proposed value to add it to a condition in updateAjaxAttributes() method.
Thank you.
I think you should go for a JavaScript-based solution. The code of AJAX call listener is executed in a scope where you can use variable attrs. This variable contains the parameters used to perform AJAX call, including the id of the component. In this way you could check for selected value.
See more at

Double-click seems to disrupt Wicket-Spring injection

Our application uses a Wicket front-end, with Spring injection to load our DOAs and manage transactions.
We have discovered that several of our users are double clicking on links/buttons and this is
somehow disrupting the Spring injection, so that subsequent calls to whateverDao.doStuff(obj) throw N.P.E. This
application runs on our client's internal network, and for now, we have politely requested that the
client spread the word amongst their team that single clicks work on all features. But it is apparent
that this is becoming a problem for them.
A common use case involves a "Search" screen showing a list of all Foo objects currently in the system,
which can be filtered via search parameters if desired, and when an item is clicked the user is taken to
a detail page for that specific Foo, initially in a read-only mode. Next, the user may click an
"Edit" button in the corner to switch to edit mode. Then, the user might make some changes and
click "Save" (or possibly click "Delete" to remove the item.)
This scenario involves DAO calls at up to three steps:
1. On the search page, when the item is clicked, to load basic details of that item.
2. On the detail page in read-only mode, when edit is clicked, to load complete details of that item.
3a. On the detail page in edit mode, when save is clicked, to persist the changes.
3b. On the detail page in edit mode, when delete is clicked, to delelte.
In any of these cases, if the user double clicked on the previous step, the next step produces
the error. The reproducablitiy is about 33% with some variations between browsers and OSs.
Any insight on preventing this?
In the samples below, BasePage is our custom extension of Wicket's WebPage containing our menus
and other common page elements, and PageType is an enumeration of CREATE, EDIT, and READ_ONLY details.
Sample code for search page (Java shown, HTML is what you expect):
import org.apache.wicket.spring.injection.annot.SpringBean;
// and other imports
public class FooManagerPage extends BasePage {
private transient FooDao fooDao;
public FooManagerPage() {
SortableDataProvider<Foo> provider = new SortableDataProvider<Foo>(fooDao);
add(new FeedbackPanel("feedback");
final Form<Foo> searchFooForm = new Form<Foo>("searchFooForm",
new CompoundPropertyModel<Foo>(new Foo()));
// the form's search parameter's go here
// with a 'search' button that filters table below
List<IColumn<Foo>> columns = new ArrayList<IColumn<Foo>>();
columns.add(new PropertyColumn<Foo>(Model.of("Name"), "name", "name"));
// a couple other columns here
DataTable fooTable = new AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable<Foo>("fooTable", columns, provider, 10){
protected Item<Foo> newRowItem(String id, int index, final IModel<Foo> model){
Item<Foo> item = super.newRowItem(id, index, model);
item.add(new AjaxEventBehavior ("onclick") {
protected void onEvent(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
Foo foo = fooDao.load(model.getObject().getId());
setResponsePage(new FooViewPage(foo, PageType.READ_ONLY));
return item;
Sample code for view page (Java shown, HTML is what you expect)::
// several imports, including Spring Bean
public class FooFormPage extends BasePage {
private transient fooDao fooDao;
public FooFormPage(final Foo foo, PageType type) {
Form<Foo> fooForm = new Form<Foo>("fooForm",
new CompoundPropertyModel<Foo>(foo));
// all of Foo's input elements go here
// are enabled or disabled and sometimes invisible based on PageType
SubmitLink submitButton = new SubmitLink("save", fooForm){
public void onSubmit() {
//***** A double click on the Edit button can cause fooDao to be N.P.E. here *****;
changePageType(PageType.VIEW, createFooForm.getModelObject());
AjaxLink<Void> editButton = new AjaxLink<Void>("edit"){
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
// reload the item from DB
//***** A double click on Search Page item will cause fooDao to be N.P.E. here *****
Foo foo = fooDao.load(fooForm.getModelObject().getId());
setResponsePage(new FooPage(foo, PageType.EDIT));
// some stuff here that makes save button invisible in READ_ONLY, and Edit visible only in READ_ONLY
// delete button is similar (visible only in CREATE)
The dependency fields should not be marked as transient, they should be serialized along the page. The wicket-spring module injects serializable proxies into #SpringBean-annotated fields at component/page creation time, so that they can be safely serialized, without worry about serializing the dependencies themselves.
