sshpass: Failed to run command: No such file or directory - jenkins-pipeline

I'm trying to run a remote sh from Jenkins to change a script to executable, but I take the following error:
[-manager_feature_kubernetes-YYLYXREUAV4NHLBACWJHV5YMQFOGHM4SS7G67ASIGYSZZGVS4VBQ] Running shell script
+ sshpass -p **** ssh'****#10.XX.XX.XXX chmod u + x /home/ '
sshpass: Failed to run command: No such file or directory
The logic of my script is:
sh "sshpass -p \" $ {passSSH} \ "ssh ${userSSH}#10.XX.XX.XXX \" chmod u + x /home/ \ ""
Can anyone help?

Have you tried this:
sshpass -p '$rootPassword' ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' $isRoot#$Host "chmod u+x /home/$USER/"

Just write it here : my docker container did not have package lftp installed
a simple apt-get install lftp solved this issue.
Hope it will help ;)

In my case I was using docker container of alpine linux in which openssh was missing so sshpass failing. After installing openssh package it solved.
apk add openssh
(so just incase if some one faces same)

$rootPassword,$isRoot, $Host are Jenkins string parameter
sshpass -p ""$rootPassword"" ssh $isRoot#$Host id; echo $HOME;


sshpass want to use parameter of sftp

Hi i created following script to initialize my storage box to use rsync without password later. Last year it works if i remember correct...
cat .ssh/ >> .ssh/storagebox_authorized_keys
echo -e "mkdir .ssh \n chmod 700 .ssh \n put $.ssh/storagebox_authorized_keys" \
".ssh/authorized_keys \n chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys" | sshpass -p ${storage_password} \
sftp -P ${storage_port} -i .ssh/id_rsa ${storage_user}#${storage_address}
today I get following error:
sshpass: invalid option -- 'i'
but the parameter -i belongs to sftp and not sshpass - is there an possibility to parse the parameters in the correct way?
edit: i switched the position of
-i .ssh/id_rsa ${storage_user}#${storage_address}
and get this error
sshpass: Failed to run command: No such file or directory
edit: it seems like an sftp problem...
after discussion, updating answer to properly support automation
step 1:
create an sftp "batch file" e.g: ~/.ssh/storage-box_setup.sftp
mkdir .ssh
chmod 700 .ssh
put /path/to/authorized_keys_file ".ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
/path/to/authorized_keys_file is a file containing public keys of ONLY the keys that should have access to your storage box (.ssh/storagebox_authorized_keys)
step 2:
update automation script command to
sshpass -p <password> -- sftp -P <port> -b ~/.ssh/storage-box_setup.sftp user#host
the -b flag was the answer you needed.
refer: man sftp
-b batchfile
Batch mode reads a series of commands from an input batchfile instead of stdin. Since it lacks user interaction it should be used in conjunction with non-interactive authentication.
sshpass -p ${storage_password} -- \
sftp -P ${storage_port} -i .ssh/id_rsa \
the -- before sftp is a way to tell sshpass (and most other programs) to stop parsing arguments.
everything after -- is assumed as the last argument, which in the case of sshpass is the command to be executed ssh -i ~/.id_rsa ...
in case you're wondering switching the position of -i tells sshpass to execute -i as a program and hence fails with command not found

Can not execute script via ssh

I have remote machine and trying execute bash script to redeploy application after travis ci build is completed. I use sshpass to connect. But I cannot execute script.
echo "Starting deployment"
sshpass -e ssh -o stricthostkeychecking=no "bash /opt/"
And after this I got : No such file or directory after travic ci deploy phase.
But when I trying to execute this command :
sshpass -e ssh -o stricthostkeychecking=no "touch /opt/myfile"
File successfully created. is located in /opt directory and can be executed via terminal. But it can not be executed via this script.
Can anybody help me? has such content
docker-compose -f /opt/docker-compose.yml stop
docker-compose -f /opt/docker-compose.yml pull
docker-compose -f /opt/docker-compose.yml up -d

The second command doesn't run as root

I have created a Jenkins job today, what it does is the Jenkins user should log into another server and run two commands separated by &&:
ssh -i /creds/jenkins "sh -c 'sudo su && lxc exec containername bash'"
The logging part works fine, then it runs the sudo su command and becomes root but it never runs the second command.
I even did this manually and from the Jenkins machine logged into the other server (servername). Then ran sh -c "sudo su && lxc exec containername bash" with no luck.
Try to execute the second command as a parameter for the sudo su command, like this:
ssh -i /creds/jenkins "sh -c 'sudo su -c "lxc exec containername bash"'"

How to start multiple processes for a Docker container in a bash script

I found very strange behaviour when I build and run docker container. I would like to have container with cassandra and ssh.
In my Dockerfile I've got:
RUN echo "deb 20x main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN echo "deb-src 20x main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 4BD736A82B5C1B00
RUN apt-key add ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install cassandra
And then for ssh
RUN apt-get install -y openssh-server
RUN mkdir /var/run/sshd
RUN echo '{{ docker_ssh_user }}:{{docker_ssh_password}}' | chpasswd
And I added start script to run everything I want:
USER root
ADD start start
RUN chmod 777 start
CMD ["sh" ,"start"]
And here comes problem. When I have start like this below:
/usr/sbin/sshd -D
/usr/sbin/cassandra -f
SSH is working well. I can do ssh root#172.17.0.x. After I log in container I try to run cqlsh to ensure that cassandra is working. But cassandra is not started for some reason and I can't access cqlsh. I've also checked /var/log/cassandra/ but it was empty.
In second scenario I change my start script to this:
/usr/sbin/sshd -D & /usr/sbin/cassandra/ -f
And I again try to connect ssh root#172.17.0.x and then when I run cqlsh inside container I have connection to cqlsh.
So I was thinking that ampersand & is doing some voodoo that all works well ?
Why I can't run bash staring script with one command below another?
Or I'm missing something else??
Thanks for reading && helping.
Thanks to my friend linux guru we found the reason of error.
/usr/sbin/sshd -D means that -D : When this option is specified, sshd will not detach and does not become a deamon. This allows easy monitoring of sshd
So in the first script sshd -D was blocking next command to run.
In second script I've got & which let sshd -D go background and then cassandra could start.
Finally I've got this version of script:
/usr/sbin/cassandra -f

How to put sshpass command inside a bash script?

I am trying to run a sshpass command inside a bash script but it isn't working.
If I run the same command from the terminal it works fine but running it in a bash script it doesn't.
#! /bin/bash
sshpass -p 'password' ssh user#host command
I am aware of the security issues but its not important now.
Can someone help? Am I missing something.
Try the "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" option to ssh("-o" being the flag that tells ssh that your are going to use an option). This accepts any incoming RSA key from your ssh connection, even if the key is not in the "known host" list.
sshpass -p 'password' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user#host 'command'
Do which sshpass in your command line to get the absolute path to sshpass and replace it in the bash script.
You should also probably do the same with the command you are trying to run.
The problem might be that it is not finding it.
1 - You can script sshpass's ssh command like this:
export SSHPASS=password
sshpass -e ssh -oBatchMode=no user#host
2 - You can script sshpass's sftp commandlike this:
export SSHPASS=password
sshpass -e sftp -oBatchMode=no -b - user#host << !
put someFile
get anotherFile
I didn't understand how the accepted answer answers the actual question of how to run any commands on the server after sshpass is given from within the bash script file. For that reason, I'm providing an answer.
After your provided script commands, execute additional commands like below:
sshpass -p 'password' ssh user#host "ls; whois;" #or whichever commands you would like to use, for multiple commands provide a semicolon ; after the command
In your script:
#! /bin/bash
sshpass -p 'password' ssh user#host "ls; whois;"
This worked for me:
FILELOCAL=/var/www/folder/$(date +'%Y%m%d_%H-%M-%S').csv
Probably you have to install sshpass:
sudo apt-get install sshpass
