Convert diamond matrix 2d coordinates to 1d index and back - matrix

I have a 2d game board that expands as tiles are added to the board. Tiles can only be adjacent to existing tiles in the up, down, left and right positions.
So I thought a diamond spiral matrix would be the most efficient way to store the board, but I cannot find a way to convert the x,y coordinates to a 1d array index or the reverse operation.
like this layout
X -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Y 3 13
2 24 5 14
1 23 12 1 6 15
0 22 11 4 0 2 7 16
-1 21 10 3 8 17
-2 20 9 18
-3 19
Tile 1 will always be at position 0, tile 2 will be at 1,2,3 or 4, tile 3 somewhere from 1 to 12 etc.
So I need an algorithm that goes from X,Y to an index and from an index back to the original X and Y.
Anyone know how to do this, or recommend another space filling algorithm that suits my needs. I'm probably going to use Java but would prefer something language neutral.

As I can understand form the problem statement, there is no guarantee that the tiles will be filled evenly on the sides. for example:
X -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Y 3 6
2 3 4 5
1 1
0 0 2
So, I think a diamond matrix won't be the best choice.
I would suggest storing them in a hash-map, like implementing a dictionary for 2 letter words.
Also, You need to be more specific to what your requirements are. Like, do you prioritize space complexity over time? Or do you want a fast access time and don't care about memory usage that much.
Also, what is the
Max number of tiles that we have to hold
Max width and height of the board.


Find elements of given matrix

You are given an infinite matrix whose upper-left square starts with 1. Here are the first five rows of the infinite matrix :
1 2 9 10 25
4 3 8 11 24
5 6 7 12 23
16 15 14 13 22
17 18 19 20 21
Your task is to find out the number in presents at row x and column y after observing a certain kind of patter present in the matrix
Input Format
The first input line contains an integer t: the number of test cases
After this, there are t lines, each containing integer x and y
For each test, print the number present at xth row and yth column.
sample input
2 3
1 1
4 2
sample output
Hint: the numbers at the right and bottom border of a left upper square are consecutive (going either down and left, or right and up). First determine in which border your position is, then find out which direction applies, and finally find the correct number at the position (which easy formula gives you the first number in the border?).

Algorithm strategy to prevent values from bouncing between 2 values when on edge of two 'buckets'

I'm tracking various colored balls in OpenCV (Python) in real-time. The tracking is very stable. i.e. when stationary the values do not change with more then 1 / 2 pixels for the center of the circle.
However i'm running into what must surely be a well researched issue: I need to now place the positions of the balls into an rougher grid - essentially simply dividing (+ rounding) the x,y positions.
input range is 0 -> 9
target range is 0 -> 1 (two buckets)
so i do: floor(input / 5)
input: [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
output: [0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1]
This is fine, but the problem occurs when just a small change in the initial value might result it to be either in quickly changes output single I.e. at the 'edge' of the divisions -or a 'sensitive' area.
input: [4 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 ...]
output:[0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 ...]
i.e. values 4 and 5 (which falls withing the 1 pixel error/'noisy' margin) cause rapid changes in output.
What are some of the strategems / algorithms that deal with these so help me further?
I searched but it seems i do not how to express the issue correctly for Google (or StackOverflow).
I tried adding 'deadzones'. i.e. rather then purely dividing i leave 'gaps' in my ouput range which means a value sometimes has no output (i.e. between 'buckets'). This somewhat works but means i have a lot (i.e. the range of the fluctuation) of the screen that is not used...
input = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
output = [0 0 0 0 x x 1 1 1 1]
Temporal averaging is not ideal (and doesn't work too well either) - and increases the latency.
I just have a 'hunch' there is a whole set of Computer / Signal science about this.

Neighbours of a cell in the borders of a matrix

I'm facing some issues to find the neighbours in a matrix. I'm trying not to put a lot of if statements in the code because I'm pretty sure there's a better way to do it but I don't know exactly how.
To simplify, let's say we have the following matrix:
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 6
1 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 6 7
Considering the cell [2,2] = 3, the neighbours would be (i,j-1),(i-1,j),(i+1,j),(i,j+1),(i+1,j+1),(i-1,j-1). I created a "mask" for it using a for-loop like this, where inicio[0] is the i-coordinate of my current element (2 in the example) and inicio[1] is the j-coordinate (also 2 for element 3). Also, I'm considering the element must be in the center of the mask.
if(k!=0 || z!=0) //jump the current cell
However, I don't know how to treat the elements in the borders. If I want to find the neighbours of element [0,0] = 1 for example, considering the element must be in the middle of the mask like this:
x x x
x 1 2
x 6 7
How can I treat those X elements? I thought of initializing the borders on zero but I'm thinking this is not the proper way to do it. So if anyone can explain a better way to do it or an algorithm, I will be glad.

X-Y heuristic function for solving N-puzzle

Can somebody please explain this heuristic function, for example for the following arrangement of 4x4 puzzle, whats the X-Y heuristic cost?
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
0 13 14 15
(0 indicates blank space)
As from here and here the X-Y heuristic is computed by the sum of the minimum number of column-adjacent blank swaps to get all tiles in their destination column and the minimum number of row adjacent blank swaps to get all tiles in their destination row.
So in this situation:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
0 13 14 15
the only misplaced tiles are 13 , 14 and 15, assuming the goal state is
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 0
So in this case the we have to compute at first the number of column swaps the blank has to do to get all the tiles in the correct position. This is equivalent to 3, since the blank has to move three times to the the right column to be in the right position (and to have all the tiles in the right position)
Then we have to compute the number of row swaps the blank has to do. This is 0 thanks to the fact that all the tiles are already on the correct row.
Finally h(n) = 3 + 0 = 3 .

Ascending Cardinal Numbers in APL

In the FinnAPL Idiom Library, the 19th item is described as “Ascending cardinal numbers (ranking, all different) ,” and the code is as follows:
I also found a book review of the same library by R. Peschi, in which he said, “'Ascending cardinal numbers (ranking, all different)' How many of us understand why grading the result of Grade Up has that effect?” That's my question too. I searched extensively on the internet and came up with zilch.
Ascending Cardinal Numbers
For the sake of shorthand, I'll call that little code snippet “rank.” It becomes evident what is happening with rank when you start applying it to binary numbers. For example:
X←0 0 1 0 1
⍋⍋X ⍝ output is 1 2 4 3 5
The output indicates the position of the values after sorting. You can see from the output that the two 1s will end up in the last two slots, 4 and 5, and the 0s will end up at positions 1, 2 and 3. Thus, it is assigning rank to each value of the vector. Compare that to grade up:
X←7 8 9 6
⍋X ⍝ output is 4 1 2 3
⍋⍋X ⍝ output is 2 3 4 1
You can think of grade up as this position gets that number and, you can think of rank as this number gets that position:
7 8 9 6 ⍝ values of X
4 1 2 3 ⍝ position 1 gets the number at 4 (6)
⍝ position 2 gets the number at 1 (7) etc.
2 3 4 1 ⍝ 1st number (7) gets the position 2
⍝ 2nd number (8) gets the position 3 etc.
It's interesting to note that grade up and rank are like two sides of the same coin in that you can alternate between the two. In other words, we have the following identities:
⍋X = ⍋⍋⍋X = ⍋⍋⍋⍋⍋X = ...
⍋⍋X = ⍋⍋⍋⍋X = ⍋⍋⍋⍋⍋⍋X = ...
So far that doesn't really answer Mr Peschi's question as to why it has this effect. If you think in terms of key-value pairs, the answer lies in the fact that the original keys are a set of ascending cardinal numbers: 1 2 3 4. After applying grade up, a new vector is created, whose values are the original keys rearranged as they would be after a sort: 4 1 2 3. Applying grade up a second time is about restoring the original keys to a sequence of ascending cardinal numbers again. However, the values of this third vector aren't the ascending cardinal numbers themselves. Rather they correspond to the keys of the second vector.
It's kind of hard to understand since it's a reference to a reference, but the values of the third vector are referencing the orginal set of numbers as they occurred in their original positions:
7 8 9 6
2 3 4 1
In the example, 2 is referencing 7 from 7's original position. Since the value 2 also corresponds to the key of the second vector, which in turn is the second position, the final message is that after the sort, 7 will be in position 2. 8 will be in position 3, 9 in 4 and 6 in the 1st position.
Ranking and Shareable
In the FinnAPL Idiom Library, the 2nd item is described as “Ascending cardinal numbers (ranking, shareable) ,” and the code is as follows:
The output of this code is the same as its brother, ascending cardinal numbers (ranking, all different) as long as all the values of the input vector are different. However, the shareable version doesn't assign new values for those that are equal:
X←0 0 1 0 1
⌊.5×(⍋⍋X)+⌽⍋⍋⌽X ⍝ output is 2 2 4 2 4
The values of the output should generally be interpreted as relative, i.e. The 2s have a relatively lower rank than the 4s, so they will appear first in the array.
