MockBean Tests and Multiple Consumers\App Contexts with Spring AMQP - spring-boot

I'm currently facing an issue with testing RabbitMQ consumers with mocks. The issue seems to be that one test class runs with an application context without any mocks, as expected. The next test class to run sets up some mocks that it expects the consumers to use, however when the test runs and a message is sent and it gets picked up by the non-mocked consumers from the application context created for the first test class. As a result my second test fails.
Here is the first test:
public class DemoApplicationTests extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests {
private RabbitAdmin rabbitAdmin;
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
#Test(priority = 1)
public void contextLoads() {"=============== CONSUMERS: " + rabbitAdmin.getQueueProperties(USER_MESSAGING_QUEUE).get(RabbitAdmin.QUEUE_CONSUMER_COUNT));
Second test:
public class UserServiceTests extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests {
private UserService userService;
private UserMessageConsumer userMessageConsumer;
private ThirdPartyUserDataClient thirdPartyUserDataClient;
private UserRepository userRepository;
private RabbitAdmin rabbitAdmin;
#Test(priority = 2)
public void createUpdateUserTest() {"=============== CONSUMERS: " + rabbitAdmin.getQueueProperties(USER_MESSAGING_QUEUE).get(RabbitAdmin.QUEUE_CONSUMER_COUNT));
String additionalData = org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils.random(5);
User user = new User();
user.setName("Test User");
user = userService.createUser(user);
User finalUser = user;
Awaitility.await().until(() -> {
User user2 = userService.getUserById(finalUser.getId());
return finalUser != null && additionalData.equals(user2.getAdditionalData());
user = userService.updateUser(user);
Assert.assertEquals(UserState.CREATED, user.getState());
The consumer:
public class UserMessageConsumer {
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
private UserService userService;
private ThirdPartyUserDataClient thirdPartyUserDataClient;
public void handleUserCreatedMessage(UserCreatedMessage userCreatedMessage) {
Long userId = userCreatedMessage.getUserId();
User user = userService.getUserById(userId);
if (user != null) {
String additionalData;
try {
additionalData = thirdPartyUserDataClient.getAdditionalUserData(userId);"Successfully retrieved additional data [{}] for user [{}].", additionalData, userId);
} catch (HttpClientErrorException ex) {
logger.warn("Failed to retrieve additional data for user [{}].", userId, ex);
This brings up two related questions:
How am I supposed to properly do mock bean testing with consumers in
It looks like Spring is bringing up a new a
ApplicationContext for each test class, indicated by the consumer count increasing on the subsequent test runs. It appears
that #MockBean affects the cache key of the ApplicationContext (see:
Mocking and Spying Beans in Spring Boot) and likely explains why there are multiple application contexts.
But how do I stop the consumers in the other stale application contexts from
consuming my test messages?
I've bugjar'd this issue here: RabbitMQ MockBean BugJar

Add #DirtiesContext to each test class to shut down the cached context.


Spring ServiceActivator not executed when defined inside my test

I have the following publishing class.
public class Publisher {
private MessageChannel publishingChannel;
public void publish(Event event) {
I have the following test class.
public class PublisherTest {
private final List<Event> events = new ArrayList<>();
private Publisher publisher;
public void testPublish() {
Event testEvent = new Event("some_id_number");
.atMost(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.until(() -> !;
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "publishingChannel")
public void publishEventListener(Event event) {;
The message channel bean is instantiated elsewhere. The publisher runs as expected and an event is publishing to the channel, however the service activator is never invoked. What am I missing here?
Turns out you need to move the service activator to a separate test component class (#TestComponent prevents this from being injected outside the test context).
public class TestListener {
public final List<Object> results = new ArrayList<>();
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "messageChannel")
public void listener(Event event) {
Object id = event.getHeaders().get("myId");
Then you can bring this listener into your test. Make sure you use #Import to bring your service activator class into the test context.
class PublisherTest {
private Publisher publisher;
private TestListener testListener;
void testPublish() {
this.publisher.publish(new Event().addHeader("myId", 1));
.atMost(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.until(() -> !this.testListeners.results.isEmpty());
The test passes after making these changes. Figured this out with a demo app and applied it to a production testing issue.

Object in bean constructor empty

I have exception-messages written down in the application.yml. They are pure text, which is later reformatted using java.text.MessageFormat.
I have got the following custom RuntimeException my service throws when login failed:
public class AccountLoginFailedException extends RuntimeException {
public AccountLoginFailedException(#Value("#(${authservice.exception-messages.login-failed})") final String message, #Qualifier(value = "Credentials") final Credentials credentials) {
super(MessageFormat.format(message, credentials.getUsername()));
My test, which solely tests the AccountController and mocks away the service behind it:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = AuthServiceTestConfiguration.class)
public class AccountControllerTest {
private BeanFactory beanFactory;
private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
private TestHelper helper;
private AccountService accountService;
private JwtService jwtService;
private MockMvc mvc;
public void test_LoginFailed_AccountDoesNotExist() throws Exception {
// Given
final Credentials credentials = helper.testCredentials();
final String credentialsJson = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(credentials);
final AccountLoginFailedException loginFailedException = beanFactory.getBean(AccountLoginFailedException.class, credentials);
// When
// Then
message contains the correct String. However: credentials contains just an empty object (not null) instead of the one created using helper.testCredentials().
Here is a slightly simplified TestHelper class I am using:
public class TestHelper {
public static final String USERNAME = "SomeUsername";
public static final String PASSWORD = "SomePassword";
private BeanFactory beanFactory;
public Credentials testCredentials() {
final Credentials credentials = beanFactory.getBean(Credentials.class.getSimpleName(), Credentials.class);
return credentials;
These custom exceptions are thrown by my application only and are always expected to contain the credentials (username) responsible for it. I also have a AccountExceptionsControllerAdvice-class, which just wraps these custom exceptions in a generic JSON response, exposing the error in a preferred manner.
How can I ensure that this particular instance of Credentials is inserted into the particular instance of AccountLoginFailedException? Or should I not be autowiring exceptions at all?
You could mock your Credentials component in your tests as follows:
private Credentials credentials;
public void before() {

How to inject a Validator in the JUnit test of a SpringBoot-based service?

I'm building a SpringBoot CRUD application based on a REST controller calling a Spring Service. The POJO received have validation-related annotations (including custom validators) and the actual validations are triggered inside the Service (see below).
Everything works perfectly fine in a SpringBoot execution.
I now need to build relevant unit test cases for my Service i.e I do not want to start an application server via a SpringBootRunner.
Below is my Patient class with validation-related annotations.
public class Patient {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
#NotEmpty(message = "")
private String name;
#Past(message = "patient.dateOfBirth.inThePast")
#NotNull(message = "patient.dateOfBirth.mandatory")
private Date dateOfBirth;
private boolean isEmergency;
// [...]
This is the Service called by SpringBoot's REST controller.
public class PatientService {
private PatientRepository repository;
private Validator validator;
public Patient create(Patient patient) {
if (! patient.isEmergency()) {
// then throw exception if validation failed
// [...]
And here is my JUnit test.
public class PatientServiceTest {
private PatientService service;
private PatientRepository repository;
private Validator validator;
public void invalidEmptyPatientNoEmergency() {
Patient p = new Patient();
Patient result = null;
try {
result = service.create(p); // validations must fail -> exception
} catch (ConstraintViolationException e) {
// Execution should get here to verify that validations are OK
assert(result != null);
assert(e.getConstraintViolations() != null);
assert(e.getConstraintViolations().size() != 0);
// [...]
} catch (Exception e) {
Just in case, here is the REST controller (not relevant I think as not related to the JUnit test)
public class PatientController {
private PatientService patientService;
Patient createPatient(#RequestBody Patient patient) {
return (patientService.create(patient));
My problem is that the Validator in my Service is always null.
I have tried creating a dedicated configuration file with a validator bean
<bean id="validator" class="org.springframework.validation.beanvalidation.LocalValidatorFactoryBean"/>
and linking the configuration to the Test case
#ContextConfiguration(locations = {"/modality-test-config.xml"})
I have tried to define a local #Bean for the Validator
I have played around with and without #Autowire
I have changed the #RunWith
I'm sure it must be a minor detail somewhere but I just don't seem to get a not-null validator inside the JUnit test of the Service.
Here is the TestConfiguration class I have added following TheHeadRush comment.
public class ModalityTestConfiguration {
public Validator validator() {
return (Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator());
I have also added the corresponding #Import annotation in the Test class above.
Still no luck: the Validator field remains null in both the Test class and in the Service. Also, the breakpoint in the TestConfiguration class doesn't seem to get called.

Using #RestClientTest in spring boot test

I want to write a simple test using #RestClientTest for the component below (NOTE: I can do it without using #RestClientTest and mocking dependent beans which works fine.).
public class NotificationSender {
private final ApplicationSettings settings;
private final RestTemplate restTemplate;
public ResponseEntity<String> sendNotification(UserNotification userNotification)
throws URISyntaxException {
// Some modifications to request message as required
return RequestEntity<>(userNotification, HttpMethod.POST, new URI(settings.getNotificationUrl())), String.class);
And the test;
public class NotificationSenderTest {
private ApplicationSettings settings;
private MockRestServiceServer server;
private NotificationSender messageSender;
public void testSendNotification() throws Exception {
String url = "/test/notification";
UserNotification userNotification = buildDummyUserNotification();
ResponseEntity<String> response = messageSender.sendNotification(userNotification );
private UserNotification buildDummyUserNotification() {
// Build and return a sample message
But i get error that No qualifying bean of type 'org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate' available. Which is right of course as i havn't mocked it or used #ContextConfiguration to load it.
Isn't #RestClientTest configures a RestTemplate? or i have understood it wrong?
Found it! Since i was using a bean that has a RestTemplate injected directly, we have to add #AutoConfigureWebClient(registerRestTemplate = true) to the test which solves this.
This was in the javadoc of #RestClientTest which i seem to have ignored previously.
Test which succeeds;
#AutoConfigureWebClient(registerRestTemplate = true)
public class NotificationSenderTest {
private ApplicationSettings settings;
private MockRestServiceServer server;
private NotificationSender messageSender;
public void testSendNotification() throws Exception {
String url = "/test/notification";
UserNotification userNotification = buildDummyUserNotification();
ResponseEntity<String> response = messageSender.sendNotification(userNotification );
private UserNotification buildDummyUserNotification() {
// Build and return a sample message

Using #SpyBean with #Qualifier Spring Boot Test

I have 2 DataSources in my app.
So, to get the required JdbcTemplate, i use #Qualifier. But, when i do like below, the test runs... but stays waiting indefinitely, if there is any use of JdbcTemplate in the "Method Under Test".
public class SampleDatabaseService {
private JdbcTemplate firstDbJdbcTemplate;
private JdbcTemplate secondDbJdbcTemplate;
public Map<String, Device> readAllValidDeviceStatus() {
Map<String, Device> allDeviceStatuses = new HashMap<>();
//Stops at below line indefinitely if "SpyBean" is used
List<StatusDetail> statusDetails = firstDbJdbcTemplate
.query(SqlQueries.READ_DEVICE_STATUS, BeanPropertyRowMapper.newInstance(StatusDetail.class));
.filter(deviceStatus -> deviceStatus.getName() != "Some Invalid Name")
.forEach(deviceStatus -> allDeviceStatuses
.put(deviceStatus.getName(), buildDevice(deviceStatus)));
return allDeviceStatuses;
/** More Stuff **/
and the Test :
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class SampleDatabaseServiceTest {
private JdbcTemplate firstDbJdbcTemplate;
private SampleDatabaseService serviceUnderTest;
public void populateTables() {
//Insert some Dummy Records in "InMemory HSQL DB" using firstDbJdbcTemplate
public void testReadAllValidDeviceStatus() {
// When
Map<String, Device> allDeviceStatuses = serviceUnderTest.readAllValidDeviceStatus();
// Then
// More checks
/* More Tests */
But, when i replace the #SpyBean with #Autowired in Test, it works fine.
Why is it so? Any help is greatly appreciated. :)
Use it in below format
#MockBean(name = "firstDbJdbcTemplate")
private JdbcTemplate firstDbJdbcTemplate;
