Using #SpyBean with #Qualifier Spring Boot Test - spring-boot

I have 2 DataSources in my app.
So, to get the required JdbcTemplate, i use #Qualifier. But, when i do like below, the test runs... but stays waiting indefinitely, if there is any use of JdbcTemplate in the "Method Under Test".
public class SampleDatabaseService {
private JdbcTemplate firstDbJdbcTemplate;
private JdbcTemplate secondDbJdbcTemplate;
public Map<String, Device> readAllValidDeviceStatus() {
Map<String, Device> allDeviceStatuses = new HashMap<>();
//Stops at below line indefinitely if "SpyBean" is used
List<StatusDetail> statusDetails = firstDbJdbcTemplate
.query(SqlQueries.READ_DEVICE_STATUS, BeanPropertyRowMapper.newInstance(StatusDetail.class));
.filter(deviceStatus -> deviceStatus.getName() != "Some Invalid Name")
.forEach(deviceStatus -> allDeviceStatuses
.put(deviceStatus.getName(), buildDevice(deviceStatus)));
return allDeviceStatuses;
/** More Stuff **/
and the Test :
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class SampleDatabaseServiceTest {
private JdbcTemplate firstDbJdbcTemplate;
private SampleDatabaseService serviceUnderTest;
public void populateTables() {
//Insert some Dummy Records in "InMemory HSQL DB" using firstDbJdbcTemplate
public void testReadAllValidDeviceStatus() {
// When
Map<String, Device> allDeviceStatuses = serviceUnderTest.readAllValidDeviceStatus();
// Then
// More checks
/* More Tests */
But, when i replace the #SpyBean with #Autowired in Test, it works fine.
Why is it so? Any help is greatly appreciated. :)

Use it in below format
#MockBean(name = "firstDbJdbcTemplate")
private JdbcTemplate firstDbJdbcTemplate;


Jpa Auditing test null in getCreatedBy, and getLastModifiedBy

Hi I am trying to write unit test for Auditing
public class MyTestAuditor {
private TestEntityManager entityManager;
public void auditTest() throws InterruptedException {
final MyEntity testEntity = MyEntity.builder()
SLOEntity entity = entityManager.persistAndFlush(testEntity);
I pass first two assertion, the timestamp ones, but fail the username part. Is there anything I am missing here, thanks:)

Junit Mockito test cases using Jupiter for Hazelcast Jet Pipiline

I am trying to write the Junit test cases for the below hazelcast Jet Pipeline.
My component:
public class UserJetJob extends AbstarctJetJob {
private static final String TABLE_NAME = "User";
private ClientConfig clientConfig;
private String connectionUrl;
public Pipeline buildPipeline() {
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create();
.map(a -> Util.entry(a.getId(), a))
.writeTo(Sinks.remoteMap("userMap", clientConfig));
return p;
I am writing a JUnit test case for the method public Pipeline buildPipeline() but it's failing due to the resultset.
public class UserJetJobTest extends JetTestSupport {
UserJetJob userJetJob;
private JetInstance jet;
private ClientConfig clientConfig;
public void buildPipelineUser() {
Pipeline p = Mockito.mock(Pipeline.class);
// Mockito.when(p.readFrom(Sources.jdbc(Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.eq(ResultSet.class))).then
Could you please help me with how to write JUnit test cases?

How to mock Feign Client

I can't mock my Feign Client using Mockito.
public class MyService implements IMyService{
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyService .class);
private final MyRepository repository;
private final MyFeignClient myFeignClient;
private MyDao myDao;
public void process(Map<UUID, Long> command) {
DocIds docIds = getDocIds(command.values().stream().findFirst().get());
archiveData(command.keySet().stream().findFirst().get(), documentIds.getIds());
private DocumentIds getDocIds(Long retentionId) {
return myFeignClient.getDocumentIds(retentionId);
private void archiveData(UUID execId, List<Long> docIds) {
List<MyDocument> myDocs= prepareMyDocs(docIds);
And my test class:
public class ArchiveServiceTest {
ArchiveService archiveService;
MyDao myDao;
DocRepository archiveRepository;
private MyFeignClient myFeignClient;
public void shouldReturnTheSameNumberOfDocumentsToArchive() {
List<DocData> documentData = prepareDocumentData();
// doReturn(new DocIds()).when(myFeignClient).getDocumentIds(1000L);
DocumentIds documentIds = new DocumentIds();
documentIds.setIds(Arrays.asList(1L, 2L));
Map<UUID, Long> command = new HashMap<>();
command.put(UUID.randomUUID(), 1000L);
#FeignClient(name = "myFeignClient", url = "${feign.searcher.path}")
public interface MyFeignClient{
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, path = "/document/path/{id}")
DocIds getDocumentIds(#PathVariable("id") Long id);
When running a test,
return myFeignClient.getDocumentIds(retentionId);
returns NULL. Why?
I don't have more ideas. I don't want to use WireMock. The same happens with my documentDataDao that doesn't return any values (null) specified in thenReturn() clause.
Have You tried it this way:
Mockito.when(myFeignClient.getDocumentIds(Mockito.eq(1000L))).thenReturn(new DocIds());
In You example, mock is commented out ;)
// doReturn(new DocIds()).when(myFeignClient).getDocumentIds(1000L);
But I'm sure it is just a bug in Your example.

Spring injection: #MockBean #Repository is not injected

I'm trying to #MockBean a #Repository annotated class:
public interface ApplicationDao extends MongoRepository<Application, String> {}
I'm injecting it into a #Service annotated class:
public class AuthorizationService {
private ApplicationDao appsDao;
private List<Application> allowedApplications;
public AuthorizationService(ApplicationDao appsDao) {
this.appsDao = appsDao; //<<MOCKED INJECTED BEAN>>
private void fillApplications() {
this.appsDao.findAll() //<<MOCKED method>>
.forEach(entry -> {
this.allowedApplications.put(entry.getName(), entry);
public bool isAuthorized(Application application) {
return this.allowedApplications
.anyMatch(app -> app.getId().equals(application.getId()));
My test mocking configuration looks like:
public class GroupReferencesTest {
private #Autowired AuthorizationService;
private #MockBean ApplicationDao applicationDao;
public void setUp() {
Application testApplication = new Application();
List<Application> allowedApplications = new ArrayList<Application>();
public void test() {
Application app = new Application();
assertTrue(this.authorizationService.isAuthorized(app)); //<<FAILS>>
Nevertheless, my mocked object is not injected. I mean, when my AuthorizationService calls its injected ApplicationDao is returns an empty list instead of my mocked list.
I've tried to use #MockBean(name="applicationDao") as well. The behavior is the same.
I've also tried to configure my mocked bean using this code:
public class RestTemplateTestConfiguration {
public static ApplicationDao mockApplicationDao() {
ApplicationDao mock = Mockito.mock(ApplicationDao.class);
Application testApplication = new Application();
List<Application> allowedApplications = new ArrayList<Application>();
return mock;
However, it doesn't works right.
Application class is:
public class Application {
private String id;
//setters & getters
Any ideas?
First things first - the type of test. Answer: Unit test.
You are starting Spring context that manages a lifecycle of AuthorizationService and then you are trying to inject mock. What really happens is that Spring IoC container is injecting a real ApplicationDao (the one managed by Spring IoC container) into the AuthorizationService.
Manage lifecyle of AuthorizationService by your test runner (like MockitoJUnitRunner and inject ApplicationDao mock into it):
public class GroupReferencesTest {
private #InjectMocks AuthorizationService authorizationService;
private #Mock ApplicationDao applicationDao;
public void setUp() {
Application testApplication = new Application();
List<Application> allowedApplications = new ArrayList<Application>();
public void test() {
Application app = new Application();
Working example
#SpringBootTest(classes = {AuthorizationService.class})
public class GroupReferencesTest {
private AuthorizationService;
private ApplicationDao applicationDao;
public void test() {
//when & then

Not able to mock jdbcTemplate in Spring boot Test class

I am using Spring boot and Mockito for testing. I have been able to write test cases for Service layer and they re working fine. But, the test cases for DAO layer do not. The jdbcTemplate object that is mocked and autowired gives null pointer when executing the test case. Below are the details:
My DAOTest class:
#SpringBootTest(classes = EcommerceApplication.class)
public classEcommerceDaoTest {
private IEcommerceDao ecommerceDao = new EcommerceDaoImpl();
private JdbcTemplate as400JdbcTemplate;
public void setUp() throws Exception
public void checkOrderExistsTest() throws EcommerceException{
Mockito.when(as400JdbcTemplate.queryForObject(queryForOrder,new Object[]
{"1000"}, int.class)).thenReturn(1);
boolean exists =
public boolean checkOrderExists(String orderNo)throws EcommerceException{
boolean doesExist = false;
int count = 0;
count= as400JdbcTemplate.queryForObject(queryForOrder, new Object[]{orderNo}, int.class);
if(count >0){
doesExist = true;
catch(Exception e){
return doesExist;
public JdbcTemplate as400JdbcTemplate(#Qualifier("as400DataSource")DataSource dataSource) {
return new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
#SpringBootApplication(exclude = { DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class,
DataSourceTransactionManagerAutoConfiguration.class })
public class EcommerceApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
When I am running the test case, I am getting NullPointerException for as400JdbcTemplate. The functionality works fine as is. Its just the test cases for DAO layer that fail because of the inability of the jdbcTemplate to get mocked/autowired.
Please let me know where I am going wrong.
You don't need to use #Mock and #Autowired at the same time. Use only #Mock:
private JdbcTemplate as400JdbcTemplate;
Use instead of #RunWith(SpringRunner.class) --> #RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class)
Also to inject mock into DAO you can use ReflectionTestUtils from spring test.
public static void setField(Class targetClass, String name, Object value)
public void setUp() throws Exception {
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(ecommerceDao ,"as400JdbcTemplate" ,
private JdbcTemplate as400JdbcTemplate;
