How do I install Heroku CLI on Termux? - heroku

Termux is a Linux terminal emulator for Android. I want to install the Heroku CLI to be able to manage my Heroku apps on the go, I tried typing heroku to prompt the error message and link to the right package, but it gives me:
No command 'heroku' found, did you mean:
Command 'heyu' from package 'heyu'
I tried installing the CLI from the official website, but that didn't work out as well. What should I do?

Use the npm package heroku, its the complete CLI as what you find from the official website. Simply do
npm i -g heroku
Alternatively, you may use yarn. Install yarn by doing
pkg install yarn
and then install the Heroku CLI by
yarn add global heroku-cli#latest


Unable to install packages via npm; can only use homebrew

I a trying to install some cli tools to use globally. Running the install command via npm never works - I get command not found [package] whenever I check [package] -v. I have tried this with netlify-cli, firebase-tools, and heroku.
However, when I install heroku via homebrew (brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku) it seemed to work fine. The version info showed up on heroku -v.
If it's relevant, I'm using MacOS 13.0, and ohmyzsh on iTerm2. I tried the built-in terminal (which also runs zsh) but had no luck.
How can I reliably use npm in order to install tools?

Heroku Login: login is not a heroku command

I have tried
$ npm install -g heroku
$ npm install -g heroku-cli
and I have also tried downloading Heroku-CLI from the heroku site and when I attempt to run
heroku login
It comes back with
Warning: login is not a heroku command. Did you mean join? [y/n]:
I can't figure out what is going on. I have my environmental variables set up and everything.
Try uninstalling heroku cli by npm -g uninstall heroku cli and then run heroku login
For more refer to this:

How do I run bulma on Heroku?

I can't run bulma on Heroku and npm is not a Heroku command.
What should I type to do npm install bulma on Heroku? Do I need to use yarn?
brew install yarn, yarn add bulma doesn't work on Heroku either.
Here is the error I'm seeing:
Sass::SyntaxError: File to import not found or unreadable: bulma/sass/utilities/_all.sass.
Don't install Bulma yourself, and certainly don't try to install yarn via Homebrew.
Heroku's ephemeral filesystem will prevent it from working properly, interactive commands run on temporary one-off dynos that only exist as long as your session runs, and brew is mostly a macOS package manager (though a Linux version does technically exist).
Heroku will build your application for you as long as you tell it how.
Make sure to include a package.json and package.lock or yarn.lock that includes the JavaScript libraries you need
Tell Heroku which buildpacks to use for your application:
$ heroku buildpacks:set heroku/ruby
$ heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/nodejs
Make sure the Ruby buildpack is last:
$ heroku buildpacks
=== your-app Buildpack
1. heroku/nodejs
2. heroku/ruby
Deploy your code
Heroku will run the Node.js buildpack first and install JavaScript packages from your lock file, then run the Ruby buildpack and install your gems.

error: cannot install "heroku": snap not found

I am following the instructions from official heroku website to install heroku on my ubuntu 14.04.
First I installed snapd on ubuntu and then tried to install heroku by running:
sudo snap install heroku
But I am getting following error
error: cannot install "heroku": snap not found
I posted this question on askubuntu but it wasn't of much help. Could somebody please help how can I fix this issue ?
To install heroku in all currently supported versions of Ubuntu open the terminal and type:
sudo snap install --classic heroku
This installs the heroku snap package successfully, and it is the recommended way of installing Heroku CLI in Ubuntu at the Heroku Dev Center website. When this was posted sudo snap install --classic heroku installs the latest version of Heroku.

How to Download Heroku on mac

I have been trying to download Heroku software to upload the rails app I made but every time I try to download it, it says it failed.
And what version of heroku should I be downloading?
if you have installed node and npm already, try this
npm install -g heroku
if you're using Homebrew, try this
brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku
once the installation is done, issue this to verify whether you've successfully installed Heroku on your Mac
heroku --version
You need to set up your local workstation with the Heroku command-line client and the Git revision control system by installing the Heroku Toolbelt. Check out this link to download Heroku toolbelt.
Heroku is a hosting service and there is nothing to download. You can sign up at and there are instructions on the site for how to upload your app.
