Heroku Login: login is not a heroku command - heroku

I have tried
$ npm install -g heroku
$ npm install -g heroku-cli
and I have also tried downloading Heroku-CLI from the heroku site and when I attempt to run
heroku login
It comes back with
Warning: login is not a heroku command. Did you mean join? [y/n]:
I can't figure out what is going on. I have my environmental variables set up and everything.

Try uninstalling heroku cli by npm -g uninstall heroku cli and then run heroku login
For more refer to this: https://github.com/heroku/cli/issues/855


How do I run bulma on Heroku?

I can't run bulma on Heroku and npm is not a Heroku command.
What should I type to do npm install bulma on Heroku? Do I need to use yarn?
brew install yarn, yarn add bulma doesn't work on Heroku either.
Here is the error I'm seeing:
Sass::SyntaxError: File to import not found or unreadable: bulma/sass/utilities/_all.sass.
Don't install Bulma yourself, and certainly don't try to install yarn via Homebrew.
Heroku's ephemeral filesystem will prevent it from working properly, interactive commands run on temporary one-off dynos that only exist as long as your session runs, and brew is mostly a macOS package manager (though a Linux version does technically exist).
Heroku will build your application for you as long as you tell it how.
Make sure to include a package.json and package.lock or yarn.lock that includes the JavaScript libraries you need
Tell Heroku which buildpacks to use for your application:
$ heroku buildpacks:set heroku/ruby
$ heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/nodejs
Make sure the Ruby buildpack is last:
$ heroku buildpacks
=== your-app Buildpack
1. heroku/nodejs
2. heroku/ruby
Deploy your code
Heroku will run the Node.js buildpack first and install JavaScript packages from your lock file, then run the Ruby buildpack and install your gems.

How do I install Heroku CLI on Termux?

Termux is a Linux terminal emulator for Android. I want to install the Heroku CLI to be able to manage my Heroku apps on the go, I tried typing heroku to prompt the error message and link to the right package, but it gives me:
No command 'heroku' found, did you mean:
Command 'heyu' from package 'heyu'
I tried installing the CLI from the official website, but that didn't work out as well. What should I do?
Use the npm package heroku, its the complete CLI as what you find from the official website. Simply do
npm i -g heroku
Alternatively, you may use yarn. Install yarn by doing
pkg install yarn
and then install the Heroku CLI by
yarn add global heroku-cli#latest

Heroku run shows update, is it necessary to update ? And if yes than how?

heroku run rails console
▸ heroku-cli: update available from 6.11.17 to 6.14.16-9ae58fc
▸ No app specified
How do I update my heroku-cli version?
You are not obligated to update. I am using a previous version as well, and everything works fine.
But if you want to update check this link: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli
It says that to update your heroku cli you just have to do this:
heroku update
But there is this issue:
Not all methods of installation are updatable with heroku update. Apt users will have to use sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade heroku. npm/yarn users will have to update with npm upgrade -g heroku-cli or yarn global upgrade heroku-cli
If updating does not update the CLI, try uninstalling with the uninstall instructions below
heroku update
did not work for me. I had to run:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install heroku
in order to get an update.
Uninstall Heroku by using command:
sudo apt-get remove Heroku
Then install Heroku by:
sudo apt-get install heroku
Now check Heroku version:
heroku -v
I am using Windows 11 and heroku update is working properly.
Remember to run this command in the terminal as an administrator.
This is how I updated:
npm update -g heroku

Heroku CLI install failing Mac OSX

Randomly my heroku toolbelt stopped working. I'm not sure why, but when I execute any heroku action, for example heroku -v this happens:
➜ Homebrew heroku -v
heroku-cli: Adding dependencies... 2.57 MB/2.57 MB
2016/04/26 12:13:42 running npm from /Users/cowan/.heroku: /Users/cowan/.heroku/node-5.10.1-darwin-amd64/node /Users/cowan/.heroku/npm-3.8.5/cli.js -v --loglevel=info
ERROR: expected npm to equal v5.10.1
Note this particular example is after I used homebrew to uninstall and reinstall heroku.
Solution in 2 steps:
Fresh install from https://toolbelt.heroku.com/osx
Restart bash/zsh

How to Download Heroku on mac

I have been trying to download Heroku software to upload the rails app I made but every time I try to download it, it says it failed.
And what version of heroku should I be downloading?
if you have installed node and npm already, try this
npm install -g heroku
if you're using Homebrew, try this
brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku
once the installation is done, issue this to verify whether you've successfully installed Heroku on your Mac
heroku --version
You need to set up your local workstation with the Heroku command-line client and the Git revision control system by installing the Heroku Toolbelt. Check out this link to download Heroku toolbelt.
Heroku is a hosting service and there is nothing to download. You can sign up at Heroku.com and there are instructions on the site for how to upload your app.
