Exporting external file template in IFS 9 - ifs-erp

Is it possible to export an external file template from one database into another?
Just like you would export a custom object.
Best Regards Kresten

From what I have found so far, the answer is no.
Best Regards Kresten


Is Laravel blade '#include()' case-sensitive?

I'm getting a "blade not found shop.cart.favorites" error when running in Docker on Ubuntu. (Therefore: "case-sensitive file system.")
I suspect that the culprit is case-sensitivity. The path to the blade file is:
^ ^
Did I guess correctly?
You have made a little mistake bro...
Change in your Controller/Function where you defined the View .Like this.....
return View('Shop.Cart.favorites');
It will work.. Check it out..
Thank you.
In the process of rendering a View, the view() method in Laravel checks to see if a Blade template file exists at the path provided using the PHP built-in method file_exists().
Although the docs don't mention it at all, it has long been observed that this function can be case sensitive (typically on *nix-based filesystems, though not on Windows). But since you don't necessarily know where your code will be run (e.g. if you are creating a package), best practice for cross-platform compatibility is to use only lowercase filenames for Blade template files.
Okay, thanks folks. Indeed, that's the [ANSWER] I was expecting: the underlying filesystem is case-sensitive, and therefore so is PHP (file_exists() et al ...), and therefore so is Laravel. Blade file and folder names are case-sensitive.
Now ... here's a follow-on question: is there a handy-dandy plugin for Laravel that might enable me to "skate around" this issue? (Yeah, I think I know what that answer will be, too. But it doesn't hurt to ask ...)

How best to suppress javascript:S3827 when my code uses Microsoft Asp.Net Ajax code?

Problem: we are wanting to use SonarJS but much of our old Javascript code uses functions from the Microsoft ASP.Net framework (and the MS AjaxToolkit). As such we have a couple of hundred occurrences of the error "XXX" does not exist. Change its name or declare it so that its usage doesn't result in a "ReferenceError". (where XXX is Sys, Type, $get etc.).
I appreciate that I could suppress these by specifying them all in the sonar.javascript.globals property (as per the Elena Vilchik's answer to this question ) but it feels like what I really want to do is to add my own bespoke entries in sonar.javascript.environments (called msajax and msajaxtoolkit say). Then I could be more precise about when to include / exclude these globals.
So I guess I would like to know whether defining my own environment is supported or if there is a more elegant solutions overall.
Thanks in advance.
You are more than welcome to open pull request for https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-javascript. Edit "javascript-frontend/src/main/resources/org/sonar/javascript/tree/symbols/globals.json" by adding new group/groups of names.

How to make the cities/countries dropdown like facebook does?

See the screenshot here:
I'd like the user to just type a city or country name and the autocompleter will show suggested items.
How should I start for creating it?
Are there any API(s) or web services for me to call?
Where can I find the database of all cities/countries in the world?
I think this would be the best database for your situation, check it out:
You first need a autocomplete plugin.
I recommend to use the jQuery-Ui Auto Complete Plugin.
The database could as example be this, but eventually try to search a bit for yourself.
There was already a question on stackoverflow about a database for cities of the world.
A simple text file with all cities may also be this.
There are very much of those libraries, but you have to chose the right one for you.
My solution may not be the best, but it's a starting point:
Google a list with all countries (ISO-Standard), paste it into a txt-file. Then you can simply read that file with PHP an create a select menu with the contents of the file.
It does not incorporate the cities, but maybe it helps you in some way.

Data retrieve from PDF using Perl

I would like to know the retrieve data from PDF using PERL. I have used the API::PDF but I'm expecting other than that. I am expecting data output like as PDF 2 DOC. I would be appreciate any one help me.
Writing a general PDF converter is not a simple task. There are at least two modules on CPAN which can help:

cacti - multi cpu util - multi line OID

I have the OID: .
I got 24 rows (I have 24 core server),
I want to create one graph with all the rows to see the utilization.
Please help me :)
Had the same problem and I created a data input methode in Perl which uses Net::SNMP.
Get the script here:
Get the data template here:
Put the script into $CACTI_HOME/scripts, make sure it's executable and import the template.
Make sure you got Perl's Net::SNMP installed.
Have fun!
