spring-security-saml2-core upgrade with sprig boot 2 - spring-boot

We are trying to upgrade our app to spring boot 2.0 and while doing that we got error java.lang.ClassCastException: org.opensaml.core.xml.schema.impl.XSAnyBuilder cannot be cast to org.opensaml.xml.XMLObjectBuilder. After lot of research, we found that, we are running into trouble because we have two opensaml jars in classpath ( 2 and 3) and decided to upgrade to upgrade spring-security-saml2-core jar to 2.0.0.
We downloaded 2.0.0.SNAPHSHOT jar but it seems there are lot of classes changed/renamed. Is there any documentation/examples where i can compare and migrate my old code easily. For e.g. old jar SamlBootStrap class and new one dont have.
Please help

The differences between the two versions are dramatic, and I understand that also the differences between the opensaml library versions are pretty much so. I made a little project for myself to learn how to use this new versions, and maybe can help you too.


Is there a version of postmark java client library which uses jersey 1.x instead of 2.x?

I have a RESTful web service application in java deployed on google app-engine which uses jersey 1.18.6.
I want to use postmark java client to send transactional emails from it.
When I integrated it, i was seeing the following exception:
From what I could find, I think this error was because of there were two different (and probably incompatible) version of jersey being used ,1.18.6 for jersey-server, jersey-guice and jersey-bundle and 2.25.1 for jersey-client (by postmark).
Then I tried to make the jersey version 1.18,6 throughout, so in the my main project pom, while including the dependency for postmark, I excluded the jersey-client (by added exclusions header) and separately added jersey-client dependency in my main project .
But then I got the following error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/ws/rs/core/MultivaluedHashMap
This is I think the class MultivaluedHashMap is present only in jax-rs 2.x versions (which is compatible with jersey 2.x versions)
So my questions are:
Is there a version of postmark java client library which uses jersey 1.x instead of jersey 2.x?
If no then what options do I have other than migrating my main project from jersey 1.x to jersey 2.x. I don't want to do that since we will have to migrate not just the jersey dependencies but I think some other things like guice, shiro etc. which would be time consuming. Also it doesn't really seem optimal to modify multiple existing dependencies just to include one additional module.
There isn't. The very first commit of the project's pom.xml already used Jersey 2.25.1
as Mureinik mentioned above, when we worked on the library, our plan at Postmark was to use newer library versions, since they are better options in long run.
On our Github page Rupert made good suggestions, from which I find separate ClassLoader a good choice. I will play a bit with the library code in next couple of days on compatibility, however we are always in favour of using newer libraries for our codebase.
please check out my latest comment on Github issues page for possible solution for using older Jersey version https://github.com/wildbit/postmark-java/issues/11
It should be pretty easy to port the library to Jersey 1.x by porting only the HttpClient class on your side.

Upgrading to Spring 4

I have a spring 3 app deployed in openshift jboss eap6, and I want to upgrade to ver 4. I also want to upgrade to Java8. Has anyone here been successful in doing so? What are the things that must be considered? How can I make the transition easier? I'm so afraid of Jar hell.
Upgrading von Spring 3.0 to 4.0 could need some changes (depending on what you have done and used). I recommend to do it in small steps, so you can check that everything still works more often, so: uprade to 3.1 first, then 3.2, and then 4.0. After that upgrade to Java 8.
The Spring Reference contain some hints in the what is new section and this Wiki: Migrating from earlier versions of the Spring Framework
Attention: if you upgrade Spring Security too, then I strongly recommend to read its upgrade hints in its Migration documentation!
Solution to your Question
Don't worry Spring 4 is 100% compatible with Java 8
For Jars you need to use the Bill of Materials of Spring 4 Jars which can be obtained in this Link. Use only these jars which will take care of your dependencies issues.
Typically replace all these JAR files in your WEB Applications and try to build and deploy your application. You got your JAR upgrade if it runs without any issues. Most probably 100% it will run without any issues.
Then Depending your scenarios you can apply your spring-framework components.

Using Jersey-spring with Spring 4.0

According to you what are the risks of using Spring 4 with the jersey-spring3 integration module?
I have tried to use Spring 4.0 with the jersey spring example and the example still works but i'm unable to identify risks linked to this usage.
I have started using Jersey 2.7 and Spring 4.0.x recently in a project. I have setup a context hierarchy to inject beans, so far, I have discovered only one limitiation but that does not seem relate to Spring 4 but rather to the module itself or the HK2 Spring Bridge.
To give more insight about my use. I have a XJC/JAXB-backed which is consumed by a common service, repository and exposed through JAX-WS, and now hopefully through JAX-RS.
The multi-context stuff works now with #Autowiredwith 2.8-SNAPSHOT. I have applied my changes and the 2.8-SNAPSHOT to 2.7. Here is the diff.
Edit (Michael-O; 2014-10-17): Here is a modified Spring module based off 2.11 with multi-context support.
Not an answer to original question, just related information
This may be a little premature, but the new Major 3.0 version of Jersey will be using Spring 4, in the new jersey-spring4 module. The new Major version will be built with Java 8. Though a new Major version will be released, the 2.x line will still be actively developed to keep support for Java 7
I'll update this post once 3.0 has been release.
For anyone interested, you can see this mailing list to see what the Jersey team has to say about the new 3.x line.
Not sure if you came across any issues but I currently face one. It is described in other thread.
Simply, using jersey-spring3 2.12 and spring 4.1.0.RELEASE in one maven project leads to following class incompatibility:
2014-09-14 01:15:44.175:WARN:oejuc.AbstractLifeCycle:main: FAILED org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerCollection#696
ebapp/}], org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.DefaultHandler#6968c1d6, org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.RequestLogHandler#7
d986d83]: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.getDependenc
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.getDependencyComparato
at org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigUtils.registerAnnotationConfigProcessors(AnnotationCon

Is it possible to run Mule 2.2.1 on spring 3?

We have an application that is currently running spring 2.5.6 and mule 2.2.1. We have decided to go ahead and upgrade the app to use spring 3.2 we also upgraded spring security to 3.1. I understand that Mule 2.2.1 uses spring 2.5.6 for configuration and so forth. We were to re-factor our code and build the entire project. However after deploying the application and starting the server, my server started in about 6 seconds instead of the normal 30 seconds and then I noticed that none of my services were not loaded. Unfortunately after days of investigating I cannot find where everything fails, as there are no errors in any of the logs including spring and mule logs. My question is it possible to get these to play together or should I just forget about getting this to work.
I read this post http://lifeinide.blogspot.com/2012/07/spring-3-and-mule-2-initialized-by.html and followed these instruction and still was not able to get it work. Mule says it started up just fine without any errors but I can hit any of my services. Any help? Thanks
Thanks #genjosanzo for the pointer. It helped met dig into this issue better and eventually make it work.
We had a similar need like yours - need to make Mule 2.2.1 work with Spring 3.2.x releases. Upgrade to Mule 3 involved rewrite of Mule extensions such as exception handling strategies, a RabbitMQ Mule transport etc. Upgrade to Mule 3 was therefore ruled out.
In order to make this work, you need to rewrite/update 3 java files from your module:
with implementations from :
To be more specific, you need these classes to be updated/upgraded: MuleBeanDefinitionDocumentReader.java, MuleApplicationContext.java and SpringXmlConfigurationBuilder.java
With these updated versions, you can continue to create the MuleContext like:
SpringXmlConfigurationBuilder springConfigBuilder = new SpringXmlConfigurationBuilder(muleConfigPaths);
MuleContext context = new DefaultMuleContextFactory().createMuleContext(springConfigBuilder)
The modified implementations are here : Mule in Trooper and sample class that uses this is here : Trooper Mule container
Mule uses some internal spring API to parse the mule configuration and creates the correspondent beans.
For this reason the upgrade might work with spring 3.0.x but I'm pretty sure that something got broken with spring 3.1.x (i.e. this code has been introduced to maintain backward compatibility).
How about upgrading mule as well? Most of the 2.2.x syntax is still supported and many new feature has been introduced in newer mule versions.
FWIW, the above answer from #regunathb is right on. Patching in those three classes works. However, it is important to note that the 3.4 version of those classes from mule-module-spring-config will not work as-is. You must get the modified versions of the classes that #regunathb posted on GitHub, otherwise you'll end up with various incompatibilities between 3.4 and 2.2.1.

Mongo repository for Spring Batch?

Is there a Mongo-based job repository for Spring Batch? If not, would I need to implement JobInstanceDao and its siblings? Are there any examples or existing works that would help in this endeavor?
there is a https://github.com/jbaruch/springbatch-over-mongodb project, it looks discontinued, but it might give you a better start
I have a github project which enhanced JBaruch's Springbatch-over-mongodb to newer versions of
Spring framework (4+)
Spring-batch (3+)
Mongo DB driver: 2.11.2
Though I have tested it and have a upgraded almost all of junits from JBaruch's project but it is still under BETA phase. If somebody is interested then s/he can give a try.
