What does “TopicDisallowed” error reason in APNS? - apple-push-notifications

Explained in Apple's Development APNS Document:
TopicDisallowed is 'Pushing to this topic is not allowed.'
'The topic is currently the bundle identifier of the target application on an iOS device.'
So TopicDisallowed means bundle identifier disable?
Our App is off the shelf in the Apple Store,but we can use old apns protocol to push。


Issue with app bundle when upload the app bundle on google play console

I try to upload app bundle on the google play console but this message appears "You've uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle that has an activity, activity alias, service, or broadcast sink with intent filter, but without setting the android:exported property. This file cannot be installed on Android 12 or later. See developer.android.com/about/versions/12/behavior-changes-12#exported".
I try adding intent filter to each activity with intents but did not work, adding exported to each activity as well but this second did not working.

add the push notification feature to your App ID

I am creating an application with ionic. I already have the certificates downloaded and I wanted to receive the notifications using the xcode simulator, but I do not receive them. In the 'Capabilities' section, in the 'push notification' section I have the error:
'add the push notification feature to your App ID'
Do not use xcode very well. I hope someone can help me.
a greeting
'add the push notification feature to your App ID'
As it states, go to developer apple portal to add the push notification feature to your App ID and regenerate your provisioning profile.
You also have to generate a APNs Auth Key to make push notification and some coding is needed in your app. You can reference the following tutorial.

chromecast, integrate a sender app to a receiver app

I am having trouble with google cast receiver app CastHelloVideoPlayer, which can be found from github/googlecast.
I followed the Setup Instructions specified on the github.com/googlecast/CastHelloVideoPlayer webpage,
Uploaded the receiver.html of CastHelloVideoPlayer to my github account,
Registered an application on the Developers Console. I got an app ID 3BFFF41A. I chose NOT to publish my app.
Registered the serial # of my chromecast device in the developer console.
I tried but failed to send my chromecast serial number to Google. My setup process didn't bring me to "send your serial number " step.
Rebooted chromecast ...... But I didn't see any indication that my chromecast picked up any changes.
Entered the app ID 3BFFF41A into my sender application, which is app_done of Cast iOS codelab tutorial,
(The app_done works fine --- able to cast videos to my TV via a chromecast device --- so I assume this sender app is communicating well with my chromecast)
(continuing the above 7) To be exact, I added 3BFFF41A to appDelegate.m file
GCKCastOptions *options =
[[GCKCastOptions alloc] initWithReceiverApplicationID:3BFFF41A];
But I got an error,
invalid digit 'B' in decimal constant
I doubt this is not the way to integrate a sender app to a receiver app. My search on the internet didn't get me through.
Please Help.
initWithReceiverApplicationID expects the app ID to be a string.

Apple push notification issue for status true

I am sending apple push notification from java. I am getting true for pushedNotification.isSuccessful(). But push is not getting on ios device for that device token.
What can be the issue?
Finally resolved.
I found issue in p12 certificate. given device tokens were not registered to p12 I am using.

Coding Issue while registerForRemoteNotificationTypes

I had a support for push notification "registerForRemoteNotificationTypes" in my app which is under a macro "EnablePushNotification". That means only if I enable this macro, then my "registerForRemoteNotificationTypes" will be executed.
I have recently submitted my app to Apple Appstores, and they have sent me a warning as below:
"Missing Push Notification Entitlement - Your app appears to register with the Apple Push Notification service, but the app signature's entitlements do not include the "aps-environment" entitlement. If your app uses the Apple Push Notification service, make sure your App ID is enabled for Push Notification in the Provisioning Portal, and resubmit after signing your app with a Distribution provisioning profile that includes the "aps-environment" entitlement.
If you would like to update your binary for this app, you can reject this binary from the Binary Details page in iTunes Connect. Note that rejecting your binary will remove your app from the review queue and the review process will start over from the beginning when you resubmit your binary."
My question is that I had not enabled this macro "EnablePushNotification" so "registerForRemoteNotificationTypes" will never get executed. Also I had not enabled my appstores provisioning profile for push notification. Even then i got this warning. What might be the issue here? Help appreciated.
I think you should also put under macro following UIApplicationDelegate methods
