Issue with app bundle when upload the app bundle on google play console - google-play-console

I try to upload app bundle on the google play console but this message appears "You've uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle that has an activity, activity alias, service, or broadcast sink with intent filter, but without setting the android:exported property. This file cannot be installed on Android 12 or later. See".
I try adding intent filter to each activity with intents but did not work, adding exported to each activity as well but this second did not working.


Error in saving while uploading android apk in google play console

I'm trying to upload a new android apk in the google play console. It has a couple of additional permissions like READ_SMS which is triggering a permissions form that I have filled too. I am however unable to save the data. Error code in logs: 858285013
Error snapshot
I had the same issue in one of my apps. I followed the below steps to resolve the issue.
Upload the new apk with only required permissions in the track which you want
Now you can see the Old apk with retain option
If you click on retain button, you will see permission declaration form
Select No, this release does not meet the SMS and Call Log permission policy option and click on save in bottom right of the page
Now click on discard button
Now create new release and upload the latest APK and fill the declaration form
Save the new changes and now you will able to save the changes
Before that if your app is using RECEIVE_SMS & SEND_SMS to verify the mobile number, then you need to change the implementation of mobile verification. For that you need to use Google's SMS retriver API. If your app comply with the Google developer policy, then you can keep the READ_SMS permission and for that you need to mention the valid reason in the permission declaration form in play console. Or you can remove the READ_SMS permission, and proceed with the flow as mentioned above.
You must Use SMS intent or you need to send a declaration Form... SMS, CALL LOG.. not allowed from 2019 Jan 9th.. Plesse Check this link android SMS Permissions
SMS Permission Declaration Form

Slack Events API / RTM: New app installed realtime notification

Is it possible to get a slack event or real time message indicating that a new app was installed in a workspace? I can figure out apps which use "bot users" by listening for team_join event. But how can i find out in near realtime about apps installed that don't have a bot user. My use case is to present something to the user when a new app is installed (as soon as possible. I can find out apps from team logs but thats not realtime).
What you're doing with the team_join event is basically all you can do. And that's going to rely on either the app having a bot user, or it being a workspace app (, which creates an app user.
Other than that, nothing is exposed in the Events API around app installation. The other alternative is to connect up via the RTM API and watch for the bot_added and commands_changed events. That should catch most apps.

Azure Notification Hub losing the subscribe when app is reinstalled

I have a problem with Azure Notification Hub.
When my app is started in first time, the notifications working correctly, but when did a rebuild the app by Visual Studio, the notifications stop working and the Android Services with IntentFilters do not are called.
For the notifications works again, I need to uninstall the App in Android and run by Visual Studio again.
Have someone some idea about that problem?
My worry is: if I send the app to GooglePlay, the notifications would continue working after a update?
If someone know how to call the service to get the new InstallationId, always that the app to be started I will know how I can resolve the problem.
Can someone help me?
I did follow that tutorial:
if I send the app to GooglePlay, the notifications would continue working after a update?
There is no need to worry about that, referring to this document, when you use Azure Notification Hub, it's using Android GCM to send the push notificcation. You could see my answer about Android using Firebase Cloud Messaging not receiving message.
As the Official document said :
On initial startup of your app, the FCM SDK generates a registration token for the client app instance. If you want to target single devices or create device groups, you'll need to access this token.
Explanation about Token :
An ID issued by the GCM connection servers to the client app that allows it to receive messages.
When you did a rebuild the app by Visual Studio your token is changed, but it didn't trigger the OnTokenRefresh method, so at this time the Token in your application is invalid. That's why your application cannot receiving message.
For more information, you could refer to Sending Push Notifications from Azure Mobile Apps and Implement the Firebase Instance ID Service.
When your app get a update, it will trigger the OnTokenRefresh method automatically, so your application can still receive the message.

Web chat and telegram channel not working

I have built a bot in and set it all up in the Microsoft Bot framework. I have submitted it for review and it has been reviewed and published.
It is working fine in Skype, but does not work on the "web chat" channel or the Telegram channel. It also doesn't work in the test area on the MS Bot landing page
You can debug locally by clicking the "configure continuous integration button" in Azure. You will get a .zip file with the source code and then you can open it in VS or your editor of choice.
But since you are using what you could do is use or create a Trace class and use it in the Catch section of a Try/Catch to track and store errors and then show them in the Bot Framework emulator log. That might give you more information about the problem.
catch (Exception e)
Trace.TraceError("Some error in class X" + e.ToString());
return null;
To test the same bot in the emulator, you will need to find the end point, application ID and password for the bot service. The Settings tab only provides the partial message endpoint (ending with three dots). Therefore you will need to go to the developer site, Click on the Edit link. You will find the message endpoint there. Copy the entire URL and enter it in the emulator. Also, copy and paste the application ID and password from the bot developer portal.
You will also need to download the free tool, ngrok, which creates a tunnel between the bot hosted remotely (in this case on and your computer behind the firewall. Click App Settings in the emulator. Browse to the location where ngrok.exe is located. Save the setting. The utility will be launched automatically from the emulator. At this point, the emulator is ready. Click “Connect” or the refresh icon. When you type something in the input box, You will see a response:

How to get app message from companion app if Pebble app is in background?

"I am explaining whole scenarios here in order to avoid multiple discussion threads, as I am looking for quick help, so providing here all the details."
I have created a application which communicates with the android companion app, which has some of events scheduled and needs to send to pebble app, so that even if the timeline is muted for our app we can provide important information to pebble app user.
I am able to get the data from companion app and process it successfully only if the pebble app is open but my one more requirement is :
To get data in pebble app sent by companion app, even if my pebble app is in background.
ie. If the companion app sends me some message but the pebble app is in background so I should be able to read that message and wake up the Pebble app to show the desired information.
I am using "App Message" for communication between Companion app and Pebble app.
I gone through the Pebble Documentation which states :
"Background workers do not have access to the UI APIs, they also cannot use theAppMessage API or load resources. Most other APIs are available includingAccelerometerService, CompassService, DataLogging and Storage."
One more Query is :
As we can get notification in our Pebble if its came to Phone, so is there any way to open some desired app or related app to that message in Pebble watch.
Please guide me if there is anyway to get this done.
Thanks in advance.
Your Android application can launch the watchapp before sending the message to her. That should solve your problem.
As indicated in the documentation, the background worker on the watch cannot receive app messages.
