How to Connect Ionic Mobile App to Backend API Using Spring? - spring

Does anyone know how to connect the ionic mobile app to backend api using spring and sqlserver as its database? If you have some references or examples, then it would help me a lot.

Here are few tutorial that might be useful to you.
(These are not using sql server, doesn't matter much)

You need to have first the documentation of your backend or to know the methods of the backend with URL. you can find many videos and tutorial on google. it depends about what you need (Authentification, getting data, streaming.... ).


looking for Parse alternative server

I'm a hobby developer that use as my database and website host, as Facebook is going to shutdown, I'm now looking for alternative Parse server.
I use Parse's Cloud Code Hosting to build Dynamic Web App, and Parse itself to store data collected from the website I've build, with custom Cloud Code to help getting and managing data. I've build a Windows Phone app for myself to manage the data I've collected too.
Is there any alternative server that has my requirement?
Dynamic Website
Database host
Custom Cloud Code (with BeforeSave and AfterSave trigger)
with Windows Phone SDK (or REST API if doesn't have)
Very thank you for helping me!
Try out Hasura.
Hasura ( Hasura is a neat PaaS + BaaS solution. It is now competing with Firebase, Kinvey, Heroku et al. There is a full comparison page here: Compare | Hasura ( . The difference majorly lies in infra ownership as well as no tech lock-in due to open-source components(like docker, kubernetes,postgres) building the major chunk of the platform. Check it out. There is also an option to explore ( Hasura by building your own blog web app and a todo app in under 15 mins.
Hasura should fit in perfectly for your needs.
DISCLAIMER : Hasura Engineer here.
I'm using Simbla website application development. It doesn't support all of your requirments but it has great UI builder with a backend parse database.
You can try using the parse open source server it has cloud code and you can use a custom database with it.

How to connect my web rails app with other plataform based apps?

i think my title is a little confusing but, what i'm thinking to do is:
I have my RoR website hosted on a ubuntu server with the postgres sql. I'm thinkin in a way to port the function of my website to a mobile app for example.
EX: i have a online chat website, so i want to create a native iOS app that can use the same functions and same database from my website in rails.
What i need to study first to learn how to connect my web-app to other apps in rails?
What i need to search for?
You need to create a REST API to connect your mobile app with the web one.
Here you have a link that can be helpful, but if you search in google there is a lot of information related to this.

Phonegap App using Application express database

I'm about to make an application using phonegap but the database I have to use is already used by a web app made with oracle application express. So I wanted to know is there a way of creating a web service inside that web app to retrieve the data on my mobile app ?
The second option I was thinking about is not passing by the apex web app, but just trying to use a WS to access the oracle database (with all the problems I will have to face at deployment). Can someone give me some directives ? Thanks in advance.
One quick google search will give you a couple of presentations (1) (2)
About integration between Apex and Phonegap, and a book

Does a Talend connector to Google Contacts exists?

I have a pretty simple question (for once :D) :
Do you know if a talendconnector to google-contacts exists ?
I can't find one into, neither on the 4 first pages of Google itself.
As a fallback, do you think it would be possible to wrap a Talend component around google-contacts ... I guess yes, and so I would be surprised that no one had already developped it !
I've not seen a Google Contacts connector in Talend but there's a problem in the fact that to access the API you will need to auth via OAuth2. There's currently nothing standard in Talend to help with this (although it would be pretty useful) but Gabriele Baldassarre who semi regularly answers questions under the Talend tag has built a series of components to access Twitter data which has a similar OAuth requirement.
His website might be a useful reference to building this should you want to do so.
As of 5.4 Talend's RESTful components such as tRestClient now support OAuth2 so it is possible to provide OAuth2 tokens in your RESTful connection to help you connect to web services secure by OAuth2. There's not (as of yet) a Google Contacts connector available but you could replicate it now.

Spring web flow with dart on frontend and backend

Anyone tried using spring web framework with dart
kindly provide me with an example or if you have seen one in Github i would appreciate the link , have searched but i havent got one
Unfortunately I don't think you can accomplish whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. dart, as tagged here is the dart programming language which runs in its own virtual machine or is compiled to javascript. It has no connection to Java or Java Server Pages at all.
If you are using Dart on the front end, any back-end server an serve the html and dart/javascript scripts and respond to any ajax requests you setup, but you cannot integrate Spring Web Flow, a Java Server backend, with a dart backend.
