Spring web flow with dart on frontend and backend - spring

Anyone tried using spring web framework with dart
kindly provide me with an example or if you have seen one in Github i would appreciate the link , have searched but i havent got one

Unfortunately I don't think you can accomplish whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. dart, as tagged here is the dart programming language which runs in its own virtual machine or is compiled to javascript. It has no connection to Java or Java Server Pages at all.
If you are using Dart on the front end, any back-end server an serve the html and dart/javascript scripts and respond to any ajax requests you setup, but you cannot integrate Spring Web Flow, a Java Server backend, with a dart backend.


What exactly is a Full-stack development in Spring Boot with Java?

I was under the impression that Angular is integrated as a front-end in the same project as Spring to avail beautiful looking websites as I did once in a previous project in a company.
But as I started looking some videos on youtube and udemy, they are creating a separate project for both angular and spring running on different ports 4200 and 8080.
Is this what a full-stack development is and is this what the companies are asking for in the interviews nowadays? Sorry if the question seems from 2015.
You are correct, each of them is an ecosystem that communicates with each other via nowadays mostly rest.
Each of the code is compiled separately also, typescript and java.
As for full-stack requirements for job its most of the time on one side you have for an example spring boot microservice that does some logic and exposes those results on specific URLs, and you consume those results with your frontend and display them accordingly.
Now, when it comes to frontend you can simply mock values and do your development instead of waiting for someone to finish their backend and after they are done you just write it to the specification that they provide. Most of the time its used Open API ( ex Swagger ).
But basically if you call yourself fullstack developer you need to be able to write backend that emits responses with some results, and write frontend that consumes those responses and displays them. Front side of an application as well as back side.
There are approaches where you use only JS ( nodejs for backend, react or angular for frontend and mongodb for database ), but if you end up in some company where are old-school people, it will be Java on backend and they are looking for youngsters that are Jedi Knights in JS, at least that is what my company did a month ago.

How do I integrate dart on the front end and codeigniter on the server?

So I have just come across google dart which looks like an amazing alternative to javascript. I'm wondering how can I integrate dart for front-end coding with codeigniter on the server.
I know Dart but not CodeIgniter. What features do you want to use?
Usually you build your client in Dart and communicate with the server using HttpRequests or WebSocket. You build your Dart client to JavaScript and copy the output to the static files directory of your server.
It might be a bit more complicated during development because you usually don't want to run the build output during development but pure Dart.
The official solution is to use a proxy during development (standalone or integrated in your server) which forwards access to Dart-related static content to pub serve (a Dart development web server which does some pre-processing or on-the-fly to-JavaScript transpilation) instead of serving it from disk like it would be in production.

Chat implementation in windows form using SignalR

I am trying to implement chat application in windows form using SignalR. Actually I had created the web chat application using signalR now i want to synchronize it with windows application.
I am facing following problems
1) How to initialize the hub class as in web application we initialize it in javascript on page load. So how can we innitialize the hub and in web application there is global file to maphub for dynamically generating the signalr javascript so where in windows application can i map the hub to dynamically generate the same.
2) As i want to synchronize the windows application with the web application so do i need to keep both the projects under one solution or can i synchronize the two different solutions??
Please provide the startup code for the first problem as i have searched alot but not getting any way to implement the chat in windows form. the code i found on net just raising errors but helping me in any sense.
This is a full working sample for using SignalR in WinForms and WPF
You can download it and play with it.
There is a WinForms Server and Client which can be your starting point.
It is a good idea to keep the projects under one solution, but its up to you. The WinForms projects will need a server URL where they can communicate with each other (you can see this in the sample code from the above link)

GWT or Liferay or just Tomcat: how to initiate update from server-side?

Is it possible to initiate the update of a portlet or web GUI object from the side of server? For example if a chat board is updated on the server how is it possible to ask all web clients to redraw it's contents?
I know that it is possible to query periodically from the client side, but I am interested in initiation namely from server side.
Interested technologies are GWT (Google Web Toolkit), GAE (Google App Engine) and Liferay (Portal server).
Have a look for http://www.icepush.org/product/icepush-GWT.html page for IcePush solution to this problem. If you're enough familiar with GWT you'll find all the required information on their wiki.
Check out the GAE Channel API

Using Web Services on SharePoint with Ruby Controllers

I'm completely new to Ruby and Web Services.
I want to tap into SharePoint and retrieve specific data files using available Web Services. Most of the available documentation on the web seems to involve VB IDEs. Can someone please show me how Web Services can be used with ROR controllers? Any beginner examples/literature would be of great help.
This is straight forward SOAP call since sharepoint exposed as a SOAP web service. You can use SOAP4R to achieve this
Refer the links for more info
