How to query in GraphQL with no fixed input object contents? - graphql

I want to query to get a string, for which I have to provide a input object, however the input data can have multiple optional keys and quite grow large as well. So I just wanted something like Object as data type while defining schema.
// example of supposed schema
input SampleInput {
id: ID
data: Object // such thing not exist, wanted something like this.
type Query {
myquery(input: SampleInput!): String
here data input can be quite large so I do not want to define a type for it. is there a way around this?


How can I pass arguements to child fields in Apollo?

I'm trying to build a graphql interface that deals with data from different regions and for each region there's a different DB.
What I'm trying to accomplish is:
TypeDefs= gql`
type Player {
account_id: Int
nickname: String
type Clan{
So right now I can request player(region, id), and this will pull up the player details no issues there.
But the issue is that Clan_info field also requires the region from the parent, so the resolver would look like clan_info({clan_id}, region).
Is there any way to pass down the region from parent to child field? I know I can add it to the details of the player, but would rather not since there would be millions of records and every field counts

Is it a bad practice to use an Input Type for a graphql Query?

I have seen that inserting an Input Type is recommended in the context of mutations but does not say anything about queries.
For instance, in learn tutorial just say:
This is particularly valuable in the case of mutations, where you might want to pass in a whole object to be created
I have this query:
type query {
person(personID: ID!): Person
brazilianPerson(rg: ID!): BrazilizanPerson
foreignerPerson(passport: ID!): ForeignerPerson
Instead of having a different type just because of the name (rg, passport) of the fields, or put one more argument like type in query, I could not just have the Person with an documentNr field and do an Input type like that?
input PersonInput {
documentNr : ID!
type: PersonType # this type is Foreign or Brazilian and with this I k
PersonType is a enum and with him I know if the document is a rg or a passport.
No, there is nothing incorrect about your approach. The GraphQL spec allows any field to have an argument and allows any argument to accept an Input Object Type, regardless of the operation. In fact, the differences between a query and a mutation are largely symbolic.
It's worth pointing out that any field can accept an argument -- not just ones at the root level. So if it suited your needs, you could easily set up a schema that would allow queries like:
query {
person(id: 1) {
powers(onlyMutant: true) {

how to correctly render referenced entities in list when I have objects instead of numberic ids?

right now in order for the list to render properly I need to have this kind of data passed in:
row = {
id: value,
name: value,
height: value,
categories: [1,2,3,4]
how can I adapt the code so that a list works with this kind of data?
row = {
id: value,
name: value,
height: value,
categories: [{id: "1"},{id: "2"},{id: "3"},{id: "4"}]
when I try to do that it seems that it applies JSON.stringify to the objects so it is trying to find category with id [Object object]
I would to avoid a per case conversion of data as I do now..
it seems that I cannot do anything in my restClient since the stringify was already applied
I have the same issue when I fetch just one data row e.g in Edit or Create.. categories ReferenceArrayInput is not populated when categories contains objects
Have you tried using format?
Might help transform your input value. Then you can use format() to change values back to the format your API expects.
If this does not work then you will have to probably create a custom component out of ReferenceArrayInput.

Serialize to JSON dynamic structure

All examples of working with JSON describe how to serialize to JSON simple or user types (like a struct).
But I have a different case: a) I don't know the fields of my type/object b) every object will have different types.
Here is my case in pseudocode:
while `select * from item` do
while `select fieldname, fieldvalue from fields where fields.itemid =` do
For each entity in my database I get field names and field values. In the result I need to get something like this:
"item.field1": value,
"item.fieldN": value,
"custom_fields": {
"fields.field1": value,
"fields.fieldK": value
What is the best way to do it in Go? Is there any useful libraries or functions in standard library ?
Update: The source of data is the database. In the result i need to get JSON as string to POST it to external web service. So, the program just read data from database and make POST requests to REST service.
What exactly is your target type supposed to be? It can't be a struct since you do not know the fields beforehand.
The only fitting type to me seems to be a map of type map[string]interface{}: with it any nested structure can be achieved:
a := map[string]interface{}{
"item.field1": "val1",
"item.field2": "val2",
"item.fieldN": "valN",
"custom_fields": map[string]interface{}{
"fields.field1": "cval1",
"fields.field2": "cval2",
b, err := json.Marshal(a)
See playground sample here.
Filling this structure from a database as you hinted at should probably be a custom script (not using json).
Note: custom_fields can also be of other types depending on what type the value column is in the database. If the value column is a string use map[string]string.

How to save struct based type with a map property into mongodb

I want to use mongodb as session storage and save a struct based data type into mongodb.
The struct type looks like:
type Session struct {
Id string
Data map[string]interface{}
And create reference to Session struct type and put some data into properties like:
type Authen struct {
Name, Email string
a := &Authen{Name: "Foo", Email: ""}
s := &Session{}
s.Id = "555555"
s.Data["logged"] = a
How to save the session data s into mongodb and how to query those data back and save into a reference again?
I think the problem can occurs with the data property of type map[string]interface{}.
As driver to mongodb I would use mgo
There's nothing special to be done for inserts. Just insert that session value into the database as usual, and the map type will be properly inserted:
err := collection.Insert(&session)
Assuming the structure described, this will insert the following document into the database:
{id: "555555", data: {logged: {name: "foo", email: ""}}}
You cannot easily query it back like that, though, because the map[string]interface{} does not give the bson package a good hint about what the value type is (it'll end up as a map, instead of Authen). To workaround this, you'd need to implement the bson.Setter interface in the type used by the Data field.
