Extract values from a property file using bash - bash

I have a variable which contains key/values separated by space:
server_geo=BOS db.jdbc_url=jdbc\:mysql\://mysql-test.com\:3306/db02 db.name=db02 db.hostname=/mysql-test.com datasource.class.xa=com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlXADataSource server_uid=BOS_mysql57 hibernate33.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect hibernate.connection.username=db02 server_labels=mysql57,mysql5,mysql db.jdbc_class=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver db.schema=db02 hibernate.connection.driver_class=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver uuid=a19ua19 db.primary_label=mysql57 db.port=3306 server_label_primary=mysql57 hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
I'd need to extract the values of the single keys, for example db.jdbc_url.
Using one code snippet I've found:
echo $PROPERTY | sed -e 's/ db.jdbc_url=\(\S*\).*/\1/g'
but that returns also other properties found before my key.
Any help how to fix it ?

If db.name always follow db.jdbc_url, then use grep lookaround,
$ echo "${PROPERTY}" | grep -oP '(?<=db.jdbc_url=).*(?=db.name)'
or add the VAR to an array,
$ myarr=($(echo $PROPERTY))
$ echo "${myarr[1]}" | grep -oP '(?<=db.jdbc_url=).*(?=$)'

This is caused because you are using the substitute command (sed s/.../.../), so any text before your regex is kept as is. Using .* before db\.jdbc_url along with the begin (^) / end ($) of string marks makes you match the whole content of the variable.
In order to be totaly safe, your regex should be :
sed -e 's/^.*db\.jdbc_url=\(\S*\).*$/\1/g'

You can use grep for this, like so:
echo $PROPERTY | grep -oE "db.jdbc_url=\S+" | cut -d'=' -f2
The regex is very close to the one you used with sed.
The -o option is used to print the matched parts of the matching line.
Edit: if you want only the value, cut on the '='
Edit 2: egrep say it is deprecated, so use grep -oE instead, same result. Just to cover all bases :-)


Bash regex: get value in conf file preceded by string with dot

I have to get my db credentials from this configuration file:
# Database settings
# My other app settings
# Log settings
In particular, I want to get the value mydb from line
So far, I have developed this
mydbname=$(echo "$my_conf_file.conf" | grep "LocalDataBase=" | sed "s/LocalDataBase=//g" )
that returns
mydb #Aisse.Trace_blabla4.tra
that would be ok if it did not return also the comment string.
Then I have also tryed
mydbname=$(echo "$my_conf_file.conf" | grep "Aisse.LocalDataBase=" | sed "s/LocalDataBase=//g" )
that retruns void string.
How can I get only the value that is preceded by the string "Aisse.LocalDataBase=" ?
Using sed
$ mydbname=$(sed -n 's/Aisse\.LocalDataBase=//p' input_file)
$ echo $mydbname
I'm afraid you're being incomplete:
You mention you want the line, containing "LocalDataBase", but you don't want the line in comment, let's start with that:
A line which contains "LocalDataBase":
grep "LocalDataBase" conf.conf.txt
A line which contains "LocalDataBase" but who does not start with a hash:
grep "LocalDataBase" conf.conf.txt | grep -v "^ *#"
??? grep -v "^ *#"
That means: don't show (-v) the lines, containing:
^ : the start of the line
* : a possible list of space characters
# : a hash character
Once you have your line, you need to work with it:
You only need the part behind the equality sign, so let's use that sign as a delimiter and show the second column:
cut -d '=' -f 2
All together:
grep "LocalDataBase" conf.conf.txt | grep -v "^ *#" | cut -d '=' -f 2
Are we there yet?
No, because it's possible that somebody has put some comment behind your entry, something like:
LocalDataBase=mydb #some information
In order to prevent that, you need to cut that comment too, which you can do in a similar way as before: this time you use the hash character as a delimiter and you show the first column:
grep "LocalDataBase" conf.conf.txt | grep -v "^ *#" | cut -d '=' -f 2 | cut -d '#' -f 1
Have fun.
You may use this sed:
mydbname=$(sed -n 's/^[^#][^=]*LocalDataBase=//p' file)
echo "$mydbname"
RegEx Details:
^: Start
[^#]: Matches any character other than #
[^=]*: Matches 0 or more of any character that is not =
LocalDataBase=: Matches text LocalDataBase=
You can use
mydbname=$(sed -n 's/^Aisse\.LocalDataBase=\(.*\)/\1/p' file)
If there can be leading whitespace you can add [[:blank:]]* after ^:
mydbname=$(sed -n 's/^[[:blank:]]*Aisse\.LocalDataBase=\(.*\)/\1/p' file)
See this online demo:
s='# Database settings
# My other app settings
# Log settings
sed -n 's/^Aisse\.LocalDataBase=\(.*\)/\1/p' <<< "$s"
-n - suppresses default line output in sed
^[[:blank:]]*Aisse\.LocalDataBase=\(.*\) - a regex that matches the start of a string (^), then zero or more whiespaces ([[:blank:]]*), then a Aisse.LocalDataBase= string, then captures the rest of the line into Group 1
\1 - replaces the whole match with the value of Group 1
p - prints the result of the successful substitution.

sed capture to get string between slashes

I have a filepath like this: /bing/foo/bar/bin and I want to extract only the string between bing/ and the next slash.
So /bing/foo/bar/bin should just produce "foo".
I tried the following:
echo "/bing/foo/bar/bin" | sed -r 's/.*bing\/(.*)\/.*/\1/'
but this produces "foo/bar" instead of "foo".
Try this command
echo "/bing/foo/bar/bin" | sed -r 's|.*bing/([^/]*)/.*|\1|'
use | as delimiters instead of / is proper in your case, reference from "Delimiters in sed substitution",
sed can use any character as a delimiter, it will automatically use the character following the s as a delimiter.
echo "/bing/foo/bar/bin" | grep -oP "/bing/\K(\w+)"

Grep and awk use

i try one day but dont fixed. I dont know this method.
content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/contacts | grep "+9053158888" | awk -F'[,,= ]' '{cmd="content delete --uri content://com.android.contacts/contacts/"$(NF-3);system(cmd)}'
but not finding
My string
Row: 9991 last_time_contacted=0, phonetic_name=NULL, custom_ringtone=NULL, contact_status_ts=NULL, pinned=0, photo_id=NULL, photo_file_id=NULL, contact_status_res_package=NULL, contact_chat_capability=NULL, contact_status_icon=NULL, display_name_alt=+90532555688, sort_key_alt=+90532555688, in_visible_group=1, starred=0, contact_status_label=NULL, phonebook_label=#, is_user_profile=0, has_phone_number=1, display_name_source=40, phonetic_name_style=0, send_to_voicemail=0, lookup=0r10070-24121C1814241820221C1A14.3789r10071-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10072-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10073-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10074-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10075-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10078-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10082-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10083-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10084-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10085-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10086-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10087-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10092-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10094-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10097-24121C1814241820221C1A14, phonebook_label_alt=#, contact_last_updated_timestamp=1612984348874, photo_uri=NULL, phonebook_bucket=213, contact_status=NULL, display_name=+90532555688, sort_key=+90532555688, photo_thumb_uri=NULL, contact_presence=NULL, in_default_directory=1, times_contacted=0, _id=10097, name_raw_contact_id=10070, phonebook_bucket_alt=213
i need string " _id=10097 "
You may use this grep to find word _id followed by a = and 1+ digits:
... | grep -Eo '\b_id=[0-9]+'
To get all occurrences of if try following, written and tested with shown samples in GNU grep. Where str is your shell variable have your shown sample input in it.
echo "$str" | grep -oP ', \K_id=\d+'
OR try with awk:
echo "$str" |
awk 'match($0,/, _id=[0-9]+/){print substr($0,RSTART+2,RLENGTH-2)}'
Above will output as:

How to use sed to extract a string [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
BASH extract value after string in variable Not file [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Closed last year.
I need to extract a number from the output of a command: cmd. The output is type: 1000
So my question is how to execute the command, store its output in a variable and extract 1000 in a shell script. Also how do you store the extracted string in a variable?
This question has been answered in pieces here before, it would be something like this:
line=$(sed -n '2p' myfile)
echo "$line"
if [ `echo $line || grep 'type: 1000' ` ] then;
echo "It's there!";
Store output of sed into a variable
String contains in Bash
EDIT: sed is very limited, you would need to use bash, perl or awk for what you need.
This is a typical use case for grep:
output=$(cmd | grep -o '[0-9]\+')
You can write the output of a command or even a pipeline of commands into a shell variable using so called command substitution:
In comments it appeared that the output of cmd contains more lines than the type : 1000. In this case I would suggest sed:
output=$(cmd | sed -n 's/type : \([0-9]\+\)/\1/p;q')
You tagged your question as sed but your question description does not restrict other tools, so here's a solution using awk.
output = `cmd | awk -F':' '/type: [0-9]+/{print $2}'`
Alternatively, you can use the newer $( ) syntax. Some find the newer syntax preferable and it can be conveniently nested, without the need for escaping backtics.
output = $(cmd | awk -F':' '/type: [0-9]+/{print $2}')
If the output is rigidly restricted to "type: " followed by a number, you can just use cut.
var=$(echo 'type: 1000' | cut -f 2 -d ' ')
Obviously you'll have to pipe the output of your command to cut, I'm using echo as a demo.
In addition, I'd use grep and then cut if the string you are searching is more complex. If we assume there can be all kind of numbers in the text, but only one occurrence of "type: " followed by a number, you can use the command:
>> var=$(echo "hello 12 type: 1000 foo 1001" | grep -oE "type: [0-9]+" | cut -f 2 -d ' ')
>> echo $var
You can use the | operator to send the output of one command to another, like so:
echo " 1\n 2\n 3\n" | grep "2"
This sends the string " 1\n 2\n 3\n" to the grep command, which will search for the line containing 2. It sound like you might want to do something like:
cmd | grep "type"
Here is a plain sed solution that uses a regualar expression to find the number in your string:
cmd | sed 's/^.*type: \([0-9]\+\)/\1/g'
^ means from the start
.* can be any character (also none)
\([0-9]\+\) are numbers (minimum one character)
\1 means it takes the first pattern it finds (and only in this case) and uses it as replacement for the whole string

Get string between strings in bash

I want to get the string between <sometag param=' and '>
I tried to use the method from Get any string between 2 string and assign a variable in bash to get the "x":
echo "<sometag param='x'><irrelevant stuff='nonsense'>" | tr "'" _ | sed -n 's/.*<sometag param=_\(.*\)_>.*/\1/p'
The problem (apart from low efficiency because I just cannot manage to escape the apostrophe correctly for sed) is that sed matches the maximum, i.e. the output is:
x_><irrelevant stuff=_nonsense
but the correct output would be the minimum-match, in this example just "x"
Thanks for your help
You are probably looking for something like this:
sed -n "s/.*<sometag param='\([^']*\)'>.*/\1/p"
echo "<sometag param='x'><irrelevant stuff='nonsense'>" | sed -n "s/.*<sometag param='\([^']*\)'>.*/\1/p"
Instead of a greedy capture, use a non-greedy capture like: [^']* which means match anything except ' any number of times. To make the pattern stick, this is followed by: '>.
You can also use double quotes so that you don't need to escape the single quotes. If you wanted to escape the single quotes, you'd do this:
... | sed -n 's/.*<sometag param='\''\([^'\'']*\)'\''>.*/\1/p'
Notice how that the single quotes aren't really escaped. The sed expression is stopped, an escaped single quote is inserted and the sed expression is re-opened. Think of it like a four character escape sequence.
Personally, I'd use GNU grep. It would make for a slightly shorter solution. Run like:
... | grep -oP "(?<=<sometag param=').*?(?='>)"
echo "<sometag param='x'><irrelevant stuff='nonsense'>" | grep -oP "(?<=<sometag param=').*?(?='>)"
You don't have to assemble regexes in those cases, you can just use ' as the field separator
in="<sometag param='x'><irrelevant stuff='nonsense'>"
IFS="'" read x whatiwant y <<< "$in" # bash
echo "$whatiwant"
awk -F\' '{print $2}' <<< "$in" # awk
