ApiController.RedirectToRoute Using HTTPS - asp.net-web-api

I have an API that returns a RedirectToRoute. I have noticed that it will want to fall back to HTTP instead of HTTPS.
Is it possible to make this work with HTTP or HTTPS depending on the original request?
Like if the link is http://example.com/api/myaction then myaction's result would use HTTP. Of course if it were https://example.com/api/myaction then the result would use HTTPS.


Maintain State Between HTTP Requests to Keycloak in JMeter

So I am trying to automate a JMeter script that creates Keycloak users and then signs them in.
First It GETs the login page and stores the code, here is an example request:
GET http://Keycloak.com:8001//auth/realms/REALM/protocol/openid-connect/auth?response_type=code&client_id=CLIENT&scope=openid%20profile%20email&nonce=N5b3a2da23c04a&response_mode=form_post&resource=RESOURCE&state=2SJwtlVZrswlGkw&redirect_uri=REDIRECTURI
However, when I then GET the registration page, the code changes and the tab_id also changes. How can I keep keycloak from generating a new code token with every HTTP request in a thread?
In addition, why is each HTTP request with JMeter acting like a new session instead of the next request in a series?
I am using Regular Expression Extractors in order to track the code and execution variables, in addition to using a HTTP Cookie Manager and HTTP Cache Manager for the thread.
Looking at my POST request, both variables are the same as those from the previous HTTP request, and all of my cookies are being maintained, yet every time I try this automated login, I get a 400 error and the keycloak event log displays an invalid_code error.
As requested here is a screenshot of all my sign in requests
Most probably your Regular Expression Extractor is not nested in the HTTP Request you are trying to extract data from.
If its scope is too wide, it applies to all HTTP Requests, so first time it succeeds extracting, but then for the next request that does not contain the token, the extractor runs and overwrites the old value by an empty one.
See scoping rules in JMeter:
You need to maintain the corelation between hits. Please go through below blog
According to keycloak you must use https if you are using keycloak.com
Keycloak can run out of the box without SSL so long as you stick to private IP addresses like localhost,, 10.0.x.x, 192.168.x.x, and 172..16.x.x. If you don’t have SSL/HTTPS configured on the server or you try to access Keycloak over HTTP from a non-private IP adress you will get an error.
So you have 3 options: use private IP address, use a reverse proxy or load balancer to handle HTTPS or enable HTTPS for the Keycloak server.

Redirect 302 loop when force routing HTTP traffic to HTTPS via Spring

I'm trying to redirect all traffic hitting HTTP to HTTPS on my application. Nginx is handling generating keys and certificate signing requests.
HTTPS works perfectly when we type it in manually in the browser's address bar. So to force all HTTP requests to use HTTPS we are changing Spring configuration in various ways.
When adding the requires-channel="https" attribute to <intercept-url/> in our .xml we are getting a 302 redirect loop. We tried declaring the port mappings in a Spring config .xml as suggested in this SO answer but it made no difference to the redirect loop. HTTPS is looping on itself by looking at the network tab in chrome dev tools.
Any help/ideas are appreciated, thanks.

Magento Ajax Request Not Working In Custom Module

I'm getting this error when trying to make an ajax request in a custom module:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://www.vossmarket.com/index.php/shoppinglist/index/showLists/product/4294/form_key/6erZKqom1ynOWDKI/qty/1/. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://www.vossmarket.com' is therefore not allowed access.
I'm assuming the problem is that I am calling https from the http, but I'm not able to figure out why it is calling the https. I've turned off https in the magento config (I changed secure_base_url to http://vossmarket.com and I turned Use Secure URLs in Frontend to "no"). Now all links stay http, but when I visit my custom module, it is still redirecting (302) to https. This happens to every link http://vossmarket.com/shoppinglist (my custom module), any other route stays http, but any route that hits my module in any ways 302s to https
Any ideas what might be happening or the best way to fix it?
Have you tried putting a file called crossdomain.xml in your web root (accessible by both http and https), ie at http(s)://vossmarket.com/crossdomain.xml
This should help define that cross site origin is allowed between http and https.
In your case, I think the custom module is upset about being accessed over http and is sending the 302 to your browser, so it would be a case of studying the controller action of the custom module to figure out why it is forcing https (instead of asking Magento what the secure URL is).
Actually, if you try this crossdomain.xml you will need the browser to request https out of the http loaded page otherwise I think you will still get the 302 redirect - but with crossdomain.xml in place you should be able to XMLHttpRequest from http://vossmarket.com to https://vossmarket.com
But, you know, often there is good reason for https so I think you should understand why https is being forced and also I don't know about that XML secure="false" - does it really mean an https request is returned over http? I hope not but I don't know.
For more information read up on CORS although your 'cross domain' is http crossing to https.

Why is ExtJS sending an OPTIONS request to the same domain?

I'm loading my script on a domain and sending some data with POST and the use of Ext.Ajax.request() to that same domain.
Somehow the dev-tools show me, that there is a failed OPTIONS request.
Request URL : myurl-internal.com:8090/some/rest/api.php
Request Headers
Access-Control-Request-Headers : origin, x-requested-with, content-type
Access-Control-Request-Method : POST
Origin : http://myurl-internal.com:8090
It's both HTTP and not HTTPS. Same port, same host ... I don't know why it's doing this.
The server can't handle such stuff and so the request fails and the whole system stops working.
It's not really specific to Ext JS -- see these related threads across other frameworks. It's the server properly enforcing the CORS standard:
for HTTP request methods that can cause side-effects on user data (in
particular, for HTTP methods other than GET, or for POST usage with
certain MIME types), the specification mandates that browsers
“preflight” the request, soliciting supported methods from the server
with an HTTP OPTIONS request header, and then, upon “approval” from
the server, sending the actual request with the actual HTTP request
If you're going to use CORS, you need to be able to either properly handle or ignore these requests on the server. Ext JS itself doesn't care about the OPTIONS requests -- you'll receive the responses as expected, but unless you do something with them they'll just be ignored (assuming the server actually allows whatever you're trying to do).
If you are NOT intending to use CORS (which sounds like you aren't purposefully going cross-domain) then you need to figure out why the server thinks the originating domain is different (I'm not sure about that). You could also bypass CORS altogether by using JsonP (via Ext's JsonP proxy).
Use relative url instead of absolute, then you will get expected result.
use before request
Ext.Ajax.useDefaultXhrHeader = false

HTTP site with JSONP API over HTTPS?

Given all the coverage FireSheep has been getting, I have been trying to work out the best practices for balancing HTTP / HTTPS usage for some sites I manage (e.g. blogging sites, magazine sites with user contributed comments).
To me, its over kill to deliver all pages over HTTPS if the user is logged in. If a page is public (e.g. a blog) there is little point encrypting the public page. All I want to do is prevent session hijacking by sniffing cookies over HTTP channels.
So, one plan is:
Login form is over HTTPS
Issue two cookies: One cookie is 'public' and identifies there user for read only aspects (e.g. 'welcome bob!'). The second cookie is private and 'HTTPS only'. This is the cookie that is verified whenever the user makes a change (e.g. adds a comment, deletes a post).
This means that all 'changing' requests must be issued over HTTPS.
We use a lot of AJAX. Indeed, many comment forms use AJAX to post the content.
Obviously, I cant use AJAX directly to post content to a HTTPS backend from a HTTP frontend.
My question is: Can I use script injection (I think this is commonly called 'JSONP'?) to access the API? So in this case there would be a HTTP public page that sends data to the private backend by injecting a script accessed via HTTPS (so that the private cookie is visible in the request).
Can you have HTTPS content inside a HTTP page? I know you get warnings the other way around, but I figure that HTTPS inside HTTP is not a security breach.
Would that work? It seems to work in chrome and FF, but its IE that would be the party pooper!
Another way is to have an iframe which points to a https page that can make all kinds (GET, POST, PUT etc) of Ajax calls to the server over https (same domain as iframe is on https too). Once the response is back inside the iframe, you can post a message back to the main window using HTML5 postMessage API.
Pseudo code:
<iframe src="https://<hostname>/sslProxy">
MakeAjaxyCall('GET', 'https://<hostname>/endpoint', function (response) {
top.postMessage(response, domain);
This works in all modern browsers except IE <= 7 for which you'll have to either resort to JSONP or cross domain communication using Flash.
The problem with JSONP is that you can only use it for GETs.
Can you have HTTPS content inside a
HTTP page? I know you get warnings the
other way around, but I figure that
HTTPS inside HTTP is not a security
Including HTTPS content inside a regular HTTP page won't raise any alerts in any browser.
However, I don't think JSONP will help you out of this one. Using GETs to post content and modify data is a very bad idea, and prone to other attacks like CSFR
