Why is ExtJS sending an OPTIONS request to the same domain? - ajax

I'm loading my script on a domain and sending some data with POST and the use of Ext.Ajax.request() to that same domain.
Somehow the dev-tools show me, that there is a failed OPTIONS request.
Request URL : myurl-internal.com:8090/some/rest/api.php
Request Headers
Access-Control-Request-Headers : origin, x-requested-with, content-type
Access-Control-Request-Method : POST
Origin : http://myurl-internal.com:8090
It's both HTTP and not HTTPS. Same port, same host ... I don't know why it's doing this.
The server can't handle such stuff and so the request fails and the whole system stops working.

It's not really specific to Ext JS -- see these related threads across other frameworks. It's the server properly enforcing the CORS standard:
for HTTP request methods that can cause side-effects on user data (in
particular, for HTTP methods other than GET, or for POST usage with
certain MIME types), the specification mandates that browsers
“preflight” the request, soliciting supported methods from the server
with an HTTP OPTIONS request header, and then, upon “approval” from
the server, sending the actual request with the actual HTTP request
If you're going to use CORS, you need to be able to either properly handle or ignore these requests on the server. Ext JS itself doesn't care about the OPTIONS requests -- you'll receive the responses as expected, but unless you do something with them they'll just be ignored (assuming the server actually allows whatever you're trying to do).
If you are NOT intending to use CORS (which sounds like you aren't purposefully going cross-domain) then you need to figure out why the server thinks the originating domain is different (I'm not sure about that). You could also bypass CORS altogether by using JsonP (via Ext's JsonP proxy).

Use relative url instead of absolute, then you will get expected result.

use before request
Ext.Ajax.useDefaultXhrHeader = false


How to send the right Access-Control-Allow-Origin value for responses to cross-origin requests with credentials/cookies

I have a setup where a client application is running on a different domain (http://www.example.com) than the server application (http://www.example2.com). I've got the cross domain AJAX requests working except that I cannot figure out a way to send cookies with the request without having to add the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header for each possible domain. Is there a way to set this up without having to specify a list of domains in that header? I'm aware of the security implications so I guess what I'm really asking is ... is there another framework separate from CORS that I can use which will allow this type of setup and at the same time allow any domain for the client application? I tried JSONP but that did not work out (could not send the cookie with the JSONP request). Is there something else I should try other than CORS and JSONP? Thanks.
EDIT: This is not a duplicate of the question mentioned in the duplicate notification. I'm already aware of the withCredentials flag. The problem is that I don't want to have to specify a list of domains in the CORS response header. I want something equivalent to setting that value to '*', but setting it to '*' is not allowed if sending a cross domain AJAX request that contains cookies.

Do browsers allow cross-domain requests to be "sent"?

I am newbie to website security and currently trying to understand Same-Origin-Policy in some depth.
While there are very good posts on stackoverflow and elsewhere about the concept of SOP, I could not find updated information on whether chrome and other browsers allow cross-domain XHR post requests to be 'sent' from the first place.
From this 5 year old post, it appears that chrome allows the request to pass through to the requested server but does not allow reading the response by the requester.
I tested that on my website trying to change user info on my server from a different domain. Details below:
My domain: "www.mysite.com"
Attacker domain: "www.attacker.mysite.com"
According to Same-Origin-Policy those two are considered different Origins.
User (while logged in to www.mysite.com) opens www.attacker.mysite.com and presses a button that fires a POST request to 'www.mysite.com' server...The submitted hidden form (without tokens in this case) has all the required information to change the user's info on 'www.mysite.com' server --> Result: CSRF successful attack: The user info does indeed change.
Now do the same but with javascript submitting the form through JQuery .post instead of submitting the form--> Result: Besides chrome giving the normal response:
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested
, I found that no change is done on the server side...It seems that the request does not even pass through from the browser. The user info does not change at all! While that sounds good, I was expecting the opposite.
According to my understanding and the post linked above, for cross-domain requests, only the server response should be blocked by the browser not sending the post request to the server from the first place.
Also, I do not have any CORS configuration set; no Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers are sent. But even if I had that set, that should apply only on 'reading' the server response not actually sending the request...right?
I thought of preflights, where a request is sent to check if it's allowed on the server or not, and thus blocking the request before sending its actual data to change the user info. However, according to Access_Control_CORS , those preflights are only sent in specific situations which do not apply to my simple AJAX post request (which includes a simple form with enctype by default application/x-www-form-urlencoded and no custom headers are sent).
So is it that chrome has changed its security specs to prevent the post request to a cross domain from the first place?
or am I missing something here in my understanding to the same-origin-policy?
Either way, it would be helpful to know if there is a source for updated security measures implemented in different web browsers.
The XMLHttpRequest object behavior has been revisited with time.
The first AJAX request were unconstrained.
When SOP was introduced the XMLHttpRequest was updated to restrict every cross-origin request
If the origin of url is not same origin with the XMLHttpRequest origin the user agent should raise a SECURITY_ERR exception and terminate these steps.
From XMLHttpRequest Level 1, open method
The idea was that an AJAX request that couldn't read the response was useless and probably malicious, so they were forbidden.
So in general a cross-origin AJAX call would never make it to the server.
This API is now called XMLHttpRequest Level 1.
It turned out that SOP was in general too strict, before CORS was developed, Microsoft started to supply (and tried to standardize) a new XMLHttpRequest2 API that would allow only some specific requests, stripped by any cookie and most headers.
The standardization failed and was merged back into the XMLHttpRequest API after the advent of CORS. The behavior of Microsoft API was mostly retained but more complex (read: potentially dangerous) requests were allowed upon specific allowance from the server (through the use of pre-flights).
A POST request with non simple headers or Content-Type is considered complex, so it requires a pre-flight.
Pre-flights are done with the OPTIONS method and doesn't contain any form information, as such no updates on the server are done.
When the pre-flight fails, the user-agent (the browser) terminate the AJAX request, preserving the XMLHttpRequest Level 1 behavior.
So in short: For XMLHttpRequest the SOP was stronger, deny any cross-origin operations despite the goals stated by the SOP principles. This was possible because at the time that didn't break anything.
CORS loosened the policy allowing "non harmful" requests by default and allowing the negotiation of the others.
OK...I got it...It's neither a new policy in chrome nor missing something in SOP...
The session cookies of "www.mysite.com" were set to "HttpOnly" which means, as mentioned here, that they won't be sent along with AJAX requests, and thus the server won't change the user's details in point (4).
Once I added xhrFields: { withCredentials:true } to my post request, I was able to change the user's information in a cross-domain XHR POST call as expected.
Although this proves the already known fact that the browser actually sends the cross-domain post requests to the server and only blocks the server response, it might still be helpful to those trying to deepen their understanding to SOP and/or playing with CORS.

What are the security benefits of CORS preflight requests?

I've been working on a classic SPA where the front end app lives on app.example.com while the API lives on api.example.com, hence requiring the use of CORS requests. Have setup the server to return the CORS header, works fine.
Whenever an AJAX request is not simple, the browser makes an extra OPTIONS request to the server to determine if it can make the call with the payload. Find Simple Requests on MDN
The question is: What are the actual benefits of doing the OPTIONS request, especially in regards to security?
Some users of my app have significant geographical latency and since the preflight cache doesn't last long, the preflight requests cause latencies to be multiplied.
I'm hoping to make POST requests simple, but just embedding the Content-Type of application/json negates that. One potential solution is to "hack" it by using text/plain or encoding in the url. Hence, I hope to leave with a full understanding of what CORS preflight requests do for web security. Thanks.
As noted on the article you linked to:
These are the same kinds of cross-site requests that web content can
already issue, and no response data is released to the requester
unless the server sends an appropriate header. Therefore, sites that
prevent cross-site request forgery have nothing new to fear from HTTP
access control.
Basically it was done to make sure CORS does not introduce any extra means for cross-domain requests to be made that would otherwise be blocked without CORS.
For example, without CORS, the following form content types could only be done cross-domain via an actual <form> tag, and not by an AJAX request:
Therefore any server receiving a request with one of the above content-types knows that there is a possibility of it coming from another domain and knows to take measures against attacks such as Cross Site Request Forgery. Other content types such as application/json could previously only be made from the same domain, therefore no extra protection was necessary.
Similarly requests with extra headers (e.g. X-Requested-With) would have previously been similarly protected as they could have only come from the same domain (a <form> tag cannot add extra headers, which was the only way previously to do a cross-domain POST). GET and POST are also the only methods supported by a form. HEAD is also listed here as it performs identically to GET, but without the message body being retrieved.
So, in a nutshell it will stop a "non simple" request from being made in the first place, without OPTIONS being invoked to ensure that both client and server are talking the CORS language. Remember that the Same Origin Policy only prevents reads from different origins, so the preflight mechanism is still needed to prevent writes from taking place - i.e. unsafe methods from being executed in a CSRF scenario.
You might be able to increase performance using the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Details here.

Is it possible to enable cross domain request using XHR?

I've a server named, foo.com where my application is running and accessing a service available on a different domain bar.foo.com.
With the simple XHR request to bar.foo.com/getUsers, I'm getting an error saying, No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present. I do not want to use JSONP as a fallback to cross-domain issue.
Is there any easy fix I can do on server level to enable cross subdomain requests while XHRing?
It appears that I need to set allow-cross-domain headers on server when a response is returned as suggested by #Blender above.
Or I can use xdomain library which uses PostMessage API to enable cors. With this I can even read iframe's content served by different domain.

Pre-flight OPTIONS request failing over HTTPS

A CORS POST request (AJAX) made by my client server (running on Apache # port 443) to my REST server (running on Tomcat # port 8443), fails to trigger when tried over HTTPS.
Please note that all the requests function properly without SSL.
I have already set the withCredentials: true options in the request fields. And my Tomcat server also takes care of the appropriate headers :
response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "https://localhost");
response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type");
response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "OPTIONS, POST");
I also tried using Curl, but the issue persisted over SSL. However, the Tomcat server responds to all my requests when tried directly over Postman/through the browser.
Could someone tell me what I'm missing out here?
I'm assuming this is an issue with the preflight request. There are two types of CORS requests: simple, and not-so-simple.
The simple kind is either a GET or POST with no custom headers whose content type is "text/plain".
The not-so-simple kind is any request using custom headers, utilising request methods other than POST or GET, and using different content body types. These requests will be "preflighted"; that is the browser will make a preflight request on the clients behalf in order to determine whether or not the server will allow this request. The preflight request uses the OPTIONS method. I'm willing to bet if you use something like Firebug to have a look what's going on you'll see something like this in the Net tab: "OPTIONS activity" with a status of "Aborted".
Unfortunately the preflight request doesn't pass the client certificate to the server which is why your request is failing to trigger. You need to disable two way SSL in order to get it working. In Apache you can try changing the SSLVerifyClient to:
SSLVerifyClient optional
I've used this before in order to get my cross domain AJAX calls working over HTTPS.
Good luck.
