how to deploy war(spring app) on Tomcat from intelij idea? - spring

There is application on spring.
Result of build procedure is creation of war file.
When I deploy on local tomcat, everything ok
When try to deploy to remote machine - there is error running remote.
my pom.xml file is:
<!-- SERVLET-->
My intelij idea customizations are:
Is there any addition configs for idea or may be from remote tomcat?
there is information step by step


unable to import org.springframework.test.context.ActiveProfiles;

I am unable to import "org.springframework.test.context.ActiveProfiles". I am importing it to use #ActiveProfiles annotation.
I have added below dependencies in my pom.xml, also I have cleaned the project and update the maven also but I am still receiving error while importing ActiveProfiles.
This is my pom.xml:
<project xmlns=""
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
Also, while checking dependencies Hierarchy, I noticed spring-test and junit are in grayed out. I don't know why.
Thanks for your help in advance.
The problem is with:
You need to set testSourceDirectory as well

how to create a web project with jersey2.25 , spring 4 ,mybatis3.1.1

i am trying to create a web project with jersey2.25 , spring 4 ,mybatis3.1.1 and tomcat.
i have to use jdk1.7 , the following are all jar file in my web project lib.
with that jar file, i can not start my tomcat.
so someone can help to create a pom.xml file , so that i can build my web project with maven ?
you can use Eclipse neon for project development, first you need to create maven ptoject and add dependencies into pom.xml, you can refer below sample code.">
<description>ProjectName web api.</description>
<name>Spring Framework Maven Release Repository</name>
<!-- Test Case Dependency -->
in this pom you can get the Spring Framework with hibernate and JPA. for more you can refer below link
You can use online application called Spring Initializr that can generate a Spring Boot project
structure for you. It doesn’t generate any application code, but it will give you a basic project
Just Visit:
Specify the Build Tool (Maven or Gradle), language, Spring Boot Version, project Metadata and the dependencies and download the project. You'll also find the generated pom.xml in the downloaded file.

Configuring Jetty with Spring MVC

I am having trouble configuring Jetty to run with Spring MVC, which is getting a bit frustrating.
Overall the configuration works, since if I run it with tomcat works fine. As soon as I try to add jetty and configure the build, it blows up and gives me the following error
22:21:58.663 [main] ERROR o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet - Context initialization failed
The cause of this error seems to be related to
Caused by: class path resource [] cannot be opened because it does not exist
[WARNING] unavailable
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Failed to parse configuration class [com.helloworld.config.WebConfig]; nested exception is
on: class path resource [] cannot be opened because it does not exist
But how is this a problem? It works file when I use Tomcat, and there is no issues with classpaths, and locating my files.
Here is my pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Spring Security -->
<!-- Spring Data JPA -->
<!-- Logging dependencies -->
<!-- Thymeleaf Template Engine -->
<!-- Thymeleaf Layout Dialect -->
<!-- WebJars -->
I think the issue is within pom and how it's set up?

creation of jar files for selected packages using maven

I have requirement to generate jar files for selected packages i am new to maven I am able to create jar for src folder but unable use and tags .I have spent almost 3 days i haven't got the solution.Please help me by provide good solution or porm.xml file
Thanks in Advance,
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Maven compiler plugin -->
<!-- Spring Security -->
<!-- JSON Object -->
<!-- Jackson Object -->

Spring Security java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError. Maven Dependency Management issue

Hi I searched this forum for getting the solution of the above problem and some one quoted that using maven's dependency management this kind of issue be rectified. But I generally do not much aware of spring dependency issues so I am posting this problem here.
java java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: class org.springframework.core.LocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer$ParameterNameDiscoveringVisitor has interface org.springframework.asm.ClassVisitor as super class
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>A Sample J2EE Application</name>
<description>A Sample J2EE Application</description>
<name>primefaces maven repository</name>
How should I utilize maven's dependency management to rectify the above issue. please help.
here is reference for this kind of problem from SO
Try this :
