Uploading to Apple App store "Invalid Custom Intents" - xcode

Uploading an update for an existing app I received an email detailing the recent issues. The 'NeighbourOrders.strings' file is unchanged in this version.
Invalid Custom Intents - The 'NeighbourOrders.strings' file in the '/Payload/MyApp.app/fr.lproj' folder is formatted incorrectly.


google drive api returns 403 forbidden when downloading file content

I am trying to download content of a previous revision of a file using the google drive api for Ruby Google::Apis::DriveV3::DriveService#get_revision:
Tempfile.create('file_revision-', encoding: 'ASCII-8BIT') do |temp_file|
drive_api_service.get_revision(file_id, revision_id, download_dest: temp_file)
# work with the content
I keep getting Google::Apis::ClientError with status code 403, reason phrase "Forbidden". The scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive is enabled and the error occurs only when I am trying to download the content of the revision. If I run the code without the parameter download_dest, the request succeeds without any problems. I am also able to fetch any meta data or revision, export files, upload files etc., the problem only occurs when I try to fetch the content, either by get_file or get_revision.
Has anyone encountered this issue?
Is there an additional permissions that specifically needs to be added to allow content downloading?
I have also looked at other questions on stack overflow and I have checked all possible configuration for google drive api I could find and everything seems to be enabled.
Right now, Google drive api does not support content downloading for native google drive files (google docs, sheets etc.), so you cant download content (current or of an old revision), you can only export it to a different mime type.

FAILED_PRECONDITION when trying to create a new Google API project

I am getting an error when attempting to create a new project for Google API at https://code.google.com/apis/console
I was hoping the error was temporary, but I have been unable to create a new project for a couple weeks now.
The error seems to have changed, as it used to include server ip information and a lot of other data. An example with some potentially private information removed:
Now the error is a lot shorter, although still seems to be related to the same cause:
com.google.apps.framework.request.StatusException: generic::FAILED_PRECONDITION:
The spinner in the dashboard appears to spin forever, while the error appears underneath alerts after a few seconds. I have tried numerous project names and all fail with the same error.
Is there some type of quota I am missing that is preventing this? The quota menu item requires me to select a project, which I don't have any.
Clicking on the error brings me to a page with the following message:
You don't have permissions to perform the action on the selected resource.
Make sure that the Google Developers Console is on for the user that is trying to create the project.
Admin.google.com > Apps > Additional Google services > Google Developers Console and turn on for any org or user that needs it.
Looks like there's another possible cause, in addition to the one that #AndrewL provided in his solution.
Short answer:
I ran into the same error when I attempted to associate a new GCP project with our billing account via Terraform. Our billing account has a default limit of 5 projects (which we had already met), and this blocked the association of new accounts and generated the Error 400: Precondition check failed., failedPreconditionerror message. To fix, I had to remove/delete one of the already associated projects before I could add a new one.
Long answser:
Here is the error message I encountered in Terraform (sensitive data and IDs redacted):
An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
~ update in-place
Terraform will perform the following actions:
~ module.<MY MODULE PATH>.project
billing_account: "" => "<MY BILLING ACCOUNT ID>"
Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.
Do you want to perform these actions?
Terraform will perform the actions described above.
Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
Enter a value: yes
module.<MY MODULE PATH>.project: Modifying... (ID: <MY PROJECT ID>)
billing_account: "" => "<MY BILLING ACCOUNT ID>"
Error: Error applying plan:
1 error(s) occurred:
* module.<MY MODULE PATH>.project: 1 error(s) occurred:
* google_project.project: Error setting billing account "<MY BILLING ACCOUNT ID>" for project "projects/<MY PROJECT ID>": googleapi: Error 400: Precondition check failed., failedPrecondition
Terraform does not automatically rollback in the face of errors.
Instead, your Terraform state file has been partially updated with
any resources that successfully completed. Please address the error
above and apply again to incrementally change your infrastructure.
My billing account was at its maximum of 5 projects. As a test, I removed one of the projects and then ran Terraform again. It then successfully added the new project to the billing account. To double check, I attempted to add yet another new project to the billing account (to push the amount to 6) and then received the same error message again.
Straight up deleting one of the associated projects also works.
It stands to reason that requesting a limit increase for your billing account's associated projects will also fix this issue.
Another possible reason for this error can be accessing the .xlsx file. If you are accessing this file using Google spreadsheet then you need to save the .xlsx file in to save as google sheets by choosing the option available in the File menu at the top.
Another possible reason for this is Organization policy, denying the particular API on ORG/Folder/project level.
For me the error was working because I was trying to read the file from a shared google folder. Check if the drive where the file lives is your drive and not a shared one.

Firefox Extension : Unable to parse JSON data for extension storage

I have written a Firefox Extension using Web Extension APIs. It has passed the Preliminary review but the reviewer said that he cannot proceed with the full review cause when he installs it, he gets the following error -
"Unable to parse JSON data for extension storage"
Upon inspecting for quite sometime, I figured that Firefox creates a file called "storage.js" in the profile folder for each extension where it writes and reads from, all the local storage data for that particular extension. And if the extension tries to write to this file before this file is created, the error "Unable to write JSON data to extension storage" is thrown and if the extension code tries to read from this file before this file is created, the error "Unable to parse JSON data for extension storage" is thrown.
Now, my concern is how do I know for sure that the file has been created and that it can be written to or read from?
PS : This happens when the extension is just installed. For consequent sessions, this error wont come as that file is no longer missing.
This seems to be a bug in the current Firefox implementation, and your assessment is spot on:
The underlying ExtStorage module will always call read before get, set etc. even write and clear.
read will unconditionally try to access the underlying, extension specific storage file, that may not exist yet for freshly installed add-ons using the storage API for the first time.
This will therefore result in the logging of one such Unable to parse JSON data for extension storage message, no matter what you do with the storage API.
Therefore triggering the message cannot be avoided.
I suggest you do the following:
Contact the editors team, requesting they re-evaluate your add-on based on:
The message in question is really only a warning (when appearing after first access of the storage API by your addon).
Even when the message would be an actual error (the storage is corrupt), it would still not be your error, as the storage API implementation by mozilla needs to be more resilient then and there is nothing you can do anyway.
The message being issued on first regular use of the storage API, unrelated to what WebExtensions add-on uses that API and in what way, is a mozilla bug, and not something you caused or can fix yourself or at least work around.
Therefore denying a full review just because a mozilla bug erroneously logs a spurious message once without any other severe effects is... questionable.
File a bug about this so mozilla developers can address this issue. You'll wanna CC at least Bill McCloskey (:billm) since he wrote that code ;)

Archive validation failed with errors

I get the following error in XCode when submitting the app:
Archive validation failed due the issues listed below.
ITunes Store operation failed.
Invalid Pre-Release Train. The train version '1.1' is closed for new build submission.
But this version of my application is in the status of "Prepare for Submission" after the status "Developer rejected".
I want to upload a new Build to replace the existing, but can not do it.
Change the version number in iTunes Connect and build another archive with that new version number. It will pass validation and you'll be able to submit.

Magento Connect: Unable to upload new release error message

Today I finished my plug-in and I would like to add it to the Magento Connect store by choosing for "Add Extension" but when I do that I get the following errormessage:
An error occurred during upload to channel MagentoConnect 1.0: Unable to upload new release e102c963387e144a2eb6768b2ebc51ec-0.1.0.tgz
An error occurred during upload to channel MagentoConnect 2.0: Channels names doesn't match 'Plesents_Plugin' and 'community'
I've followed the official pdf tutorial file for adding the extension to the Magento Connect store. I'm packaging for Magento 1.7 only.
Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?
I worked with the same pdf shortly and had no problems.
From the file:
Extension Key:
The extension key must be the exact same name you used during the packaging process.
To check if the names match have a look in the var/connect/package.xml of your module. Theres a node name. Compare it to value you entered when uploading the package.
