How can I make a dynamic form with APEX Oracle - oracle

I'm wondering how I can make a dynamic page with APEX.
By dynamic I need to make a form which will have checkboxes for each line of a table. So if the table has 10 rows I need 10 checkboxes to be selected.
I was going down the APEX_ITEM route however that is deprecated....oh well

APEX_ITEM is deprecated? Since when? It is not, as far as I can tell.
I'd suggest you to use interactive grid. It will display as many rows as you want (10 in your case), while item type can be set to "checkbox" so you'd either check it (or not).
If you want to do it dynamically, then one option is to create a stored procedure which would "draw" the page using htp.p calls. You'd, I presume, have a loop (because you have to create as many page elements as there are rows in a table - 10, you said).
Region type is then PL/SQL dynamic content.
Does it work? Yes, I've use it occasionally. Is it worth the pain (if compared to interactive grid)? Can't tell, it is up to you.


Interactive Grid- Automatic Row Processing (DML) : Character limitation in Code editor

I have a requirement where 300 columns had to be processed. I am trying to achieve this using IG automatic row processing (DML). When writing the code in the editor I get a error stating 'Value too long by 2015 characters'.
I suppose this is an Oracle Apex limitation. Can someone please share their views on this?
When writing the code in the editor ...
I'd say that your problem isn't related to number of columns, but a large query which can't fit into "SQL Query" item of the Page Designer.
Which Apex version do you use? I can't tell for sure (as I don't know it), but my impression is that Apex up to version 4.2 had that item limited to VARCHAR2(4000) so - if your query is larger than that, it won't fit (such as in your case - query you wrote is 2015 characters longer than the maximum size the item allows). In 5.x version, you can put a whole lot of query into the item (as if it was modified to a CLOB).
Now, as you use Interactive Grid and it appeared in 5.x version, huh ... maybe what I wrote above isn't entirely true. Unfortunately, you can't switch to a query whose source is a function that returns query (such as in Classic Reports), as you could write a (stored) function and simply call it from Apex.
As you said that you used automatic row processing, did you put too much code somewhere in there?
On the other hand, I Googled a little bit, looking for limit of column numbers in the IG - couldn't find anything official, but someone complained (here, on StackOveflow) that they tried to create an IG with over 100 columns, and it didn't work.
So, yes - maybe you hit the limit, but I can't confirm it. Hopefully, someone who knows Apex better will be able to assist. Alternatively, consider asking the same question on OTN forums, as people who designed Apex answer questions there.

how to set dynamic header using BIRT?

I am newbie to BIRT and unfortunately my first task is over complicated.
I want to create table like this
Birt Report Snap
the columns in this picture must be dynamic. the data for the column name is in database and I have to fetch it and create columns on the go. 2nd to put values against it.
kindly tell me if this thing is doable in birt. I am new to this so please don't give negative ratings
I believe what you are looking for is called a Cross Tab Table.
Here is a tutorial video on it: BIRT - Cross Tab Table
In addition to SBurris answer, which is the way you should try first, I can assure you from my experience that what you want is in fact doable with BIRT, and even in two different ways.
However, some of the minor aspects might be a bit quite tricky for beginners, e.g. the merged cells in the column header, the different background colours and border widths for the columns. So, these style aspects shouldn't matter at first, you can tackle them later.
The first, by far easiest and standard way to achieve this kind of report layout is a cross tab, as SBurris said.
The second option is - depending on the database backend - to use a "normal" Table report item in they layout and to "create the cross tab" with SQL.
This is more powerful IMHO as the BIRT Cross Tab report item, but also more complicated.
For examples, see here:
Pivot / Crosstab Query in Oracle 10g (Dynamic column number)
Pivoting rows into columns dynamically in Oracle
How to do Pivoting in Oracle 10g
(you get the idea)
To use this with BIRT, you'll have to select the column title values in addition to the cell values.
You have to decide how many columns do/should fit on your page (if you're using PDF output).
You can use the maximum aggregate function in the visibility expression of the columns to hide empty columns.
If the number of logical columns exceeds the number of columns for a single page, you can extend the idea further by dividing the cross tab into several, each with at most N columns.
However, note that this approach will need an experienced BIRT developer...

Set sort on first column as default in TOAD

I'm using Toad for Oracle 12.5 and a little thing anoy me : when I look into the "Data" tab of a table, the row order is all jumbled up.
On any other DB software I used (SQL developper, phpmyadmin, etc), the default data view would retur the rows ordered by the primary key
So, I would like it to automaticly by default sort the data in the "Data" tab of each table to the first column, or even better, to the table primary key.
I've looked in the options but I can't see anything related to this.
Have some of you had the same problem ?
No oracle client that I have seen ever tacks an "order by" onto a statement on its own accord. It returns what the query returns in the order (or lack thereov) that it receives it.
Now it may LOOK ordered if the rows were inserted in order, but that is a fluke. Period.
And frankly, I'd be upset if a UI arbitrarily added expensive sorts to my queries unless I specifically told it to.
I have some BIG tables. presuming that I want the UI to take the time to scan the index and grab the lowest PK values just because I opened the DATA tab? No. Dear me - NO!
If I want it ordered, I will open the sort/filter dialog and specify so, or click on the appropriate column header to sort the results.
If there ARE some tables where you want this behaviour (I can see the convenience if checking code tables for example), then use the sort/filter dialog on the data grid for that table to set an order by and TOAD will remember that setting for that table in this schema until you remove it. So you CAN set this behaviour where you want and not deal with the performance aspects where you don't.

Passing more than 3 items in a reports column link

I have a report that is listing students and I want a column to edit a student. I've done so by following this answer:
How do you add an edit button to each row in a report in Oracle APEX?
However, I can only seem to pass 3 items and there's no option to add more. I took a screenshot to explain more:
I need to pass 8 values, how can I do that?
Normally, for this you would only pass the Primary Key columns (here looks like #RECORD_NUMBER# only). The page that you send the person to would then load the form based on the primary key lookup only. If multiple users were using this application, you would want the edit form to always retrieve the current values of the database, not what happened to be on the screen when a particular person ran a certain report.
Change the Target type to URL.
Apex will format what to already have into a URL text field which magically appears between Tem3 and Page Checksum.
All you need to do is to add your new items and values in the appropriate places in the URL.
I found a workaround, at least it was useful to my scenario.
I have an IR page, query returns 4 columns, lets say: ID, DESCRIPTION, SOME_NUMBER,SOME_NUMBER2.
What I did was, to setup items this way:
Previous data have been sent to page 11.
In page 11, all items are display only items.
And P11_ITEM3 actually received two concatenated values.
For example, the calling page has columns SOME_NUMER=4 and SOME_NUMBER2=150
so, in pag1 11, P11_ITEM3 shows 4150
In page 11 I created a Before Footer process (pl/sql expression)
to set up new items, for example P11_N1 as source SUBSTR(P11_ITEM3,1,1)
and item P11_N2 as source SUBSTR(P11_ITEM3,2,3)
So, I had those items with corresponding values from the calling IR page.
The reason I did not pass the primary key only for new lookup access, is because i do not want to stress database performing new queries since all data are already loaded into page items. I've been an oracle DBA for twenty years and I know there is no need to re execute queries if you already have the information somewhere else.
These workarounds are not very useful for a product that bills itself as a RAD tool.
Just include a single quoted word in the select statement (Select col1, 'Randomword', col2 from table 1;)
Then define that column as a link and bingo! More items than 3 to select.

Is it possible to traverse rowtype fields in Oracle?

Say i have something like this:
Is it possible to access the fields of somerecord with out knowing the fields names?
Something like somerecord[i] such that the order of fields would be the same as the column order in the table?
I have seen a few examples using dynamic sql but i was wondering if there is a cleaner way of doing this.
What i am trying to do is generate/get the DML (insert query) for a specific row in my table but i havent been able to find anything on this.
If there is another way of doing this i'd be happy to use but would also be very curious in knowing how to do the former part of this question - it's more versatile.
This doesn't exactly answer the question you asked, but might get you the result you want...
You can query the USER_TAB_COLUMNS view (or the other similar *_TAB_COLUMN views) to get information like the column name (COLUMN_NAME), position (COLUMN_ID), and data type (DATA_TYPE) on the columns in a table (or a view) that you might use to generate DML.
You would still need to use dynamic SQL to execute the generated DML (or at least generate static SQL separately).
However, this approach won't work for identifying the columns in an arbitrary query (unless you create a view of it). If you need that, you might need to resort to DBMS_SQL (or other tools).
Hope this helps.
As far as I know there is no clean way of referencing record fields by their index.
However, if you have a lot of different kinds of updates of the same table each with its own column set to update, you might want to avoid dynamic sql and look in the direction of statically populating your record with values, and then issuing update someTable set row = someTableRecord where =;.
This approach has it's own drawbacks, like, issuing an update to every, even unchanged column, and thus creating additional redo log data, but I believe it should be considered.
