SSH command to replace/convert spaces from images file with underscores in a directory - whitespace

I want to remove spaces from .jpg files and convert/replace spaces in underscores.
Current files name : image 1 2.jpg
I want it to be become: image_1_2.jpg
These are all images files inside a directory /home/website/www/import and there are many files with different names but I want only .jpg extension file to change space with underscore.
This command not worked:
find -name "* *.jpg" -type f | rename 's/ /_/g'
I run it from root and shows this :
rename: not enough arguments
Kindly provide me correct command
centos 7.5
root access

You can use find -exec for something like that:
find ./ -name "* *.jpg" -exec rename 's/ /_/g' {} \;
(not tested, but it should be something like that)


Find and rename multiple files using a bash script in Linux

As an example, in a directory /home/hel/files/ are thousends of files and hundreds of directories.
An application saves there its output files with special characters in the file names.
I want to replace these special characters with underscores in all file names. e.g. -:"<>#
I wrote a bash script which simply repeats a command to rename the files using Linux/Unix 'rename'.
Example: file name:
rename "s/\'/_/g" *
rename 's/[-:"<>#\,&\s\(\)\[\]?!–~%„“;│\´\’\+#]/_/g' *
rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *
rename 's/\.(?=[^.]*\.)/_/g' *
rename 's/[_]{2,}/_/g' *
I execute the following find command:
find /home/hel/files/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -execdir /home/hel/scripts/ {} \+
Now the issue:
This works fine, except the fact, that it renames subdirectories too, if they have the searched characters in their name.
The find command searches just for files and not for directories.
I tried some other find variations like:
find /home/hel/files/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -execdir sh /home/hel/scripts/ {} \+
find /home/hel/files/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -execdir sh /home/hel/scripts/ {} +
find /home/hel/files/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -execdir sh /home/hel/scripts/ {} \;
They are all working, but with the same result.
What is not working:
find /home/hel/files/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec sh /home/hel/scripts/ {} \+
This one is dangerous, because it renames the directories and files in the current directory, where you call the find command too.
Maybe one has an idea, why this happens or has a better solution.
The script did not use its command line arguments at all, but instead searched files and directories (!) on its own using the glob *.
Change your script to the following.
rename -d s/\''/_/g;
s/[_]{2,}/_/g' "$#"
Then use find ... -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec sh .../ {} +.
Changes Made
Use "$#" instead of * to process the files given as arguments rather than everything in the current directory.
Execute rename only once as a 2nd rename wouldn't find the files specified with "$#" after they were renamed by the 1st rename.
Use the -d option such that only the basenames are modified. find always puts a path in front of the files, at the very least ./. Without this option rename would change ./filename to mangledPath/newFilename and therefore move the file to another directory.
Note that man rename is a bit misleading
--path, --fullpath
Rename full path: including any directory component. DEFAULT
-d, --filename, --nopath, --nofullpath
Do not rename directory: only rename filename component of path.
For a given path rename -d 's...' some/path/basename just processes the basename and ignores the leading components some/path/. If basename is a directory it will still be renamed despite the -d option.

Automation on MacOS to move PDF files to a specific folder

I'm looking for a script to look at a folder and find the PDF that contains a suffix in the filename and move all of the relatives' PDF to a folder with the same suffix.
e.g., move PDF with filename nameName_USEN_nameName.pdf
to folder USEN
Move PDF with filename nameName_GBEN_nameName.pdf
to folder GBEN
I'd just use the find command in Terminal:
find /path/to/search -type f -iname '*_USEN_*.pdf' -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} mv -n {} /path/to/USEN/
find /path/to/search -type f -iname '*_GBEN_*.pdf' -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} mv -n {} /path/to/GBEN/
You can also use . in place of /path/to/search if you want to start the search in the current directory.
Also, if there are any spaces in the /path/to/search, /path/to/USEN/, or /path/to/GBEN/, either quote the pathname or escape the spaces with a backslash \, but not both.
If you want to use Automator, then here's a screenshot of an example workflow:
Note the Options in the second Find Finder Items action, the [√] Ignore this actions input is checked and it's not connected to the Move Finder Items action above it because of this option.

Can't rename, No such file or directory

I have a root folder (03_COMPLETE), inside which are 40 subfolders two levels down (all called CHILD_PNG) that contain .png files I want to rename. There are 6 complete folders I have to go through, with tens of thousands of files. All files are currently named like this: 123456_lifestyle.png, I want them named to lifestyle_123456.png.
My code:
find . -mindepth 2 -type f -iname '*.png' -print0 | xargs -0 /usr/local/bin/rename -v 's/\/([0-9]+)_([A-Za-z]+[0-9])/\/$2_$1/'\;
If I run this on an individual folder of .png files (without using -mindepth) it renames them. However if I run it on the root 03_COMPLETE directory to try and do all the renaming at once, I get lines of errors like this:
Can't rename
No such file or directory
I think it might have something to do with the names of the folder 1 level down (eg. here NYS5_06052017_W_1263_Output) because it did rename on a couple of folders named Bustform_000. Most of the folders though start with a number like 06052017.
I can't figure out why this will work at the .png folder level but won't work on the root folder, and why it will rename in a few folders but most of them it won't.
Also what is weird is that in the error it says it is trying to rename 123456_lifestyle.png to the same filename. Why would it do that? Any ideas?
This might help:
find 03_COMPLETE -type f | xargs -n 1 rename -n 's|/([^_/]*)_([^_/]*).png$|/$2_$1.png|'
Remove -n if output is okay.
You could change directory into each of the CHILD_PNG directories and run a single rename in there on all the files so you don't exec a new rename for every single file:
find 03_COMPLETE -type d -name CHILD_PNG -execdir bash -c "cd {}; rename -n '...' *.png" \;
The issue with your original Regex is, it matches the directory names of the form "xxxxx_yyyyy" and tries to convert them into "yyyyy_xxxxx", which, of course, doesn't exist. Since you're interested in changing only the filenames, and all of them end with .png, you can use the below Regex. Additionally, as you're trying to match a literal '/', you can choose a different character like '|' as delimiter to make the Regex easier to read

Loop through all folders within a folder and run command

I have a .png file that I saved as a .psd by mistake buried somewhere in an asset catalog. I figured out how to print the actual type of a file by file -I /pathWithFileName which on my desktop printed out 'Untitled-1.png: image/vnd.adobe.photoshop; charset=binary' which is correct as I intentionally made the mistake to test.
Now I want to run it on my entire asset catalog including all subfolder .imagesets but this does not quite do the trick:
find /mypath/Assets.xcassets/foldername/_foldername -type f -maxdepth 2 for i in *.imageset; file -I *.jpg ;
this does not work. Any ideas on how to loop through all Assets.xcassets folders and print out the file -I /pathWithFileName so I can see which image was saved wrong?
Use the -path option to match files ending in .psd in directories ending in .imageset. Then use the -exec option to run a command on the file.
find /mypath/Assets.xcassets/foldername/_foldername -type f -maxdepth 2 -path '*.imageset/*.psd' -exec file -I {} +

How do I recursively find files with specific names and join using ImageMagick in Terminal?

I have created an ImageMagick command to join images with certain names:
convert -append *A_SLIDER.jpg *B_SLIDER.jpg out.jpg
I have lots of folders with files named *A_SLIDER.jpg and *B_SLIDER.jpg next to each other (only ever one pair in a directory).
I would like to recursively search a directory with many folders and execute the command to join the images.
If it is possible to name the output image based on the input images that would be great e.g.
=> DOGS_A_SLIDER.jpg and DOGS_B_SLIDER.jpg would combine to DOGS_SLIDER.jpg
Something like this, but back up first and try on a sample directory only!
find . -name "*A_SLIDER*" -execdir bash -c ' \
out=$(ls *A_SLIDER*);
out=${out/_A/}; \
convert -append "*A_SLIDER*" "*B_SLIDER*" $out' \;
Find all files containing the letters "A_SLIDER" and go to the containing directory and start bash there. While you are there, get the name of the file, and remove the _A part to form the output filename. Then execute ImageMagick convert with the _A_ and the corresponding _B_ files to form the output file.
Or, a slightly more concise suggestion from #gniourf_gniourf... thank you.
find . -name "*A_SLIDER.jpg" -type f -execdir bash -c 'convert -append "$1" "${1/_A_/_B_}" "${1/_A/}"' _ {} \;
The "find" command will recursively search folders:
$ find . -name "*.jpg" -print
That will display all the filenames. You might instead want "-iname" which does case-insensitive filename matching.
You can add a command line with "-exec", in which "{}" is replaced by the name of the file. You must terminate the command line with "\;":
$ find . -name "*.jpg" -exec ls -l {} \;
You can use sed to edit the name of a file:
$ echo DOGS_A_SLIDER.jpg | sed 's=_.*$=='
Can you count on all of your "B" files being named the same as the corresponding "A" files? That is, you will not have "DOGS_A_SLIDER.jpg" and "CATS_A_SLIDER.jpg" in the same directory. If so, something like the following isn't everything you need, but will contribute to your solution:
$ find . -type f -name "*.jpg" -exec "(echo {} | sed 's=_.*==')" \;
That particular sed script will do the wrong thing if you have any directory names with underscores in them.
"find . -type f" finds regular files; it runs modestly faster than without the -type. Use "-d" to find directories.
