Should I be using AJAX or WebSockets. - ajax

Oh the joyous question of HTTP vs WebSockets is at it again, however even after quit a bit of reading on the hundreds of versus blog posts, SO questions, etc, etc.. I'm still at a complete loss as to what I should be working towards for our application. In this post I will be supplying information on application functionality, and the types of requests/responses used in our application currently.
Currently our application is a sloppy piece of work, thrown together using AngularJS and AJAX requests to a Apache server running PHP, namely XAMPP. With the launch of our application I've noticed that we're having problems with response times when the server is under any kind of load. This probably has something to do with the sloppy architecture of our server, the hardware, and the fact that our MySQL database isn't exactly optimized.
However, with such a loyal fanbase and investors seeing potential in our application and giving us a chance to roll out a 2.0 I've been studying hard into how to turn this application into a powerhouse of low latency scalability. Honestly the best option would be hire someone with experience, but unfortunately I'm a hobbyist, and a one-man-army without much experience.
After some extensive research, I've decided on writing the backend using NodeJS this time. However I'm having a hard time deciding on HTTP or Websockets. Here's the types of transactions that are done between the Server/Client.
Client sends a request to the server in JSON format. The request has a few different things.
A request id (For processing logic based on the request)
The data associated with the request ID.
The server receives the request, polls the database (if necessary) and then responds to the client in JSON format. Sometimes the server is serving files to the client. Namely images in Base64 format.
Currently the application (When being used) sends a request to the server every time an interface is changed, which on average for our application is once every few seconds. Every action on our interfaces sends another request to the server. The application also sends requests to check for notifications/messages every 8 seconds, (or two seconds depending on if they're on the messaging interface).
Currently here are the benefits I see of a stated connection over a stateless connection with our application.
If the connection is stated, I can eliminate the requests for notifications and messages, as the server can just tell the client whenever one comes available. This can eliminate x(n)/4 requests per second to the server alone.
Handling something like a disconnection from the server is as simple as attempting to reconnect, opposed to handling timeouts/errors per request, this would only be handled on the socket.
Additional security can be obtained by removing security keys for database interaction, this should prevent the possibility of Hijacking(?) of a session_key and using it to manipulate or access another users data. The session_key is only needed due to there being no state in the AJAX setup.
However, I'm someone who started learning programming through TCP game server emulation. So I understand some benefits of a STATED connection, while I don't understand the benefits of a STATELESS connection very much at all. I know they both have their benefits and quirks, but I'm curious what would be the best approach for us.
We're mainly looking for Scalability, as we had a local application launch and managed to bottleneck at nearly 10,000 users in under 48 hours. Luckily I announced this as a BETA and the users are cutting me a lot of slack after learning that I did it all on my own as a learning project. I've disabled registrations while looking into improving the application's front and backend.
If using WebSockets, would we be able to asynchronously download pictures from the server like we can with AJAX? For example, I can make 5 requests to the server using AJAX for 5 different images, and they will all start downloading immediately, using a stated connection would I have to wait for each photo to be streamed before moving to the next request? Would this only bottle-neck a single user, or every user that is waiting on a request to be completed?

It all boils down on how your application works and how it needs to scale. I would use bare WebSockets rather than any wrapper, since it is an already easy to use API and your hands won't be tied when you need to scale out.
Here some links that will give you insight, although not concrete answers to your questions because as I said, it depends on your expectations.
Hard downsides of long polling?
WebSocket/REST: Client connections?
Websockets, and identifying unique peers[PHP]
How HTML5 Web Sockets Interact With Proxy Servers

If your question is Should I use HTTP over Websockets ?, the response is: You should not.
Even if it is faster because you don't lose time opening the connection, you lose also all the HTTP specification like verbs (GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, ...), path, body, and also response, status code. This seams simple but you'll have to re-implement all or part of these protocol things.
So you should use Ajax, as long as it is one ponctual request.
When you need to make an ajax request every 2 seconds, you need in fact that the server sends you data, not YOU request server to check Api change (if changed). So this is a sign that you should implement a websocket server.


Notification System - or Ajax?

I'm using Laravel5 and, I want to create a notification system for my (web) project. What I want to do is, notifying the user for new notifications such as;
another user starts following him,
another user writes on his wall,
another user sends him a message, etc,
(by possibly highlighting an icon on the header with a drop-down menu. The ones such as StackOverflow).
I found out the new tutorials on Laracast: Real-time Laravel with, where a kind of similar thing is achieved by using Node, Redis and
If I choose using and I have 5000 users online, I assume I will have to make 5000 connections, 5000 broadcastings plus the notifications, so it will make a lot of number of requests. And I need to start for every user on login, on the master blade, is that true?
Is it a bad way of doing it? I also think same thing can be achieved with Ajax requests. Should I tend to avoid using too many continuous ajax requests?
I want to ask if is a good way of logic for creating such system, or is it a better approach to use Ajax requests in 5 seconds instead? Or is there any alternative better way of doing it? Pusher can be an alternative, however, I think free is a better alternative in my case.
A few thoughts:
Websockets and are two different things. might use Websockets and it might fall back to AJAX (among different options).
Websockets are more web friendly and resource effective, but they require work as far as coding and setup is concerned.
Also using SSL with Websockets for production is quite important for many reasons, and some browsers require that the SSL certificate be valid... So there could be a price to pay.
Websockets sometimes fail to connect even when supported by the browser (that's one reason using SSL is recommended)... So writing an AJAX fallback for legacy or connectivity issues, means that the coding of Websockets usually doesn't replace the AJAX code.
5000 users at 5 seconds is 1000 new connections and requests per second. Some apps can't handle 1000 requests per second. This shouldn't always be the case, but it is a common enough issue.
The more users you have, the close your AJAX acts like a DoS attack.
On the other hand, Websockets are persistent, no new connections - which is a big resources issue - especially considering TCP/IP's slow start feature (yes, it's a feature, not a bug).
Existing clients shouldn't experience a DoS even when new clients are refused (server design might effect this issue).
A Heroku dyno should be able to handle 5000 Websocket connections and still have room for more, while still answering regular HTTP requests.
On the other hand, I think Heroku imposes an active requests per second and/or backlog limit per dyno (~50 requests each). Meaning that if more than a certain amount of requests are waiting for a first response or for your application to accept the connection, new requests will be refused automatically.... So you have to make sure you have no more than 100 new requests at a time. For 1000 requests per second, you need your concurrency to allows for 100 simultaneous requests at 10ms per request as a minimal performance state... This might be easy on your local machine, but when network latency kicks in it's quite hard to achieve.
This means that it's quite likely that a Websocket application running on one Heroku Dyno would require a number of Dynos when using AJAX.
These are just thoughts of things you might consider when choosing your approach, no matter what gem or framework you use to achieve your approach.
Outsourcing parts of your application, such as push notifications, would require other considerations such as scalability management (what resources are you saving on?) vs. price etc'

How to read data from an Ajax web service with Qt?

I would like to process some data in a Qt application. This data can be found on a web page which uses Ajax to dynamically update itself.
For example, the page itself is, and it uses Ajax to load data from, which is a plain text file. If I view in a browser, I can clearly see when the data is updated.
The brute force solution would be to just call the QWebView's load(QUrl("")) every couple of seconds, or every time its loadFinished() signal is emitted, but that would be a waste of bandwidth, an I will be downloading the same data over and over. The time between updates could theoretically be a few seconds, but it could also be minutes, hours, or longer.
Is there a possibility to only reload the data when the page is updated?
The traditional AJAX model uses the following sequence of events:
Browser opens connection
Browser sends request
Server sends response
Server closes connection
Because the connection is closed, there is no way for the server to notify your browser if any data have changed. In order to get this information, you have no option but to query the server periodically.
As you mentioned in your question, this is not very efficient since you can waste a lot of bandwidth if nothing changes for a long while.
WebSockets is a more up-to-date technology that tries to overcome this inefficiency and Qt has a module that caters for this.
Unfortunately, it's not universal yet so, if you want to use WebSocket technology on a third-party server, you need to have traditional AJAX code to fall back on in case WebSockets are not supported.
Unfortunately, WebSockets are not the golden solution. It's still up to the server to have been programmed to send out notifications of changes. If the server does not have this feature, it won't matter if you're using WebSockets or traditional AJAX, you'll still have to keep querying for changes.

What is ajax-push? Are there caveats to using it on some servers?

Can somebody explain what ajax-push is? From what I understand it involves leaving HTTP connections open for a long time and reconnecting as needed. It seems to be used in chat systems a lot.
I have also heard when using ajax-push in Java it is important to use something with the NIO-connetors or grizzle serlvet api? Again, I'm just researching what it exactly.
In normal AJAX (call it pull) you ask the server for something and you get it immediately. This is fine when you want to get some data from the server now. But what if something happens on the server and the server wants to push that event to the client(s)?
Technically this is implemented using so called long polling - the browser opens the HTTP connection and waits for the response. As long as there is nothing interesting on the server side, it waits. But when something happens, the server sends the response and the client receives it immediately. This is a huge advantage over normal polling where you ask the server every few seconds - it generates a lot of traffic and still introduces noticeable latency.
The only problem with this approach is the number of pending HTTP connections. Old-school Java servlet containers aren't quite capable of handling such amount of connections due to one-thread-per-connection limitation - they quickly run out of memory. Even though the HTTP threads aren't doing anything (waiting for some other part of the system to wake them up and give them the response), they occupy memory.
However there are plenty of solutions nowadays:
Tomcat NIO connectors
Atmosphere Ajax Push/Comet library
Servlet 3.0 #Async (most portable)
Container-specific features, but Servlet 3.0, if available, should be considered superior.

Online chat - Ajax poll or Reverse Ajax

after an entire day of searches, I would to talk about the best solution for an online chat.
This is what I know:
Ajax poll is the old, bandwith consuming, and not scalable way of doing it. It makes a request for new data to the server every X seconds. This implies one database query every X seconds * number_of_connected_users.
Reverse Ajax and one of its application (comet) requires a customized web-server or a dedicated comet server which can handle the number_of_connected_users amount of long-time http connections.
My actual server is: 1 Xeon CPU, 1 GB of RAM and 1 Gb/s of bandwith. The server is a virtual machine (hence highly scalable).
I need a solution that could scale with the server and the future growing user base.
My doubts are:
How much the ajax polling method can impact my bandwith usage?
In which way can I optimize the ajax polling to make a db query only when necessary?
Can the comet server be run in the same machine of the web-server (Apache)?
With the comet way, I still need an interval to do the queries on the database and then send the response, so where is the real-time?
With my actual server, can the comet way work?
Thank you in advance.
You should never use polling if you can get away with it. It clogs up resources on both the server and client. The server must make more database requests with polling, more checks to see if data has changed.
The ajax polling method also generates more unneccessary requests. With polling, you use memory and CPU. Comet (if it's done properly) uses only memory.
The comet server can probably not run under Apache. Apache does not seem to be designed for long running requests. I'd recommend implementing your comet server in ruby (using EventMachine) an example, in Python (using Twisted), or in C.
I don't see why you need to have an interval to do database queries. When you make a change, you can just tell your comet server to notify the neccessary users of the change.
I'm writing my website in PHP.
So, I need to run a server (like twisted) and write my chat application in python?
This app should take care of incoming ajax request and push new data to clients.
If I understand well, this approach doesn't need a database, right?

Is there an alternative of ajax that does not require polling without server side modifications?

I'm trying to create a small and basic "ajax" based multiplayer game. Coordinates of objects are being given by a PHP "handler". This handler.php file is being polled every 200MS, by using ajax.
Since there is no need to poll when nothing happens, I wonder, is there something that could do the same thing without frequent polling? Eg. Comet, though I heard that you need to configure server side applications for Comet. It's a shared webserver, so I can't do that.
Maybe prevent the handler.php file from even returning a response if nothing has to be changed at the client, is that possible? Then again you'd still have the client uselessly asking for a response even though something hasn't changed yet. Basically, it should only use bandwidth and sever resources if something needs to be told to the client, eg. the change of an object's coordinates.
Comet is generally used for this kind of thing, and it can be a fragile setup as it's not a particularly common technology so it can be easy not to "get it right." That said, there are more resources available now than when I last tried it ~2 years ago.
I don't think you can do what you're thinking and have handler.php simply not return anything and stop execution: The web server will keep the connection open and prevent any further polling until handler.php does something (terminates or provides output). When it does, you're still handling a response.
You can try a long polling technique, where your AJAX allows a very large timeout (e.g. 30 seconds), and handler.php spins without responding until it has something to report, then returns. (You'll want to make sure the spinning is not resource-intensive). If handler.php "expires" and nothing happens, have it exit and let AJAX poll again. Since it only happens every 30 seconds, it will be a huge improvement over ~5 times a second. That would keep your polling to a minimum.
But that's the sort of thing Comet is designed for.
As Ajax only offers you a client server request model (normally termed pull, rather than push), the only way to get data from the server is via requests. However a common technique to get around this is for the server to only respond when it has new data. So the client makes a request, the server hangs on to that request until something happens and then replies. This gets around the need for frequent polling even when the data hasn't changed as you only need the client send a new request after it gets a response.
Since you are using PHP, one simple method might be to have the PHP code call the sleep command for 200ms at a time between checks for data changes and then return the data to the client when it does change.
EDIT: I would also recommend having a timeout on the request. So if nothing happens for say 2 seconds, a "no change" message is sent back. That way the client knows the server is still alive and processing its request.
Since this is tagged “html5”: HTML5 has <eventsource> and WebSocket, but the implementation side is still in the future tense in practice.
Opera implemented an old version of <eventsource> called <event-source>.
Here's a solution - use a SaaS comet provider, such as WebSync On-Demand. No server resources to worry about, shared hosting or not, since it's all offloaded, and you can push out the information as needed.
Since it's SaaS, it'll work with any server language. For PHP, there's already a publisher written and ready to go.
The server must take part in this. Check with the hosting provider what modules are available. Or try to convince them to support Comet.
Maybe you should consider a small Virtual Private Server (VPS) for this.
One thing to add on the long polling suggestions: If you're on a shared server, this solution will have limited scalability, as each active long poll will keep a connection (and a server-side process to service that connection) active. Your provider most likely has limits (either policy-defined or de facto) on the number of connections you can have open at a time, so you'll hit a wall if you have more sessions/windows than that playing concurrently.
