PhpStorm keeps opening default macOS terminal - terminal

I'm not sure this is the right place to ask this but I need some help setting up the terminal in PhpStorm...
I recently switched to macOS (before that I was a Windows user) and installed PhpStorm and set everything up as I wanted except I ran into a small problem that is not really a problem but more of an inconvenience...
Every time I open the terminal in PhpStorm it opens the macOS terminal but I want to use the one in the IDE.
What settings do I have to change or where have I messed up that this is happening?
Those are the settings in PhpStorm:
P.S. Sorry for bad English it is not my native language.

Just change Shell path back to /bin/bash.


How to change default app opened from the terminal in windows 11

I tried to run a .sh file in my terminal and accidentally opened it in vscode, now it always opens in vscode even though i want to run it in the terminal itself.
I tried uninstalling vscode so i can get the option to choose again, but that didn't seem to work. I'm too scared to play about with the JSON file incase I mess something up as this is a school project.
Just change the default app for the .sh file type. After that, .sh files won't open by vs code.
To do this in windows 11
Search For Default Apps on start
Scroll to the bottom and click Reset All Default apps
This will reset all the default apps and you can set the defaults again

Can't open terminal in VSCode Python on macOS

I can't open my terminal in VSCode for some reason. Whenever I try to open it, it immediately closes. I can open the other parts of my console like "problems" or "output" but not terminal.
I saw a bunch of comments from people who experienced the same issue previously about changing their settings.json, specifically the osx profiles part, but it didn't work for me. I was trying to run and debug a python code I wrote through flask when this problem occurred. Here's my settings page.
my settings.json page
I also deleted all the codes in between the parentheses to get the default settings because I saw some other people do it on here, but that didn't work either. What can I do?
I use macOS 12.0.1.
I'm 15 and have just started learning back-end development on my own, so I would really appreciate if you guys could provide a "results" code snippet or image so that I can check whether I'm doing it right.

Clear terminal without clearing first line of multi-line prompt

I'm trying to setup the terminal on my new Mac to match the behavior of my old Mac, however I have run into an issue with my multiline prompt that has me stumped. I remember having this issue when I setup my old Mac several years ago, however I don't remember how I solved it.
My prompt (without color) looks like this:
╭─username ~ 130 ↵
When I press ⌘commandK in iTerm2 on my old Mac it clears the terminal window so that both lines of the prompt are shown at the top.
When I press ⌘commandK in iTerm2 on my new Mac it clears the terminal window so that only the second line of the prompt is shown at the top.
I have tried checking everything I could think of, I have checked:
Every dot file/directory in my home directory (copied them to the new Mac).
iTerm2 settings.
System settings (primarily keyboard shortcuts).
Various websites with instructions about setting up multi-line prompts.
Interestingly I have discovered that if I type clear iTerm2 will clear the screen and leave the top line showing on both Macs. However it first clears the entire screen, including the prompt, before bringing the prompt back (looks bad imo). However since it works differently ⌘commandK does I don't think that's what my old Mac is doing.
It's possible that I installed some program/script that somehow does this, but if so I'm not finding it locally or referenced online.
Does anyone know how I can get ⌘commandK working to clear the screen while keeping the top line of my prompt? I still have the old Mac so I can check/compare anything on it to the new Mac if there are any guesses about what settings I changed.
I was able to find something that worked, however if anyone has any other suggestions I'll be happy to try them and accept any that I can make work that are less hacky than this (e.g. don't require another 3rd party app).
Edit: This doesn't work while a command is running, nor does it clear the scrollable history. So it's better than nothing but still doesn't behave like I want it to.
After coming back to my question SO associated a new question with an answer I was able to make work, although it feels extra hacky and wasn't what I had working before.
I found this answer which suggests using ⌃controlL to clear the screen. That does exactly what I want it to do (leaves the top prompt visible and doesn't flash) but with the wrong keybinding. Fortunately I was able to use an app I already have installed (BTT) to make ⌘commandK map to ⌃controlL only in iTerm2.

Cannot type in terminal window

I cannot type in the terminal window on PyCharm after updating to windows 10. This may be a compatibility issue, I am not sure. Has anyone else encountered this problem on windows 10, and also does anyone know how to fix it?
I solved it.
Type cmd, and open the properties dialog.
Check the option: "Use legacy console (requires relaunch)".
You just need to close and open a new terminal in pycharm and it works.
By doing this you will lose the caracteristics of the new windows terminal.
Have fun!
Do this it worked for me.
Go to tools in the top menu bar and uncheck Vim Emulator.
If anyone else has this issue I recommend using the regular windows terminal for now, or if you just need to run some tasks then hit Ctrl+Alt+R in PyCharm and use that window instead.
Go to the tools and uncheck the vim emulator. It will work.
I had a same issue I got it working, so posting here so it might help someone.
Go to File select Invalidate caches/Restart then restart PyCharm.
Make sure to Disable vim emulator in tools

RubyMine Terminal Not Working Win10

I recently installed RubyMine v7.1.4 on my Windows 10 machine. I loaded up an existing project and tried to open a terminal window inside RubyMine. When I first open the terminal it is blank and after a few minutes the standard prompt appears. But after the prompt has appeared, I cannot type anything into the terminal. The cursor blinks like it is waiting for input but I cannot type anything.
I am able to use a normal command prompt to run the commands I need to but I would like to get the terminal within RubyMine working. The settings for the terminal appear to be correct, it is pointing at "cmd.exe". I am not sure if it is relevant but my RubyMine installation is on my C: drive but the code repository is on my E: drive.
If you have any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I had the same issue, and discovered that it is also affecting IntelliJ, another JetBrains family IDE; the bug has been reported, but fortunately, you can force your Windows 10 console (full of new features, but perhaps buggy? to operate in 'legacy mode' while we wait for a formal fix, which will allow you to get your RubyMine terminals up and running again:
Terminal works in Windows 10 if you use legacy console. To do so, open a
command prompt window, right click on the title, then select Properties. At
the bottom, check "Use legacy console". Confirm the dialog. Go back to the IDE
and launch a new Terminal. It should work.
All credit to: IntelliJ Idea Terminal broken with Windows 10. | JetBrains Bug Report.
