RubyMine Terminal Not Working Win10 - windows

I recently installed RubyMine v7.1.4 on my Windows 10 machine. I loaded up an existing project and tried to open a terminal window inside RubyMine. When I first open the terminal it is blank and after a few minutes the standard prompt appears. But after the prompt has appeared, I cannot type anything into the terminal. The cursor blinks like it is waiting for input but I cannot type anything.
I am able to use a normal command prompt to run the commands I need to but I would like to get the terminal within RubyMine working. The settings for the terminal appear to be correct, it is pointing at "cmd.exe". I am not sure if it is relevant but my RubyMine installation is on my C: drive but the code repository is on my E: drive.
If you have any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I had the same issue, and discovered that it is also affecting IntelliJ, another JetBrains family IDE; the bug has been reported, but fortunately, you can force your Windows 10 console (full of new features, but perhaps buggy? to operate in 'legacy mode' while we wait for a formal fix, which will allow you to get your RubyMine terminals up and running again:
Terminal works in Windows 10 if you use legacy console. To do so, open a
command prompt window, right click on the title, then select Properties. At
the bottom, check "Use legacy console". Confirm the dialog. Go back to the IDE
and launch a new Terminal. It should work.
All credit to: IntelliJ Idea Terminal broken with Windows 10. | JetBrains Bug Report.


How to change default app opened from the terminal in windows 11

I tried to run a .sh file in my terminal and accidentally opened it in vscode, now it always opens in vscode even though i want to run it in the terminal itself.
I tried uninstalling vscode so i can get the option to choose again, but that didn't seem to work. I'm too scared to play about with the JSON file incase I mess something up as this is a school project.
Just change the default app for the .sh file type. After that, .sh files won't open by vs code.
To do this in windows 11
Search For Default Apps on start
Scroll to the bottom and click Reset All Default apps
This will reset all the default apps and you can set the defaults again

Why the vs-code terminal is not working internally?

The vs-code terminal is not working as an integrated terminal but as I click
New Terminal
It opens cmd.exe as an external tool.
I tried checking the settings but it was integrated as before but yet the problem is still there.
I am getting this message.
The terminal process terminated with exit code: 3221225786
i have the exact same problem and i am pretty sure i have not made any relevant changes...
In the mean time Ive found a temporary fix or at least it works for me: go to settings and search for "conpty", in the "terminal>integrated: windows enable conpty" section uncheck the "whether to use ConPTY..." and the integrated terminal works as before
looks like it is a bug:
Turn off the checkbox "Windows Enable Conpty".
This is highly recommand for error exit code '3221225794' when i open the terminal in VSCODE.

Cannot type in terminal window

I cannot type in the terminal window on PyCharm after updating to windows 10. This may be a compatibility issue, I am not sure. Has anyone else encountered this problem on windows 10, and also does anyone know how to fix it?
I solved it.
Type cmd, and open the properties dialog.
Check the option: "Use legacy console (requires relaunch)".
You just need to close and open a new terminal in pycharm and it works.
By doing this you will lose the caracteristics of the new windows terminal.
Have fun!
Do this it worked for me.
Go to tools in the top menu bar and uncheck Vim Emulator.
If anyone else has this issue I recommend using the regular windows terminal for now, or if you just need to run some tasks then hit Ctrl+Alt+R in PyCharm and use that window instead.
Go to the tools and uncheck the vim emulator. It will work.
I had a same issue I got it working, so posting here so it might help someone.
Go to File select Invalidate caches/Restart then restart PyCharm.
Make sure to Disable vim emulator in tools

How can I pop up the system property window in windows7

I want to open the system property window to change environment variable in Windows7. I know how to open that window, and used to use that window sometimes before, but today I opened the window as usual, It does not appear. How can I open it?
You should check why that command stopped to work in your environment, meanwhile try with this (from command line or from Run):
rundll32 sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables
Also check this:

Is it possible to run terminal/command prompt inside Rubymine?

I would work much faster if I could have some kind of command line running inside rubymine, is this possible? When testing I repeatedly have to switch to my terminal window and it gets quite annoying.
I can run rails console and also the sandboxed version side rubymine aswell as my rails server and spork server.
It would be nice to have a command prompt inside rubymine also would speed things up. Infact that would make rubymine 100% perfect for my rails development as it does everything else require.
There is no such feature in IDEA platform based products. You need to run terminal externally. Note that you can create an External Tool to run terminal window in the current file or module directory for convenience.
UPDATE: Terminal (SSH console) was added in PhpStorm/WebStorm 7.0, IDEA 13, RubyMine 6, PyCharm 2.7.3.
I have used CrazyCoder's instructions to do this. Here are the instructions for Windows:
File, Settings
bottom half of menu is titled IDE Settings, look in this list to find External Tools
Click in the only available button (for most), [+]
give your custom thing a name ("terminal"? "command prompt"?)
most of this stuff you just leave blank
click the [...] button next to Program, then simply navigate to Windows/system32/cmd.exe
Lastly, unless you want to have your starting command line (terminal) path as C:\Windows\system32 (CHANGE YOUR PATH), simply click on the [...] next to the "Working Directory" just below, and change your path to Desktop or whatever it is you prefer.
Click OK.
You're done! It's that easy. Now to access this (no restart required), click on Tools, and then under 'XML actions' (for me anyway) you should find your "terminal" or "cmd" or whatever it is you called it. You can test it out with an 'ipconfig' command. You can always go back to the the settings/external-tools place you went to in the first place to edit your settings (like your default path), or to make another custom tool, because this (RubyMine External Tools creator) is obviously a very powerful tool.
If someone is searching this for rubymine in version 7.
Press Alt+f12 for the terminal.
Source :
