How elastic search handles parallel index refresh requests? - elasticsearch

In our project, we are hitting the elastic search's index refresh api after each create/update/delete operation for immediate search availability.
I want to know, how elastic search will perform if multiple parallel requests are made to its refresh api on single index having close to 2.5million documents?
any thoughts? suggestions?

Refresh is an operation where ElasticSearch asks Lucene shard to commit modification on disk and create a segment.
If you ask for a refresh after every operation you will create a huge number of micro-segments.
Too many segments make your search longer as your shard need to sequentially search through all of them in order to return a search result. Also, they consume hardware resources.
Each segment consumes file handles, memory, and CPU cycles. More important, every search request has to check every segment in turn; the more segments there are, the slower the search will be.
from the definitive guide
Lucene will merge those segments automatically into bigger segments, but that's also an I/O consuming task.
You can check this for more details
But from my knowledge, a refresh on a 2.5 billion documents index will take the same time in a 2.5k document index.
Also, it seems ( from this issue ) that refresh is a non-blocking operation.
But its a bad pattern for an elasticsearch cluster. Are every CUD operation of your application in need for a refresh ?


Elasticsearch: When serving a read request, why not try to find the document in the memtable first to achieve real-time query?

In Elasticsearch official document Near real-time search, it says that
In Elasticsearch, this process of writing and opening a new segment is called a refresh. A refresh makes all operations performed on an index since the last refresh available for search.
By default, Elasticsearch periodically refreshes indices every second, ... This is why we say that Elasticsearch has near real-time search: document changes are not visible to search immediately, but will become visible within this timeframe.
I feel a little confused: when serving a read request, why not try to find the document in memtable first, then in the on-disk segment, if so, we do not need to wait the refresh, which makes the real time query possible.
Really good question, but to understand it why Elasticsearch doesn't serve a search request from in-memory documents, we will have to little deep and understand why segments are created in first place and why they are immutable.
As you might be aware that segments are the actual physical files that stores the data of search index, and segments are immutable and this immutability provides a lot of benefits such as
Segments can be cached.
Segments can be used in multi-threaded Environments without worrying about the state being change.
Now as segments are cached and can be used in multi-threaded Environment, it's much easier to use the file system cache to provide the faster search, of-course that means sometime, you will not have a newer copy of data but thats a trade-off than iterating through the memtable which is still being modified and still can show the old version of the document(so still you have a near real time data), and can't be cached as its not immutable so every search thread will end up searching on a dataset which is always in motion and if you apply the locking on memtable while searching, it would reduce the indexing speed.
Btw, this is design from Lucene and Elasticsearch uses that as a library so it's not really Elasticsearch which controls that.
Bottomline, even if you search on memtable without locking and blocking updates while searching, you can't show the real time data and this would considerably slow both indexing and search speed.
Hope this helps.

Elasticsearch single indexing performance

Is there any difference when indexing elasticsearch by batch data and by single data?
I want to use single indexing, but I don't know it's performance.
Bulk api should be used when ingesting large amounts of data.
There is a significant overhead to pay in terms of resource utilization/performance when using single index api (instead of bulk) to index a large amount of docs.
Using single index would consume time to load the huge amount of logs stored under the index name. If the payload is very high, the performance of elasticsearch would go down drastically, resulting in intermittent unavailability of data loading on the kibana dashboard.
So based on the volume of logs pushed to an index, we should try avoiding single index.

elasticsearch ttl vs daily dropping tables

I understand that there are two dominant patterns for keeping a rolling window of data inside elasticsearch:
creating daily indices, as suggested by logstash, and dropping old indices, and therefore all the records they contain, when they fall out of the window
using elasticsearch's TTL feature and a single index, having elasticsearch automatically remove old records individually as they fall out of the window
Instinctively I go with 2, as:
I don't have to write a cron job
a single big index is easier to communicate to my colleagues and for them to query (I think?)
any nightmare stream dynamics, that cause old log events to show up, don't lead to the creation of new indices and the old events only hang around for the 60s period that elasticsearch uses to do ttl cleanup.
But my gut tells me that dropping an index at a time is probably a lot less computationally intensive, though tbh I've no idea how much less intensive, nor how costly the ttl is.
For context, my inbound streams will rarely peak above 4K messages per second (mps) and are much more likely to hang around 1-2K mps.
Does anyone have any experience with comparing these two approaches? As you can probably tell I'm new to this world! Would appreciate any help, including even help with what the correct approach is to thinking about this sort of thing.
Short answer is, go with option 1 and simply delete indexes that are no longer needed.
Long answer is it somewhat depends on the volume of documents that you're adding to the index and your sharding and replication settings. If your index throughput is fairly low, TTLs can be performant but as you start to write more docs to Elasticsearch (or if you a high replication factor) you'll run into two issues.
Deleting documents with a TTL requires that Elasticsearch runs a periodic service (IndicesTTLService) to find documents that are expired across all shards and issue deletes for all those docs. Searching a large index can be a pretty taxing operation (especially if you're heavily sharded), but worse are the deletes.
Deletes are not performed instantly within Elasticsearch (Lucene, really) and instead documents are "marked for deletion". A segment merge is required to expunge the deleted documents and reclaim disk space. If you have large number of deletes in the index, it'll put much much more pressure on your segment merge operations to the point where it will severely affect other thread pools.
We originally went the TTL route and had an ES cluster that was completely unusable and began rejecting search and indexing requests due to greedy merge threads.
You can experiment with "what document throughput is too much?" but judging from your use case, I'd recommend saving some time and just going with the index deletion route which is much more performant.
I would go with option 1 - i.e. daily dropping of indices.
Daily Dropping Indices
This is the most efficient way of deleting data
If you need to restructure your index (e.g. apply a new mapping, increase number of shards) any changes are easily applied to the new index
Details of the current index (i.e. the name) is hidden from clients by using aliases
Time based searches can be directed to search only a specific small index
Index templates simplify the process of creating the daily index.
These benefits are also detailed in the Time-Based Data Guide, see also Retiring Data
Needs more work to set up (e.g. set up of cron jobs), but there is a plugin (curator) that can help with this.
If you perform updates on data then all versions of a document data will need to sit in the same index, i.e. multiple indexes won't work for you.
Use of TTL or Queries to delete data
Simple to understand and easily implemented
When you delete a document, it is only marked as deleted. It won’t be physically deleted until the segment containing it is merged away. This is very inefficient as the deleted data will consume disk space, CPU and memory.

ElasticSearch refresh effect on cache

In ElasticSearch, does calling Refresh or Flush clear field and filter cache?
I have a write-heavy application, is it better to run refresh or flush, or is there any better approach for this?
A refresh causes new documents to be visible for searching. This happens by writing a new index segment. A new segment can also be made by merging old large ones.
Filter- and field caches are managed per segment, since a segment is immutable. You can use the warmer APIs to ensure caches are pre-warmed before being made available for search. If not, then parts of the cache is essentially "cleared".
A flush in Elasticsearch terms actually calls a Lucene commit. This is quite more expensive.
If you have a write heavy app, you probably want to increase the refresh interval to get better indexing throughput.
There's some more details about these things in these two articles:
Elasticsearch from the Bottom Up, Part 1
Elasticsearch Refresh Interval vs Indexing Performance

Performance issues using Elasticsearch as a time window storage

We are using elastic search almost as a cache, storing documents found in a time window. We continuously insert a lot of documents of different sizes and then we search in the ES using text queries combined with a date filter so the current thread does not get documents it has already seen. Something like this:
"((word1 AND word 2) OR (word3 AND word4)) AND insertedDate > 1389000"
We maintain the data in the elastic search for 30 minutes, using the TTL feature. Today we have at least 3 machines inserting new documents in bulk requests every minute for each machine and searching using queries like the one above pratically continuously.
We are having a lot of trouble indexing and retrieving these documents, we are not getting a good throughput volume of documents being indexed and returned by ES. We can't get even 200 documents indexed per second.
We believe the problem lies in the simultaneous queries, inserts and TTL deletes. We don't need to keep old data in elastic, we just need a small time window of documents indexed in elastic at a given time.
What should we do to improve our performance?
Thanks in advance
Machine type:
An Amazon EC2 medium instance (3.7 GB of RAM)
Additional information:
The code used to build the index is something like this:
Our elasticsearch.json configuration file:
Sorry about the long delay to give you guys some feedback. Things were kind of hectic here at our company, and I chose to wait for calmer times to give a more detailed account of how we solved our issue. We still have to do some benchmarks to measure the actual improvements, but the point is that we solved the issue :)
First of all, I believe the indexing performance issues were caused by a usage error on out part. As I told before, we used Elasticsearch as a sort of a cache, to look for documents inside a 30 minutes time window. We looked for documents in elasticsearch whose content matched some query, and whose insert date was within some range. Elastic would then return us the full document json (which had a whole lot of data, besides the indexed content). Our configuration had elastic indexing the document json field by mistake (besides the content and insertDate fields), which we believe was the main cause of the indexing performance issues.
However, we also did a number of modifications, as suggested by the answers here, which we believe also improved the performance:
We now do not use the TTL feature, and instead use two "rolling indexes" under a common alias. When an index gets old, we create a new one, assign the alias to it, and delete the old one.
Our application does a huge number of queries per second. We believe this hits elastic hard, and degrades the indexing performance (since we only use one node for elastic search). We were using 10 shards for the node, which caused each query we fired to elastic to be translated into 10 queries, one for each shard. Since we can discard the data in elastic at any moment (thus making changes in the number of shards not a problem to us), we just changed the number of shards to 1, greatly reducing the number of queries in our elastic node.
We had 9 mappings in our index, and each query would be fired to a specific mapping. Of those 9 mappings, about 90% of the documents inserted went to two of those mappings. We created a separate rolling index for each of those mappings, and left the other 7 in the same index.
Not really a modification, but we installed SPM (Scalable Performance Monitoring) from Sematext, which allowed us to closely monitor elastic search and learn important metrics, such as the number of queries fired ->
Our usage numbers are relatively small. We have about 100 documents/second arriving which have to be indexed, with peaks of 400 documents/second. As for searches, we have about 1500 searches per minute (15000 before changing the number of shards). Before those modifications, we were hitting those performance issues, but not anymore.
TTL to time-series based indexes
You should consider using time-series-based indexes rather than the TTL feature. Given that you only care about the most recent 30 minute window of documents, create a new index for every 30 minutes using a date/time based naming convention: ie. docs-201309120000, docs-201309120030, docs-201309120100, docs-201309120130, etc. (Note the 30 minute increments in the naming convention.)
Using Elasticsearch's index aliasing feature (, you can alias docs to the most recently created index so that when you are bulk indexing, you always use the alias docs, but they'll get written to docs-201309120130, for example.
When querying, you would filter on a datetime field to ensure only the most recent 30 mins of documents are returned, and you'd need to query against the 2 most recently created indexes to ensure you get your full 30 minutes of documents - you could create another alias here to point to the two indexes, or just query against the two index names directly.
With this model, you don't have the overhead of TTL usage, and you can just delete the old, unused indexes from over an hour in the past.
There are other ways to improve bulk indexing and querying speed as well, but I think removal of TTL is going to be the biggest win - plus, your indexes only have a limited amount of data to filter/query against, which should provide a nice speed boost.
Elasticsearch settings (eg. memory, etc.)
Here are some setting that I commonly adjust for servers running ES -, note that it's only for a 1GB VPS, so you'll need to adjust.
Node roles
Looking into master vs data vs 'client' ES node types might help you as well -
Indexing settings
When doing bulk inserts, consider modifying the values of both index.refresh_interval index.merge.policy.merge_factor - I see that you've modified refresh_interval to 5s, but consider setting it to -1 before the bulk indexing operation, and then back to your desired interval. Or, consider just doing a manual _refresh API hit after your bulk operation is done, particularly if you're only doing bulk inserts every minute - it's a controlled environment in that case.
With index.merge.policy.merge_factor, setting it to a higher value reduces the amount of segment merging ES does in the background, then back to its default after the bulk operation restores normal behaviour. A setting of 30 is commonly recommended for bulk inserts and the default value is 10.
Some other ways to improve Elasticsearch performance:
increase index refresh interval. Going from 1 second to 10 or 30 seconds can make a big difference in performance.
throttle merging if it's being overly aggressive. You can also reduce the number of concurrent merges by lowering index.merge.policy.max_merge_at_once and index.merge.policy.max_merge_at_once_explicit. Lowering the index.merge.scheduler.max_thread_count can help as well
It's good to see you are using SPM. Its URL in your EDIT was not hyperlink - it's at . "Indexing" graphs will show how changing of the merge-related settings affects performance.
I would fire up an additional ES instance and have it form a cluster with your current node. Then I would split the work between the two machines, use one for indexing and the other for querying. See how that works out for you. You might need to scale out even more for your specific usage patterns.
