I am new to Qlik Sense and I was having some problem when trying to apply selections with a custom Qlik Sense extension. I have tried from this tutorial. Unfortunately, I have no idea why there is nothing shown, not even error message.
I managed to console log out the things that I selected but Qlik Sense never applies the selections.
The easiest way to make a selection
var app = qlik.currApp();
app.field( "DimensionName" ).selectMatch("Value", false );
You can use also selectValues for multiple values :
Integers :
app.field(fld).selectValues([5,10], true, true);
Strings :
app.field(fld).selectValues(["Andersson"], true, true);
If you are using FireFox, navigator has a property oscpu.
The property can be easily changed by appending general.oscpu.override value in about:config.
But, this option is present only in FireFox and does not exist in any other browser. This allows a 100% certainty to determine the type of browser.
Conventional means can not remove it. Whatever happened that ( oscpu in navigator) would return false.
All this does not work:
delete navigator.oscpu;
'oscpu' in navigator; // true
navigator.oscpu = null;
'serviceWorker' in navigator; // true
navigator.oscpu === null; // false
Object.defineProperty(navigator, "oscpu", {
configurable: true,
value: undefined
'oscpu' in navigator; // true
navigator.oscpu === undefined; // true
Are there ways to remove this property from navigator? And indeed any other parameter. I am writing a Firefox Add-on SDK extension.
There are potential side effects of doing what you are wanting to accomplish. It would be helpful to know what your goals are in order to determine a good way to accomplish what you desire.
However, for what you have specifically requested, removing navigator.oscpu in the current scope, the following works:
//This specific code relies on navigator referring to the object which you want to
// modify. In an Add-on SDK extension, if navigator is _actually_ the object you need
// to modify to accomplish what you desire will depend on the scope you are in and
// what object you have set the variable navigator to refer to.
delete navigator.__proto__.oscpu;
console.log(navigator.oscpu); // undefined
'oscpu' in navigator // false
Note that you will need to do this within every context/scope in which you desire for it to have effect. In general, this means that you will need to inject a content script into every page and frame in which you wish this to be the case. It also means that you should take care to only do it in the context/scopes in which you are wanting it to be seen by whatever JavaScript you are attempting to spoof (i.e. within the scope of page scripts, not in the scope of code running with Chrome privileges.).
How can I change the language for Sorting on PF DataTable component with reflow = "true" (so responsive Datatable)?
The problem is that on mobile screen, we can sort data from auto-generated dropdown where we have our sort options, see picture bellow. How can I change the language for this dropdown?
I'm using PF 6.0.
The intended way to do this is to define the following properties in your resource files (see Messages.properties)
primefaces.datatable.SORT_LABEL = Sort
primefaces.datatable.SORT_ASC = Ascending
primefaces.datatable.SORT_DESC = Descending
You can see this when you look at the DatatableRender of primefaces.
Notice i18n is done in different ways in primefaces. Some components like calendar or schedule must be translated via javascript. See here
I never ran into this or used it, but I know the source is open. So I went to the javascript file for the datatable. There I searched for 'Ascending' and via this.ascMessage, I ended up on line 170 where 'datatable.sort.ASC' is used as a key.
This in turn points to line 619 in core.js
getAriaLabel: function(key) {
var ariaLocaleSettings = this.getLocaleSettings()['aria'];
return (ariaLocaleSettings&&ariaLocaleSettings[key]) ? ariaLocaleSettings[key] : PrimeFaces.locales['en_US']['aria'][key];
Where you can see the normal PrimeFaces locale functionality is used.
So using your own locale and overriding this part in it, like in the default locale
aria: {
'paginator.PAGE': 'Page {0}',
'calendar.BUTTON': 'Show Calendar',
'datatable.sort.ASC': 'activate to sort column ascending',
'datatable.sort.DESC': 'activate to sort column descending',
'columntoggler.CLOSE': 'Close'
Will solve your issue I would expect
I need to change the option names in the "Format" menu in CKEditor. For instance, I want to change "Normal" to "Paragraph".
I understand that one way to do it is to edit the language file (en.js). But I don't want to mess up the original sourcecode because it will make the upgrade to a future version much harder.
I tried to change the value CKEDITOR.lang.en.tag_p at runtime before initializing the editor:
CKEDITOR.lang.en.tag_p = "Paragraph";
It didn't work because the language file is not loaded at this point (lang.en is undefined).
I also tried to use event handlers (instanceLoaded and loaded) - no success.
Changing the language values on instanceLoaded seems to be too late. It still shows the default values in the menu.
And loaded event never fires for some reason.
I found a solution that involves overriding CKEDITOR.plugins.load, but I think it's too much for such a simple task.
Is there a simple and elegant way to do that?
I found the following solution: load the English language file before creating editor instance, and update it using callback once it is loaded.
CKEDITOR.lang.load("en", "en", function() {
CKEDITOR.lang.en.format.tag_p = "Paragraph";
CKEDITOR.lang.en.format.tag_h2 = "Header";
CKEDITOR.lang.en.format.tag_h3 = "Sub-Header";
// Init editor here
I personally don't like it, but it's the best I could do.
Actually this is probably pretty simple, but somehow I am unable to make it work.
I have a grid that loads data from a url. Everything works fine, except one small detail -- I have put a column picker on the table but if they have already shown the search form once, then when they change the visible columns the search form does not reflect the changes no matter how many times they close and open it.
The documentation seems to suggest that recreateForm was the solution, but it does not seem to work.
"when set to true the form is recreated every time the search dialog is activated with the new options from colModel (if they are changed)"
I launch the advanced search from a button outside the grid, if that matters.
function openSearch(grid)
var searchParams = {
caption:"Advanced Search",
grid.jqGrid('searchGrid', searchParams);
In the search_config documentation page, I see that there's something that looks like it would allow me to specify a default value (defaultValue) to populate the search field with, but I can't get it to work. I specified a default value, but when I pull up the search box, nothing is filled. Also, I'm using multipleGroup: true, so it's the advanced advanced search module, if that makes any difference.
I figured this out by looking through the source code, and since I can't seem to find the feature documented on the wiki or anywhere else, I'll answer my own question. jqGrid DOES have a way of creating default search templates to use, and it's pretty useful. Hopefully my explanation will be useful for someone else.
When creating the searchGrid part of jqGrid $('#gridDiv').jqGrid('searchGrid', options); (or in the searchGrid options section when creating the navGrid part $('#gridDiv').jqGrid('navGrid', '#navDiv', {}, {}, {}, {}, searchOptions); ) there are two options that we care about, tmplNames and tmplFilters.
tmplNames is simply an array of strings of what the template names should be. These will appear as the text in the template select box that will show up. Something like ["Bob's Template", "Joe's Template"].
tmplFilters is also an array of strings, but these strings are the JSON encoded string that jqGrid sends to the php script when searching for something. (tmplFilters may also work as an array of the objects themselves, but I haven't tried) So something like this.
So all of this is pretty easy actually, except that this still doesn't cover setting a default template. This is only good for setting additional templates to choose from. jqGrid has a predefined default template, which is what appears when you initially open the search. To change this, after creating the jqGrid, you need to use setGridParam and change the postdata property
postData: {
filters: defaultFilter
where defaultFilter is the same type of JSON'ed query string as before. Additionally, if the 'reset' button is clicked, this default template goes away, so you'll need to set it again when this happens, which is easy enough to accomplish by adding an onReset function to the initial jqGrid call:
onReset: function () {
postData: {
filters: defaultFilter
And that's it! With some use of AJAX and some new buttons, I was also able to read templates from a local file rather than having them defined in the javascript and was also able to take the current query and create/overwrite templates in the file. Then they became really useful.