How to change item names in CKEditor "Format" menu? - ckeditor

I need to change the option names in the "Format" menu in CKEditor. For instance, I want to change "Normal" to "Paragraph".
I understand that one way to do it is to edit the language file (en.js). But I don't want to mess up the original sourcecode because it will make the upgrade to a future version much harder.
I tried to change the value CKEDITOR.lang.en.tag_p at runtime before initializing the editor:
CKEDITOR.lang.en.tag_p = "Paragraph";
It didn't work because the language file is not loaded at this point (lang.en is undefined).
I also tried to use event handlers (instanceLoaded and loaded) - no success.
Changing the language values on instanceLoaded seems to be too late. It still shows the default values in the menu.
And loaded event never fires for some reason.
I found a solution that involves overriding CKEDITOR.plugins.load, but I think it's too much for such a simple task.
Is there a simple and elegant way to do that?

I found the following solution: load the English language file before creating editor instance, and update it using callback once it is loaded.
CKEDITOR.lang.load("en", "en", function() {
CKEDITOR.lang.en.format.tag_p = "Paragraph";
CKEDITOR.lang.en.format.tag_h2 = "Header";
CKEDITOR.lang.en.format.tag_h3 = "Sub-Header";
// Init editor here
I personally don't like it, but it's the best I could do.


create and show one use only dialog, constructed based on global state.

I have a plugin which need to show a (Modal) dialog each time the user double click on a word.
Detecting double click is no problem, but the exact fields/values in the dialog depends on exactly which word the user clicked on, and some mutable global state. So I can't create the dialog until the moment before I need to show it. And here is the problem: How do I do that?
Right now I use this code:
var dialogName="uniqueDialog" + counter++;
CKEDITOR.dialog.add(dialogName,function(editor) {
// Creating dialog here.
This works, but having to add a uniquely named dialog, just to show it once and then newer use it again seems really really wrong. Also I fear this will keep using resources since the dialogs are newer removed(I could not find any remove method).
So my question is: Is there a better way to dynamical create and show a "one use" dialog?
If bootstrap is not allowed then maybe an addFrame version of the dialog is acceptable. This could then refer to a html file that can load from parameters.
NB: The plunkr only works, if you fork and edit it, otherwise it will give you a 404 for the template.
Here is a quick plunkr:
And here is the plugin in question:
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'insertVariable', {
requires: ['iframedialog'],
icons: 'insertvariable',
init: function( editor ) {
editor.addCommand( 'varDialog', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'varDialog' ) );
editor.ui.addButton( 'insertVariable', {
label: 'Insert Variable',
command: 'varDialog',
icon: this.path + '<insert gif>'
Obviously you are not creating dialogs anymore with different content, but you are referring to another piece of html, that can change. I've kept the bootstrap thing in there as well for reference.
I made one final edit, that will show the current contents. So I think that is roughly what you want. Check it out.
Previous Answer
If you are prepared to use bootstrap, then you can do no worse than check out their modal dialog, which can be just be shown and hidden at will.
It's simple and cuts down any need to keep creating your own dialog. The dialog won't be one use type, but you will set the defaults as necessary. The varying content link is here:
That would be the quickest way to get this going. It all depends on whether you want to use this framework. As CKEDITOR is already using JQuery it is an option worth considering.

kendoui validation tooltip in custom popup editor not positioning correctly

Please see jsfiddle for example, blank out First Name field to have validation tooltip show. In a normal form the validation tooltip positions correctly to the right of each element. But in the popup editor for the grid it still trying to position the tooltip below the element as if it where editing inline. I have tried <span class="k-invalid-msg" data-for="FirstName"></span>but it doesn't change anything. Is there a setting I am missing to get this working in popupeditor? I guess I could manually modify the .k-tooltip but I am hoping for something more built in that handles the positioning correctly, because I am not very good at css.
As you've discovered, the error template for the grid is different to that provided by the kendo validator when applied to standard inputs.
Unfortunately, the validator that is created internally by the grid does not pass along any errorTemplate that you might define in the options object and by the time the "edit" event fires, the validator has already been created and the error template compiled, hence why setting the errorTemplate in the manner you describe does not work. Really, I think the Kendo grid should respect any user defined errorTemplate option but until it does we have to hack a little bit.
The key is to define a custom template and to apply it in the edit event, but instead of using the options object, set the private instance directly. Not ideal, but it works:
edit: function (e) {
e.sender.editable.validatable._errorTemplate =
See this updated fiddle for an example of what I think you might be looking to achieve.
(I would post this as a comment but not enough reputation yet...)
I'm successfully using nukefusion's solution. I, too, fought with the syntax error from jQuery for a long time and discovered through debugging that how you define the template is important. In particular, it appears that the template has to be written on a single line without any formatting, as in:
<script id="tooltip-template" type="text/x-kendo-template"><span class="k-widget k-tooltip k-tooltip-validation"><span class="k-icon k-warning"></span>#=message#</span></script>
If you try to make it "pretty" and format the html in the template, you get the syntax error. I don't know where the real bug is, as this sort of thing shouldn't cause an error. But it does and I stopped worrying about it once I got it to work correctly.

Create base jqgrid

I have a website with several views, and most of them have a jqGrid on them.
I'd like to set some base options on all my jqgrids. For example, I'd like the view option to always be set to true, and the search option to always be set to false.
Additionally, there are several that I'd like to have the same button labels.
Is there any way to do this with a jqGrid?
Look at the answer which shows how to set default settings jQuery.jgrid.nav. In your case it would be
{search:false,view:true, viewtext:"View label", viewtitle:"View tooltip"}
Other default settings you can change in the same way using jQuery.jgrid.del, jQuery.jgrid.view and of course jQuery.jgrid.defaults.
You don't need to place the code inside of jQuery(document).ready(function() {/**/});. It is enough just ecxecute the code like jQuery.extend(jQuery.jgrid.nav, {search:false,view:true}); inside a JavaScript file loaded after the jquery.jqGrid.min.js.
You could add an additional script tag to your HTML that references a JS file with some base configuration stuff for the grid in a $().ready(function() {}); block.
You could also create a base configuration function or variable that you store in that external JS, and reference that configuration on each view page.
I would prefer to write the base function, and not the ready event handler as the ready handler will NOT run at a predictable time. You won't know if it properly ran before your jqGrid configure function ran.

Joomla: How to change template on a specific article

Is there a way to change the template on a specific article only?
Note that it should work without linking the article to any menu.
If you want the template override not to depend on the menu position than the standard joomla way of assigning a different template to a menu will not work. You will need to get your hands dirty and write some custom code. You will need to use the article_id as a trigger for template switch.
I did something like that at work but don't remember now how exactly this is achieved. I will post my code here as soon as I locate it.
EDIT: Found the code :)
You need to edit the file /includes/application.php, specifically the getTemplate() method. At the end of this method, just before:
// Fallback template
if (!file_exists(JPATH_THEMES.DS.$template.DS.'index.php')) {
$template = 'rhuk_milkyway';
you can add your condition for applying a custom template, like so:
if (JRequest::getVar('id')=='13' && JRequest::getVar('option')=='com_content') {
$template = $custom_template_name;
This will apply the custom template which name is inside the $custom_template_name to article with id=13. You can also use it to apply a different template to components, like I did with simplecaddy:
if (JRequest::getVar('option')=='com_caddy'){
$template = 'shop';
You should really try to stay away from hard coding anything in to the template if it can be avoided. Not sure why you would specify that the article not be linked from a menu. The easiest way to accomplish this without having to write and code is to create a new menu, then add a menu item that links to the article you want to specify the template for. You don't have to put the menu in a module anywhere so it will never show up on the site, but it will show up in the menu assignment in the template manager.
You can do this with single articles, categories, sections, or even components. As long as you have a menu link to associate the template to. I always create an Admin only menu to put links that are needed to run the site, but do not need to be accessed by users.
As Brent said, avoid the temptation to modify core Joomla code! Doing this will likely stop you from doing Joomla upgrades 'cos you know it's going to break the core changes that you made.
Apart from the "hidden menu item" technique (which is useful but can break SEF URLs in some situations), a useful tool is Chameleon. This allows you to select specific articles/categories/sections (plus things like browser type, user group, component, whatever) and use these to trigger a certain template.
Though this is an old post, I thought I'd share my thoughts: You can easily change template on a single article, by implementing the onAfterInitialize() - function in a system plugin. No need to modify the Joomla core.
This works for Joomla 1.5, but should also work in 2.5:
function onAfterInitialise(){
if(true){ // f.ex. test for article ID or whatever
JRequest::setVar('template', 'beez'); // change template
In joomla 3.x versions, url-parameters are handled differently. The following was tested in joomla 3.4.8:
public function onAfterInitialise()
if(true){ // f.ex. test for article ID or whatever
$app->input->set('template', 'beez3');
More on writing plugins for Joomla here

TYPO3: Change plugin from USER to USER_INT type

I have a working TYPO3 extension. It is attached this wiki page. How can I change the code of this extension so it is of the USER_INT type? I.e. I don't want TYPO3 to cache the output of this plugin, and want TYPO3 to invoke the extension ever time a page that uses the extension, i.e. disable the caching for this extension.
To disable caching for your extension go to your piX/class.tx_XXX_piX.php file and remove the following line (below your class declaration):
var $pi_checkCHash = true;
You also need to add the following line in the main method (below $this->pi_loadLL();):
$this->pi_USER_INT_obj=1; // Configuring so caching is not expected. This value means that no cHash params are ever set. We do this, because it's a USER_INT object!
grunwalski it's the opposite you have to change this:
to this:
The simpliest way to solve your problem is to go back to Extension Maganer, select your extension, choose "Edit in Kickstarter" from the dropdown menu, and then select the corresponding Frontend plugin to edit it's properties.
Check the first checkbox which means that you want your plugins to be rendered as USER_INT cObjects. After that click the View result button, uncheck all custom PHP files (your own code, like modules and plugins) on the right side and click the WRITE button. Please be careful. If you don't uncheck the checkboxes of your own files, they will be overwritten with dummy files.
The correct and comlete way to do this is a combination of the answers of #arturh and #Mehdi Guermazi:
change the last parameter in the addPItoST43() call in ext_localconf.php from 1 to 0
remove the var $pi_checkCHash = true; line from the property definitions in the head of the pi1 class.
add the $this->pi_USER_INT_obj=1; line to the start of the main() function in pi1.
These changes are identical to what you will get when you use the kickstarter method explained in the solution of #bencuss.
When you have created your extension with Kickstarter you also have to go to the file [yourextension]/ext_localconf.php and change this line
to this:
Edit the file setup.txt of your extension "myext". Change "USER" into "USER_INT".
plugin.tx_myext = USER_INT
plugin.tx_myxt {
This extension will never be cached.
