Magento 1.4 Delete all product images - magento

Is there a script available or easy process for deleting all product images,
as I can't seem to find anyway.

Yes you can remove the multiple product images. You will have to remove them from database table as well as folder structure. I would suggest you to follow the given link so that you would be more clear


Magento can not set/edit product sort number since upgrade

ever since we upgrade to Magento 1.14 when you go to Catalog ->Manage category -?category product tabs the position field is no longer editable.
First of all clarify the version of your Magento store, you have EE.
Now there are many reasons for something to break after upgrade, start by looking at the logs to get a better idea. Delete any old logs and refresh the categories backend.
Also good idea is if you have a backup rename the app/design/adminhtml/default folder and rollback the previous version.
Or try folder by folder to locate what file creates this issue.
For example rename and switch app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/catalog with the old one , test etc etc...
Don't know if you still need this but I ran into same problem today :).
If you don't have the position field available for edition is it more likely you have the module OnTap_Merchandiser installed, take a look into its configuration under System / Configuration / Catalog / Visual Merchandising Options, you can enable it there.
If the module is installed, you can also check on category management page the tab Visual Merchandiser, there you can specify sort order for your products.

Can i use dataflow import to update products in Magento

I am really sorry for asking this. I feel like this is a stupid question, but honestly I have googled until the term googling has lost all meaning.
I just want to do a bulk update of product information, I do not want to add or import new products, just update the information for existing products. But all I seem to be able to find on google is articles referring to importing products into Magento. Perhaps my google-fu is failing me, and if this is the case I apologize, but I would be grateful if someone can just answer this really simple question.
I have a CSV file with updated product information.
I want to use this file to update the existing products in Magento 1.9.x.
Can this be done with importing?
Or will I have to build a script that reads the CSV file and manually updates each product?
Magento uses sku as identifier to update records. so you have to use magento structure. At the first you have to export products as a csv file to catch the structure and then modify that as you need. Magento import/export tool is very easy and useful.
For more details check this out:

Bulk upload with csv for downloadable products

Can anyone please tell me how to implement bulk uploading through .csv for downloadable products. I have tried for simple products but failed for downloadable products. Need Help
I use this module from Commerce Extensions, makes it really easy to bulk upload loads of downloadable tracks and even add the downloadable LINKS too, was only $99 and the support was really good -
Default, you can't export and import full attribute product downloadable, configurable, grouped, bundle. You should use some extension for your work.
Try use one

Importing products from one site to another in Magento

Im currently hosting my Magento website and i want to make another website without adding any new products in in newsite. I want to importy products from the older website to newer one.
I tried dumping the older database to the newer one but does'nt help.
Is there any other possible way ??
You could re-create the attribute sets and categories on the old site and export the products using
System > Import/Export > Dataflow - Profiles
However that does not solve the issue of grouped or configurable products, or product options if you have them. If that is the case, you might need to upgrade your existing installation (or ensure it is the same version as the new website) and then copy the database across.

How to make a working Copy of Joomla 1.5

I am running Joomla 1.5
I duplicated the entire Joomla directory from the command line via "cp"
I duplicated the entire MySQL database form within phpMyAdmin
When I run the dup'd site I don't get my selected template, I get the out-of-the-box default template. So I went into Template Manager and made my template the default.
Next the menus are whacky.
So before I proceed to set everything manually, one-by-one, if there something I am missing here as to why when I make an exact copy of everything the new Joomla site does not look exactly like the current one?
Thanks for helping me.
It should work. I assume you followed Copying a Joomla website? Make sure you follow that exactly.
But I strongly recommend using Akeeba backup instead. I use it for all my sites and it just works. It is a free extension that does it all for you. Might take some initial setup but after that you are set.
