GtkLabel is not hidden using the property visible = false - label

I am trying to create a Calendar Widget in vala with GTK. I have a class whose constructor fills a Gtk.Grid with 42 labels that will be the days. But when calling the method fill_grid_days () that is responsible for iterating a List of Labels (hide or show them according to the maximum of days) When running for the first time does not hide the Labels until in an external class I use the same method fill_grid_days () by pressing a button.
CalendarView Class - Constructor
public CalendarView () {
this.orientation = Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL;
int max_labels = 42;
var days_header = new DaysRow();
* Grid that contains any number of days
* day_of_week is the start day(m,t,w,t,f,s,s) of month
* end_day is the final number day
day_grid = new Grid ();
var col = 0;
var row = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < max_labels; i++) {
var label_day = new Label("");
label_day.get_style_context ().add_class ("label-day");
label_day.expand = true;
label_day.halign = Align.CENTER;
label_day.valign = Align.START;
day_grid.attach (label_day, col, row, 1, 1);
if (col != 0 && col % 7 == 0) {
col = 0;
this.pack_start (days_header);
this.pack_end (day_grid);
CalendarView Class - fill_grid_days Method
public void fill_grid_days (int start_day, int max_day, int current_day) {
* All days in interation to add a new Label
var day_number = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 42; i++) {
Label label = labels.nth_data (i);
label.get_style_context ().remove_class ("label-today");
label.visible = true;
* max_day + start_day, it is necessary to
* find the correct label in list
if (i < start_day || i >= max_day + start_day) {
print ("\nMe pongo invisible");
label.visible = false;
} else {
* current_day + start_day, it is necessary to
* find the correct label in list
if ( current_day != -1 && (i+1) == current_day + start_day ) {
label.get_style_context ().add_class ("label-today");
//label.set_label (day_number.to_string());
label.label = day_number.to_string();
Full code


handling objects offscreen for a view frustum

I have a view frustum that works great when looking at stuff from a distance. But for example, when i stand in the middle of a square, my current system struggles to place vertices which are behind me.
For example the image below demonstrates looking at a tile from a distance vs standing on top of it ...
My proccess for putting things onto screen can be described in 5 steps
cross product the co-ordinates of the object with my camera matrix
cross product the result of 1 with my projection_matrix
normalize the result of 2 by dividing through the 4th dimension of my co-ordinates (my w co-ordinate)
cull results of 3 (its not causing the problem, i tried without culling)
cross product 4 with to_screen_matrix
Basically the problem i have, is this procces is great at putting things on the screen but sometimes an object isnt on the screen... what co-ordinates should be used then?
Below is a drawing of what i think the problem is
below is my screen_projection function
return_screen_projection(dont_cull = false){
var position = cross_product(this.position , player.camera_matrix())
position = cross_product(position , projection.projection_matrix) // does this just convert the position to cameras reference frame.
for (let i = 0; i < position.length; i++) {
position[i] = position[i]/position[3]
if (dont_cull == false){
for (let i = 0; i < position.length; i++) {
if (i != 1){
if (this.is_this_object_behind_player()){for (let ii = 0; ii < position.length; ii++) {position[ii] = -9999;} console.log("culling1")}
if (position[i] > 2){for (let ii = 0; ii < position.length; ii++) {position[ii] = -9999;} console.log("culling2")}
if (position[i] < -2){for (let ii = 0; ii < position.length; ii++) {position[ii] = -9999;} console.log("culling3")}
} // also all examples say set position = 0 if culling
position = cross_product(position , projection.to_screen_matrix)
return [position[0],position[1]]
how could i better handle the position of a vertex offscreen, when some vertexes of the object im dealing with are on screen?
################## extra info below
below is a blob of 300 lines of code (sorry , i cant make it more minimal and reproducable with just a copy n paste)
running the below in a web browser will give you an example of the problem (w,a,s,d) to move (you start mired in the middle of an object, you may wish to step back to see better the first time)
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script async src=""></script>
<div id="canvas div" style = "position: relative; left: 0px; float:left; top: 0px;" >
<h1> first person below </h1>
<canvas id="mi_canvas" width="300" height="300" style="border-style: solid;"></canvas> <br>
var floor_y_pos = 9
canvas = document.getElementById("mi_canvas");
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
render_distance = 1000;
fov = math.pi / 2
class Projection{
var NEAR = player.near_plane
var FAR = player.far_plane
var RIGHT = Math.tan(player.h_fov/2)
var LEFT = - RIGHT
var TOP = Math.tan(player.v_fov /2)
var m00 = 2*NEAR / (RIGHT - LEFT)
var m02 = (RIGHT + LEFT)/(RIGHT - LEFT)
var m11 = 2*NEAR / (TOP - BOTTOM)
var m12 = (TOP + BOTTOM) /(TOP - BOTTOM)
var m22 = (FAR * NEAR) / (FAR - NEAR)
var m23 = -2 * NEAR * FAR / (FAR-NEAR)
this.projection_matrix = [
var HW=player.H_WIDTH
var HH = player.H_HEIGHT
this.to_screen_matrix = [
function multiply(a, b) {
var aNumRows = a.length, aNumCols = a[0].length,
bNumRows = b.length, bNumCols = b[0].length,
m = new Array(aNumRows); // initialize array of rows
for (var r = 0; r < aNumRows; ++r) {
m[r] = new Array(bNumCols); // initialize the current row
for (var c = 0; c < bNumCols; ++c) {
m[r][c] = 0; // initialize the current cell
for (var i = 0; i < aNumCols; ++i) {
m[r][c] += a[r][i] * b[i][c];
return m;
function mi_position_matrix_multiplier(A, B)
var new_matrix = []
for (var new_num_ind = 0; new_num_ind < A.length; ++new_num_ind)
this_num = 0;
for (var a_ind = 0; a_ind < A.length; ++a_ind)
this_num += (A[a_ind] * B[a_ind][new_num_ind])
return new_matrix;
function pythagoras(thing1, thing2)
dist = (((thing1[0]-thing2[0])**2)+((thing1[1]-thing2[1])**2))**0.5
return dist
class vertex{
constructor(x, y,z , id){ = id
this.position = [x,y,z,1]
this.min_dist = 1.5 // minimum possible distance between player and object
var arrow_length = 0.0001;
var pointing_position = [player.position[0]+(player.forward[0]*arrow_length) , player.position[2]-(player.forward[2]*arrow_length)]
var dist1 = pythagoras([this.position[0],this.position[2]], pointing_position)
var dist2 = pythagoras([this.position[0],this.position[2]], [player.position[0],player.position[2]])
if (dist1 < dist2){
return true;}
else if (dist1 > dist2){
return false;}
return_screen_projection(dont_cull = false){
var position = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(this.position , player.camera_matrix())
position = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(position , projection.projection_matrix) // does this just convert the position to cameras reference frame.
for (let i = 0; i < position.length; i++) {
position[i] = position[i]/position[3]
if (dont_cull == false){
for (let i = 0; i < position.length; i++) {
if (i != 1){
if (this.is_this_object_behind_player()){for (let ii = 0; ii < position.length; ii++) {position[ii] = -9999;} console.log("culling1")}
if (position[i] > 2){for (let ii = 0; ii < position.length; ii++) {position[ii] = -9999;} console.log("culling2")}
if (position[i] < -2){for (let ii = 0; ii < position.length; ii++) {position[ii] = -9999;} console.log("culling3")}
} // also all examples say set position = 0 if culling
position = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(position , projection.to_screen_matrix)
return [position[0],position[1]]
class player{
this.position =[0,0,0,1.0]
this.forward = [0,0,1,1]
this.up = [0,1,0,1]
this.right =[1,0,0,1]
this.h_fov = 3.1415926535/3
this.v_fov = this.h_fov * (canvas.height / canvas.width)
this.near_plane = 1
this.far_plane = 100
this.moving_speed = 0.2
this.rotation_speed = 0.1
this.H_WIDTH = canvas.width/2
this.H_HEIGHT = canvas.height/2
this.anglePitch = 0
this.angleYaw = 0
var rotate = multiply(rotate_x(this.anglePitch) , rotate_y(this.angleYaw))
this.forward = [0, 0, 1, 1]
this.up = [0, 1, 0, 1]
this.right = [1, 0, 0, 1]
this.forward = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(this.forward , rotate)
this.right = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(this.right , rotate)
this.up = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(this.up , rotate)
this.angleYaw += angle}
var x = this.position[0];
var y = this.position[1];
var z = this.position[2];
var w = this.position[3];
return [
[-x,-y,z, 1]
var rx = this.right[0]
var ry = this.right[1]
var rz = this.right[2]
var w = this.right[3]
var fx = this.forward[0]
var fy = this.forward[1]
var fz = this.forward[2]
var w = this.forward[3]
var ux = this.up[0]
var uy = this.up[1]
var uz = this.up[2]
var w = this.up[3]
return [
return multiply(this.translate_matrix(), this.rotate_matrix());
var key_code = parseInt(event.keyCode)
if (key_code == 37 || key_code == 39 || key_code == 83 || key_code == 87 || key_code == 119|| key_code == 115)
var dx = Math.cos(this.angleYaw)*this.moving_speed
var dy = Math.sin(this.angleYaw)*this.moving_speed
// console.log("that were moving = dx , dy = "+dx.toString()+" , "+dy.toString())
if ( key_code == 37 || key_code == 87 || key_code == 119) {
this.position[0] += -dy
this.position[2] += dx
if (key_code == 39 || key_code == 83 || key_code == 115) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.position.length; i++) {
this.position[0] += dy
this.position[2] += -dx
else {
if ( key_code == 38 || key_code == 65 || key_code == 97) {
if (key_code == 40 || key_code == 68 || key_code == 100) {
function translate(pos){
return np.array([
function rotate_x(angle){
return [
function rotate_y(a){
return [
[math.cos(a),0, -math.sin(a),0],
[math.sin(a), 0 , math.cos(a),0],
function update_matrix_info_debug(matrix_name, matrix){
if (matrix[0].length > 1)
for (let x = 1; x < matrix.length+1; x++) {
for (let y = 1; y < matrix.length+1; y++) {
document.getElementById(matrix_name.toString()+"_"+x.toString()+y.toString()).innerHTML = matrix[x-1][y-1]
else {
for (let x = 1; x < matrix.length+1; x++) {document.getElementById(matrix_name.toString()+"_"+"1"+x.toString()).innerHTML = matrix[x-1]}
class two_d_surdace {
constructor(verex1,verex2,verex3,verex4 , colour){
this.vertices = [verex1,verex2,verex3,verex4]
this.colour = colour
var each_point = []
for (let i = 0; i < this.vertices.length; i++) {
ctx.fillStyle = this.colour;
var moved_to_first_yet = false
for (let vertex = 0; vertex < this.vertices.length; vertex++)
if (moved_to_first_yet == false)
moved_to_first_yet = true
ctx.moveTo( each_point[vertex][0],each_point[vertex][1]);
else{ctx.lineTo( each_point[vertex][0],each_point[vertex][1]);}
function if_off_screen(x, y)
if (x> canvas.width || x < 0){ return true;}
if (y > canvas.height || y < 0){ return true;}
return false;
function if_most_of_these_numbers_are_off_screen(numbers){
var threshold = 1; //Math.floor(numbers.length*0.49)
var counter = 0
for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { if (if_off_screen(numbers[i][0], numbers[i][1])){ counter +=1} else{} }
if (counter >= threshold){return true}
return false;
player = new player();
projection = new Projection()
floor = new two_d_surdace(new vertex(50,floor_y_pos,50) , new vertex(-50,floor_y_pos,50) , new vertex(-50,floor_y_pos,-50) , new vertex(50,floor_y_pos,-50) , '#F90' )
$(document).on("keypress", function (event) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

As3 Position on top based on Y without lag?

I was creating a position script with my own made tag system to position all the objects in order of the y position they have. This script makes my game lag so I wanted to ask if there is a better way of doing this.
PS: This code is used every frame.
private function positionGameObjectToLayer():void
var objectOnScreen : Array = [];
var parentObj : Sprite;
var l : int;
l = gameObjects.length;
for (var i : int = 0; i < l; i++) {
/*checks if the object has the position tag*/
if (gameObjects[i].checkTag(Tags.POSITION_ON_Y_TAG)) {
objectOnScreen.push(gameObjects[i]); //if it does it goes into this array
objectOnScreen.sortOn("y", Array.NUMERIC); /* sorts the array on y position*/
l = objectOnScreen.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
/*this sets the layer of the object in order of the array*/
parentObj = objectOnScreen[i].parent;
parentObj.setChildIndex(objectOnScreen[i],parentObj.numChildren - 1);
l = gameObjects.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
//if it has the always on top tag
if (gameObjects[i].checkTag(Tags.POSITION_ON_TOP_TAG)) {
/*then this code will grab that object and place it over the other layers*/
parentObj = gameObjects[i].parent;
parentObj.setChildIndex(gameObjects[i], parentObj.numChildren - 1);

Finding path from cell x to cell y in a grid so that all cells are parsed once

I am trying to code an algorithm so that it can start from any "start" cell of a grid ( eg.cell no. 4 in the pic) and parse through each cell of a grid once. The grid can be of any size 3x3, 4x4, 8x8 etc.
The following codes generates such paths. And works fine for many cells in 8x8 grid. But for many cells, it takes forever to search a path.
I was wondering if there is some better solution that can be referenced, so that the solution can be optimized.
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Main extends MovieClip
private var rand_Num;
public var node0_Mc:MovieClip ,node1_Mc:MovieClip,node2_Mc:MovieClip,node3_Mc:MovieClip,node4_Mc:MovieClip,node5_Mc:MovieClip,node6_Mc:MovieClip,node7_Mc:MovieClip,node8_Mc:MovieClip,node9_Mc:MovieClip,
node60_Mc:MovieClip, node61_Mc:MovieClip, node62_Mc:MovieClip, node63_Mc:MovieClip;
public const NUM_COLS:Number = 8;
// 3 ;// 4 ;
public const NUM_ROWS:Number = 8;// 3 ;// 4 ;
var chain_Arr:Array = [];
var blockIndex_Arr:Array = [];
var nodearr:Array;
var adjacentNodeArray_Arr:Array = [];
var parsedNodeIndex_Arr:Array = [];
var validNextAdjacentNodeIndexArray_Arr:Array = [];
var validPreviousAdjacentNodeIndexArray_Arr:Array = [];
var savePair_Arr:Array = [];
var countChain_Num:Number = 0;
var saveParent_Arr:Array = [];
public function Main()
// constructor code
nodearr = [node0_Mc,node1_Mc,node2_Mc,node3_Mc,node4_Mc,node5_Mc,node6_Mc,node7_Mc,node8_Mc,node9_Mc,node10_Mc,node11_Mc,node12_Mc,node13_Mc,node14_Mc,node15_Mc,node16_Mc,node17_Mc,node18_Mc,node19_Mc,node20_Mc,node21_Mc,node22_Mc,node23_Mc,node24_Mc,node25_Mc,node26_Mc,node27_Mc,node28_Mc,node29_Mc,node30_Mc,node31_Mc,node32_Mc,node33_Mc,node34_Mc,node35_Mc,node36_Mc,node37_Mc,node38_Mc,node39_Mc,node40_Mc,node41_Mc,node42_Mc,node43_Mc,node44_Mc,node45_Mc,node46_Mc,node47_Mc,node48_Mc,node49_Mc,node50_Mc,node51_Mc,node52_Mc,node53_Mc,node54_Mc,node55_Mc,node56_Mc,node57_Mc,node58_Mc,node59_Mc,node60_Mc,node61_Mc,node62_Mc,node63_Mc];
var possibleAdjacentNodeIndex_Arr:Array = [];
savePair_Arr = [];
var startIndex_num:Number = 45;// 0 ;
rand_Num = 62;// randomRange(10, (NUM_COLS * NUM_ROWS) - 1);
function initValidNextAdjacentNodeIndexArray():void
for (var index_num = 0; index_num < NUM_COLS*NUM_ROWS; index_num++)
validNextAdjacentNodeIndexArray_Arr[index_num] = getValidNodeIndexArrayAdjacentToParamNodeIndex(index_num);
function initValidPreviousAdjacentNodeIndexArray():void
for (var index_num = 0; index_num < NUM_COLS*NUM_ROWS; index_num++)
validPreviousAdjacentNodeIndexArray_Arr[index_num] = getValidNodeIndexArrayAdjacentToParamNodeIndex(index_num);
//function getAllChainsFromParamNodeIndexParamParentChain( path_arr:Array,index_param_num:Number ):void
function getAllChainsFromParamNodeIndexParamParentChain( index_param_num:Number, parent_arr:Array ):void
var i;
if ( countChain_Num > 15 )
var adjacent_arr = getValidNodeIndexArrayAdjacentToParamNodeIndex(index_param_num);
for (i = 0; i < adjacent_arr.length; i++)
if ( ( checkRepeat(chain_Arr)) )
//trace("chain starts from", chain_Arr);
var nodeIndex_num:Number = adjacent_arr[i];
var nodeIndexExist_num = 0;
var parentNode_num:Number = parent_arr[parent_arr.length - 1];
var bool:Boolean;
while ( isNaN(nodeIndex_num) == false)
//var childNodeIndex_num = manageValidAdjacentIndexArray(parent_arr[parent_arr.length-1], parentNode_num , nodeIndex_num );
var childNodeIndex_num = manageValidAdjacentIndexArray(adjacent_arr[i],parentNode_num,nodeIndex_num);
//var childNodeIndex_num = manageValidAdjacentIndexArray(parentNode_num, parentNode_num , nodeIndex_num );
parentNode_num = nodeIndex_num;
nodeIndex_num = childNodeIndex_num;
if ( ( checkRepeat(chain_Arr)) )
if ( isNaN(nodeIndex_num) == false)
if (chain_Arr.length > NUM_COLS * NUM_ROWS - 1)
//if ( !( checkRepeat(chain_Arr)) )
saveParent_Arr[saveParent_Arr.length ] = new Array();
for (var k = 0; k < rand_Num; k++)
saveParent_Arr[saveParent_Arr.length - 1].push( chain_Arr[k]);
for (i = 0; i < adjacent_arr.length; i++)
var arr2:Array = parent_arr.slice();
getAllChainsFromParamNodeIndexParamParentChain( adjacent_arr[i], arr2 );
function reinitPath():void
chain_Arr = [];
chain_Arr = chain_Arr.concat(parent_arr);
private function checkRepeat(chain_arr:Array):Boolean
var bool:Boolean;
var num = rand_Num;
if (chain_arr.length >= num - 1)
for (var i = 0; i < saveParent_Arr.length; i++)
//trace( saveParent_Arr[i][0], saveParent_Arr[i][1]);
if (saveParent_Arr[i] != undefined)
var z = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < num; j++)
if (saveParent_Arr[i][j] == chain_arr[j])
if ( z >= num)
bool = true;
if (bool)
return bool;
function randomRange( minNum:Number, maxNum:Number):Number
return (Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxNum - minNum + 1)) + minNum);
function randomizeArray(arr:Array ):void
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
var random = randomRange(0,arr.length - 1);
var temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[random];
arr[random] = temp;
//will send NaN if no valid adjacent index array is possible
private function manageValidAdjacentIndexArray(chainStartIndex_num:Number, parentNodeIndex_param_num:Number, nodeIndex_num:Number):Number
var num_nan:Number;
var ret_num:Number;
var j;
//var tot:Number = validNextAdjacentNodeIndexArray_Arr[nodeIndex_num].length ;
j = 0;
var arr:Array = validNextAdjacentNodeIndexArray_Arr[nodeIndex_num];// getValidNodeIndexArrayAdjacentToParamNodeIndex(nodeIndex_num) ;
while (arr.length > 0 )// && isNaN(ret_num))
ret_num = arr[j];//validNextAdjacentNodeIndexArray_Arr[nodeIndex_num][j] ;
//if this index is present in chain then remove it off
if (chain_Arr.indexOf(ret_num) >= 0)
//j++ ;
ret_num = num_nan;
if ( j >= arr.length )
ret_num = num_nan;
return ret_num;
private function getValidAdjacentIndexToParamNodeIndex(nodeIndex_param_num:Number):Number
var adjacentNode_arr:Array = [];
var adjacentRow_arr:Array = [];
var adjacentCol_arr:Array = [];
var allIndex_arr:Array = [];
var r:Number;
var c:Number;
var row_num:Number = int(nodeIndex_param_num / NUM_COLS);
var col_num:Number = (nodeIndex_param_num % NUM_COLS);
allIndex_arr = getAllAdjacentNodeIndexArray(row_num,col_num);
var ret_num:Number;
ret_num = allIndex_arr[0];
return ret_num;
function getValidNodeIndexArrayAdjacentToParamNodeIndex(nodeIndex_param_num:Number ):Array
var adjacentNode_arr = [];
for (var positionId_num = 0; positionId_num < 8; positionId_num++)
var num:Number = getNodeIndexAtParamPositionIdOfParamIndex(positionId_num,nodeIndex_param_num);
if (isNaN(num))
return adjacentNode_arr;
private function getAllAdjacentNodeIndexArray(row_num:Number, col_num:Number,within_arr:Array=null):Array
var num:Number;
var index_arr:Array = [num,num,num,num,num,num,num,num];
var r:Number;
var c:Number;
if ( row_num > 0 )
r = row_num - 1;
c = col_num;
index_arr[0] = r * NUM_COLS + c;
if ( col_num < NUM_COLS-1)
r = row_num;
c = col_num + 1;
index_arr[1] = r * NUM_COLS + c;
if ( row_num < NUM_ROWS-1)
r = row_num + 1;
c = col_num;
index_arr[2] = r * NUM_COLS + c;
if ( col_num > 0 )
r = row_num;
c = col_num - 1;
index_arr[3] = r * NUM_COLS + c;
if ( row_num > 0 && col_num > 0)
r = row_num - 1;
c = col_num - 1;
index_arr[4] = r * NUM_COLS + c;
if ( row_num > 0 && col_num < NUM_COLS-1)
r = row_num - 1;
c = col_num + 1;
index_arr[5] = r * NUM_COLS + c;
if ( row_num < NUM_ROWS-1 && col_num < NUM_COLS-1)
r = row_num + 1;
c = col_num + 1;
index_arr[6] = r * NUM_COLS + c;
if ( row_num < NUM_ROWS-1 && col_num > 0 )
r = row_num + 1;
c = col_num - 1;
index_arr[7] = r * NUM_COLS + c;
return index_arr;
//the adjacent node must be present in within_arr, which we splice, one time for variation
function getNodeIndexAtParamPositionIdOfParamIndex( n:Number , nodeIndex_param_num:Number):Number
var adjacentNode_arr:Array = [];
var adjacentRow_arr:Array = [];
var adjacentCol_arr:Array = [];
var index_arr:Array = [];
var r:Number;
var c:Number;
var index_num:Number;
var row_num:Number = int(nodeIndex_param_num / NUM_COLS);
var col_num:Number = (nodeIndex_param_num % NUM_COLS);
index_arr = getAllAdjacentNodeIndexArray(row_num,col_num);
var ret_num:Number;
ret_num = index_arr[n];
return ret_num;
private function validateIndices(index_arr:Array):void
for (var i = 0; i < index_arr.length; i++)
if (chain_Arr.indexOf(index_arr[i]) == -1)
var num:Number;
index_arr[i] = num;//pushing NaN
It's a Hamiltonian path problem. It's NP complete and afaik there is still no efficient solution.
check this out: hamilton paths in grid graphs (pdf)
short randomized algorithm explanation: Princeton Hamiltonian path problem
or wikipedia: Hamiltonian path problem
I did some more research and for your special case of strongly connected square grids (nxn chessboards) a variation of the warndoffs rule for finding a knights tour might give you a solution in near linear time. See here: A method for finding hamiltonian paths and knight tours (pdf)

Algorithms find shortest path to all cells on grid

I have a grid [40 x 15] with 2 to 16 units on it, and unknown amount of obstacles.
How to find the shortest path to all the units from my unit location.
I have two helper methods that we can consider as O(1)
getMyLocation() - return the (x, y) coordinates of my location on the grid
investigateCell(x, y) - return information about cell at (x,y) coordinates
I implemented A* search algorithm, that search simultaneously to all the directions. At the end it output a grid where each cell have a number representing the distance from my location, and collection of all the units on the grid. It performs with O(N) where N is the number of cells - 600 in my case.
I implement this using AS3, unfortunately it takes my machine 30 - 50 milliseconds to calculate.
Here is my source code. Can you suggest me a better way?
import flash.geom.Point;
* Implementing a path finding algorithm(Similar to A* search only there is no known target) to calculate the shortest path to each cell on the map.
* Once calculation is complete the information will be available at cellsMap. Each cell is a number representing the
* number of steps required to get to that location. Enemies and Allies will be represented with negative distance. Also the enemy and Allys
* coordinations collections are provided. Blocked cells will have the value 0.<br><br>
* Worth case and best case efficiency is O(N) where N is the number of cells.
public class MapFilter
private static const PULL:Vector.<MapFilter> = new Vector.<MapFilter>();
public var cellsMap:Vector.<Vector.<int>>;
public var allys:Vector.<Point>;
public var enemies:Vector.<Point>;
private var stack:Vector.<MapFilter>;
private var map:Map;
private var x:int;
private var y:int;
private var count:int;
private var commander:String;
private var hash:Object;
private var filtered:Boolean;
public function filter(map:Map, myLocation:Point, commander:String):void{
filtered = true;
this.commander = commander; = map;
this.x = myLocation.x;
this.y = myLocation.y;
cellsMap[x][y] = 1;
while(stack.length > 0){
var length:int = stack.length;
for(var i:int = 0; i < length; i++){
var mapFilter:MapFilter = stack.shift();
public function navigateTo(location:Point):Point{
throw new Error("Must filter before navigating");
var position:int = Math.abs(cellsMap[location.x][location.y]);
if(position == 0){
throw new Error("Target unreachable");
while(position > 2){
if(canNavigateTo(position, location.x + 1, location.y)){
else if(canNavigateTo(position, location.x - 1, location.y)){
else if(canNavigateTo(position, location.x, location.y + 1)){
else if(canNavigateTo(position, location.x, location.y - 1)){
position = cellsMap[location.x][location.y];
return location;
throw new Error("Unexpected filtering error");
private function canNavigateTo(position:int, targetX:int, targetY:int):Boolean
return isInMapRange(targetX, targetY) && cellsMap[targetX][targetY] < position && cellsMap[targetX][targetY] > 0;
private function excecute():void
papulate(x + 1, y);
papulate(x - 1, y);
papulate(x, y + 1);
papulate(x, y - 1);
private function isInMapRange(x:int, y:int):Boolean{
return x < cellsMap.length &&
x >= 0 &&
y < cellsMap[0].length &&
y >= 0;
private function papulate(x:int, y:int):void
if(!isInMapRange(x,y) ||
cellsMap[x][y] != 0 ||
hash[x + "," + y] != null ||
// we already checked that is not block
// checking if there units
cellsMap[x][y] = count;
cellsMap[x][y] = -count;
if(map.isAlly(x,y, commander)){
hash[x + "," + y] = true;
allys.push(new Point(x,y));
else {
hash[x + "," + y] = true;
enemies.push(new Point(x,y));
private function addTask(x:int, y:int):void
var mapFilter:MapFilter = PULL.pop();
if(mapFilter == null){
mapFilter = new MapFilter();
mapFilter.commander = commander;
mapFilter.hash = hash; = map;
mapFilter.cellsMap = cellsMap;
mapFilter.allys = allys;
mapFilter..enemies = enemies;
mapFilter.stack = stack;
mapFilter.count = count + 1;
mapFilter.x = x;
mapFilter.y = y;
private function init():void
hash = new Object();
cellsMap = new Vector.<Vector.<int>>();
for(var i:int = 0; i < map.width;i++){
cellsMap.push(new Vector.<int>);
for(var j:int = 0; j < map.height;j++){
allys = new Vector.<Point>();
enemies = new Vector.<Point>();
stack = new Vector.<MapFilter>();
count = 2;
You can use Floyd Warshall to find the shortest path between every pair of points. This would be O(|V|^3) and you would not have to run it for each unit, just once on each turn. It's such a simple algorithm I suspect it might be faster in practice than running something like BFS / Bellman Ford for each unit.

JTable + sorting column, but row is not sorted

I have created a JTable, the table contains 4 rows, and for a specific row, I have overridden the sorting and its working fine only on that column.
Status Scheduled Date Scheduled time Status
false 30/01/2012 02:00:00 Scheduled
false 29/01/2012 14:58:00 Scheduled
false 29/01/2012 15:50:00 Scheduled
For Scheduled Date, which I try to sort, it would sort, but the respecitve rows are not being updated.
Here is my code for sorting
public static void sortColumn(DefaultTableModel model, int colIndex,
boolean sortingOrder) {
Vector<?> data = model.getDataVector();
Object[] colData = new Object[model.getRowCount()];
SortedSet<Object> dataCollected = null;
List<Date> dateCollected;
boolean dateFlag = false;
dateCollected = new ArrayList<Date>();
// Copy the column data in an array
for (int i = 0; i < colData.length; i++) {
Object tempData = ((Vector<?>) data.get(i)).get(colIndex);
if ((colIndex == 1 || colIndex == 4)
&& tempData.toString().contains("/")) {
String[] _scheduledDate1 = ((String) tempData).split("/");
Calendar _cal1 = Calendar.getInstance();
Integer.parseInt(_scheduledDate1[1]) - 1,
dateFlag = true;
} else {
colData[i] = ((Vector<?>) data.get(i)).get(colIndex);
// DateCompare compare = new DateCompare();
if (!dateFlag) {
dataCollected = new TreeSet<Object>();
dateFlag = false;
// Copy the sorted values back into the table model
if ((colIndex == 1 || colIndex == 4) && dateFlag) {
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
sortOrder = !sortOrder;
if (sortOrder) {
} else {
Collections.sort(dateCollected, Collections.reverseOrder());
colData = dateCollected.toArray();
for (int i = 0; i < colData.length; i++) {
((Vector<Object>) data.get(i)).set(colIndex,
sdf.format(((Date) colData[i]).getTime()));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < colData.length; i++) {
((Vector<Object>) data.get(i)).set(colIndex, colData[i]);
How to I get the entire row update accordingly?
I found the problem, my object against I was comparing was wrong, I've change the code for the same it all works fine.
I implemented QuickSort algorithm to sort the vector on the specific column I need.
