App published registration with phone number fail - google-play

My app works fine on release mode and debug mode, I even send a published apk file to a friend to install and works fine too. But today when I finally released my app on play store I discovered that registration with phone number doesn't work anymore, more exactly my app doesn't send verification code now.

So, the problem was not about Firebase Database Rules.
The problem was that I provided SHA-1 signing code generated by Android Studio in Firebase Project Settings.
The fix was about providing SHA-1 signing code from Google Play Console to Firebase Project Settings. Hope this helps somebody!


Signed but looks unsigned

I am a new developer. I bought a console account and generated, signed and published the key to the game I finished from Unity. Then, the Android App Bundle is not signed during the app installation phase.
gave an error. I contacted support and they said they updated my key but the problem still persists. can someone help? google is responding very slow my game needs to be released before fridayenter image description here

What Certificate for signing an Ionic (Cordova) Windows 10 UWP application?

I have an Ionic application, which is currently deployed to the Apple and Android stores. I Now wish to deploy to the Windows store. I have Visual Studio 2015 and have built running the Ionic CLI. I see a lot of created files, including a CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.43_x86.appx
For iOS, the signing is handled via the xcode / developers console, and for Android I created using the keytool which is part of the JDK. Now for Windows..
I have found this on certificates, and this on signing.
I just want to see if I have this understanding correct before I do anything.... so unlike the iOS and Android, where I can just sign, with no extra cost, for the UWP, you actually need to purchase a certificate, just like you do for SSL, to use for the signing of a UWP? Also the app uses SSL (makes https calls to a server via SSL) - not sure if this makes any difference to the certificate required (as when I ran in debug, the https call seemed to be blocked).
Thanks in advance for any information!
I just want to see if I have this understanding correct before I do anything.... so unlike the iOS and Android, where I can just sign, with no extra cost, for the UWP, you actually need to purchase a certificate, just like you do for SSL, to use for the signing of a UWP?
No, you don't need to purchase an certificate to publish your app to store. You only need to create a certificate for package signing, for details, please refer to Create a certificate for package signing. Then you can sign your app using SignTool, please refer to Sign an app package using SignTool.
After that, when you are submitting your app, you will need to have a developer account, which requires some monetary cost,

Parse SDK Windows 8.1 : Device not getting registered on portal

I followed the documentation( by Parse for sending Push to Windows 8.1 device. But, I am not able to get through the first step ie. "Installation". As per the documentation I followed , the channel should get registered instantly. I have enabled "Toast capable" within the Package.appxmanifest file in my Windows 8.1 Universal App(C#).
I have also authenticated the App by adding the Package Security Identifier and the Client Secret to the Windows Push Credentials settings. But still no success. Can anyone tell me if I am missing anything or if Parse SDK is supported for Universal Windows 8.1 C# App.
I previously had Parse working for WP8 as per instructions here. So this is to say it is definitely doable, follow those steps there to see if you missed any steps.
We are using Cordova, but I had to end up doing this part natively. It was working in December 2015 but mysteriously this year we had issues with Parse on all 3 device platforms (iOS, Android, WP8). I'm still spending time trying to figure out why WP8 just doesn't work now, can't even get the device to register to a channel anymore...

Do I need to sign apps for Windows Store?

I have developed a hybrid application for Windows 8.1 that I want to submit to the app store. As the app package requirements, it does not look at like I need to sign my package using any a trusted certificate.
I am using VS 2013 to create my project and my app package. Is the default certificate enough ?
Can some one who has submitted apps for approval, please speak about their experience regarding the app signing and if/how one can get this certificate.
Answering my own question, I was able to submit the app. I was able to sign the app once I linked my store account.

Installing App through TestFlight

I am having an issue where:
When using the same computer I use to distribute apps to the app store, I am able to successfully package up an app so that beta testers can install apps on their devices using TestFlight.
I have a second computer that I have transferred all the code signing items from this computer over to, using the Export/Import Feature in XCode.
I have spent a few days trying to get the same process to work in TestFlight.
I am able to successfully archive the app and load it up to test flight, but when Beta Testers try to install the app, they get the familiar alert: "Unable to Download Application".
The installation icon gets about 3/4 of the way through the progress bar before this alert appears, which leads me to believe there's a problem with the provisioning profile.
I have tried to clean out and reinstall the Team's code signing Export file multiple times and have arrived at the result.
Additionally, I have gone through the process of getting rid of TestFlight, it's Provisioning Profile and Cleared Cookies, Data, & History from Safari.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Check that you have built and signed your App using a Provisioning Profile for Distribution!
Use "Automatically manage Signing" option in XCode for code sign signing instead of exporting the Certificates and use there. I use 'fastlane' for pushing the builds to Testflight on daily basis. It saves developers time too.
