Relative path to jmeter target folder in Jmeter GUI - jmeter

I want to save Jmeter aggregate report to project's target folder with timestamp,so that everytime I run the tests I get the new unique report, irrespective of OS.
I tried by providing this path /target/jmeter/results/aggReport.csv but it saved it in C:/target/jmeter/results/aggReport.csv Also there was no time stamp.
E.g. 100320182130aggReport.csv which is mmddyyyyhhmmaggReport.csv
This question is in continuation of soemthing I wanted to achieve here and suggested by Dmitri Jmeter: Test plan has two thread groups but it generated only 1 jtl report
I am using Maven, Java 8, Windows 7
I tried:

In case of JMeter test execution via Maven JMeter's working directory (or Java user.dir property) points to target/jmeter/bin folder so you need to construct the desired path relative to it
Your path starts with / which means it is absolute and points to root folder of the file system
You need to include __time() function into the resulting filename if you want the result to be prepended by the timestamp
Assuming all above your listener "Filename" field should look like:
Check out Five Ways To Launch a JMeter Test without Using the JMeter GUI article for more information on various ways of kicking off a JMeter test including using Maven plugin.


Parameterized file/folder path in Jmeter

Is there any way to parameterized the folder/file path in Jmeter?
When the user uploading it to jenkins or sending to another user it will be very handy if that can be possible
If your test relies on external files (i.e. uses CSV Data Set Config or uploads files using HTTP Request sampler) the good practices is using relative paths, to wit not hard-coding the full path to the folder/file but rather using a relative path to the .jmx file, this way you will be able to transfer the script across machines, use it for distributed testing or in continuous integration servers without having to change anything
Any path can be set via JMeter Property using __P() function, this way you will be able to override the property value using -J command-line argument
If your test data represents a folder with multiple files you might be interested in Directory Listing Config plugin

JMeter - Execute specific components only on GUI and not CLI

I add several components for debugging as Debug Sampler, View Results Tree and JSR223 Sampler that are useful in GUI mode, but I want it to be ignored when running load test,
Is there such option of executing Sampler/Listener only in GUI mode and not in command line/"load" mode?
I am not sure that this is the exact answer you are looking for but still let me try. We know that JMeter script is nothing but xml in disguise and structure look like this.
So for every Jmeter component, there is enable property which needs to be true so that it will get executed as part of JMeter Test plan. Now if we can change this some properties which can be passed as parameter then we can make them disable at the run time.
Change in jmx will be reflected like this...
If you run this script in Non GUI mode with additional property passed as parameter, we essentially achieve what we want.
jmeter -n -t .\ExcludeJMeterComponent.jmx -l result.CSV -e -o "Output" -DenabledDebugComponents=false
Issue with this approach is, if you load this script again in JMeter, these values, manually edited jmx going to go away/get override with your next save but if you are using any version control system to keep track of your jmx script [which you must be doing] it will be very easy to add this changes in the script again in no time.
I will post this with more details once my blog is set up.
Found a workaround, to send in CLI JMeter property as -JignoreFirstSampler
Add If Controller as a parent of samplers to exclude checking if property is defined
The __isPropDefined function returns true if property exists or false if not.

Jmeter Cross-Platform Path config issue

I am working on master-slave Jmeter configuration, my data set exist on each machine on a different path for (macOS, Windows).
I use a global data set to fetch data for multiple thread groups.
However, the variable/property can be different across platforms.
I also tried the JSR223 to check the, but still no luck. check out the below snapshot.
I am trying to make sure that once I ran my test from Master (Mac), it also run on Windows.
Any thoughts how to do that on multiple platform setup.
The best solution is placing your test data under the same path which will be relative to JMeter working directory, this way you will not have to change anything in your script.
If for some reason you cannot afford this you can add a JSR223 Sampler to your Test Plan and use the code like:
if (org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty(''), 'Windows')) {
vars.put('data-path', 'c:/windows/specific/path')
} else {
vars.put('data-path', '/macos/specific/path')
It will detect the operating system name in the runtime and you will be able to define an OS-specific paths using the above approach.
vars is a shorthand for JMeterVariables class instance, the above code defines ${data-path} JMeter Variable which you can use later on for specifying data files locations. See Top 8 JMeter Java Classes You Should Be Using with Groovy to learn more about JMeter API shortcuts exposed to JSR223 Test Elements

What are JTL's in Jmeter? how to use them?

I have read in best practices for jmeter -
Disable all JMeter graphs as they consume a lot of memory. You can view all of the real time
graphs using the JTLs tab in your web interface.
How is it done?
Also How can i generate graphs from JTL file.
I have read that xml format for saving results to file are pretty expensive in terms of resource utilization.
How can graphs be generated from logs with csv format?
JMeter can create text files containing the results of a test run.
These are normally called JTL files, as that is the default extension
- but any extension can be used.
And you can check how to create a plan here:
Graph Results
Graph Results MUST NOT BE USED during load test as it consumes a lot
of resources (memory and CPU). Use it only for either functional
testing or during Test Plan debugging and Validation.
Just don't use it.
And here is some information as how to read the files:
How to make JMeter output graphs from log-file?
Just generate you own graph.
You should design your load testing as follows:
Store only those metrics which are absolutely required (you can control what values to save using properties which names start with*
Run JMeter test in non-GUI mode with all listeners disabled
Once test is finished you can do the following:
Open JMeter GUI, add Listener of your choice, i.e. Aggregate Graph and using "Browse" button locate and open resulting .jtl file. JMeter will render the graph
Use Graphs Generator Listener
See 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure article for JMeter performance tips and tweaks.
In Jmeter under Tools -> Generate HTML report:
This opens the dialog:
There you can select the .jtl file.
You also have to select the file (you find one in the bin directory of Jmeter) and pass a path to an output directory, which has to be empty.
Then you can generate the report, which you will find in the output directory.
There you will find an index.html file which includes the report.

Jmeter listner results export after script run

I know that we can export/save results of a listner in csv or xml format.
But what i want is to save the listner result once the script has been run.
There seems to be no way of doing this. currently giving a file path in a listner will work only before the execution begins not after it is over.
As per JMeter Performance and Tuning Tips guide it is recommended:
To use non-GUI mode for tests execution
To disable all the listeners during the test run
On test completion you should be able to open .jtl results file by the listener of your choice.
If you need to store some specific data required by this or that listener, take a look into file (lives in /bin folder of your JMeter installation) and amend properties having "" prefix according to your plans.
Perhaps Automatically generating nice graphs at end of your Load Test with Apache JMeter and JMeter-Plugins guide can also help.
