Jmeter listner results export after script run - jmeter

I know that we can export/save results of a listner in csv or xml format.
But what i want is to save the listner result once the script has been run.
There seems to be no way of doing this. currently giving a file path in a listner will work only before the execution begins not after it is over.

As per JMeter Performance and Tuning Tips guide it is recommended:
To use non-GUI mode for tests execution
To disable all the listeners during the test run
On test completion you should be able to open .jtl results file by the listener of your choice.
If you need to store some specific data required by this or that listener, take a look into file (lives in /bin folder of your JMeter installation) and amend properties having "" prefix according to your plans.
Perhaps Automatically generating nice graphs at end of your Load Test with Apache JMeter and JMeter-Plugins guide can also help.


How to include endpoint in Jmeter results .xml file?

I am outputting results from 30 tests to a single xml file.
Currently the file includes latency, connection time, and whether it returned OK. I want the endpoint I am hitting to also be shown. My tests run in sequence and output to a single file.
It's Save URL checkbox:
You can also achieve the same by amending JMeter Results File Configuration like:
and others set to false
Put your changes to file, JMeter restart will be required to activate the changes.
More information:
Configuring JMeter
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide

JMeter SummaryReport AggregateReport is recording the results from View Results in Table data

I have 3 listeners setup to write to a file SummaryReport, AggregateReport, and ViewResultsInTable. I am on a MacBook os Big Sur 11.5.2 and JMeter 5.4.1. Weirdly enough, I get the ViewResultsInTable data in both the SummaryReport.csv and AggregateReport.csv. While I am writing the Test Plan, it is easy to recover because the UI Reports are correct. However, when I want to move to the real test and run it from the command line, I won't be able to recover.
Is there any way to clear that up?
Saving and reading the test results are generic in all Listeners. Hence you will get identical test results in all the files.
If you didn't click "Configure" button and changed the metrics to store you will get the same files no matter which listener(s) you use, you just ended up with 3 identical files (plus the .jtl file if you're running your test in command-line non-GUI mode)
In case of Summary Report and Aggregate Report listeners all the metrics you're seeing are calculated from the individual Sample Result entries so if you open the .jtl results file after your non-GUI test execution finishes you will see the calculated aggregate metrics.
In general you should be using Listeners only for tests development and, it doesn't make a lot of sense to add Listeners for the test execution, they don't add any value, just consume valuable resources. So disable/remove all the listeners, you should be able to get all you need from the aforementioned .jtl results file.
If you want to see the output of Aggregate Report and/or Summary Report listeners without opening JMeter GUI - you can generate them from the .jtl results file using JMeter Plugins Command Line Tool

Jmeter reports - How can I create a report that will list all samplers, in the order they ran, with success or fail results

We are using Jmeter for non-regression testing. We want a report with all samplers listed, in the order they ran, and with succes or fail. If fail, we want it to list the reason (which asserts failed and why).
This is the behavior we were getting with old Jmeter using a view result tree outputting to a xml file, and then using the XSL Jmeter transform to create a html report.
In the new report framework, I have not been able to find a way to reproduce this. All types of reports seems to do aggregations.
This is something which is available in JMeter out of the box for quite a while.
Given the following test structure and the results in the View Results Tree listener:
Given you run your JMeter test in command-line non-GUI mode like:
jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l result.csv
Once test finishes you can open the result.csv file using LibreOffice Calc or Microsoft Excel or equivalent and you will be able to see all the requests in the order in which they were executed with success status, assertion failure message (if present) and other JMeter metrics
You can control which metrics to store in the .jtl results file by amending properties responsible for the Results file configuration

What are JTL's in Jmeter? how to use them?

I have read in best practices for jmeter -
Disable all JMeter graphs as they consume a lot of memory. You can view all of the real time
graphs using the JTLs tab in your web interface.
How is it done?
Also How can i generate graphs from JTL file.
I have read that xml format for saving results to file are pretty expensive in terms of resource utilization.
How can graphs be generated from logs with csv format?
JMeter can create text files containing the results of a test run.
These are normally called JTL files, as that is the default extension
- but any extension can be used.
And you can check how to create a plan here:
Graph Results
Graph Results MUST NOT BE USED during load test as it consumes a lot
of resources (memory and CPU). Use it only for either functional
testing or during Test Plan debugging and Validation.
Just don't use it.
And here is some information as how to read the files:
How to make JMeter output graphs from log-file?
Just generate you own graph.
You should design your load testing as follows:
Store only those metrics which are absolutely required (you can control what values to save using properties which names start with*
Run JMeter test in non-GUI mode with all listeners disabled
Once test is finished you can do the following:
Open JMeter GUI, add Listener of your choice, i.e. Aggregate Graph and using "Browse" button locate and open resulting .jtl file. JMeter will render the graph
Use Graphs Generator Listener
See 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure article for JMeter performance tips and tweaks.
In Jmeter under Tools -> Generate HTML report:
This opens the dialog:
There you can select the .jtl file.
You also have to select the file (you find one in the bin directory of Jmeter) and pass a path to an output directory, which has to be empty.
Then you can generate the report, which you will find in the output directory.
There you will find an index.html file which includes the report.

loading .jtl file does not give complete result in gui, can not see response data

I am running Jmeter in non-gui mode. When I load the resulting.jtl file in jmeter I can see sample result but it does not give me sampler request and response data. Help appreciated!
By default sampler request and response data are not stored in the .jtl file. To override this behavior you need to "tell" JMeter to store the data. To do so locate the following properties in file which lives under /bin folder of your JMeter installation, uncomment and change to "true" values of the following:
Alternatively you can pass these properties during command-line execution via -J key as follows:
jmeter -n -t /path/to/your/script.jmx -l /path/to/results/file.jtl
See Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for more information on dealing with JMeter properties.
Also be aware of the fact that storing requests and especially responses will have negative impact on your load generator(s) performance.
