Computational Complexity of Finding Area Under Discrete Curve - algorithm

I apologize if my questions are extremely misguided or loosely scoped. Math is not my strongest subject. For context, I am trying to figure out the computational complexity of calculating the area under a discrete curve. In the particular use case that I am interested in, the y-axis is the length of a queue and the x-axis is time. The curve will always have the following bounds: it begins at zero, it is composed of multiple timestamped samples that are greater than zero, and it eventually shrinks to zero. My initial research has yielded two potential mathematical approaches to this problem. The first is a Reimann sum over domain [a, b] where a is initially zero and b eventually becomes zero (not sure if my understanding is completely correct there). I think the mathematical representation of this the formula found here:
The second is a discrete convolution. However, I am unable to tell the difference between, and applicability of, a discrete convolution and a Reimann sum over domain [a, b] where a is initially zero and b eventually becomes zero.
My questions are:
Is there are difference between the two?
Which approach is most applicable/efficient for what I am trying to figure out?
Is it even appropriate ask the computation complexity of either mathematical approach? If so, what are the complexities of each in this particular application?
For added context, there will be a function calculating average queue length by taking the sum of the area under two separate curves and dividing it by the total time interval spanning those two curves. The particular application can be seen on page 168 of this paper:

Is there are difference between the two?
A discrete convolution requires two functions. If the first one corresponds to the discrete curve, what is the second one?
Which approach is most applicable/efficient for what I am trying to figure out?
A Riemann sum is an approximation of an integral. It's typically used to approximate the area under a continuous curve. You can of course use it on a discrete curve, but it's not an approximation anymore, and I'm not sure you can call it a "Riemann" sum.
Is it even appropriate ask the computation complexity of either mathematical approach? If so, what are the complexities of each in this particular application?
In any case, the complexity of computing the area under a dicrete curve is linear in the number of samples, and it's pretty straightforward to find why: you need to do something with each sample, once or twice.
What you probably want looks like a Riemann sum with the trapezoidal rule. Pick the first two samples, calculate their average, and multiply that by the distance between two samples. Repeat for every adjacent pair and sum it all.

So, this is for the router feedback filter in the referenced paper...
That algorithm is specifically designed so that you can implement it without storing a lot of samples and timestamps.
It works by accumulating total queue_length * time during each cycle.
At the start of each "cycle", record the current queue length and current clock time and set the current cycle's total to 0. (The paper defines the cycle so that the queue length is 0 at the start, but that's not important here)
every time the queue length changes, get the new current clock time and add (new_clock_time - previous_clock_time) * previous_queue_length to the total. Also do this at the end of the cycle. Then, record new new current queue length and current clock time.
When you need to calculate the current "average queue length", it's just (previous_cycle_total + current_cycle_total + (current_clock_time - previous_clock_time)*previous_queue_length) / total_time_since_previous_cycle_start


Calculate "moving" Covariance

I've been trying to figure out how to efficiently calculate the covariance in a moving window, i.e. moving from a set of values (x[0], y[0])..(x[n-1], y[n-1]) to a new set of values (x[1], y[1])..(x[n], y[n]). In other words, the value (x[0], y[0]) gets replaces by the value (x[n], y[n]). For performance reasons I need to calculate the covariance incrementally in the sense that I'd like to express the new covariance Cov(x[1]..x[n], y[1]..y[n]) in terms of the previous covariance Cov(x[0]..x[n-1], y[0]..y[n-1]).
Starting off with the naive formula for covariance as described here:
All I can come up with is:
Cov(x[1]..x[n], y[1]..y[n]) =
Cov(x[0]..x[n-1], y[0]..y[n-1]) +
(x[n]*y[n] - x[0]*y[0]) / n -
AVG(x[1]..x[n]) * AVG(y[1]..y[n]) +
AVG(x[0]..x[n-1]) * AVG(y[0]..y[n-1])
I'm sorry about the notation, I hope it's more or less clear what I'm trying to express.
However, I'm not sure if this is sufficiently numerically stable. Dealing with large values I might run into arithmetic overflows or other (for example cancellation) issues.
Is there a better way to do this?
Thanks for any help.
It looks like you are trying some form of "add the new value and subtract the old one". You are correct to worry: this method is not numerically stable. Keeping sums this way is subject to drift, but the real killer is the fact that at each step you are subtracting a large number from another large number to get what is likely a very small number.
One improvement would be to maintain your sums (of x_i, y_i, and x_i*y_i) independently, and recompute the naive formula from them at each step. Your running sums would still drift, and the naive formula is still numerically unstable, but at least you would only have one step of numerical instability.
A stable way to solve this problem would be to implement a formula for (stably) merging statistical sets, and evaluate your overall covariance using a merge tree. Moving your window would update one of your leaves, requiring an update of each node from that leaf to the root. For a window of size n, this method would take O(log n) time per update instead of the O(1) naive computation, but the result would be stable and accurate. Also, if you don't need the statistics for each incremental step, you can update the tree once per each output sample instead of once per input sample. If you have k input samples per output sample, this reduces the cost per input sample to O(1 + (log n)/k).
From the comments: the wikipedia page you reference includes a section on Knuth's online algorithm, which is relatively stable, though still prone to drift. You should be able to do something comparable for covariance; and resetting your computation every K*n samples should limit the drift at minimal cost.
Not sure why no one has mentioned this, but you can use the Welford online algorithm which relies on the running mean:
The equations should look like:
the online mean given by:

Single Pass Seed Selection Algorithm for k-Means

I've recently read the Single Pass Seed Selection Algorithm for k-Means article, but not really understand the algorithm, which is:
Calculate distance matrix Dist in which Dist (i,j) represents distance from i to j
Find Sumv in which Sumv (i) is the sum of the distances from ith point to all other points.
Find the point i which is min (Sumv) and set Index = i
Add First to C as the first centroid
For each point xi, set D (xi) to be the distance between xi and the nearest point in C
Find y as the sum of distances of first n/k nearest points from the Index
Find the unique integer i so that D(x1)^2+D(x2)^2+...+D(xi)^2 >= y > D(x1)^2+D(x2)^2+...+D(x(i-1))^2
Add xi to C
Repeat steps 5-8 until k centers
Especially step 6, do we still use the same Index (same point) over and over or we use the newly added point from C? And about step 8, does i have to be larger than 1?
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about understanding that paper - its not very good.
The algorithm is poorly described.
Its not actually a single pass, it needs do to n^2/2 pairwise computations + one additional pass through the data.
They don't report the runtime of their seed selection scheme, probably because it is very bad doing O(n^2) work.
They are evaluating on very simple data sets that don't have a lot of bad solutions for k-Means to fall into.
One of their metrics of "better"ness is how many iterations it takes k-means to run given the seed selection. While it is an interesting metric, the small differences they report are meaningless (k-means++ seeding could be more iterations, but less work done per iteration), and they don't report the run time or which k-means algorithm they use.
You will get a lot more benefit from learning and understanding the k-means++ algorithm they are comparing against, and reading some of the history from that.
If you really want to understand what they are doing, I would brush up on your matlab and read their provided matlab code. But its not really worth it. If you look up the quantile seed selection algorithm, they are essentially doing something very similar. Instead of using the distance to the first seed to sort the points, they appear to be using the sum of pairwise distances (which means they don't need an initial seed, hence the unique solution).
Single Pass Seed Selection algorithm is a novel algorithm. Single Pass mean that without any iterations first seed can be selected. k-means++ performance is depends on first seed. It is overcome in SPSS. Please gothrough the paper "Robust Seed Selestion Algorithm for k-means" from the same authors
John J. Louis

How to pick base samples deterministically in the particle filter algorithm?

The particle filter algorithm is known for its use in tracking objects in a video sequence: at each iteration, the algorithm generates hypotheses (or samples) about the motion of the object. In order to generate a new hypothesis, the first step of the condensation algorithm involves the selection of a sample: the example, provided in this web page, shows an implementation of the selection step, which uses the binary search in order to pick a base sample; the comment in support of the pick_base_sample() function explains that
The use of this routine makes Condensation O(NlogN) where N is the number of samples. It is probably better to pick base samples
deterministically, since then the algorithm is O(N) and probably
marginally more efficient, but this routine is kept here for
conceptual simplicity and because it maps better to the published
What it means to pick base samples deterministically?
How to pick base samples deterministically?
The condensation algorithm makes use of multiple samples to represent the current estimated state, each sample has an associated weight (that estimates the probability that the sample is correct).
The selection step chooses N samples from this set (with replacement, so the same sample can appear multiple times).
To explain the selection step, imagine drawing the samples as a series of line segments. Let the width of each line segment equal the weight of that sample.
For example, suppose we had samples A (weight 0.1) B (weight 0.3) and C (weight 0.6).
We would draw:
The normal random selection process involves drawing samples by picking a random point along this line and seeing which sample appears at that position. The perceived problem with this approach is that it takes O(logN) operations to work out which sample appears at a particular location when using a tree data structure to hold the weights. (Although in practice I would not expect this to be the main processing bottleneck in an implementation)
An alternative deterministic (basically think "repeatable" and "not involving random numbers") approach is to simply choose samples by picking N regularly spaced points along the same line. The advantage of this is that the algorithm to do this takes time O(N) instead of O(NlogN).
(The deterministic algorithm is to loop over all the samples keeping track of the total weight seen so far. Whenever the total weight reaches the next regularly spaced point you collect a new sample. This only requires a single pass over the samples so is O(N).)

RANSAC variation: does an inlier membership probability distribution makes sense?

I'm using RANSAC to fit a geometric model to a point cloud with outliers. I know, because of the generation process of the point cloud, that 99.9% of the inlier distances to my model are distributed following a gaussian probability density function with known μ and σ, in the interval [−3σ,−3σ].
The first question is whether do you think that it is reasonable to evaluate the total number of inliers for a certain model adding the inlier membership probability instead of adding 1 for each inlier. That is, the traditional RANSAC assumes that everything that is in an interval delimited by a threshold is an inlier; I would like to know if I can bend that, giving to some inliers more weight than others, following a probability distribution for this purpose.
In case this is reasonable, the second question is, how do you think it affects the number of samples N:
being e the probability that a point is an outlier, s the number of points used in a sample, N the number of samples (RANSAC iterations), p the desired probability that we get a good sample.
If none of that is reasonable, how do you suggest I may introduce my prior information of the inlier distribution?
Thanks in advance,

Frequency determination from sparsely sampled data

I'm observing a sinusoidally-varying source, i.e. f(x) = a sin (bx + d) + c, and want to determine the amplitude a, offset c and period/frequency b - the shift d is unimportant. Measurements are sparse, with each source measured typically between 6 and 12 times, and observations are at (effectively) random times, with intervals between observations roughly between a quarter and ten times the period (just to stress, the spacing of observations is not constant for each source). In each source the offset c is typically quite large compared to the measurement error, while amplitudes vary - at one extreme they are only on the order of the measurement error, while at the other extreme they are about twenty times the error. Hopefully that fully outlines the problem, if not, please ask and i'll clarify.
Thinking naively about the problem, the average of the measurements will be a good estimate of the offset c, while half the range between the minimum and maximum value of the measured f(x) will be a reasonable estimate of the amplitude, especially as the number of measurements increase so that the prospects of having observed the maximum offset from the mean improve. However, if the amplitude is small then it seems to me that there is little chance of accurately determining b, while the prospects should be better for large-amplitude sources even if they are only observed the minimum number of times.
Anyway, I wrote some code to do a least-squares fit to the data for the range of periods, and it identifies best-fit values of a, b and d quite effectively for the larger-amplitude sources. However, I see it finding a number of possible periods, and while one is the 'best' (in as much as it gives the minimum error-weighted residual) in the majority of cases the difference in the residuals for different candidate periods is not large. So what I would like to do now is quantify the possibility that the derived period is a 'false positive' (or, to put it slightly differently, what confidence I can have that the derived period is correct).
Does anybody have any suggestions on how best to proceed? One thought I had was to use a Monte-Carlo algorithm to construct a large number of sources with known values for a, b and c, construct samples that correspond to my measurement times, fit the resultant sample with my fitting code, and see what percentage of the time I recover the correct period. But that seems quite heavyweight, and i'm not sure that it's particularly useful other than giving a general feel for the false-positive rate.
And any advice for frameworks that might help? I have a feeling this is something that can likely be done in a line or two in Mathematica, but (a) I don't know it, an (b) don't have access to it. I'm fluent in Java, competent in IDL and can probably figure out other things...
This looks tailor-made for working in the frequency domain. Apply a Fourier transform and identify the frequency based on where the power is located, which should be clear for a sinusoidal source.
ADDENDUM To get an idea of how accurate is your estimate, I'd try a resampling approach such as cross-validation. I think this is the direction that you're heading with the Monte Carlo idea; lots of work is out there, so hopefully that's a wheel you won't need to re-invent.
The trick here is to do what might seem at first to make the problem more difficult. Rewrite f in the similar form:
f(x) = a1*sin(b*x) + a2*cos(b*x) + c
This is based on the identity for the sin(u+v).
Recognize that if b is known, then the problem of estimating {a1, a2, c} is a simple LINEAR regression problem. So all you need to do is use a 1-variable minimization tool, working on the value of b, to minimize the sum of squares of the residuals from that linear regression model. There are many such univariate optimizers to be found.
Once you have those parameters, it is easy to find the parameter a in your original model, since that is all you care about.
a = sqrt(a1^2 + a2^2)
The scheme I have described is called a partitioned least squares.
If you have a reasonable estimate of the size and the nature of your noise (e.g. white Gaussian with SD sigma), you can
(a) invert the Hessian matrix to get an estimate of the error in your position and
(b) should be able to easily derive a significance statistic for your fit residues.
For (a), compare
For (b), assume that your measurement errors are independent and thus the variance of their sum is the sum of their variances.
