Should I Nest Routes to Resources in Laravel? - laravel

This may be a little subjective, but I feel that best-practice must exist (or even good design when it comes to Laravel apps). Googling results in lots of things that are not to do with the actual points in this question.
Say I am building a web application that has teams, which may have projects, which may have documents.
Should I design the routing so that documents are within the path of the projects they belong to, which are then within the path of the teams they belong to, or keep things at a top level?
As far as I can tell, there are two ends to this spectrum that are worth discussing (other options are just the grey in-between):
Example, Doc C is found at: /teams/team-a/projects/project-b/documents/doc-c
It is easy to do this, and in the routing file, I can use route groups to help keep the structure clean. I think it's more logical and perhaps more convenient for the user (they can work out URLs for themselves!). My concerns are that I am importing complexity into each page request:
in checking that the route has integrity (i.e., that doc-c does belong to project-b), and
that the user has authority to access each of the nested assets all the way through the route.
Should I be putting gates/policy checks for every resource at the beginning of each controller method, for every route parameter? Otherwise, where can this be abstracted?
And regarding route integrity, I've never seen examples testing for this - so is this not a common approach? If we don't verify route integrity, then a page could show mixed information by hacking the route (e.g.,/teams/team-a/projects/project-Z/documents/doc-c, would show info about project Z on doc-c's page).
Without Nesting
Example, Doc C is found at : /documents/doc-c
In this example, every asset would have its own base route, more like an API I guess.
No integrity checks required, and the controller would pre-determine the other assets shown to generate the view.
But is this UX good enough? The majority of websites I've seen do not do this.

This is an interesting question - as you mentioned, it may be a little subjective, but worth the discussion.
You touch on a few points, so I will attempt to address them separately.
Nesting vs Not nesting
First thing to clear up in my opinion is browser routes versus API routes. If you are providing an API - either internally to your app or externally to the public, I would avoid nested routes for a few reasons:
resource/id format is quite standard and expressive for API's
this makes it easier to document
this makes it easier for the consumer app to dynamically construct API requests
However, your question does seem to focus on the browser routes. In my opinion browser routes can and should be whatever reads nicely - the url, especially these days, can be considered as part of the UI. For example, you may go to settings (and I would expect to see /settings), from the settings page, if I were to go into the notifications settings section, I would expect to see /settings/notifications.
The routes act and assist with UX - they are almost a breadcrumb and should look as such.
So, I would definitely nest for browser routes, and would definitely not for APIs.
Route integrity
The real heart of your question I think is about the route integrity. I think regardless if you choose to nest or not you need to be checking your permissions with the assumption that someone is tampering with the urls - the same way you assume that the user has tampered with the form input.
Essentially your routes (nested or not) act as input, and you will need to validate that. Route level middleware is one approach, but is often too generic to solve anything complex so you may find it easier to tackle it with controller middleware (
So you may do something like:
public function __construct()
Whether you use Gates, Policies or just plain old middleware will probably depend on the complexity of the project - but the above applies regardless - treat the urls as input and validate accordingly

I've spent the last year looking at this and refining it, and stumbled upon an elegant solution recently. Nesting can be done nicely, I'm sticking to resource controllers and dot-syntax for nested route resources.
In order to enforce the route validation, I am using something like the following. There is a good answer here, which suggests explicitly binding the models in question.
So with
Route::resource('posts.comments', 'CommentsController');
You'd use
Route::bind('comment', function ($comment, $route) {
return Comment::where('post_id', $route->parameter('post'))->findOrFail($comment);
This will automatically work everywhere. If required, you could test for the upstream parameter to be found, and only perform the test in those cases (e.g. to cater for routes where only a comment is specified).
So much work has been subsequently done on Laravel. My default response to this is "yes, use route nesting". I keep routes restful, using (nested) resource controllers wherever possible, and single-action controllers for the odd use case. Route scoping is even automatic now, if specified correctly.

This always has been a discussion between developers even the creators of Laravel have this argument, so what is the good practice?
Lately I've seen a tweet from Taylor Otwell saying that he has deprecated the
nested routes section from Laravel docs because he didn't prefer it, while when you open Laracasts you see Jeffrey is implementing this concept like /series/php-testing/episodes/hello-world.
As I told it's a quiet argument and when it comes to choices like that I always do what it feels good for me. So if I were you I wouldn't nest neither teams or projects but maybe I would nest projects/documents, I don't go for nesting always.

This might be a bit of a deviation from the original question, but I feel that Adam Wathan's Laracon US 2017 talk might be a useful resource for this discussion. (
I am relatively new to development and therefore explore a lot of code bases on github. I always struggle to understand nested routes. So as a best practice I would prefer no-nesting to nesting.
Keeping stuff "CRUDY by design" as Adam calls it, one thing you achieve, imo, is simplification of route names. If I were to work in a group, that is a pattern I would prefer.
However, referring to the penultimate paragraph on your question, I struggle to understand why an integrity check is not needed.

I think you should makes use of Role concepts, Route grouping , Middleware concepts to build this app
For Role related things check , a good package
Route::group(['middleware' => ['role:super-admin']], function () {
You can almost do any role, permission related things using above package.
Assume roles like project manager, developer.
Group your Routes based on roles & assign proper Middleware as you need.
For URL : /teams/team-a/projects/project-b/documents/doc-c
Check the Authenticated user has a role in team-a & project-b (You can check this in Middleware, Controller or custom Service provider anywhere as your need).
Also just check


Defining two separate API endpoints for essentially the same logic just for the sake of avoiding REST anti-patterns?

Suppose we have a M:M relationship between a User model and a Project model in a project management SaaS. Naturally we have a pivot table mapping users to projects. An entry is deleted either if the user leaves or if the project manager removes that user from the project.
Even though the final result is essentially the same (i.e., the entry is deleted), I imagine it would be better to distinguish between these two actions by defining two separate API endpoints as follows:
user leaves project
route DELETE /users/{id}/projects/{id}
action UserProjectController#destroy($id) where $id refers to the project
project manager removes user
route DELETE /projects/{id}/participants/{id}
action ProjectParticipantController#destroy($id) where $id refers to the user
Should I ignore Cruddy by Design and RESTful design principles and simply define leave() join() remove() actions instead and use verbs in the URIs? like so:
POST /projects/{id}/join
POST /projects/{id}/leave
POST /projects/{id}/participants/{id}/remove
join,leave,remove are arguably RPC rather than REST. Pivot tables etc are how the domain is implemented and are irrelevant to the caller of the API, which works at the domain level. How do the URLs map to your domain model?
If Project has one or more User why not just use
to manage everything about Project and Participant instances?
User is in a Project but only if
has been called.
DELETE /users/{id}/projects/{id}
looks like it's deleting the Project instance owned by a User as the Project object has participants but the User doesn't use that terminology. Perhaps it would be:
DELETE /users/{id}/projects/{id}/participants
for consistency with the domain model.
However it seems much easier to just use Project to manage Project instances. Removing a User from a Project using the User API seems a convenience that complicates the backend and doesn't really match the Project terminology. That would mean only having UserController and ProjectController classes.
You would have to consider whether a Participant id is the same as a User id and whether the pivot table handles that but that won't affect the API. The API should be an intuitive representation of your domain model.
Something to consider: how would you do it on the web?
Even though the final result is essentially the same (i.e., the entry is deleted), I imagine it would be better to distinguish between these two actions by defining two separate API endpoints
So on the web, you might well have two different forms that are used to "achieve the same result", but that doesn't necessarily mean that the forms should target different resources.
POST /foo
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
POST /foo
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
"One resource or two resources" isn't a question of right or wrong, but rather a question of trade-offs.
POST /projects/{id}/join
POST /projects/{id}/leave
POST /projects/{id}/participants/{id}/remove
That's also "fine"; again, it's a question of trade offs. The machines don't care that your identifiers have a verb in the URI.
They do, somewhat, care whether or not the identifier for reading is the same as the identifier for writing. See RFC 7234.
But it's perfectly reasonable to say that having semantically significant URI spellings in the access log or browser history are more important to our long term success than cache-invalidation.
Keep firmly in mind that DELETE - in the context of HTTP - does not mean the same thing as DELETE in the context of SQL; we're talking about two different name spaces with their own semantics.
HTTP DELETE is of the transfer of documents over a network domain. The fact that the implementation of your handler includes a SQL DELETE is completely irrelevant.
Relatively few resources allow the DELETE method -- its primary use is for remote authoring environments, where the user has some direction regarding its effect.
It is OK to use POST.

How to DRY optional app feature in Laravel context

For example we have two features: Access Groups, Target Groups and there may be added others in future.
Also we have Company entity to which User entity related 1:M (Company to User).
So in different places of the codebase we need to check if some of these features enabled for Company (as well for User): in Request classes, Query classes (i.e. Repositories, Queries, or even Models, depends on your chooses), Actions/Commands/Services, etc.
Clearly everywhere repeated checking like below isn't accepted by DRY.
if ($user->company->access_groups_feature_enabled) {
} else {
There must be one place with checking if one or another feature is enabled/disabled, in the same place we should choose correct Requests/Services/Repositories/etc, so if feature Access Groups enabled we should load RequestImplyingAccessGroups, SomeEntityLikeUserRepositoryImplyingAccessGroup, ShowNewsServiceImplyingAccessGroups, and so on (please don't bother about naming, it's just for example to understand what I mean).
The same is for Target Groups and other features. Then we should use these classes by common interface dependency-injecting them to agnostic classes somehow.
I think it may be done on Middleware level but I'm a little bit confused right now.
Are there any best practice for such case? How did you implement it in your projects?
Also I found Fowler's article about that:
But I think I am a little bit confused to apply it for laravel infrastructure.

In Laravel, what is the advantage of single action controllers?

A topic about single action controllers is in the laravel documentation:
My question is, what is the use case where you will use this controllers? How will you structure your controllers if you opt to use single action controllers for all your controllers?
Michale Dyrynda seems to sum up the pupose of Single Action Controllers in his blog:
Single action controllers are an effective way to wrap up simple functionality into clearly named classes.
They can be used in instances where you're not necessarily following a RESTful approach; be careful not to separate multiple actions for a single entity across multiple controllers.
Where you might have previously used a single controller for multiple static pages, you could consider separate named controllers for each static pages.
You can add other methods to this class, but they should be related to the single action this controller is responsible for.
He also states that, you should only use these when you only need a single action for an entity:
You may consider naming the controller ShowPost as a way of being explicit about the controller's intent but I'd suggest caution with this approach; if you start seeing ShowPost, EditPost, CreatePost, etc controllers creeping into your codebase, I'd reconsider the RESTful approach. More controllers never hurt anybody, but we should be smart about when this is done!
This is an intresting question and my answer is not related to laravel, but to the single vs multiple actions per controller.
I have found when trying to find the use case for a pattern that is new, is to ask the inverse questions, in this case, when is the use case of multiple actions per controller make sense?
The answer usualy comes to:
You have an object that has crud operations (because your using sql)
and its convenient to place all the stuff related to that object in
one spot.
This is akin to the answer of "I have a hammer, so everything is a screw" and IF your domain is as simple as a thin layer over a crud database, then that is the use case for multiple actions per controller.
What I have found is that any amount of complexity blows up the controllers, no matter how good your model is. The reason is CRUD opperations are apart of your model, not your controller.
We usually think that we will map nicely to a CRUD model in our controller, there are many front end frameworks that work amazing at that, untill....
Look at the most common aspect of applications, users. In the setup your going to have index of users, which I don't know who would look at that page besides admins, and they usualy want extra information. so for the index action, you need admin custom authentication.
Then creation, well, it does not make sense to have an user create an user, you need to ensure the user is not authentication.
Now we talk about reading. What data an admin, other users, current user, and anon user can see is massivily differnt, and will slowly build up in complexity.
Then delete, this is normally rare action, and on some models not needed, but you still put it up, because, well you have a hammer.
The update, do you put password updates in here too? what if the user forgot there password? do you put that in here? No, you make a new action called forgot password.
Well now you need update password action. What goes in the update is usually a gigantic mess of hell after a year.
Each pattern has its pros and cons, my general advice is to do multiple actions per controller when your system is trully CRUD OR you will not have to maintain the project for more than a year. If you have any amount of complexity that will have to maintained, avoid the model leaking into the controller and keep them seperate.

How to think about Controllers in angularjs

I'm scratching the surface with Angularjs, and thought I'd run a conceptual question past the fine folks of SO. This is a newbie question from a seasoned developer.
The application has dashboard requirements... a single page that surfaces stuff from many parts of the application. Different user types get different dashboards. We already have a legacy back end, so the first task is to build the dashboard to show many bits from it's new RESTful service layer.
I'm wondering how I should conceptually think about the controllers needed to support this?
The first question is... should they be model-centric or view-centric? In other words, should they be "view-centric" controllers that have the word "Dashboard" in them? Or should they be more focused on the model elements they represent, like "Tasks", "Contacts", "Notifications". Or should there be both where the dashboard controllers work with model-centric controllers?
The next question is... what level of granularity should the controllers represent? If view-centric "Dashboards" controllers, should they be "ManagerDashboardController" and "WorkerDashboardController"? If model-centric controllers, should there be controllers such as "LateTasks" & "OnTimeTasks" since I need to display them on different sections of the dashboard, with slightly different data?
I'm looking for tangible advice based on real-world experience and/or references to great links I've yet to find.
Here are my views from developing business applications in Angular for the past 6 months:
Role of a Controller
Initialization (loading initial data, setting options)
Exposing variables and functions to the template through the $scope
Application flow (through exposure of functions that can change state, or $watches)
I have found that, much like in traditional MVC frameworks, the controllers in an Angular app should really be super slim. Little if any business logic should be in the controllers, and should be instead be encapsulated in your models. I came to this conclusion after hearing the follow line from a presentation by Miško Hevery: "the purpose of the scope is to refer to the model and not be the model." That was the most valuable and enlightening line I got from that presentation (though I recommend to watch the whole video); that line directly resulted in me slimming down my controllers by almost 50%-70%.
For example, my company has a concept of an Order. I created a model that encapsulated all the properties of this business object, as well as its behaviours and injected them into the controllers. One business rule we had was the ability to add a Booking (another business object) to the Order. Originally in my controller, I had a $scope.addBooking function that first created a new Booking, then took the order and did a $scope.order.bookings.push(newBooking). Instead, I moved this business logic (addBooking function) directly into my Order model, and in the template I could then do something like <button ng-click="order.addBooking()">Add Booking</button> without adding a single line of code into my controller.
A lot of the code I put in my controllers when I was first starting off with angular, I found could be stripped out and placed either in my models, directives, or services (mostly the first two in my case). The remainder of the code left in my controllers almost all fell into one of the above 3 roles I listed above. It was either initialization code (e.g. firing an AJAX request to fetch data of the relevant business objects), scope assignment of objects, or scope assignment of functions that dealt with application flow (e.g. $ or $scope.cancel that might send you back to a different page).
Should controllers be model-centric or view-centric?
This is an interesting question, one that I haven't thought about before. When I hear view-centric, I think of a controller that deals primarily with the view and how things are displayed. I feel there shouldn't be any controllers that are purely view-centric, the reason being it seems a view-centric controller can probably be transformed into a directive. You mentioned view-centric controllers as being like a Dashboard controller, which sounds like something that could definitely be made into a generic directive. Your directives should encapsulate most of your view logic, while your controllers focus on simply exposing your models to the view for consumption (back to the role of the controller). This has me thinking that controllers should more often be model-centric.
I think really the only conclusion I can come to is if a controller starts becoming too view-centric (with many variables and functions that deal primarily with the view and UI behaviour) then that is a sign that parts of your controller can be pulled out into a directive, making your controller slimmer.
This is very subjective but here is my answer to your questions
should controllers be model-centric or view-centric?
It depends (as always), I always try to have small controllers for the different parts of the page.
Some parts of the page are very view-centric (typically the ones that are shared among the different views). I usually have a menuCtrl, a headerCtrl and footerCtrl. This ctrls are very coupled to those parts of the page so a make them view-centric.
The other parts of the view, the ones that are business related are much more coupled to the business rules and in extension to the model so I make those ctrls model-centric. On an account´s business app, I would probably have an accountCtrl, an ownerCtrl, and so on. By doing so I can reuse them on different views if needed (and are much easier to test)
what level of granularity should the controllers represent?
The smallest as possible. Try to have small controllers that prepare the model for different parts of the page. If you have a big controller it will be hard to test, maintain and you will probably be forced to duplicate code on different parts of your application.
advices and recomentations with controllers
Keep them small.
Avoid DOM manipulation inside of them (use directives instead).
Use the controllers just to prepare the model. whenever possible delegate all the logic of your app to services. If you do so, it won´t really matter that much if your controller is view-centric or model-centric.
As I said before this is a very subjective matter and I´m sure many people will disagree with me.
I hope this could help you.
Basic Idea
So I'm actually in the process of migrating a legacy code base over to a restful based web service architecture utilizing AngularJs
Controllers are responsible for managing the data that is consumed by the view aka the webpage. My personal preference is that there is a one to one relationship between the controller and the view that it is serving. So, based on the question, Angular controllers should be more view centric. I'm sure that there are plenty of people who will disagree with me though.
If you are worried about the extensibility of this pattern, you should place your business logic and data access within Angular Services as described here. This offers you a tremendous amount of reuse of business logic operations as well as unit testability.
The specifications for Angular are changing all the time and with each new version there will be a new standard. A more view centric architecture looks appropriate for this application.
For some more complete reading on the subject I recommend checking out:
3 Tips To Building Enterprise Grade Angular/Node Applications
Lessons Learned: A Year with a Large AngularJS Project

Designing router & controllers in RESTful architecture

Simple examples of controllers in a RESTful architecture suggest four actions per controller -- index, create, update, delete -- corresponding with the GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. But beyond that I still find a dozen little decisions:
Do you have a different controller for resource collections ( than you do for an individual resource (
With individual resources, is it preferable to pass the id in as a parameter to the action, or set it as a member variable in the controller class?
How do you go about URI routing? The old tried-and-true{controller}/{action} approach kind of falls apart.
What about subordinate resources like Do you have to explicitly define every route for these or is there a way to write a good general rule?
Do you differentiate between API requests and browser requests, or do you channel them through the same controller and/or controller methods?
Obviously, you could go about these things a dozen different ways, but I'd really like to not have to re-invent the wheel if others have hashed through the problem. I'm looking for any advice or maybe better some good tutorials that deal with these (and other related) practical issues in designing a RESTful mvc framework.
My controllers have methods Get(), Put(), Post(), Delete(), etc. I think using the "action terms" confuses the issue.
I always create a different controller for collections and single things. To me they are very different resources and I want the HTTP methods to do different things.
Routing I do differently than most frameworks. I don't match on the entire url, but on a segment by segment basis. It is similar to the way SubResources work in JAX-RS
For services that only have a small number of distinct resources then using regex style url pattern matching is fine. I just found it started to break down once you start dealing with hundreds of resources.
