In Laravel, what is the advantage of single action controllers? - laravel

A topic about single action controllers is in the laravel documentation:
My question is, what is the use case where you will use this controllers? How will you structure your controllers if you opt to use single action controllers for all your controllers?

Michale Dyrynda seems to sum up the pupose of Single Action Controllers in his blog:
Single action controllers are an effective way to wrap up simple functionality into clearly named classes.
They can be used in instances where you're not necessarily following a RESTful approach; be careful not to separate multiple actions for a single entity across multiple controllers.
Where you might have previously used a single controller for multiple static pages, you could consider separate named controllers for each static pages.
You can add other methods to this class, but they should be related to the single action this controller is responsible for.
He also states that, you should only use these when you only need a single action for an entity:
You may consider naming the controller ShowPost as a way of being explicit about the controller's intent but I'd suggest caution with this approach; if you start seeing ShowPost, EditPost, CreatePost, etc controllers creeping into your codebase, I'd reconsider the RESTful approach. More controllers never hurt anybody, but we should be smart about when this is done!

This is an intresting question and my answer is not related to laravel, but to the single vs multiple actions per controller.
I have found when trying to find the use case for a pattern that is new, is to ask the inverse questions, in this case, when is the use case of multiple actions per controller make sense?
The answer usualy comes to:
You have an object that has crud operations (because your using sql)
and its convenient to place all the stuff related to that object in
one spot.
This is akin to the answer of "I have a hammer, so everything is a screw" and IF your domain is as simple as a thin layer over a crud database, then that is the use case for multiple actions per controller.
What I have found is that any amount of complexity blows up the controllers, no matter how good your model is. The reason is CRUD opperations are apart of your model, not your controller.
We usually think that we will map nicely to a CRUD model in our controller, there are many front end frameworks that work amazing at that, untill....
Look at the most common aspect of applications, users. In the setup your going to have index of users, which I don't know who would look at that page besides admins, and they usualy want extra information. so for the index action, you need admin custom authentication.
Then creation, well, it does not make sense to have an user create an user, you need to ensure the user is not authentication.
Now we talk about reading. What data an admin, other users, current user, and anon user can see is massivily differnt, and will slowly build up in complexity.
Then delete, this is normally rare action, and on some models not needed, but you still put it up, because, well you have a hammer.
The update, do you put password updates in here too? what if the user forgot there password? do you put that in here? No, you make a new action called forgot password.
Well now you need update password action. What goes in the update is usually a gigantic mess of hell after a year.
Each pattern has its pros and cons, my general advice is to do multiple actions per controller when your system is trully CRUD OR you will not have to maintain the project for more than a year. If you have any amount of complexity that will have to maintained, avoid the model leaking into the controller and keep them seperate.


View and ViewModel best practice

I have doubts whether every view should have its own ViewModel or should I pass the plain model where there is no need for ViewModel? (What concerns me is that if I start to mix these two concepts, then I will end up with jungle later on)
I tried to google it but no one talks about that, every post I run into just explains the purpose of ViewModel and I know that the main purpose of ViewModel is so you can pass multiple models to view.
It depends.
In many use cases the main purpose is not to expose fields to being bound on form submission that the user shouldn't be able to update. I wouldn't slavishly create them when not needed but it depends on the developers and their level of understanding on when and why you use viewmodels vs domain/ef models. Also application code base size makes a difference.
Maybe you need select lists, maybe you want to convert some properties to different types. Lots of reasons to use them. However it is more code and mapping code even if you use a tool like AutoMapper. So they cost time to implement but maybe they fix problems and save other time? Maybe they fix a security problem? Maybe doing them all the as view models helps juniors understand? Maybe you would rather do the setup of a viewmodel at start than convert code later when it is really needed?
Consistency can help but doing a bunch of extra work may not be worthwhile. Best practice for me isn't best practice for you.
Consider the costs and benefits for your project and team . E.g. maybe your project is internal and no one is going to try to hack via adding data to submission
There are couple of reason to choose ViewModel over DomainModel.
1) First thing first is the security. Imagin you have a view for changing the password. If you pass the domain model to the view. probably you are exposing a lot of properties which is not necessary and it may cause a security problem. There is no reason to expose properties like LastLoginDate, IsActive, IsEnabled, NumberOfFailedLogin and so on for just changing the password.
2) The second reason is reducing logic from the view. If you pass a Domain class to the view, Possibly you need to add some extra logic for hiding extra properties or shape it as you like or adding logic based on the route and etc.
3) Because of the architecture. Exposing domain model to the view cause tightly coupling between your presentation layer and domain model which is not good at all.

In MVC, should the Model or the Controller be processing and parsing data?

Until now, in my MVC application, I've been using the Model mainly just to access the database, and very little else. I've always looked on the Controller as the true brains of the operation. But I'm not sure if I've been correctly utilizing the MVC model.
For example, assume a database of financial transactions (order number, order items, amount, customer info, etc.). Now, assume there is a function to process a .csv file, and return it as an array, to be inserted into the database of transactions.
I've placed my .csv parse function in my Controller, then the controller passes the parsed information to a function in the Model to be inserted. However, strictly speaking, should the .csv parsing function be included in the Model instead?
EDIT: For clarity's sake, I specifically am using CodeIgniter, however the question does pertain to MVC structure in general.
The internet is full of discussion about what is true MVC. This answer is from the perspective of the CodeIgniter (CI) implementation of MVC. Read the official line here.
As it says on the linked page "CodeIgniter has a fairly loose approach to MVC...". Which, IMO, means there aren't any truly wrong ways to do things. That said, the MVC pattern is a pretty good way to achieve Separation of Concerns (SoC) (defined here). CI will allow you to follow the MVC pattern while, as the linked documentation page says, "...enabling you to work in a way that makes the most sense to you."
Models need not be restricted to database functions. (Though if that makes sense to you, then by all means, do it.) Many CI developers put all kinds of "business logic" in Models. Often this logic could just as easily reside in a custom library. I've often had cases where that "business logic" is so trivial it makes perfect sense to have it in a Controller. So, strictly speaking - there really isn't any strictly speaking.
In your case, and as one of the comments suggests, it might make sense to put the CSV functionality into a library (a.k.a. service). That makes it easy to use in multiple places - either Controller or Model.
Ultimately you want to keep any given block of code relevant to, and only to, the task at hand. Hopefully this can be done in a way that keeps the code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). It's up to you to determine how to achieve the desired end result.
You get to decide what the terms Model, View, and Controller mean.
As a general rule MVC is popular because it supports separation of concerns, which is a core tenet of SOLID programming. Speaking generically (different flavors support/ recommend different implementations), your model holds your data (and often metadata for how to validate or parse), your view renders your data, and your controller manages the flow of your data (this is also usually where security and validation occur).
In most systems, the Single Responsibility Principle would suggest that while business logic must occur at the controller level, it shouldn't actually occur in the controller class. Typically, business logic is done in a service, usually injected into the controller. The controller invokes the service with data from the model, gets a result that goes into the model (or a different model), and invokes the view to render it.
So in answer to your question, following "best practices" (and I'll put that in quotes because there's a lot of opinions out there and it's not a black and white proposition), your controller should not be processing and parsing data, and neither should your model; it should be invoking the service that processes and parses the data, then returning the results of aforementioned invocation.
Now... is it necessary to do that in a service? No. You may find it more appropriate, given the size and complexity of your application (i.e. small and not requiring regular maintenance and updates) to take some shortcuts and put the business logic into the controller or the model; it's not like it won't work. If you are following or intend to follow the intent of the Separation of Concerns and SOLID principles, however (and it's a good idea on larger, more complex projects), it's best to refactor that out.
Back to the old concept of decomposing the project logic as Models and Business Logic and the Data Access Layer.
Models was the very thin layer to represent the objects
Business Logic layer was for validations and calling the methods and for processing the data
Data Access Layer for connecting the database and to provide the OR relation
in the MVC, and taking as reference:
Models : to store all the object structure
View: is like an engine to display the data was sent from the controller ( you can think about the view as the xsl file of the xml which is models in this case)
Controller: the place where you call the methods and to execute the processes.
usually you can extend the models to support the validations
finally, in my opinion and based on my experience, most of the sensitive processes that take some execution time, I code it on the sql server side for better performance, and easy to update the procedures in case if any rule was injected or some adjustments was required, all mentioned can be done without rebuilding your application.
I hope my answer gives you some hints and to help you
If your CSV processing is used in more than one place, you can use a CI library to store the processing function. Or you can create a CSV model to store the processing function. That is up to you. I would initially code this in the controller, then if needed again elsewhere, that is when I would factor it out into a library.
Traditionally, models interact with the database, controllers deal with the incoming request, how to process it, what view to respond with. That leaves a layer of business logic (for instance your CSV processing) which I would put in a library, but many would put in its own model.
There is no hard rule about this. MVC, however it was initially proposed, is a loose term interpreted differently in different environments.
Personally, with CI, I use thin controllers, fat models that also contain business logic, and processing logic like CSV parsing I would put in a library, for ease of reuse between projects.

Should controllers in a MVC application be 1 per domain object or one per group of related actions?

I have MVC app and when I create I start with one controller for my domain model Person. I have actions including AddPerson, DeletePerson, EditPerson, etc. Then I start adding more like AddPersonBoss and RemovePersonBoss. Pretty soon I have 20 actions in one controller. The benefit of MVC becomes less apparent because my file contains several hundred lines of code and is difficult to follow.
All examples I see show one controller per domain object such as Person. It feel like I should have a PersonManagement controller for AddPerson, DeletePerson, EditPerson and a BossManagement controller for AddPersonBoss, RemovePersonBoss.
Does this make sense? Why would I not want to break it into several controllers? Too many action in one controller becomes difficult, but all examples I see do this.
I would suggest to use both approaches, because sometimes it is a bit difficult to use only one particular approach. If controller is growing significanly then consider to split it into multiple partial classes.
that is depend on your application
i prefer to make a controller for each operation because that makes my controller code simple
but if you have a lot of operations that will lead to creating a lot of files for each
controller so then you have to make one file to group some controllers together to make the
application simpler

In MVC, how do you structure #Controllers with respect to Views, Models and Routing?

I have a question concerning the structure of an MVC application. Suppose we have to realize a web-based application composed by several modules, such as shopping cart, store browser(end-user), store manager(admin) and so on.
It is of course possible to create one controller and use the routing to submit the requests to a specific controller's action method. However this would make the code quite messy and hinder the practice to vertically structure the application, namely to identify and distinguish which views, models and controllers are involved to fulfill a specific requirement (an example is given by Phil Haack).
Another approach is to use one controller for each application section, for instance one controller made available for end-user operations, another for the store administrator, another one for queries made by the shipping department and so on. The drawback to this approach is to have too many controllers that mess up your code, too dedicated for specific tasks and so difficult to reuse.
According to this two extreme situation, what is the best way to organize your controllers and routing policies? Do you use a structured approach or it depends on the type of application you are developing?
It is of course possible to create one controller and use the routing to submit the requests to a specific controller's action method. [...]
Another approach is to use one controller for each application section, [...]
You're overlooking a third alternative, which is the most common one. In general you should have one controller per resource. A resource is a model that is publicly exposed. In your specific storefront application, the resources would be things like Products, Orders, Customers, etc.
This is typically the proper level of abstraction, because controllers usually don't need to know about models other than the resources they touch. A controller that touches more than one resource should be viewed with some skepticism, since it's violating the single-responsibility principle.
You should try to follow REST as much as possible
Basically - that means controller for each 'collection' (Your entity).
If Your controllers will be RESTful, other parts (routing, views) will fit themselves accordingly.

Using MVC, how should one handle communication between Views? Between Models?

Question number three in my quest to properly understand MVC before I implement it:
I have two cases in mind:
The primary application
window needs to launch the
preferences window. (One View
invoking another View.)
The primary Model for an application
needs to access a property
in the preferences Model. (One Model
accessing another Model.)
These questions are related in that they both involve communication across Model-View-Controller triplets, a topic that I haven't found much discussion of in my Googling.
The obvious way to fix this is to wrap everything in a top-level "application" object that handles transactions between Models and allows Controllers to invoke one another's methods. I have seen this implemented, but I'm not convinced its a good idea. I can also see possibilities involving Controllers observing more than one Model and responding to more than one View, but this seems like its going to become very cluttered and difficult to follow.
Suggestions on how best to implement this sort of cross-talk? I feel like its a very obvious question, but I've been unable to find a well-documented solution.
On a broader note, if anyone has a link that shows typical approaches to these sorts of MVC issues, I would love to see it. I haven't had much luck finding solid, non-trivial references. Examples in Python would be lovely, but I'll gladly read anything.
Edit 1:
I see some pretty interesting things being said below and in general no-one seems to have a problem with the approach I've described. It is already almost a lazy form of the FrontController design that Vincent is describing. I certainly don't foresee any problems in implementing that pattern, however, it doesn't seem that anyone has really addressed the question in regards to communication amongst Models. All the answers seem to be addressing communication among objects in a single Model. I'm more interested in maintaining separate Models for separate components of the application, so that I'm not stuffing fifty state properties into a single Model class. Should I be maintaining them as sub-Models instead?
With respect to (1), views don't invoke other views. They invoke controller actions that may result in other views being rendered. In your case, the primary application window contains a user interface element (button, link) that invokes a controller action to display the preferences window.
With respect to (3), model components certainly could be related to one another. This isn't unexpected nor to be avoided, necessarily. For instance your Customer model may have an associated set of Orders. It would be perfectly natural to access the customer's orders via a method in the Customer class.
You might want to take a look at the MVC page on wikipedia for an overview.
You may want to consider looking up the Front Controller design pattern.
The Front Controller pattern defines a single component that is responsible for processing application requests. A front controller centralizes functions such as view selection, security, and templating, and applies them consistently across all pages or views. Consequently, when the behavior of these functions need to change, only a small part of the application needs to be changed: the controller and its helper classes.
This way all requests from the view goes to the FrontController who then decides which specific action (controller) to invoke. Sometimes, it could forward straight to another view as in your first case.
There is no problem with multiple objects in the model talking to each other. In fact that will be very common. The way I see it, all the objects in the Model act like one component to represent the data and operations on the data.
This article might help. And this one.
Model does not mean a single model object. The model is the subset of the entirety of your domain model which is directly related to the controller actions and the views in question.
